President of the Republic of Uzbekistan


Participants of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “The Role of Scientific Heritage of Imam Termezi in Islamic Civilization”

Dear forum participants!

Dear guests!

I sincerely congratulate you, all those who make a worthy contribution to the development of the holy religion Islam, on the opening of the international scientific-practical conference dedicated to the study of the scientific heritage of the great muhaddis Imam Termezi in the homeland of outstanding Muslim scholars - in Uzbekistan.

It is gratifying that today's authoritative forum is attended by renowned specialists in the field of Islamic studies - prominent scholars and ulema, experts and researchers. In your person we see the continuers of the good traditions of the great thinkers who are the pride of the Muslim world - Imam Bukhari and Imam Termezi.

May the Almighty bless you, I wish you happiness and prosperity!

Dear friends!

Speaking about our outstanding ancestors-scientists, bright representatives of the Islamic world of the Middle Ages, we, of course, among the first names of Hazrat Imam Termezi.

We are rightfully proud of this incomparable person, the favorite disciple of the great Imam Bukhari, who was honored with the high rank of Sultan of Muhaddis, who has been glorifying our region for twelve centuries with his undying works and high human qualities.

Imam Termezi is recognized in the world as one of the six great muhaddis, his collection of hadiths is among the most revered and reliable sources, and the Muslim Ummah bows before the name of this outstanding man.

Another practical expression of such recognition is the fact that the topic for discussion at today's conference was the unique works of Imam Termezi “Ash-Shamoil al-Muhammadiyya” and “Sunani Termiziyya”, as well as important issues concerning the scientific heritage of the Ulema Termezis and its relevance today.

Dear participants of the conference!

In recent years, a great work has been carried out in our country to study and popularize the invaluable heritage of many of our thinkers-theologians who made a great contribution to the development of the Islamic religion, to honor their memory, to improve the places associated with their life and activities, including Imam Termezi.

It should be noted that a magnificent memorial complex has been erected in his honor in Sherabad district of Surkhandarya province, and an international research center, a specialized Islamic secondary school and an Islamic institute have been opened in the city of Termez bearing his name.

These institutions, together with the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan, the Centre for Islamic Civilization, the Hadith Scientific School and other religious educational and research organizations, are studying the rich heritage of Imam Termezi in a comprehensive and in-depth manner. In particular, works of the thinker are published, scientific researches, books and artistic works are dedicated to him.

I hope that after familiarizing yourselves with the work carried out in this direction within the framework of the conference, you will express your opinions and proposals on further activation of cooperation in this field.

We, the heirs of great scientists, emphasizing that Islam is a religion of peace, goodness and humanism, on the way of realization of good hopes and aspirations of mankind, consider it our most important duty to jointly enrich this incomparable spiritual treasure and preserve it for future generations.

I express my deep gratitude to the scientists and ulema of our country and to you, dear guests, to all figures of science who show real dedication for such a noble goal.

The doors of the leading research and educational institutions of Uzbekistan are always open for you.

Greeting you once again from the bottom of my heart, I wish you health, new achievements in your scientific and creative activities, and a successful conference.


Shavkat Mirziyoyev,

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

The President of Uzbekistan noted the priorities of expanding partnership with the World Bank
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev met with World Bank Vice President for Europe and Central Asia Antonella Bassani on September 30.

The sides discussed topical issues of further expansion of strategic cooperation with the World Bank Group and support of this leading international financial institution to the ongoing reform program in New Uzbekistan.

At the beginning of the meeting, Vice President Antonella Bassani conveyed to the head of our state sincere greetings and best wishes of World Bank President Ajay Bangui.

During the conversation, the current high level and fruitful nature of bilateral cooperation were noted with deep satisfaction.

In recent years, our country has become one of the largest partners of the Bank - the portfolio of projects has increased several times and now exceeds 12 billion dollars.

The World Bank is supporting the implementation of important reforms aimed at ensuring the sustainability of economic and social sectors. The Bank's regional office in Tashkent has been operating since July this year.

Such areas as poverty reduction, transformation of state-owned enterprises and banks, decarbonization, support for WTO accession and others have been identified as priorities for further expansion of the partnership.

Special attention was paid to the programs of urbanization and integrated development of regions, modernization of energy and irrigation infrastructure, support to the private sector.

There was also an exchange of views on the promotion of regional projects.

A round table was held in Latvia on the upcoming elections in Uzbekistan to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis and Kengashes of People's Deputies
RIGA, September 22. /IA Dunyo/. A round table was held at the Embassy of Uzbekistan jointly with the Institute of Central Asia and Middle East Studies to inform representatives of the Latvian government and public about the reforms implemented in political, economic and social spheres in our country, Dunyo news agency's correspondent reported.

The participants of the event were provided with detailed information on large-scale reforms in all spheres, strengthening of Uzbekistan's position in the international arena, implementation of political and socio-economic reforms. In addition, special attention was paid to the parliamentary elections to be held on October 27.

Speaking, head of the institute Aydin Askerov noted that the expected political event is a continuation of reforms observed in our country. According to him, the world highly appreciates the important changes implemented under the leadership of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev on the path of establishing New Uzbekistan. This electoral process is being conducted under a completely new, mixed model, and by increasing the share of women from 40 percent, special attention is being paid to strengthening their role in the political life of our country.

Deputy Director of the Institute Andrei Bruy emphasized that the active interest and involvement of young people in the political changes taking place in Uzbekistan are proof that the country's leadership pays great attention to them and all conditions are being created for this purpose.

All questions of the participants were also answered during the event. In particular, information was provided on the opportunities created for Uzbek citizens temporarily and permanently residing abroad to participate in the upcoming elections.

The President of Uzbekistan noted the priorities of expanding partnership with the World Bank
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev met with World Bank Vice President for Europe and Central Asia Antonella Bassani on September 30.

The sides considered topical issues of further expansion of strategic cooperation with the World Bank Group and support of this leading international financial institution to the ongoing reform program in New Uzbekistan.

At the beginning of the meeting, Vice President Antonella Bassani conveyed to the head of our state sincere greetings and best wishes of World Bank President Ajay Bangui.

During the conversation, the current high level and fruitful nature of bilateral cooperation were noted with deep satisfaction.

In recent years, our country has become one of the largest partners of the Bank - the portfolio of projects has increased several times and now exceeds 12 billion dollars.

The World Bank supports the implementation of important reforms aimed at ensuring the sustainability of economic and social sectors. Since July this year, the Bank's regional office has been operating in Tashkent.

Such areas as poverty reduction, transformation of state-owned enterprises and banks, decarbonization, support for WTO accession and others have been identified as priorities for further expansion of the partnership.

Special attention was paid to the programs of urbanization and integrated development of regions, modernization of energy and irrigation infrastructure, support to the private sector.

There was also an exchange of views on the promotion of regional projects.

President of Uzbekistan considers promising areas and projects of cooperation with UAE
Issues of further development of multifaceted partnership, promotion of economic and investment cooperation projects, establishment of practical interaction in the defense sector were discussed at the meeting between President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev and a delegation from the United Arab Emirates headed by Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defense, Crown Prince of the Emirate of Dubai Sheikh Hamdan bin Muhammad Al Maktoum.

The Emirati delegation included the Ministers of Government Affairs Muhammad bin Abdullah Al Gergawi, Energy and Infrastructure Suhail bin Muhammad Al Mazroui, Economy Abdullah bin Tuq Al Marri, and Minister of State for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy Omar bin Sultan Al Olama.

At the beginning of the conversation, Sheikh Hamdan Al Maktoum expressed his sincere gratitude to our Head of State for the warm welcome and conveyed warm greetings from UAE President Sheikh Mohammad Al Nahyan and Prime Minister of the UAE, Emir of Dubai Sheikh Mohammad Al Maktoum.

During the meeting, special attention was paid to the issues of forming a new long-term agenda of mutually beneficial cooperation in such key areas as investment, innovative development, green energy, infrastructure, education, healthcare, ecology, digital transformation, tourism and others.

The sides highly appreciated the fruitful results of the joint forum on unlocking the potential of mutually beneficial cooperation, bilateral intergovernmental and interdepartmental talks held this morning.

An agreement was reached to adopt a road map for the development of full-scale cooperation in strategic sectors.

It should be noted that the UAE is one of Uzbekistan's key partners in the Asian region.

The latest high-level contacts took place within the framework of the Global Climate Summit in Dubai last December.

The trade turnover in 2023 grew by 21 percent and amounted to 626 million dollars. More than 320 enterprises with the participation of Emirati capital operate in our country. The portfolio of ongoing and prospective investment projects amounts to about 20 billion dollars.

Members of the Uzbekistan national chess team
Dear our sons and daughters!

I cordially congratulate you on your worthy participation in the 45th World Chess Olympiad held in Budapest, the capital of Hungary. You have opened another bright page in the history of Uzbek chess, taking the honorable third place among representatives of about 200 countries.

In very sharp and uncompromising chess duels, you, having demonstrated high intellectual potential, unwavering will and steadfastness, outperformed the teams of such countries as China, Serbia, Armenia, Germany, Azerbaijan, Slovenia, Spain, which is truly admirable.

By your example, we have seen that the youth of New Uzbekistan is capable of achieving truly high standards in competitions of mind and thinking, and this has filled our hearts with a sense of joy and pride.

The results achieved by Nodirbek Abdusattorov, Zhavohir Sindorov, Shamsiddin Vokhidov, Nodirbek Yokubboyev and Zhakhongir Vokhidov, who displayed outstanding intellectual abilities, are very valuable and dear to us.

It should be especially noted that Shamsiddin Vokhidov, having won a gold medal and Nodirbek Abdusattorov a silver medal in the board section, proved again what true masters of chess game they are.

Along with courageous and brave young men, our purposeful chess players such as Afruza Hamdamova, Nilufar Yokubboeva, Umida Omonova, Marjona Malikova, Nodira Nodirjonova, who directed all their strength and energy, skill and professionalism to worthily defend the honor of the Motherland, also took part in the competition.

It is undoubtedly noteworthy that they improved their results from the last Olympiad, taking the 12th place among the
170 countries. It is gratifying that our chess player Nodira Nodirjonova won the 2nd place in the board section and was awarded a silver medal. I sincerely congratulate them all, wish them to reach even higher milestones and take prizes at future competitions.

Undoubtedly, the tremendous success of our chess players is a practical result of the enormous attention paid to the youth in New Uzbekistan, the ongoing large-scale reforms to develop sports, including the most intellectual one - chess.

Undoubtedly, such bright achievements further unite our people on the way to noble goals, serve as a source of inspiration for thousands of young men and women.

Taking this opportunity, on behalf of all our people and on my own behalf I express my sincere gratitude to you, my dear ones, to your experienced mentors and coaches who made a great contribution to your success, to all members of the national team, to your parents who supported you and to all chess fans.

May you have good luck in conquering the highest peaks at the next World Chess Olympiad, which will be hosted by our native Uzbekistan for the first time in 2026!

I wish you all health, happiness and well-being, great success in your studies and subsequent activities. May your path to victory be steadfast, my dear ones!

Shavkat Mirziyoyev,
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Proposals for the development of environmental protection and tourism were considered
Prezident Shavkat Mirziyoyev 19-sentabr kuni atrof-muhitni muhofaza qilish va turizm sohalaridagi takliflar taqdimoti bilan tanishdi.

Hozirgi kunda havoni musaffo saqlash, ekologik hodisalarning ta'sirini kamaytirish tobora dolzarb bo'lib bormoqda. Shu bois bu borada ikkita dastur ishlab chiqildi.

Birinchisi - Chang bo'ronlariga qarshi kurashish va ularning oqibatlarini yumshatish bo'yicha 2024-2030-yillarga mo'ljallangan milliy dasturdir. Bu hujjatda “Yevro-4” standartidan past toifadagi yoqilg'ini sotish va undan foydalanishni bosqichma-bosqich to'liq taqiqlash nazarda tutiladi. Buning uchun Buxoro va Farg'ona neftni qayta ishlash zavodlari yuqori sifatli yoqilg'i ishlab chiqarish bo'yicha modernizatsiya qilinadi.

Ikkinchisi - Toshkent shahrida atmosfera havosi sifatini yaxshilashga qaratilgan chora-tadbirlar dasturi bo'lib, unga ko'ra, kelgusi 5 yilda poytaxtimiz va unga tutash Toshkent viloyati tumanlarida 441 gektar “yashil belbog'” va bog'lar tashkil qilinadi.

Sanitar tozalash ishlarini tartibga solish maqsadida mavjud markaz negizida Chiqindilarni boshqarish va sirkulyar iqtisodiyotni rivojlantirish agentligini tuzish taklif etilmoqda. Sanitar tozalash korxonalarining samaradorlik ko'rsatkichlariga qarab, uchta toifaga ajratgan holda reyting tizimi joriy qilinadi.

Yangi quriladigan, balandligi 12 metrdan yoki umumiy maydoni 500 kvadrat metrdan ortiq bo'lgan binolarni loyihalashtirishda unga tutash hududlarning kamida 25 foizini ko'kalamzorlashtirish talabi qo'yiladi. Shuningdek, atrof-muhitga zarari ko'p sanoat korxonalari ham “yashil belbog'”lar barpo etish majburiyatini oladi.

Ekologik huquqqbuzarliklarning oldini olish, bu borada jamoatchilik nazoratini kuchaytirish masalalariga ham e'tibor qaratildi. Faol va jonkuyar insonlarni rag'batlantirish maqsadida “O'zbekiston Respublikasida xizmat ko'rsatgan ekolog” faxriy unvonini ta'sis etish taklifi bildirildi.

Atrof-muhit bilan bog'liq bo'lgan masalalar bo'yicha qarorlar qabul qilish jarayonida jamoatchilikning axborot olish imkoniyati, ishtiroki va odil sudlovga erishishish imkoniyati to'g'risidagi Orxus konvensiyasiga qo'shilish masalasi ko'rib chiqildi.

