National holidays

National holidays

January 14 - Defender of the Fatherland Day
In independent Uzbekistan, this holiday is dedicated to the organization of its armed forces. On January 14, 1992, the country's parliament passed a decision to transfer all parts and associations of military schools and other military formations in the territory of the country to the jurisdiction of the Republic of Uzbekistan. On December 29, 1993, January 14 - Defenders of the Fatherland was announced on

March 8 - International Women's Day
In Uzbekistan, this holiday is celebrated as a holiday of love, kindness and beauty, and is also known as "mother's day". March 8 is designated as a holiday in Uzbekistan.

March 21 - Nowruz
The ancient national holiday Navruz (translated from Farsi means "new day") is celebrated on March 21. This day is the equinox. With the advent of this holiday, many Uzbek families prepare various national dishes such as Sumalak, Halim, Kok somsa, Osh. These foods are rich in many vitamins that are useful for the human body.

After the independence of our country, the ancient customs and traditions of the Uzbek people came into force, including the celebration of Navruz, which acquired its own character. This holiday is a national holiday with a symbol of friendship and unity of all peoples. Nowruz holiday is solemnly celebrated in Alisher Navoi Square.

May 9 - Day of Remembrance and Appreciation
On May 9, 1999, Khatira Square was opened in the capital of Uzbekistan, and since then, May 9 has been celebrated as the Day of Remembrance and Appreciation. This holiday has a broad meaning, in addition to being dedicated to the memory of citizens who fought for the freedom, independence and peace of the people, who were heroes in independent Uzbekistan for centuries, it is also a day of national memory and human appreciation. is also The Day of Remembrance and Appreciation is a truly national and national holiday, on these days people find out about the health of their relatives who live far away, visit the elderly and pay special respect to them.

September 1 - Independence Day
The main national holiday of the Republic of Uzbekistan is Independence Day. This holiday is celebrated on September 1 in a ceremonial and colorful way. The national holiday is a holiday that manifests all the dreams of the Uzbek people, who rely on friendship, charity and all-round respect.

Representatives of different nationalities living in Uzbekistan, regardless of nationality, religion and race, actively celebrate in all regions of Uzbekistan.

October 1 - Day of teachers and coaches
The Day of Teachers and Coaches is widely celebrated in Uzbekistan every year. Deep respect and attention to the teacher has been preserved since ancient times. Words such as "Teacher", "Teacher", "Teacher" have been addressed with gratitude and honor for centuries by students who have not only knowledge and respect for the population and love for the Motherland.

Students of schools and educational institutions have deep respect for the teachers who gave them the first knowledge of life. On this day, teachers are sincerely congratulated for their hard work in life with gratitude, flowers and gifts.

December 8 - Constitution Day
The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan was adopted by the Parliament on December 8, 1992. This holiday is widely celebrated throughout Uzbekistan.

Ramadan Eid
This holiday is known as Eid al-Fitr and falls on the 9th month of the Muslim (Hijri) calendar. The holiday lasts 30 days and is a tradition of spiritual and spiritual cleansing. Its conditions are as follows: not to consume food and water from sunrise to sunset; avoiding bad thoughts; is to be respectful to those around you and to do good to them as much as possible.

After fulfilling these conditions, the three-day Eid of Ramadan begins. The first day of "Ramadan Hayit" is a holiday.

Eid al-Adha

It is one of the biggest religious holidays in the world celebrated by Muslims. The origin of this holiday is based on the historical story of Prophet Ibrahim (pbuh), who was ready to sacrifice his son for the cause of Allah, only to be stopped by Allah and die. it is ordered to sacrifice an animal (sheep, camel and other animals) instead. Eid lasts for three days and Muslims spend these days in the circle of family and relatives. On holidays, people get information about their relatives who live far away and help those in need. The first day of "Kurban Hayit" is a holiday.