Ma'muriy javobgarlik to'g'risidagi kodeksga qurilish maydonlarida atmosfera havosini muhofaza qilish talablariga rioya qilmaslik bo'yicha modda kiritish maqsadga muvofiqligi aytildi. Shuningdek, daraxtlarni kesish va qasddan quritish, daryo o'zanlaridan noqonuniy qum-shag'al qazib olish, chiqindilarni belgilanmagan joylarga tashlash kabilar uchun jarimalarni oshirish va qat'iylashtirish choralari ko'riladi.

Vazirlar Mahkamasining 2019-yil 27-maydagi qarori bilan respublikada ekologik markirovkalash tizimi joriy etilgan. Endi ISO 14024 xalqaro standartiga muvofiq, “Yashil belgi” nomi ostida mahsulot va xizmatlarni ixtiyoriy ekologik markirovkalash yo'lga qo'yiladi. 2 ming 336 ta xo'jalik yurituvchi subyektlarda avtomatik monitoring stansiyalari, chang-gaz tozalash uskunalari va suv tozalash inshootlarini o'rnatish bo'yicha tarmoq jadvallari tasdiqlanadi.

Ekologiya vazirligi huzurida jamoatchilik nazorati ostida boshqariladigan va yuridik shaxs maqomiga ega bo'lmagan “Yashil xayriya jamg'armasi” tashkil etiladi. Elektron xarid ilovalarida “Yashil to'lov” ixtiyoriy ustama turi ochiladi.

Sohadagi yana bir muammo yovvoyi hayvonlarni asrash bilan bog'liq. Ularni xonadonlarda boqish huquqiy jihatdan tartibga solinmagan. Shu bois endi yovvoyi hayvonlarni uy sharoitida, sirk va shapitolarda saqlash hamda tomoshalarda foydalanish taqiqlanadi. Jismoniy shaxslar ixtiyoridagi hamda sirklarda saqlanuvchi bunday jonzotlar hayvonot bog'laridagi reabilitatsiya markazlariga, okeanariumlar, pitomnik va ilmiy-tadqiqot muassasalariga topshirilishi belgilanmoqda.

Taqdimotda tibbiy turizmni rivojlantirish chora-tadbirlari ham muhokama qilindi.

Shu maqsadda O'zbekiston bu yo'nalishda Markaziy Osiyoning “chorlovchi nuqtasi” sifatida targ'ib qilinadi. “Tibbiy xizmatlar mehmondo'stligi” dasturi amalga oshiriladi. Tibbiy va sog'lomlashtirish muassasalari faoliyati rag'batlantirilib, ularning yagona reyestri ishga tushiriladi. Mehmonxonalar kabi yulduzli sanatoriylar faoliyati yo'lga qo'yiladi.

Davlatimiz rahbari bular bo'yicha hujjat loyihalarini puxta ishlab chiqish va ijrosini samarali tashkil etish bo'yicha ko'rsatmalar berdi.

State awards presented to brave athletes
On September 13, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev held a meeting with the winners and medalists of the XVII Summer Paralympic Games.

The event was attended by the leadership of the National Paralympic Committee and sports federations, coaches, parents of athletes, representatives of state and public organizations.

As you know, the competitions were held from August 28 to September 8 in the capital of France, Paris. About 4.4 thousand Paralympians from 168 countries participated in them. From Uzbekistan, 65 para-athletes competed in 9 sports.

The Paralympic Games, like the Olympics, were successful for our country. Our compatriots set many records, winning 10 gold, 9 silver, 7 bronze - a total of 26 medals. They took 13th place in the overall team standings, as well as 3rd place in Asia and 1st place among Turkic, Islamic countries and the Commonwealth of Independent States.

To the participants of the joint conference of the International Federation of Textile Manufacturers and the International Association of Apparel Manufacturers
Dear participants of the conference!

Ladies and gentlemen!

First of all, from the bottom of my heart, I sincerely congratulate you, my dear ones, on the opening of today's prestigious event - the joint conference of the International Textile Federation and the International Association of Apparel Manufacturers.

I would like to express my special gratitude to the President of the International Federation of Textile Manufacturers Mr. Kei Vi Srinavasan and President of the International Association of Apparel Manufacturers Mr. Chem Altan for the fact that this joint conference is being held in Uzbekistan for the first time.

At the same time, I express my sincere gratitude to the high-ranking representatives of the industry, heads of prestigious international and regional organizations participating in this conference.

Welcome to the pearl of the ancient Great Silk Road, the land of craftsmen - the majestic city of Samarkand!

Dear participants of the conference!

In recent years we have taken decisive steps to radically improve the investment and business environment, create favorable conditions for foreign and domestic investors.

As in all spheres and sectors, we have been implementing large-scale reforms in the textile and garment industries.

First of all, the state monopoly in cotton cultivation has been abolished, and a cluster system has been created and is being consistently improved, covering the entire process from raw material procurement to the production of finished goods.

Our reforms in this area have won the recognition of prestigious international organizations, and the boycott of Uzbek cotton has been lifted. Our cooperation with the international coalition “Cotton Campaign” continues in this direction.

At the same time, as a result of creating a stable legislative framework, improving the investment environment and introducing new technologies, the volume of cotton fiber processing increased from 40 percent in 2017 to 100 percent. At the same time, the work on import of cotton raw materials and production of finished products with high added value began.

Thanks to the opportunities created in the sphere, the volume of textile production has increased 5 times, its export - 4 times.

The most important thing is that earlier a significant part, i.e. 70 percent of exports in the sector, was accounted for raw materials, while today 60 percent of exported goods are finished products.

In the first years of reforms, we identified as a priority task the development of human capital, training of the population, especially young people and women, in professions, training of qualified personnel for all sectors, and these issues will continue to be in the center of our attention.

Decent working conditions that meet international requirements are created for the employees of enterprises, and the “Better Work” and “Better Cotton” programs are systematically implemented.

Particular attention is paid to ensuring labor rights and providing full support to over 600,000 workers.

At the same time, decisive measures are taken to create national brands, attract prestigious international and foreign trademarks to our country.

Authoritative participants of the world market, such as “Teamdress” (Germany), “Cotonella” (Italy), “Indorama” (Singapore), “Posco International” and “Gwangyang” (South Korea) are effectively operating in the country.

Uzbekistan's textile industry is being actively integrated into global production processes, and the number of our reliable partners on all continents of the world is increasing.

It should be noted that long-term cooperation with foreign investors and international brands, increasing production of high value-added products, bringing national brands to the international level will remain our priorities in the textile industry in the future.

I am convinced that today's conference will serve as an effective platform for further strengthening and expanding cooperation in this area on an international scale, sharing best practices and ideas.

I hope it will contribute to further expansion of mutually beneficial cooperation between representatives of more than 500 national and international organizations, manufacturers and retailers participating in the conference, and will bring the development of the industry to a qualitatively new level.

We highly appreciate and support all mutually beneficial initiatives of our foreign partners. In particular, we are ready to provide all possible assistance in introducing the necessary standards for international brands to enter Uzbekistan.

We are ready to create all necessary conditions for prestigious international organizations to regularly hold conferences, exhibitions and fashion shows in our country, particularly in such cities as Bukhara, Khiva, Shakhrisabz, Margilan, Kokand, Namangan, Andijan, which have high tourism and industrial potential.

I am confident that the ancient history, rich cultural heritage of our country, meetings with our hard-working and generous people will make an indelible impression on you, and the huge socio-economic potential of our regions will encourage investors to implement new projects.

I congratulate you once again on the opening of the prestigious conference that is starting today and wish you all good health, happiness and prosperity, success in the fruitful work of the conference.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev,

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

The President of Uzbekistan noted the importance of adopting a long-term program of strategic partnership with FAO
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev met with Director General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Qiu Dongyu on September 5.

The head of the authoritative branch structure of the United Nations system is in Tashkent within the framework of the ongoing International Forum on Food Security and Sustainable Development Goals for Landlocked Countries.

At the beginning of the meeting, the UN High Representative expressed his deep gratitude to the head of our state for supporting the successful holding of the forum, which is attended by representative delegations from more than 30 countries of the world.

In the course of the conversation, the sides considered issues of further expanding the strategic partnership between Uzbekistan and FAO in effectively responding to contemporary challenges and threats.

The sides noted with satisfaction the fruitful results of practical interaction achieved in recent years. Thus, the qualitative indicators of implementation of the country cooperation program for the period until 2025 have doubled.

There are 34 projects in the active phase of implementation. Over the last year, 7 new projects were launched, including in the field of agriculture, school feeding, veterinary medicine, agrochemistry and other spheres.

The importance of preparation and adoption of a new five-year partnership program was emphasized.

Special attention was paid to promising joint projects and activities in the field of digitalization of the agro-industrial complex, exchange of advanced knowledge and experience, attraction of innovations and investments in improving the fertility of the land fund, cultivation and processing of organic agricultural products, modernization of irrigation systems, creation of modern clusters and logistics centers, research and development.

There was also an exchange of views on the global and regional situation related to food security.

Founder of BMB HOLDING: Supporting entrepreneurs in the process of building New Uzbekistan has become one of the main goals of the reforms of our Head of state
In recent years, systematic work has been carried out to create a continuous chain of comprehensive support for the development of entrepreneurship in our country. As a result of the measures implemented and important decisions made over the last seven years, a new generation of entrepreneurs of New Uzbekistan has emerged.
In particular, BMB HOLDING is one of the major subjects of private entrepreneurship, playing an important role in the economic life of our country, and gaining strong positions not only in the domestic, but also in the international market.
On the eve of the 33rd anniversary of independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Dunyo information agency talked to Bekzod Mamatkulov, the founder of BMB HOLDING.
– Mr. Mamatkulov, in recent years BMB HOLDING has gained a great reputation not only in Uzbekistan, but also among the international business community. Today, the Holding effectively works in the areas of providing consulting services on investment projects, developing international business and trade relations, attracting foreign investments, export-import exchange, introducing innovative technologies, creating modern agro-industrial clusters. We would like to start our conversation with the organization of the Holding and the history of its development.
– After his election as President, Shavkat Mirziyoyev put on the agenda of our state’s policy such important issues as increasing economic potential, attracting investments and, most importantly, supporting entrepreneurs to bring the country to a new stage of development.
In this sense, the opportunities created for entrepreneurs have radically changed my life goals and made me want to test my potential in business.
We generated our first income through services. Developing business plans and providing consulting services was our first source of income. Later we bought land in Arnasay district of Jizzak region to implement our agricultural projects. We planted mung beans and peas as secondary crops here. The first attempts were successful. The agricultural products we grew gave better results than we expected. For the first time we were able to export our crops abroad. In particular, we started selling agricultural products to Pakistan, India and Afghanistan. Later, we had a plan to supply cotton and grain to the state on a contract basis, and we gradually expanded our financial capacity, making a profit from it.
In 2017, during the visit of the Head of state to Jizzakh region, our project to create a food cluster in Arnasay district was presented. At the meeting, the President emphasized that he would support us, like all businessmen, and expressed great confidence in us. Such attention and support of the President of the country gave us additional strength. After that, there was a desire to further expand our business activities, to test ourselves in new industries, to develop and implement joint projects with foreign partners.
In particular, in 2018, we were among the first to create the largest cotton cluster in the country. Thanks to the attention of the management and creation of favorable conditions for doing business, we created a cluster for growing medicinal plants, namely saffron. Later we organized a fruit and vegetable cluster. This big project, in turn, enabled us to set up a system of sorting, packing and deep processing of fruits and vegetables. Thus, having passed through various stages of business, our small project has now formed into BMB HOLDING. At present the Holding unites 30 enterprises. They employ more than six thousand people across the country.
– It is no secret that today the Holding realizes investment projects of international and national level. As an entrepreneur and a person who knows the business environment in foreign countries, how do you assess the investment environment in Uzbekistan? Are there aspects that do not satisfy you, are there factors that are obstacles for business?
– In the process of building New Uzbekistan, the creation of a favorable investment environment for entrepreneurs has become one of the main goals of the reforms of the Head of our state. The adoption by the President of Uzbekistan of a number of decrees and resolutions aimed at supporting entrepreneurs is yielding results today.
Improvement of tax legislation, creation of the possibility of free currency conversion, reforms in the sphere of private property and a number of other positive changes related to these spheres have played their important role, and entrepreneurs are now considered as the driving force of the country’s economy. In 2020-2022, despite the fact that the coronavirus pandemic worldwide had a large negative impact on the economies and the global investment environment, Uzbekistan’s economic growth rates remained stable and its investment attractiveness continued to grow.
The fact that the inflow of foreign investments into the country has increased significantly testifies to the confidence of international business in the economic reforms in our country. Active diversification of the economy is an important achievement that has opened new opportunities for investors in all sectors, starting with industry.
Now, if we talk about the factors that are obstacles for business, aspects that do not satisfy entrepreneurs, I will tell the truth openly: at the level of the government, reforms are being implemented very intensively, positive changes are taking place. But when you go to the lower level of the system, there are still cases of inattention and carelessness somewhere. I believe that such shortcomings will be eliminated.
– We know that BMB HOLDING is engaged in the production and export of a wide variety of agricultural products. In particular, the organization headed by you has achieved great success in saffron cultivation. Today saffron grown in Uzbekistan is becoming popular in many regions of the world. Tell me, when did you come up with the idea of establishing such a complex sphere as saffron cultivation in Uzbekistan and why did you choose this particular project?
– During President Shavkat Mirziyoyev’s visits to Kashkadarya region in 2017, the issue of cultivation of medicinal plants in mountainous and foothill regions, development of this sphere in our country and export of valuable medicinal plants to the world market was prioritized. The leader of our country also inquired why it is impossible to grow saffron in Uzbekistan despite all conditions, and gave a special instruction to develop this industry. During the President’s visit to Jizzakh region, we made a detailed presentation of our saffron cultivation project. Having familiarized himself with the project, the Head of state expressed his full support to it and instructed the responsible persons to implement the program as soon as possible.
However, it was not easy to realize this project at first. When implementing this business idea, first of all, we deeply studied the demand and supply in the domestic and foreign markets, opportunities and prospects for its implementation in the conditions of Uzbekistan, our own potential in this area, as well as a number of other factors. In 2020, we started to implement the project in pandemic conditions. At first, it took a lot of patience and hard work to find specialists, to bring saffron bulbs suitable for our climate from Europe and to get the desired harvest. In the first year we planted saffron bulbs on 55 hectares of land. The high demand for the harvest and the experience gained stimulated further development and expansion of the project. Today saffron is grown on 400 hectares of land. In the next three years, it is planned to increase the area of saffron plantations to 1,000 hectares and produce 20 tons of pure saffron products per year.
At the beginning of 2024, the product BMB Za’faron for the first time in our region received the USDA Organic certificate, an environmental certificate developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which allowed Uzbek saffron to enter the American markets. After several years of in-depth analytical research, Uzbek saffron grown in the Bakhmal district received the appropriate permission to export to Chinese markets according to the conclusion of the Uzbek-Chinese interdepartmental commission.
– Indeed, a lot of experience in saffron cultivation has been accumulated in recent years. At the same time, what countries’ experience do you think should be studied and implemented in order to grow a competitive product that meets the requirements of international standards and markets?
– In agriculture, each product is grown using a specific method. Such countries as Italy, Austria, South Korea, USA, and Saudi Arabia have enough experience in saffron cultivation. Of course, we study the experience of countries with climatic conditions close to ours and exchange experience with industry experts. I can say that we have mobilized all possibilities to get more crops and export them abroad. The increase in exports, in turn, contributes to increasing the inflow of foreign currency into Uzbekistan and ensuring economic stability.
To bring our national products to the world market and increase their competitiveness, the most important factors are, first of all, quality, then price and, of course, matching production capacity to demand. We have taken these aspects into account in our work and projects, especially in saffron cultivation.
– In Uzbekistan, on the initiative of the Head of our state, an open dialog with entrepreneurs is held annually. Tell me, what impact do these efforts have on the activities of the Holding headed by you?
– It would not be an exaggeration to say that the adoption of a number of resolutions and decrees on creation of favorable business environment and healthy competition in our country, comprehensive support for entrepreneurs, further liberalization of tax policy have served to eliminate the problems that have arisen for many years and hindered the free activity of entrepreneurs.
Thanks to the political will of the President of Uzbekistan, the organizational and legal foundations for the development of the industry have been strengthened, and the attention to entrepreneurs has changed dramatically. Most importantly, all this has already started to yield positive results.
In addition, an open dialog between the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and entrepreneurs has been established. In my opinion, there is no other country in the world that has such a format.
I can confidently say that the open communication of the Head of state with the business community, which has now become a tradition and is held annually, serves as an important factor in the formation of a new competitive class of entrepreneurs in New Uzbekistan.

I visit many countries for work. In particular, my friends-partners in Italy, Germany, the United States, Austria and other countries highly appreciate the annual dialog of the President of Uzbekistan with entrepreneurs. It is no secret that people look at us with envy when they see the personal attention of the Head of state to the development of business in our country. In fact, it is a great achievement for both sides — the President meets with businessmen, listens to their systemic problems, finds solutions and solves them. Therefore, today all businessmen are looking forward to meeting with the President. This meeting has also become an important forum for businessmen to assess their activities for the year and determine plans for the future. The speeches of our country’s leader at the meeting and important initiatives aimed at further development of the industry, removal of existing obstacles, provision of benefits to entrepreneurs serve as a program for further expansion of businessmen’s activities.
I would like to give an example based on my experience. Before dialoguing with the President, I note in my notebook the issues we face in our work. Listening to the President, I always get comprehensive answers to all my questions based on deep analysis.
– In August 2022, by the decree of the President of Uzbekistan, you were awarded the “Faol Tadbirkor” sign, and in 2023 — the “Dustlik” order. Recall those moments when your entrepreneurial activity was highly appreciated by the leadership of our country.
– Before answering, I have to say one thing. Before coming to business, I worked in state and public organizations for more than 15 years. I never received even a certificate of honor, let alone a state award. Today, the leader’s focus is on people who have sincerely worked for the development of our dear country — Uzbekistan. In recognition of our work, in 2022, I was awarded the “Faol Tadbirkor” sign. In 2023, I had the honor to receive the “Dustlik” Order from the esteemed President. These are not just awards given to me, they are recognition of the work of thousands of dedicated people working in the Holding’s system. Such a high appreciation gives our team more confidence and motivation, and gives us great strength to realize the goals we have set for ourselves.
– The direction of economic diplomacy is becoming increasingly important in attracting foreign investment to Uzbekistan, finding new partners and exporting national products abroad. In this regard, does the Holding, which you head, use the opportunities of diplomatic missions of our country in foreign countries? How satisfied are you with the work of our country's embassies in this direction?
– Frankly speaking, it used to be impossible to meet with diplomats. If you went abroad and wanted to meet with the Ambassador of our country, he would not accept businessmen. This is an open statement. The Ambassador only dealt with politics. Thanks very much to our President, he brought the diplomats’ attention to the economy as well. This, of course, has opened wonderful conditions and opportunities for entrepreneurs. Openness in this sphere, in turn, has become an important step for entrepreneurs in finding foreign partners and attracting investment.
Today, the diplomatic missions of Uzbekistan in foreign countries play a very important role in the activities of the Holding Company, and we feel their support at every stage of realization of our numerous projects. The introduction of the position of Advisor to the Ambassadors of Uzbekistan on economic issues has been very useful for us entrepreneurs. It should be noted that BMB HOLDING has established close relations of economic cooperation with embassies of foreign countries in Uzbekistan, in particular with diplomatic missions of Russia, China, USA and a number of European countries such as Poland, Austria and Latvia.
In a word, the role of diplomatic missions of Uzbekistan and foreign countries in our country is very important in effective realization of the company’s projects.
– Today BMB HOLDING operates in the field of cultivation and production of agricultural products. Our readers are also interested in the future plans of the Holding.
– Our plans for the near future are huge. In particular, the work on establishment of deep processing of agricultural and fruit and vegetable products, and the launching of textile factories in Syrdarya region is in full swing. We also want to implement projects in the field of medicine. Our first project in this direction will be the creation of a health center in Navoi region in 2025. Also, a chain of restaurants and hotels “Zafaron” will be launched in Tashkent city and Tashkent region.
Along with this, we plan to implement the project “Energy-efficient technologies and equipment for production, mining and processing of natural decorative stone” worth 50 million US dollars together with the organization Toksel Makina from Turkey.
– Our last question may be off-topic, but many people are also very interested in this area. We would like to ask about your projects in sports, especially in soccer. What are your goals in soccer and futsal? Also, please, provide information about BMB HOLDING brand ambassadors in the sphere of chess.
– This is an interesting question. BMB HOLDING considers the development of sports in our country, especially soccer and futsal, as one of the main directions of its activity. The Holding was one of the sponsors of Sogdiana soccer club in 2021 and Lokomotiv soccer club in 2022. Since 2023, our Holding has been one of the sponsors of the professional soccer league of Uzbekistan.
At the same time, the BMB PROFESSIONAL FUTSAL CLUB team started its activity in the system of the Holding. A number of famous local and Brazilian futsal players were invited to the team. For the last two years the team won the Cup of Uzbekistan and the Super Cup of Uzbekistan. Today the basis of our team is made up of futsal players playing in the national team of Uzbekistan on mini-football.
On June 30, on the occasion of Youth Day in Uzbekistan together with the Agency for Youth Affairs within the framework of the project of the brand ORRO ROSSO in Milan (this brand is currently the official partner of the Italian soccer club Milan and Monza) we organized a trip to our country of four famous former players of the soccer club Milan, world and European champions Dida, Sergino, Panucci and Zaccardo. I believe that the visit of famous soccer players to Uzbekistan has served to increase the interest and activity of our youth in sports.
As you know, the Futsal World Cup will be held in our country from September 14 to October 6 this year. BMB HOLDING as the main partner organization is preparing for this futsal holiday.
Besides, BMB HOLDING actively supports talented young chess players. Recognizing them as the face and ambassadors of the Holding, we call them brand ambassadors. In particular, FIDE Master of Sports Humoyun Bekmurodov won a silver medal at the X Chessable Sunway Sitges International Chess Festival 2023 held in Barcelona (Spain), and also won the Dubai Police Global Chess Challenge tournament held in Dubai (United Arab Emirates) on May 3-13 this year.
Another of our young chess players is Umida Omonova, a student of the International Chess School, world champion in blitz and rapid, FIDE Master of Sport, member of the Uzbekistan national team, holder of the state award named after Zulfiya, brand ambassador of BMB HOLDING. She also won the 18th round of the Uzbekistan Championship held in April this year.
Another thing is that BMB HOLDING mobilizes all its capabilities and potential in the direction of further prosperity of New Uzbekistan, which is being built under the leadership of the Head of state, improvement of welfare of our people and development of the Motherland.
- Thank you for taking the time to talk to us.
- Thank you.

Dunyo IA

The awakening lion: the era of renewal
Hey, great Turan, land of lions!
What has become of you? What are these days you endure now?
Oh, glorious cradle of Genghis, Timur, Oghuz, and Attila!
Where have the esteemed seats you once held gone?..
Abdurauf Fitrat
An American politician once said of the current life and fate of the Central Asian region: ‘They are neither post-Soviet nor post-communist countries now’.
Today no specialist knowledge is needed to understand this idea, which suggests that such labels are outdated in the research community. For example, ten to fifteen years ago the political behaviour of Central Asian societies – neighbours for thousands of years – was prone to national separatism, mutual dislike and latent hostility, but today they have undergone a remarkable transformation. Ideologues and ordinary Central Asians only a couple years ago endeavoured to prove their superiority, their antiquity and, for these very reasons, their greater belonging to the historical and cultural heritage of the region. Though they still might hurl some sharp insults at each other, now they have become united neighbours.
Every day we see and hear of events that illustrate this unity and provide concrete evidence of it. Meanwhile, as already noted, some latent and outdated policies of these neighbouring countries towards each other still attempt to turn the common cultural heritage of the region into a language of hatred.
As a result of Soviet nationalisation and post-Soviet ideologisation, these five states in the Eurasian centre, the land that once founded great empires and was famous throughout the world, unfortunately turned away from one another after gaining independence. This, in turn, allowed the region to remain a geopolitical object for the modern world’s empires.
At this moment, I do not intend to delve into the geopolitical picture of the region and its current situation. I would like to share my brief thoughts on the bold steps and the international image of what Uzbek leadership is calling ‘New Uzbekistan’. The country is transforming day by day and now has the ability to directly influence regional processes.
These joyful events have made me take up my pen.
August 2024 began with good news. That month’s two important events to which I would like to draw attention, are related to the growing role of New Uzbekistan in world politics, culture, and modern history. These were the state visit of the President of Uzbekistan to Kazakhstan and his participation in the Consultative Meeting of the Heads of Central Asian States in Astana, as well as the historic victory of our athletes at the Olympic Games in Paris.
True, some may argue, “Well, the President has repeatedly participated in meetings in this format, and our athletes have delivered victories commensurate with those from other countries. What’s the big deal?”
But I also have a question for such people: When did the world powers take Uzbekistan, which will soon be celebrating thirty-three years of independence, so seriously? When have this country and its long-suffering people been recognised as independent subjects of international politics? When did our country’s representative reach thirteenth place in a set of international competitions in which athletes from more than two hundred countries took part? When was the anthem of Uzbekistan played eight times at such prestigious competitions? When was our flag raised thirteen times over the winners' podium? And when else did we hear that ‘Uzbek athletes have no equal in the world!’?
Of course, no one will be able to contradict me when I say that these two factors are the worthy fruit of the hard work of our country’s president Shavkat Mirziyoyev.
I would like to say a few words about the meetings in Kazakhstan. The details of this visit vividly demonstrated the results of Mirziyoyev’s changes in regional policy, which he put into place eight years ago.
The first meeting of the Interstate Supreme Council, which took place 7-9 August 2023, was cochaired by Mirziyoyev and President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev.
This was the first time in our history that the leaders of these two Central Asian states have met to agree on multifaceted supranational cooperation, which is recognised by the world community and international experts as one of the main locomotives of international affairs in the modern world. In the past, despite supranational general concepts such as ‘Central Asia’, ‘regional unity’ or the substanceless slogan ‘Turkestan is our common home’, the identity of the region as a whole has remained extremely blurred. The actions of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, the two main powers in the region, towards this end are an important step in transforming these previous abstractions into a concrete plan. We will talk about this a little later, but for now let us focus on the first meeting of the Interstate Council.
The visit hosted meetings of the Intergovernmental Commission and the Business Council, as well as a business forum, political consultations, a think tank forum and intellectual games. The organizers of the meetings also organised cinema days and other cultural events to strengthen the unity of Central Asian peoples in cultural terms as well as economic and political.
One of the most significant events of these meetings was the adoption by the leaders of the two countries of the Programme for Strategic Partnership and Allied Cooperation for 2024-2034. This document undoubtedly marks the beginning of a new stage in Uzbek-Kazakh relations of friendship and good neighbourliness.
Economic relations between the two parties have already reached record highs in recent years. As a result of previous meetings, such as economic forums and business meetings of the parties, solid agreements worth $7 billion were signed.
‘We have opened a new chapter in our multifaceted relations – we have held the first meeting of the Supreme Interstate Council. This format is an expression of the highest level of interstate cooperation and clearly demonstrates the close ties between our countries and peoples and their firm desire to strengthen cooperation in all areas,’ Mirziyoyev said at the meeting.
Of course, this unprecedented level of cooperation between the two countries did not go unnoticed by the world community and international experts. Analysts and think tanks commented widely on the details of the visit. In particular, Roy Anthony Rogers, Deputy Director of the Asia and Europe Institute at the University of Malaya (Malaysia), outlined his observations as follows:
‘Thanks to the strong historical ties and personal friendship between the leaders of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, the current state of Uzbek-Kazakh relations is characterised by special dynamics, a high level of mutual understanding and trust. I believe that this visit of the president of Uzbekistan to Kazakhstan is of historic significance not only for the peoples of the two countries, but also for the prosperity of the entire Central Asian region.’
Praising Uzbekistan’s policy of regional cooperation, Nasri Al Saadi, Managing Partner of Premium Construction (Qatar), focuses in his article on the sincere actions of the neighbouring countries:
‘The two leaders are committed to uniting the region and coordinating efforts through consultative meetings and the Central Asia Plus platforms, which are becoming increasingly popular mechanisms for international cooperation. They actively support each other on global and regional political issues’.
Of course, my aim is not to summarise or comment on the opinions of foreign analysts on this historic meeting. My intention is to tell you about the activities of Mirziyoyev, who is striving with equanimity and wisdom to achieve his goal of transforming Uzbekistan’s previous isolation into regional openness and is achieving great success. After all, I am always proud to be a contemporary and compatriot of a person who has glorified and continues to glorify the name of the Uzbek people and Uzbekistan.
Sheikh ul-Islam Allahshukur Pashazadeh, Chairman of the Caucasus Muslim Board, said in a recent interview with the Uzbek media that ‘Mr Mirziyoyev’s personality today has become a force that influences not only the socio-political life of Uzbekistan, but also the region’.
This fact continues to manifest itself in other examples. For instance, our president personally initiated the Consultative Meeting of Central Asian States, which has attracted great interest in international politics today.
His initiative was widely welcomed by the international community, and the first meeting was held in Astana on 15 March 2018. The recent meeting of the leaders of the five Central Asian states in Astana, Kazakhstan, marked the beginning of a new cycle of this format.
Although this is not the main focus of today’s article, I must make a comment. I believe I understand the goal Mirziyoyev had in mind when he first initiated this recurring set of meetings 7-8 years ago. The goal is to unite our peoples, to heal the wounds caused by Soviet modernization, to awaken the ‘lion’ that once fell into a deep slumber.
At this most recent meeting, such political appeals as ‘regional integration,’ ‘regional identity’ were put forward with the sincerity that was so often lacking in previous years.
‘Given our common cultural and historical heritage’, Mirziyoyev stated, ‘we must pay great attention to strengthening the ownership, solidarity and shared responsibility of our peoples for the future of the region’.
I believe that the early launch of the international media platform ‘History and Culture of Central Asia: One Past and Common Future’ will be an important practical step in this direction.
In order to further strengthen mutual understanding and solidarity among the peoples of the region, we propose to hold a scientific forum devoted to practical aspects of regional identity formation.
If one takes a closer look at the expression ‘regional identity’ in this quote, you will see that this term essentially encompasses not only geographical, political, economic, but also cultural aspects of the region. This is a bold step towards restoring the region’s lost soul – a shared identity after years of Soviet rule.
The two high honours awarded to the President of our country in Kazakhstan – the Altın Qıran (Golden Eagle) Order of the of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Badge of Honour of the Heads of the Central Asian States – attest to Mirziyoyev’s melting of the ice between the peoples and states of the region and his restoration of the warm friendship and love inherited from our ancestors.
This is undoubtedly a vivid example of the policy initiated and pursued by president Mirziyoyev in the region, full of kindness and sincerity.
Of course, our success at Olympic Games in Paris continues to warm our hearts. These victories have become the heart, pride and honour of New Uzbekistan. Remember that only yesterday our country, which was looked down upon as ‘colonial’ or ‘post-colonial’ and whose name was only mentioned in passing at international meetings, showed the world its presence.
In addition to placing 13th in the gold medal count at the Olympics, Uzbekistan garnered 4th place in Asia and 1st place among the Turkic, Muslim and CIS countries. Three of our athletes were also honoured with the high title of “Two-Time Olympic Champion.”
One might say that the achievements of our country today seem special to us only because we are Uzbek citizens. But no, these are international recognitions that the country has not achieved in centuries. The accomplishments of our country today, the creative power of Mirziyoyev, have not been overlooked from the outside. For example, well-known historian, ethnologist and anthropologist of Central Asia Sergey Abashin, expressed his impression of Uzbekistan’s performance at the Olympics on his social media pages as follows:
‘The Paris-2024 Olympic Games were an extremely important event. They will be remembered not for the discussion of gender and artistic issues, but above all for the remarkable results of athletes from Central Asian countries, and in particular from Uzbekistan, which won 8 gold medals and finished 13th (I would like to remind you that in addition to their Olympic successes, Uzbek chess players have been ranked high in the world rankings in recent years). In sport, we are witnessing the emergence of Central Asian countries as major players, recognised and acknowledged worldwide, and becoming aware of their subjectivity. This is a real historical change in the world and in the post-Soviet space, still a long and certainly natural process.’
Abashin here remarks that Uzbekistan’s successes in sport today show that it is becoming a known entity on the world stage. Frankly, this means that the country no longer needs a mediator – such as ‘former Soviet state’ or ‘site of a former US base for Afghanistan’ – to understand its position in the world.
In conclusion, I would like to say that these two place-setting events for Uzbekistan of the past month promise only further bright moments ahead, express the determination of New Uzbekistan, and the innovative path of its leader, president Mirziyoyev.

Qudratilla Rafiqov,
political scientist

The President familiarized himself with the new project of the joint venture

Президент Шавкат Мирзиёев начал свою поездку в Республику Каракалпакстан с ознакомления с промышленным потенциалом региона.

Совместное предприятие “Nukus Eleсtroapparat” было введено в строй в 2017 году, оно производит силовое оборудование для электросетей. В июне текущего года здесь был запущен проект по изготовлению солнечных панелей стоимостью более 10 миллионов долларов. Оборудование было доставлено и установлено из Республики Корея. Производственный процесс полностью автоматизирован. Годовая мощность проекта составляет 273 тысячи единиц.

Это будет способствовать дальнейшему внедрению альтернативной энергетики в нашей стране. На сегодняшний день в различных сооружениях и домах установлены солнечные панели общей мощностью 600 мегаватт. Этот процесс продолжается.

Наряду с локализацией востребованной на внутреннем рынке продукции совместное предприятие получило возможность экспортировать продукцию на 4 миллиона долларов. Обеспечено работой 70 человек.

Глава нашего государства ознакомился с технологическим процессом, побеседовал с работниками. Ответственным лицам даны указания по увеличению количества таких предприятий и производству ими продукции с высоким спросом на рынке.

Здесь же была представлена продукция, производимая предприятиями отрасли.

На самом заводе установлены солнечные панели мощностью 125 киловатт. Полученная электроэнергия используется для внутренних нужд, а излишки реализуются в региональную электросеть.

За последние годы в нашей стране за счет инвестиций в размере 2 миллиардов долларов введены в эксплуатацию 10 солнечных и ветряных станций общей мощностью 2,6 гигаватта. Также ведется работа по 32 "зеленым" проектам мощностью 18,6 гигаватта общей стоимостью 19 миллиардов долларов. В целом к 2030 году намечено довести долю возобновляемых источников энергии в энергетическом балансе до 40 процентов.

Presentation of measures for the development of artificial intelligence technologies and startup projects was held
On August 13, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev familiarized himself with a presentation on measures to develop artificial intelligence technologies and IT startups.

Information technologies are developing rapidly in our country and are being introduced into all spheres. As a result, the volume of digital services exceeded 21 trillion soums only in the past period of this year, and by the end of the year it is expected to reach 43 trillion soums. Export of services of the sphere amounted to 367 million dollars. The number of IT park residents increased by 577 and exceeded 2 thousand. The number of young people working in them reached 32 thousand.

This year, more than 100 digitalization projects are being implemented in health care, energy, transport, education, agriculture, water management, construction and others.

Times are changing rapidly. Artificial intelligence and digital technologies are penetrating into all spheres. A number of projects have also been launched in this direction in our country.

For example, “My ID” and “UzFace” solutions have been implemented in more than 70 organizations, banks, marketplaces and payment systems, and the possibility of remote biometric identification of 10 million users has been created. “Uzbekcosmos” with the help of artificial intelligence identified about 43 thousand cases of illegal use of subsoil and unauthorized construction.

The presentation considered measures to develop artificial intelligence technologies in such areas as health care, agriculture, banking, tax, customs.

It was noted that first of all it is necessary to create a legislative base for artificial intelligence. The task was set to develop a strategy for the introduction of artificial intelligence and a two-year program of projects. The Center for Artificial Intelligence Technologies was assigned to be created.

In particular, the need to expand the application of artificial intelligence in banking and finance, training of specialized personnel and professional development of employees was emphasized.

At present, the personnel on artificial intelligence is trained in 4 universities. There is a need for 600 specialists in big data processing and language models. This number will increase many times in the coming years. Taking this into account, the importance of training specialists corresponding to the needs in terms of industries was emphasized.

All leading IT companies of the world started their activities from a startup. We are also taking the first steps in this direction. Last year, the volume of venture investments attracted in such projects amounted to 134 million dollars.

The head of state emphasized that it is time to create broad conditions for venture investments to finance startup projects. In this regard, instructions have been given to develop the startup ecosystem and introduce venture capital financing mechanisms.

Is landlocked Uzbekistan a disadvantage or an advantage?
Despite its limited access to the world's major ports, Uzbekistan can fully develop its transportation and logistics industry through the formation of land transport corridors, developing them throughout the Eurasian region. Being located in the center of the crossroads of trade routes during the Great Silk Road, Uzbekistan has a unique opportunity to become an important provider of logistics of cargo flows between China and Southern Europe, on the one hand, and the Indian Peninsula and CIS, Northern Europe, on the other hand.
Landlocked countries account for less than 1% of world exports. Moreover, the share of Central Asian countries in the global export of transport services is very small and is represented in the following proportions: Uzbekistan, which has access to the sea only through two countries – 0.1%, Kazakhstan – 0.3%, Tajikistan – 0.007%, Kyrgyzstan – 0.03%.
However, the transport complex of Uzbekistan maintains a dominant position in foreign trade in services and is one of the main sources of foreign currency inflow into the country. Transport services in the republic form 43% of the total volume of the country's service exports and 65% of the balance of foreign trade in services. Uzbekistan's transport service exports in 2022 amounted to $2.2 billion, and the positive balance of foreign trade in transport services amounted to $1.7 billion.

Figure 1. Uzbekistan’s share in global exports of transport services in 2022, %

Calculated according to UNCTAD and Statistics Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan
One of the main problems of Uzbekistan's international freight transport is the underutilization of its export and transit potential, which reduces revenues from the export of transport and logistics services. For example, when comparing actual exports in tons, Uzbekistan is behind Russia by 20 times, Turkey by 10 times, and Kazakhstan by 9 times.
In 2023, the volume of interstate cargo transportation in the Republic of Uzbekistan amounted to 62 million tons, which is 16% higher than in 2022. The largest share in the volume of export-import cargo transportation of the republic falls on Kazakhstan (30%), to a lesser extent on Russia (26%), China (10%), and Afghanistan (4%). Rail transport accounts for the largest share (76%) of Uzbekistan's international cargo transportation (export, import, and transit). The export of transport services includes the transit of goods through the territory of Uzbekistan with a total share in the export of railway services of up to 45%.
The unrealized transit crossroads of Eurasia
One of the main global logistics trends is trade between China and the EU. According to the ERAI review, in 2023, the trade turnover between them amounted to 738 million euros, and according to EUROSTAT exceeded 104 million tons. In the current realities, rail transportation between Europe and China is carried out along the Eurasian route through the territories of Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus; Mongolia and Russia (Naushki border crossing), as well as along the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route – TITR (Kazakhstan, the Caspian Sea, Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Black Sea).
Part of the cargo flows that previously passed through the northern corridor has been redirected to TITR. However, the Eurasian route continues to occupy a leading position. In 2023, a total of 674 thousand TEU passed along this route, which is 1.1% less than in 2022 (681 thousand TEU), but at the same time, in the first half of 2024, the volume of container traffic by China-Europe trains along TITR increased by 12.8% with a volume of 196.6 thousand TEU.
As can be seen, Uzbekistan does not fit into the list of major transit countries between China and the EU in the "Eurasian" and "Trans-Caspian" directions and claims only a part of the target markets mainly in direction along the Southern Corridor through Turkmenistan, Iran, and Turkey.
So, a limited number of international transport corridors pass through the territory of Uzbekistan. The main countries forming the transit of Uzbekistan are neighboring Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan, as well as Russia, which is considered an important trading partner for the Central Asian countries. The transport isolation of the region, undiversified transport routes, and limited export deliveries mainly in the northern direction lead to a loss of profit due to the sale of domestic goods mainly to neighboring countries at a fairly low cost.
Transit Priorities
To sell domestic products at competitive world prices, Uzbekistan needs to develop additional export trade routes to other countries, such as China, the Asia-Pacific region, the Middle East, India, Pakistan, and others. This requires competitive and efficient transport and transit corridors that allow for increasing the volume of transit cargo through the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Therefore, the priority directions identified by 2030 for the development of international transport corridors and bringing the volume of transit traffic through the territory of the republic to 16 million tons include the task of increasing revenues from the export of transport services. The key task in this case is to increase the volume of multimodal cargo transportation in the directions of China – Kyrgyzstan – Uzbekistan (Kashgar–Irkeshtam–Osh–Andijan–Tashkent) and Uzbekistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan (Termez – Hairatan – Logar – Karachi).
China - Kyrgyzstan - Uzbekistan. The volume of cargo transportation of the PRC with such countries as Turkey, Iran, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, and Pakistan in 2023 amounted to almost 50 million tons, with the main volume of cargo transportation carried out by sea transport. Studies have shown that it is possible to attract part of the cargo to the "China–Kyrgyzstan–Uzbekistan" route, in the amount of about 10 million tons, and with the stable organization of cargo transportation along the route, the volume of cargo transportation by 2040 may increase by 4 times.
Uzbekistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan. The geographical proximity to Afghanistan, and further south to Pakistan and India, gives Uzbekistan the opportunity to unlock its existing potential and provide cargo transportation services in export, import, and transit traffic in the direction of South Asian countries (Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India), without competing for existing transport and trade corridors. Therefore, Uzbekistan is extremely interested in trade and transport cooperation with Afghanistan and in the implementation of the Trans-Afghan Railway project "Uzbekistan–Afghanistan–Pakistan." This road will allow establishing a direct rail link between Uzbekistan and Pakistan through the territory of Afghanistan with further access to the ports of the Indian Ocean.
The importance and effectiveness of the "Uzbekistan–Afghanistan–Pakistan" (UAP) project can be significantly increased if it is implemented in parallel with the project of building the "Uzbekistan – Kyrgyzstan – China" (CKU) railway line, which is the shortest way to connect China with Pakistan and India and will allow a multiple increase in the volume of traffic from/to China to the countries of Central and South Asia.
In this regard, within the framework of two strategic projects UAP and CKU, the ongoing activities on formation of new uninterrupted perspective multimodal transport corridors in the region are relevant. In November 2023 in Tashkent within the framework of the ECO Ministerial Meeting the Protocol of the multilateral meeting on establishment of the international multimodal route between Asia-Europe through “Uzbekistan-Turkmenistan-Iran-Türkiye”, was signed.

In November 2023, a Memorandum on mutual Understanding on the creation and development of international transport corridor “Belarus-Russia-Kazakhstan-Uzbekistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan” with access to the ports of the Indian Ocean was signed in Tashkent. In April of this year, Termez hosted meetings of transportation agencies and railway administrations of the countries-participants of this corridor, which resulted in the adoption of the Road Map, including the main activities for further development of the corridor.
It should be noted that the abovementioned documents are open for other interested countries to join the transport corridors.
Multifaceted Transport Policy
It should be noted that the policy of forming international transport corridors in Uzbekistan is somewhat different from the policies of several other countries and is aimed at attracting as many countries as possible to the active development of a branched network of transport corridors that ensure efficient foreign trade cargo transportation. As emphasized by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, at the SCO Summit in Astana on July 4 of this year, "the multivariance of transport corridors is the most important condition for the sustainable development of our entire region."
However, the effective functioning of various corridor options is hindered by the lack of unified Cargo Transportation Rules, a unified Transport Document Standard that would be used on all types of transport, as well as the absence of digital platforms for providing customers with freight transportation services remotely from anywhere in the world. All this slows down the transport integration of Asian countries in the context of developing routes between Central and South Asia, and China, on the one hand, and the integration of Asian countries with European communications on the other.
To solve the problems of different legal and technical standards in freight transportation between European and Asian countries, which hinder the full-fledged transportation of goods without delays, it makes sense to develop new services for logistics and cargo transportation market participants, while applying modern technologies.
These include the production of universal wagons with variable gauge axle systems at the country's industrial facilities, with their further use both in Uzbekistan and southern countries, China and others, as well as the development of a digital platform for online registration of cargo transportation and transportation documents, which will lead to additional revenues from the export of transport services.
In this regard, the initiative of the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, announced in June at the OTS Summit on the formation of a Council of Railway Administrations within the framework of the organization and the placement of its directorate in Tashkent, is relevant. The Council could act as a regulator for the integration of the railways of China, the Asia-Pacific region, South and Southeast Asia with the countries of Central Asia, the Caucasus, and the EU.
To assess the prospects for the coordinated development of transport corridors, a forecast of foreign trade volume was made based on an analysis of panel data using a combined model of two directions of international cargo transportation: China-EU and China-CA. The results of this forecast showed that by 2050, the volume of trade between China and the EU will increase by 4.5 times compared to 2023, and between China and CA - by 5 times. At the same time, the total volume of trade between South Asian countries (India and Pakistan) with trading partners (EU, Russia, China, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan) will increase by 3.8 times compared to 2023.

In the near future, a clearly defined strategy for integrating Central Asian countries into the international transport network can help solve the region's problems and lead to an increase in the export of transport and logistics services and attract cargo flow, and later passenger flow, to the territory of the Asia-Pacific region, South and Central Asia. As the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev said: "We are open to cooperation and ready to become a reliable partner in creating new transport corridors and integration projects."

Dildora Ibragimova,
Center for the Study of Transport and Logistics Development Problems under the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan

The President signed into law a law affecting the lives of more than 10 million people
President Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed the law "On Recognition of Rights to Unauthorized Land Plots and Buildings and Structures Constructed on Them".

Many citizens of our country have been waiting for the resolution of this issue, which concerns the lives of millions of families. According to preliminary data, there are currently more than 3 million 600 thousand land plots, the legal documents for which are not formalized or incomplete.

In this regard, the head of state at a video conference call on land registration and cadastre held on November 21, 2023, noted the need for a legal solution to this issue. Accordingly, a draft law was developed with the participation of specialists in the sphere and deputies. The positive experience of Italy, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic and other countries was taken into account. The draft was finalized and considered in the chambers of the Oliy Majlis.

The law consists of 6 chapters and 35 articles, which recognize rights to the following land plots and property:

1) land plots unauthorizedly seized by citizens before May 1, 2018 through the construction of individual housing, and buildings and structures built on them;

2) land plots occupied by citizens and organizations before May 1, 2018 in excess of the area specified in the document, as well as buildings and structures built on them;

3) land plots, the recognition of rights to which within the framework of the "one-time action" has not been completed, as well as buildings and structures constructed on them;

4) land plots allocated by decision of the regional (city) khokim until June 8, 2021, but not approved by the regional khokim or the Kengash of People's Deputies;

5) residential premises on the territory of horticultural and vine-growing associations and the land plot occupied by them;

6) land plots of entrepreneurs located in small industrial zones before March 9, 2020;

7) land plots occupied by buildings and houses privatized by state warrant;

8) land plots occupied by buildings and houses for which the ownership right has been recognized by the decision of the hokim.

The law also clearly defines the main conditions for recognizing rights. For example, the land plot should not be allocated to other persons or put up for auction; there should be no dispute over the land plot; there should be no contradiction with the general plan.

Recognition of rights is carried out step by step by region. Approval of information and documents concerning unauthorized land plots and buildings and structures built on them is carried out through the automated information system of the Cadastre Agency. The relevant information is also entered into this system by 15 authorized organizations.

Completeness and legality of the collected documents are checked by the regional justice department. The results will be announced on the website of the Cadastre Agency and in makhalla corners. Citizens who have received a positive conclusion will be sent an SMS-message, on the basis of which a one-time payment will be made. After that, the rights will be recognized quarterly by the decision of the regional Kengash of People's Deputies.

The bodies of prosecutor's office, internal affairs, agro-inspection, ecology, cadastre establish state control over the implementation of the law. The law also pays special attention to public control. Thus, public groups will be created in each mahalla by decision of district councils of people's deputies. These groups will include a deputy of the district council elected from the district where the mahalla is located, the chairman of the mahalla and active citizens.

A one-time payment is charged for the recognition of rights to land plots under residential houses, privatized or buildings and structures recognized on the right of ownership. The amount of the payment is 5 basic calculation units in the city of Tashkent, 3 BRV in the city of Nukus and regional centers, 2 BRV in cities and 1 BRV in other settlements. Persons included in the Unified Register of Social Protection and persons with disabilities are given a discount.

The one-time payment is directed to cover the costs of the cadastre and justice bodies and the Uzbekcosmos Agency. The remaining funds will be directed to the activities of the initiative budget, i.e. to the mahallas.

The law will come into force in 3 months, before that explanatory and preparatory work will be carried out on the ground. The law will be in force until January 1, 2028.

It should be noted that in the Republic of Karakalpakstan work in this direction has already begun. The Decree of the President of Uzbekistan of July 28, 2023 allowed to recognize the rights to undocumented residential houses and land plots located in the region by the decision of Jokargy Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan.

After that, working groups were established in all districts and cities to examine 43,432 houses built in the Republic of Karakalpakstan without title documents. The location, condition and time of construction of the houses were verified on the basis of an analysis of land records and space images.

Following a comprehensive discussion, ownership of 27,590 residential houses and the right to lease the land on which they are located were recognized.

The results of this noble policy have had a positive impact on the lives of more than 100,000 citizens living in 27,590 houses. They now have the right to legally register their housing, sell it to another person, and put family members on permanent registration. Also, owners will now be able to receive preferential loans for repairs or additional construction, and in case of seizure of housing for public needs to demand compensation in accordance with the law.

The law "On Recognition of Rights to Unauthorized Land Plots and Buildings and Structures Constructed on Them" will expand the scope of this noble work throughout the country. If we assume that each of more than 3 million 600 thousand land plots concerns on average 3-4 citizens or entrepreneurs, this law will solve the problems of more than 10 million people and create a legal basis for their future life.

Further tasks for the development of competition were discussed
On August 5, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev familiarized himself with the presentation of measures aimed at developing competition.

The ongoing efforts to reduce the state presence in the economy and curb large monopolies have a positive impact on the competitive environment. In particular, over the last five years the competitive environment has improved in more than 25 goods. Exclusive rights that restricted competition in 7 types of activities have been abolished. The number of enterprises with state participation decreased by 42 percent, while the number of private business entities increased by 1.6 times.

Last year the Law "On Competition" was adopted in a new version. The Committee for Competition Development and Consumer Protection was given additional effective powers. According to the studies conducted on this basis, in some organizations there are such phenomena as anticompetitive decision-making, direct contracts, use of dominant position in trade.

In this regard, a Competition Development Framework has been developed to enhance the coverage and effectiveness of competition in this area. This concept defines further tasks to reduce government involvement in the economy, liberalize market access and create a level playing field for entrepreneurs.

Thus, it is planned to abolish regulations and redundant requirements that impede the free access of business entities to markets. It is envisaged to introduce relaxations aimed at reducing the regulatory burden, in particular, permitting procedures and licenses will be replaced by compulsory liability insurance.

Independent market regulators will be introduced in the spheres of natural monopolies. The participation of natural monopoly entities will be limited in commodity markets related to natural monopolies and where there is an opportunity to develop competition.

The scale of direct public procurement will be reduced, and it will be completely switched to competitive methods. It is envisaged to abolish the provision of state aid of an individual nature that restricts competition, including exclusive rights, privileges, preferences and relaxations.

By means of mutual integration of information systems of state bodies, digital monitoring of all links in the chain of pricing of socially important products will be established. A system of non-disclosure and encouragement of persons who have provided information on cases of anticompetitive agreements and actions, collusions will be introduced.

In general, as a result of the implementation of this concept, measures will be taken to gradually eliminate 17 types of state monopoly in a number of areas, such as energy, oil and gas sector, water management, road construction, railroad and airport services. Anti-competitive actions in public procurement will be curbed and transparency of these processes will be ensured. Commodity exchanges will increase supply and expand the choice opportunities for buyers.

The President gave additional instructions to continue work in this area, to ensure free market principles, and to develop entrepreneurship. The need to reduce the state's share in the economy and to gradually transfer certain functions to the private sector was emphasized. The task has been set to constantly analyze the state of competition on commodity, financial and digital markets and to make proposals to improve procedures.

Over the last three years, over 2,000 acts contradicting the competition law have been identified locally. In most cases, these are documents of local khokimiyats and ministries. In this regard, it was noted that it is necessary to intensify the work of territorial departments of the Committee for Competition Development and improve the qualification of personnel.

It was also pointed out the importance of increasing openness and strengthening the work on publicizing the activities of the Committee. It was emphasized that this is important to prevent violations of the law and to create a transparent environment.

The principle of “New Uzbekistan - a social state” implies comprehensive support for the population
Social policy in our country contains a wide range of issues on poverty alleviation, job creation, and support for socially vulnerable groups of the population. Investments in human capital are both a contribution to the social and economic sectors of the country's development. Moreover, according to a study by the Institute of Macroeconomic and Regional Studies under the Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan, improving the quality of human capital leads to an increase in the inflow of foreign direct investment by 0.51 percent.
Article 1 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the new wording, adopted following the results of the national referendum, once again confirmed the commitment and orientation of the state to care for its citizens from the first days of their birth, regardless of their social status. It should be noted that the state did not come to this principle immediately, as the domestic social policy was formed step by step, i.e. in the process of long negotiations, permanent compromises and economic opportunities.
The enshrinement in the Constitution of the statement that Uzbekistan is a sovereign, democratic, law-based, social and secular State increases its social obligations.
It should be noted that a social state in the general sense guarantees quality education, qualified medical care, comprehensive support for families, children, women, the elderly and persons with disabilities, provides housing and employment for those in need, creates safe working conditions and reduces poverty.
All of the above-mentioned state guarantees began to be reflected in the last decade of our country, which entered the world history as New Uzbekistan.
First, the Strategy of Action on Five Priority Areas of Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021 and the Strategy for the Development of New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026 identify as priority tasks: building a humane state by elevating human honor and dignity and further developing a free civil society; turning the principles of justice and the rule of law into a fundamental and necessary condition for the country's development; accelerating the development of the national economy and ensuring high growth rates; carrying out the development of the country's economy; and ensuring the development of the national economy.

Secondly, the Ministry of Employment and Poverty Reduction has been established, the Ishga Markhamat monocenters have been launched, the “iron” “women's” and “youth” notebook systems have been set up, one hundred percent pensions are paid to working pensioners, the Social Protection Strategy of the Republic of Uzbekistan has been approved, and the problem of poverty in the country has been recognized. Moreover, the post of assistant khokims has been introduced, who are responsible for poverty reduction, developing entrepreneurship, organizing jobs and increasing the incomes of citizens. Most importantly, a new system of caring for the population has been created.
President Shavkat Mirziyoyev chaired a video conference call on May 15, 2023 to discuss measures to reduce poverty and provide employment. Following the recognition of the existence of poverty in the country, a system to reduce it was introduced. At the beginning of last year, all districts in Uzbekistan were divided into five categories and given differentiated benefits based on the pace of socio-economic development. As a result, one million people have been lifted out of poverty.
Thirdly, education and medicine are the most important and comprehensive social spheres. In order to accelerate reforms and improve efficiency in these sectors, relevant project offices have been established.
Undoubtedly, investment in human capital is the best contribution to the future. In this regard, unprecedented reforms have been carried out in the area of continuous improvement of the system of continuous quality education and training of qualified personnel. As a result, preschool education coverage has increased from 27 to 74 percent, 11-year compulsory schooling has been resumed, the workload of school teachers has been optimized, and forced labor has been abolished.
Changes in the higher education system in recent years have also shown significant positive results. As a result, enrollment in higher education has increased from nine to 42 per cent, and the number of higher education institutions has grown from 77 to 212.

Our country pays great attention to the medical sphere, which directly affects the quality of life. Over the past seven years, the financing of the health care system has increased from 5.9 trillion to 33.5 trillion soums, i.e. six times. Hospitals are being equipped with modern equipment and new facilities are being built. In order to bring medicine closer to the people, on-site screening examinations are being conducted.
It should be noted that Uzbekistan is working on targeted support for socially vulnerable segments of the population. This is evidenced by the addition of a new wording to article 57 of the Constitution on State measures aimed at improving the quality of life of socially vulnerable categories, creating conditions for their equal participation in public and State life with other citizens, and expanding their opportunities to independently provide for their basic living needs.
One of the main innovations is article 42 of the Basic Law, which states that the minimum wage shall be determined taking into account the need to ensure a decent standard of living. From December 1, 2023, the minimum wage is equal to 1.05 million soums, while the cost of consumer expenditures is set at 568 thousand soums per person per month.
In addition, according to the Presidential Decision “On measures to further improve the system of social services and assistance to the population” of September 28, 2023, a new system of social assistance by the employees of the social service centers “Inson” of the National Agency for Social Protection has been introduced in 28 districts (cities) on a pilot basis since October 15 last year. The employees are responsible for keeping records and register of lonely, elderly and disabled persons in need of care, which helps to develop a plan of individualized social services by taking into account the degree of need for care. At the same time, assistance to the lonely elderly included in the Unified Register of Social Protection is provided on the basis of a contract.

Sardor Zhakbarov
leading researcher
Institute of Legislation and Legal Policy under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

How new mechanisms for regulating labor migration work in Uzbekistan

Labor force migration is a natural process worldwide. In Uzbekistan, purposeful work is being carried out to safely and orderly send such citizens abroad. The Agency for External Labor Migration has sent 70,000 people to developed countries for this purpose in the past two years.

We all know that those who want to work abroad also incur certain expenses. Therefore, migrants partially reimburse the costs of a work visa, travel ticket, foreign language, and qualification assessment. It is established that a citizen who has obtained international or equivalent certification in a foreign language is reimbursed 50% of the language learning costs.

Among all the positive work carried out in this area, there is a noted development of significant cooperation with the International Organization for Migration in protecting migrant rights, as well as with developed countries. Systematic work is underway to develop the Concept of the State Policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of migration until 2030, envisaging the achievement of criteria for guaranteed equality in the social protection of labor migrants.

Emphasizing that the Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations has established contracts between the External Labor Migration Agency and 25 German companies, Uzbek citizens are being temporarily employed in various fields. Discussions are also underway with another five companies. In the past three years alone, 821 Uzbek citizens have been sent to Germany for temporary work, while 1,670 citizens are currently undergoing training to continue their work activities in this country.

In this way, cooperation in the field of labor migration between Uzbekistan and Germany is actively developing, ensuring the preparation of our citizens for work, providing professional training and language learning opportunities, and creating favorable conditions for employment.

The External Labor Migration Agency has been holding discussions on labor migration issues with several countries in 2024, such as Great Britain, Hungary, and Slovakia, highlighting the increasing importance of these efforts.

In addition to the above, under the initiative of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, each returning labor migrant is provided with a subsidy of 500,000 soums per month from the Labor Support Fund for one year. It is estimated that approximately 100 billion soums will be allocated to these measures for a year.

Assisting returning migrants in finding employment is also being considered as an important issue, and based on the Saykhunabad experience, financial support is provided for the production of goods and income generation, as well as other types of labor services. Medical facilities may also provide free medical checks for returning migrants and their family members. Additionally, starting from October 15, 2023, "Inson" Social Service Centers have been established in the Republic of Uzbekistan to provide social assistance to children whose parents work abroad, which is a significant step.

It is important to note that today, not only state organizations but also non-governmental organizations play a significant role in regulating and supporting labor migration. In this regard, it is relevant to mention educational courses and service organizations providing assistance in collaboration with the External Labor Migration Agency.

In short, a safe, orderly, and legal system for labor migration has been established in Uzbekistan, creating new mechanisms for citizens wishing to go abroad. It encompasses three main stages: The first stage involves organizing preparatory work for citizens intending to work abroad. Vocational and language training is conducted in 14 "Job Placement" service centers nationwide, 30 vocational training centers, 136 communities, 24 colleges, and 13 technical colleges.

Second stage: Providing legal and social assistance to labor migrants abroad. For this purpose, agencies dealing with labor migration issues have been established in several countries to provide services to Uzbek citizens working abroad. Labor Migration Affairs Attachés have been appointed at Uzbekistan's Embassies.

Third stage: Assisting in the reintegration of labor migrants returning to Uzbekistan. Inspectors at the Labor Support Centers are engaged in activities aimed at the reintegration of labor migrants returning to the country.

In conclusion, it is essential to emphasize that appropriate measures are being taken to ensure suitable working conditions and social protection for Uzbek citizens engaged in labor activities abroad. Collaboration with our foreign partners continues on all relevant migration issues. Systematic efforts are being made to further develop initiatives related to the professional orientation and language proficiency of labor migrants.

Bobomurod Yarashev,

teacherof the University of

Public Safety of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan’s environmental initiatives are aimed at creating a healthy and sustainable environment in Central Asia

Due to the Aral Sea tragedy, the negative consequences of climate change are more acute in Central Asia. The increase in air temperature in our region is twice the world average. The number of extremely hot days is expected to double and the area of glaciers will shrink by a third. In the last 30 years, the rate of warming in Central Asia is higher than the global average, and the average annual temperature has increased by 0.5 degrees. According to forecasts, the temperature is expected to increase by 2.0-5.7 degrees by 2085.

Uzbekistan is making active efforts to improve the quality of the environment and prevent the negative consequences of environmental problems. In particular:

Within the framework of international cooperation

Currently, the need for international cooperation in the field of environmental protection is determined by the growing ecological interdependence of all countries. Ozon layer depletion, pollution of the atmosphere and oceans, and the rise in temperature on our planet affect the entire world community, not just the countries engaged in environmentally dangerous activities. Therefore, today, a number of countries have established cooperation with the United Nations Organization on issues of environmental safety.

Such cooperation is based on a number of principles generally recognized by the international community. They are partly reflected in interstate agreements and acts, normative documents of international organizations, and summarized in the decisions of the most important international conferences dedicated to environmental protection and the regulation of cooperation between states and peoples in this field.

Based on this, Uzbekistan is actively promoting important climate initiatives aimed at uniting the region to combat climate change. These ideas of the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev are constantly supported by the countries of the region.

As a logical continuation of the formation of a unified climate agenda for Central Asia, the initiative to develop a regional strategy for adaptation to climate change was announced by Uzbekistan at the 5th meeting of state leaders. In addition, the Head of Uzbekistan proposed to establish a multilateral platform at the level of the ministers of ecology - "Central Asian climate dialogue", which can be an integrating link in the path of "green" development in Central Asian countries.

In addition, President Shavkat Mirziyoev put forward a number of proposals at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28). In particular, our country's President advocated for an expeditious agreement on the Global Framework for Climate Adaptation within the framework of the Paris Agreement. At the same time, he noted the need for a fair, transparent and inclusive transition to a low-carbon economy on a global scale, in which the interests of developing countries must be taken into account. He proposed to consider this urgent problem on a permanent basis, including within the framework of the "G7" and "G20" summits.

Within the framework of environmental reforms in our country

A strategy for the transition to a «green» economy

Uzbekistan adopted the strategy of transitioning to a "green" economy for 2019-2030. The main goals of this strategy are:

Preservation of natural resources: Modernization of irrigation systems, introduction of water-saving technologies.

Use of alternative energy sources: Expanding the use of solar, wind and biomass energy.

Introduction of cost-effective means in economic sectors: Improving energy efficiency in manufacturing and service sectors.

Improvement of environmental legislation

Legislation is also being improved to ensure environmental stability in Uzbekistan. These laws are aimed at providing legal groundwork to the reforms implemented in the fields of environmental protection and ecological stability.

Project "Restoration of sustainable forest landscapes in Uzbekistan"

The project "Restoration of sustainable forest landscapes in Uzbekistan" is being implemented in collaboration with the International Development Association. The cost of the project is more than 205 million dollars and it will be implemented within 6 years. It is important that the goals of the project include such tasks as expanding the territory of forests, strengthening the material and technical base of forestry, introducing sustainable management and developing the infrastructure of ecotourism.

"Uzbekistan - 2030" strategy

In the "Uzbekistan-2030" strategy adopted by the Decree of the President of Uzbekistan on September 11, 2023, reforms in the framework of water resources conservation and environmental protection are set as one of the priority goals. A number of measures are envisaged within the framework of the strategy, and they are being effectively implemented. In particular,

National project “Yashil Makon” ("Green Zone").

The Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers No.144-F of March 7, 2024 was adopted in order to implement the activities of the nationwide project "Green Space" in 2024. This project included a number of important initiatives aimed at improving the environmental situation in Uzbekistan and expanding green areas.

138.1 million tree saplings were planted in the spring planting season of 2024 within the "Green Zone" national project. This indicator made 110.5 percent compared to the planned one. This part of the project is aimed not only at environmental improvement but also at improving the aesthetic appearance of our cities.

"Green Parks" and "Green Belts"

In particular, 257 "Green Parks" were established, their total number reached 517. Also, "Green Belts" were established by planting 5.3 million tree saplings in and around industrial enterprises. These efforts were made to reduce the impact of industrial enterprises and protect the environment.

Initiatives of organizations and agencies

Ministries and agencies are also contributing to the aforementioned work. In particular, the Ministry of Defense created a park of 100 hectares, the Ministry of Digital Technologies and the Ministry of Mining and Geology — 65 hectares. These efforts are critical to ensuring the comprehensiveness and sustainability of the project.

Tree planting and waste recycling

In our country, trees have been planted near highways and railways, on river and canal banks, at industrial enterprises and gas stations. These are especially aimed at reducing the negative impact of transport and industry on the environment.

On average, 6.8 million tonnes of household waste are produced in our country per year. In recent years, the number of neighbourhoods covered by sanitation services has increased by more than 90 percent. The level of waste processing was 38.1 percent as of July 1, 2024, and the number of such enterprises was 313 as of February. 

Waste treatment and landfills

A new system for the regulation of landfills and waste processing is being launched. In each region, 3-4 landfills with a convenient location are being turned into special eco-industrial zones, and recycling projects are being implemented. In the remaining landfills, a new practice is being used to start temporary waste collection and reloading stations. The landfills that exhausted their resources are closed, poplar, mulberry, elm and maple trees are planted around them, and "green belts" are being established.

Avazbek Kholbekov,

Head of Department – Development Strategy Centеr

Uzbekistan has set a goal to increase the level of youth enrollment in higher education to 50%

Numerous scholars and studies have confirmed the connection between the quality of education and the well-being of society. The Nobel Prize winning Gary Becker was one of the first to inquire into the impact of education on economic growth and social development. His research has shown that investing in education can improve productivity and thus economic growth.

According to experts from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the high level of education, GDP and economic development serve to augment the average life expectancy and improve public health. One should note that stepping up the duration of education by 1 year can increase GDP by 3-6 percent.

Education is considered a crucial issue for Uzbekistan, 60% of the population of whose is young people under the age of 30, with a population increase of 700 thousand a year.

Up until recently, obtaining higher education was the dream of millions of Uzbek youth. In 2016, enrollment in higher education was only 9 percent of all the school graduates, and the number of higher education institutions was 69 (with 9 private). Due to a lack of student loans to finance higher education and support systems for vulnerable segments of the population, many were unable to study failing to pay tuition fees.

There were also problems for youth in getting onboard the higher education. Those willing to obtain one were able to apply only to one institution a year. And if they did not score enough in the admission exams, they had to wait until the next year to reapply to that or another university.

In addition, such factors as taking faculty and students to forced seasonal agricultural work used to have a grave negative impact on the quality of education. So did the insufficient material incentives for the teaching staff due to the extremely low wages.

After the election of Shavkat Mirziyoyev as President of the country in 2016, the system of admission to higher education institutions started to be revised, with overall systemic transformation underway, especially when it came to the quality of education.

First, the organizational and legal framework of the industry has been revised. In particular, the 2030 Concept for Higher Education Development in the Republic of Uzbekistan was approved in 2019 by the corresponding presidential decree.

In 2020, the Oliy Majlis (Supreme Assembly, the national parliament) passed the Education law in a new edition. In accordance with it, the system opened up to market mechanisms, priority was afforded to raising the scale and quality of education to a new level, to studying advanced foreign practices and establishing broad international connections.

Apart from that, adopted in 2023, the new edition of the Constitution introduced a number of new norms on the protection of the honor and dignity of teachers, government concern for their social and material well-being. The upgraded Basic Law also granted the higher education institutions the right to academic self-government, freedom in scientific research and teaching methodologies and approaches.

Second, to be sure, education advancement requires allocation of large sums from the state budget to this area. According to research, a 1% increase in education spending will increase GDP by 0.35%. It is for this reason that the amount of funds allocated from the public budget for the maintenance and development of educational institutions in Uzbekistan has been steadily growing.

In 2023, spending on education accounted for 44 percent of total social expenditures, reaching 61.2 trillion soums.

The rapid growth in the number of public and private universities, as well as branches of foreign ones, and the introduction of market mechanisms in this area have created the basis for expanding the market in educational services. Today there are 210 universities in the country, almost half of them are private (67) and foreign universities (29).

Crucially, the youth are now free to choose. A healthy competitive environment has begun to emerge among the institutions offering higher education. Branches of prestigious foreign universities like Westminster (UK), Webster (US), Management Development Institute of Singapore, Polytechnic University of Turin (Italy) have an important role to play in the implementation of advanced standards in higher education by inviting state-of-the-art certified faculty, making a good use of the latest teaching technologies, innovations and international best practices.

As a result of the enhancement of the higher education market in Uzbekistan, it became possible to boost the coverage in the system from 9 percent of school graduates enrolled in 2016 to 42 percent in 2023. And the launch of correspondence and evening studies at universities has contributed to a sharp increase in the proportion of students over 24 years of age. The total number of university students now exceeds 1.3 million.

Starting from 2019, applicants have been given the opportunity to simultaneously submit documents to several universities and choose an educational institution based on the results of entrance exams and their preferences. This year, building on a relevant presidential decree, exams for admission to universities will take place under the principle “test first, then choose”.

Uzbekistan has created a unique system that provides opportunities to obtain higher education for people in need of social protection and people with disabilities. In particular, the distribution of admission quotas was approved on the basis of an additional two percent state scholarship for persons with disabilities and one percent for graduates of Mehribonlik (Mercy homes, orphanages), children’s villages and family homes in the context of higher educational institutions and forms of education.

It will not be an exaggeration to say that changing society by attracting girls to higher education is a unique path for Uzbekistan. Here one can recall a popular wisdom that if you educate a girl, you educate the whole nation. In order to ensure gender equality, as well as the consistent implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, starting from the 2022-2023 academic year, new educational loans are allocated on preferential terms (interest-free) for training girls and women. As a result, in 2023, interest-free educational loans in the amount of 1,548.6 billion soums were allocated to about 137.4 thousand students.

A procedure has also been established for reimbursement of tuition fees for girls studying for graduate degree at universities. During this time, 20,260 women took a good advantage of this opportunity.

Special emphasis is placed on the issues of training youth from Uzbekistan in prestigious foreign universities. In particular, the amount of funds allocated from the state budget to the El-Yurt Umidi (Hope of the Nation) Foundation for the training of talented youth abroad has been growing. If 200 billion soums were allocated to this fund in 2022, in 2024 the amount reached 500 billion soums. Thanks to the foundation, more than 1,000 young people have received education in respected higher education institutions abroad and today work in various fields. According to the UNESCO Institute for Statistics, students from Uzbekistan ranked fifth in the world in the number of students studying abroad in 2021. The number exceeded 110 thousand. This is also clear evidence of how young people in this country are thirsty for knowledge.

The Uzbekistan-2030 Strategy urges to bringing the level of youth enrollment in higher education to no less than 50 percent, including in at least 10 higher educational institutions in the top 1,000 ranking of the most prestigious universities, and making the way for the country into the top 50 nations by 2030 in the Global Innovation Index.

As a result of reforms over the past period, two universities of Uzbekistan for the first time entered the top 1,000 higher education institutions in the world, compiled by the British company Quacquarelli Symonds (QS). The National Research University “Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers” (TIIAME) was named 547th in the rating, while the Mirzo Ulugbek National University of Uzbekistan secured the 781-790th positions.

The National Research University TIIAME was among the 300 best higher education institutions in the world and among the top three universities in Central Asia in terms of “Academic reputation”, and the National University of Uzbekistan was in the top 200 in terms of “Share of foreign teachers” and took second place among universities in the region.

In addition, 53 higher educational institutions of Uzbekistan were noted in the “THE Impact Rankings” published by the Times Higher Education agency for 2024. Seven of them ended up in the top 1,000. In the ranking, the Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature came 10th in the world in terms of gender equality.

In short, well aware of the truism that investing into education means investing into your future.


Nodir Tilavoldiev,
Member of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis
Republic of Uzbekistan

Reforms in Uzbekistan are based on the principle “The stronger public control, the more humane, free and fair the state is”

The most important sign of civil society is manifested in the fact that citizens exercise complete control over the activities of state structures. According to article 36 of the new version of the Constitution of Uzbekistan, our citizens have the right to participate directly and through their representatives in the management of the affairs of society and the state. Such participation is carried out through self-government, referendums and the democratic formation of state bodies, as well as public control over the activities of state bodies. The procedure for exercising public control over the activities of state bodies is established by law.

In order to organize and regulate relations in the field of public control over the activities of state bodies and institutions, the law “On Public Control” was adopted on April 12, 2018. According to this law, public control is carried out in such forms as appeals and requests to state bodies, public discussions, public hearings, public monitoring, and the study is carried out by citizens' self-government bodies in such forms as hearing reports and information from officials of state bodies.

Consistent work is underway in our country to implement public control and improve the regulatory framework governing this area. By presidential decree dated May 4, 2018, the badge "For contribution to the development of civil society" was established; the decree of the President of Uzbekistan dated July 4, 2018 "On measures to organize the activities of public councils under state bodies" was of great importance for accelerating work in this area. This resolution establishes the procedure for organizing the main tasks, functions, powers and activities of the public council under state bodies, which basically provides that the public council is created by the decision of the head of the state body, carries out its work on a voluntary basis and it is assumed that it will conduct its work on a public basis, as well as be considered as a permanent advisory body whose decisions will be advisory in nature.

As Shavkat Mirziyoyev noted, “There is no more effective tool for achieving the supremacy of the Constitution and the law than public control.” Public control is an important institution of democracy and people's power; it serves to ensure the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens by monitoring the activities of state bodies.

In recent years, special attention has been paid in our republic to ensuring the participation of citizens in the management of society and public affairs, the creation of effective mechanisms for public control over the activities of the executive branch, and further strengthening the functions of public control. In particular, at the initiative of the President of Uzbekistan, a public chamber was established in 2020 in order to further strengthen public control and establish close cooperation between the state and society. It was noted that the public chamber should regularly study the opinion of the population, set specific tasks for government agencies to find solutions. The importance of implementing such influential forms of control as "public hearings", "public monitoring", "public expertise", and "public initiative" was demonstrated.

According to the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to expand financing of projects formed on the basis of public opinion", adopted on October 25, 2022, an additional 335 billion soums were allocated for the implementation of 364 projects, each of which received more than 2 thousand votes in July-September 2022.

In recent years of modern development in our republic, the system of public administration has been improved, effective mechanisms of dialogue with the people have been introduced, and the effectiveness of the role and activities of the Mahalla Institute in the management of society has increased. Virtual and public reception rooms of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan were created in order to ensure human interests, knowledge and solution of problems and needs of people. These structures have become a mechanism for in-depth analysis of problems on the ground and a criterion for increasing the responsibility of state bodies and officials to society and evaluating their activities.

To date, such systems as "online reception" and "virtual visit" have been introduced, allowing for quick and economical identification of problems on the ground in order to optimize their expenses related to the maintenance of the public administration apparatus, eliminate corruption factors and establish effective public control over budget spending.

As an example, it is worth mentioning that in recent years a new system of dialogue with the people has been created – the activities of the presidential virtual and people's reception rooms. Of the 9,465,000 applications received by the virtual reception of the President, about 9,379,000 have been considered, the rest are also being resolved in accordance with the procedure established by law. The results of the public discussion can also be found on the "portal for discussions of draft regulatory legal acts" (, which is clearly seen in the example. To date, 25384 draft regulatory legal acts have been posted on this portal for public discussion, of which 25183 have already been completed.

In recent years, the study of public opinion has become publicly available. The Open Budget portal was launched to exercise public control over targeted budget expenditures. Citizens can send messages about violations of budget legislation through the Portal, suggestions for improving the budget process, while receiving information such as the state budget, budget execution through this portal. In particular, an initiative budget has been launched through the Open Budget information portal, which is held 2 times a year. Thanks to this portal, citizens are focused on solving problems through joint voting. In the first season (February) 2024, 35,575 initiatives were supported, for which 3,390.5 billion soums were allocated.

Establishing the accountability of public authorities to parliament and local councils, as well as the introduction of the Electronic Government system, led to a further strengthening of public control. As a result, today in our country there is a single interactive portal of public services (, an open data portal (, a portal for discussing draft regulatory documents (, and a complex of information systems “License" (, information system for automating the activities of Single Window centers (

Since 2023, in order to improve the system for identifying and solving social problems among the population in our republic, the practice of monthly hearing information from the heads of relevant government bodies and organizations in the mahalla council has been established, and new forms of public control have been introduced - “mahalla control” groups and “survey” institutions mahalla chairmen." Also, on behalf of the President, the “digital mahalla” system and the “people’s control” platform were improved.

The “My Opinion” web portal, which is under the jurisdiction of the Public Chamber, was created in order to expand the opportunities of citizens in our country to participate in the management of the affairs of society and the state, to ensure the openness of the activities of representative bodies of state power, to ensure the viability and effectiveness of the public administration system. Through this portal, a citizen can send proposals on legislation on important issues of state and public importance in the form of an electronic collective appeal. The My Opinion web portal, which is under the jurisdiction of the Public Chamber, was created in order to expand the opportunities of citizens in our country to participate in the management of the affairs of society and the state, to ensure the openness of the activities of representative bodies of state power, to ensure the viability and effectiveness of the public administration system. Through this portal, a citizen can send proposals on legislation on important issues of state and public importance in the form of an electronic collective appeal " "(My opinion). To date, more than 6670 collective appeals and about 30,000 comments have been received through the portal.

In recent years, political parties, which are considered to be one of the main actors of civil society in our country, have been given not only ample opportunities for free participation in elections, but also control over the executive branch. Political parties also have the right to exercise public control based on the interests of the public and their electorate. During election processes, local observers at polling stations consist of representatives of political parties and citizens' self-government bodies.

The role of the media in developing openness and transparency in our society, establishing public control over the activities of government bodies and their officials, studying and resolving legal appeals from citizens is also incomparable. In particular, the number of media registered in 2016–2023 increased by 41%, that is, in 2016 their number was 1614, and by 2023 it reached 2140. The number of mobile Internet users also exceeded 33 million.

As can be seen from the above, the main purpose of public control is to ensure respect for the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens, to ensure legality in the activities of state bodies and officials, and to protect the interests of society.

The Uzbekistan 2030 strategy, developed based on the results of public discussions in order to create a fair and modern state serving the people, identified such priority tasks as: creating the necessary conditions for public participation in the activities of local councils, broad involvement of civil society institutions and the gradual digitalization of their activities, establishing the practice of assessing the activities of heads of state bodies and their deputies based on public opinion, and intensified continuation of work to form an unparalleled attitude towards corruption in society.

As a result of public control, the activities of state bodies in the country are objectively studied, their shortcomings are identified, various violations of legislation are prevented, public participation in the implementation of laws and their preparation is ensured, broader conditions are created for the prompt solution of various problems in society and the will of the population, and special attention should be paid to the fact that public control implies not only control over the quality of the work performed, but also the use of opportunities, as well as participation in their development.

In conclusion, I would like to note that in our republic, constitutional status has been given a state public control. In the new Uzbekistan, the participation of citizens in the management of the affairs of society and the state, including the development and improvement of public control over the activities of state bodies, provides ample opportunities for the full-fledged formation and strengthening of civil society in our country.  If the public control in the country is strong, the state is more humane, free and fair.


N.S.Rasulova, candidate of historical sciences Associate professor of the University  of Public safety of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Ensuring the true independence of the courts of Uzbekistan is a priority task of the ongoing reforms

As the most important task of judicial reform being implemented in the Republic of Uzbekistan, important work is being carried out to ensure constitutional human rights and freedoms, strengthening the authority of the judiciary, which is considered an important guarantee of effective protection of human rights and to ensure the true independence of the courts.

Also, further expansion of the population’s access to justice within the framework of the principle “New Uzbekistan - New Court” requires accelerating the reform of the judicial system and introducing advanced international standards into the field. We can also observe confirmation of this in the corresponding positions of our state in the ratings of international organizations. Thus, according to the results of the Rule of Law Index ranking for 2022 (, Uzbekistan took 78th place out of 140 countries with an indicator of 0.50 points, of which 75th place in terms of civil justice and 65th in terms of criminal justice.

The fact that the update of the Constitution on the basis of generally recognized principles and norms of international law is enshrined in the preface of the updated Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan is a clear expression of recognition of the supremacy of generally recognized international law.

Article 15 of the Constitution determines that international treaties of the Republic of Uzbekistan, along with generally recognized principles and norms of international law, are an integral part of the legal system of Uzbekistan. According to part four of this article, if an international treaty of Uzbekistan establishes rules other than those provided for by the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan, then the rules of the international treaty of the Republic of Uzbekistan are applied.

Article 17 of the Constitution especially emphasizes that the Republic of Uzbekistan is a full-fledged subject of international relations; it is established that international law is based on generally accepted principles and norms. The application by courts of generally accepted principles and norms of international law is permitted in cases where existing laws contradict these international principles and norms.

Article 11 of the Constitution states that the system of state power of Uzbekistan, which is considered a full-fledged subject of international relations, is based on the principles of separation of powers into legislative, executive and judicial. It should be especially noted here that in accordance with Article 131 of Chapter XXIII, dedicated to the judiciary, the judicial system and the procedure for the activities of courts in the Republic of Uzbekistan are determined by law; the creation of emergency courts is not allowed.

In accordance with Article 1 of the law “On Courts” in the new edition (2021), the judicial power in Uzbekistan operates independently of the legislative, executive powers, political parties, and other public associations. Judicial power is exercised only by the courts. It was established that no other bodies or persons have the right to assign powers to the judiciary.

Article 2 of this law defines the judicial system, which consists of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan; Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan; military courts; Courts of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regional and Tashkent city courts; Administrative Court of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, administrative courts of regions and the city of Tashkent; interdistrict, district, city courts for civil cases; district and city courts for criminal cases; interdistrict, district, city economic courts; interdistrict administrative courts. It has been established that in the Republic of Uzbekistan specialization of judges by category of cases can be carried out, but the creation of emergency courts is not allowed.

As noted in Article 4 of this law, the main tasks of the court are to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens, state and public interests, rights and legally protected interests of legal entities and individuals guaranteed by the Constitution and other laws, international treaties of Uzbekistan, as well as international acts on human rights entrepreneurs. The activities of the court are aimed at ensuring the rule of law, social justice, civil peace and harmony, that is, it indicates that it is implemented in accordance with international agreements and international human rights instruments.

It is worth noting that in recent years, important documents have been adopted to ensure the compliance of the judicial system of our country with generally recognized international standards. These include such important historical documents as decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures to further reform the judicial and legal system, strengthen guarantees of reliable protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens” (2016), “On measures to radically improve the structure and increase efficiency of the judicial system of the Republic of Uzbekistan" (2017), "On measures to further improve the judicial system and increase confidence in the judiciary" (2020), "On measures to radically improve the system of financing the activities of the judiciary" (2021), decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 28, 2022 “On the development strategy of the new Uzbekistan for 2022 - 2026”, Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 16, 2023 “On additional measures to further expand access to justice and increase efficiency of the courts."

The Decree of the President of Uzbekistan dated January 16, 2023 “On additional measures to further expand access to justice and increase the efficiency of the courts” provides for:

in order to ensure the effective use of resources involved in the implementation of judicial activities, on the basis of advanced foreign experience, transfer the powers to consider certain categories of civil, economic and administrative offenses to the relevant administrative bodies:

determine the procedure for completing cases of certain categories of criminal, civil, economic and administrative offenses in lower courts;

What is relevant is that issues such as reconciliation of parties in civil and economic cases, development of reasonable proposals for the widespread introduction of the institution of mediation are raised.

It is appropriate to recognize here that the main idea and provisions of the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” have found their full expression in the updated Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which is considered the basis of our national legislation.

It is known that the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” consists of a preamble and a total of 30 articles, and if all its provisions are sequentially considered, then one can note the consistency and consistency of the content with the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan on human rights. For example, you can notice the similarity between the contents of Article 3 of the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”, which reads: “Every person has the right to life, liberty and security of person” and Article 25 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan: “The right to life is the inalienable right of every person and is protected by law. Encroachment on human life is a grave crime.”

Also, the rule that “no one shall be subjected to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment” in Article 5 of the Declaration corresponds to the second paragraph of Article 26 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan “No one shall be subjected to torture, violence, other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment." One may also note the reflection of the provision of Article 9 of the Declaration that no one shall be arrested, detained or persecuted without cause in the second paragraph of Article 29 of our Constitution “No one shall be subjected to arrest, detention, detention, detention or other restriction freedom except on the basis of the law" and in the third paragraph - "When detained, a person must be explained in a language he understands his rights and the grounds for detention"

Article 10 of the Declaration enshrines the right of every person to demand an independent and impartial court and its reflection in international legal acts to which the Republic of Uzbekistan has acceded inspires confidence that only an independent court can protect the rights of every citizen through an impartial and open consideration of the case in court. In this regard, it should be noted that the reforms carried out on the basis of the Action Strategy for the Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017-2021, put forward at the initiative of the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, taking into account international standards, laid the foundation for democratization and liberalization of the judicial and legal sphere, ensuring genuine independence of the judiciary, protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens.

In order to improve the judicial system and ensure the independence of the courts, one of the important steps was the creation of the Supreme Judicial Council of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Supreme Court and the Higher Economic Court were merged, the activities of the Supreme Court were improved, the Economic Courts were reorganized into economic courts, 71 inter-district, district (city) economic courts were empowered to hear cases in the first instance. The first term of work as a judge is five years, then ten years and an indefinite term. The powers of the courts to independently resolve their financial, logistical and technical issues were withdrawn from the judiciary and transferred to the Supreme Court, which led to the independence of the courts from the executive authorities and ensuring their independence. The institution of returning a criminal case to the court for additional investigation was abolished, thereby putting an end to unnecessary censorship, and people were spared unnecessary confusion and nervousness. It was strictly established that a person’s guilt in committing a crime should be based only on evidence proven in court, that is, it was strictly forbidden to make decisions based on rumors and assumptions. In order to fully ensure fair justice, verify the legality, validity and fairness of court decisions, an audit authority was created.

One of the important problems of the judicial reform system is the new system for training qualified and mature judges and judicial staff. Increasing the population's trust in judicial institutions by the Supreme Council of Judges, ensuring the stability of justice and the rule of law, serves to transform the court literally into a “Fortress of Justice” and improve the level of justice.

The introduction of the institution of a plea agreement and its implementation in the criminal procedural legislation of our country is also an important factor in increasing the protection of human rights, freedoms and legitimate interests recognized in international law.

In accordance with the Decree of the President of Uzbekistan dated January 28, 2022 “On the new development strategy of Uzbekistan for 2022-2026”, about 300 laws were adopted in 2017-2021, more than 4 thousand resolutions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan aimed at fundamental reforming all spheres of state and public life in five priority areas of development of our country.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev, in his report dated December 7, 2019, “The supremacy of the Constitution and laws is the most important criterion for a legal democratic state and civil society,” dedicated to the 27th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, especially noted “ensuring the true independence of the courts is our highest priority. We must not allow the courts to be influenced by certain officials. In this regard, it is necessary to strengthen responsibility for interference in court cases or pressure on the court.”

The issue of ensuring compliance of the judicial system of Uzbekistan with generally accepted international standards will continue to remain relevant. In addition, practical measures are ongoing to harmonize national legislation with international legal standards in the field of human rights. After all, constitutional reforms today require an approach to constitutional norms, which are the main legal criterion that determines the value of a person in the life of our society, taking into account modern realities and international legal standards.


Ayub Muhammadiev, professor of the Department of Civil Law Sciences of the University of Public Security of the Republik of Uzbekistan, doctor of Law

Seek reward for enlightenment. About reading books and the development of book reading in Uzbekistan

In today's New Uzbekistan, a lot of attention is paid to the development of reading culture and book publishing. As the head of our state says, “There will be no break in education,” in every meeting with representatives of the intellectuals, culture, literature and art, in every historical speech that sounded like an appeal to our people, he paid             special attention to the issue of studying and gaining knowledge about the fundamentals world civilization, the achievements of modern world science. He never gets tired of emphasizing the words "knowledge, knowledge, knowledge" over and over again.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev: "Each country in the world, each nation is powerful primarily with its intellectual potential and high spirituality. It is not for nothing that he said that the source of such mighty power is the great discovery of human thinking - books and readers.

Decree of the President of Uzbekistan dated January 12, 2017 "On the establishment of a commission on the development of the system of printing and distribution of book products, the promotion of book reading and reading culture", The decision of September 13, 2017 "On the program of comprehensive measures to develop the system of publication and distribution of book products, increase and promote book reading and reading culture" together with the decision “On additional measures for the further development of the publishing and printing industry”, It is well known that great work has been done on the decisions "On further improvement of information-library services to the residents of the Republic of Uzbekistan".

On December 14, 2020, the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On approval of the national program for the development and support of reading culture in 2020-2025" was adopted.

The processes of implementation of this National Program are showing positive results.

The fourth initiative put forward by our President - to raise the spirituality of young people, to widely promote reading among them - serious practical work is being carried out in our country. Young people, especially teenagers and children, are widely participating in reading contests. 

Members of the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan actively participate in events dedicated to book reading and development of reading.The Children's and Adolescent Creative Council operates under the association, master classes are regularly held by well-known poets and writers in all schools, higher and secondary educational institutions of our country.

By the Administration of the Republic of Uzbekistan in April-May of this year in order to attract students and pupils of all higher educational institutions and general education schools in our country to reading books, to raise the level of artistic literacy and educate them in the spirit of patriotism and concern for the future of our country as part of the “Sharing Enlightenment” project, 156 famous artists held meetings with writers and educational events in 202 higher educational institutions and 606 secondary schools, under their auspices. At these events, 150 works of art were recommended for reading, films and performances were shown.

During 2020-2023, the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan published 403 books in the fields of prose, poetry, playwriting, children's literature, literary studies, and artistic translation. Over the past years, our poets, writers and translators prepared 100-volume "Masterpieces of Russian Literature" and 100-volume "Masterpieces of Turkish Literature" for publication. This great project was supported by the Head of State, published and distributed to the regions.

At this point, it should be noted that the 16-volume set of books entitled "Masterpieces of Karakalpak Literature" was prepared for publication and submitted to the press by the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan.

Within the framework of the "Book campaign" project, in the first quarter of 2023, 4,679 books were sent to higher education institutions, general education schools, 14,800 books to the provinces, 50 books to the penal colony, 950 to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Spirituality, Information and Library Centers, 500 to the State Security Service, 7,267 to event participants, book authors, 461 to newspapers and creative houses, 300 to Uzbekistan-Kyrgyz Friendship Society, 350 to neighborhoods, 134 to the Office of Muslims, More than 30 thousand 791 books were distributed indiscriminately to Uzbekistan "Veteran" Association of combatants-veterans and disabled people, 500 books to Halq Bank, and 600 books to children's camp. To date, more than 1 million books have been distributed in four years.

At the moment, the 100-volume set of books "Masterpieces of World Children's Literature" is being prepared for publication by the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan.

In 2020-2023, the first books of 87 young authors were published in tens of thousands of copies each in the "My first book" project by the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan, and presentation events were held. The books were freely distributed to higher education institutions, general education schools, and military units.

All these are aimed primarily at the development of reading among young people, children and adolescents. Publication of books and promotion of book reading will be continued consistently.

         At the end of our speech, we found it necessary to present our poem "Get a Book":
Buy a velvet from Otchopar*,
Take as much as you can,
But when you return home
Get a book, hey, man.
 Buy ornament from Urikzor*,
From Sirgali* get a car,
Kill ignorance if you can,
Get a book, hey, man.
A thousand kinds of wine - to you,
Pilaf ‒ to you, kebab ‒ to you,
I moan to you, I beg to you,
 Get a book, hey, man!
 You're great with your goods,
Qazi*, Norin* are your foods,
Now look to your kids' moods,
Get a book, hey, man.
You say "okay" with a smile,
Think for yourself for a while,
Be blessed by enlightment,
 Get a book, hey, man.
Make a shop, make a market,
You like house made of parquet,
Enjoy the sweet worry ‒
Get a book, hey, man.
Life is passing - hurry up,
Get a hold of yourself,
Be swift as running water,
Get a book, hey, man.
Who will stay on your trail,
Whether he's male or female,
First of all to your kids,
Get a book, hey, man.
May God bless you,
May your life be blessed,
Bring the Sun to your home ‒
Get a book, hey, man.
 Translated by Begoyim Kholbekova
Otchopar*- the name given to the market;
Urikzor* - market of various goods;
Sirgali* - car market;
Qazi*, Norin* - names of national dishes.
Poet Sirojiddin Sayyid,
Chairman of the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan

Human dignity and the benefits of the people in New Uzbekistan – high values

It is not an exaggeration to say that in the historical conditions where humanity is going through a difficult period, where contradictions and conflicts are intensifying and seriously undermining stability, in the multi-ethnic New Uzbekistan, human dignity and the interests of the people are recognized as the highest values, and in this regard, it is becoming an example and model for many countries of the world.

Because sustainable development can be achieved first of all by valuing and honoring people, creating conditions for the population to live well today, and realizing the high trust and responsibility of the population for the future.

Abdulla Awlani, the famous modern enlightener, defined man in such a way: “...the purpose of the creation of the universe is man. Man is the glory and honor of all existence. All creation must serve man: man is its master. Because man has a mind. He acquires knowledge with the help of this mind, and rules the world thanks to his knowledge”.

Therefore, measures aimed at the development of citizen's activity and participation in state management are being systematically implemented in Uzbekistan today, with comprehensive support for human rights and interests.

In recent years, the reforms implemented in Uzbekistan and the active participation and involvement of citizens in the state administration have been observed, which is especially important in the adoption of documents that will be the criteria for the future fate of our country.

In particular, in 2023, the "people's constitution" adopted for the first time in the history of Uzbekistan on the basis of the will of the people is a program for creating the foundation of the country's future destiny and happy future. More than 220,000 proposals have been received from different layers of the population, and this is also an example of the people's interest in state management and fate.

For this reason, first of all, the proposals received from the population, as well as the experiences and norms of constitution – making of 190 countries were thoroughly studied, and the articles of the updated constitution increased from 128 to 155, and the number of norms increased from 275 to 434.

In a situation where modern threats and problems are becoming increasingly rooted, the issues of ensuring a stable economy, effective governance, a safe state and social guarantees in Uzbekistan in the future have been deeply analyzed, 65% of the basic law has been updated based on people's proposals, and new norms based on national and universal values ​​and modern opportunities have been introduced.

In the words of the President of Uzbekistan, "Our Basic Law, which is literally a public dictionary, serves as a strong legal guarantee that our large-scale reforms aimed at establishing New Uzbekistan will not go back."

Another proof of the active participation of citizens in the sphere of public administration in Uzbekistan is the launch of the portal for the discussion of projects of regulatory legal documents ( to receive proposals from citizens for drafts of state programs, laws and legal documents. During the year, 77,731 proposals were received from the population for 25,283 draft documents.

Another important point is that in recent years, the share of women in state management in Uzbekistan has increased from 27% to 35%. In particular, 32% of the deputies of the Legislative Chamber of the country's parliament (Supreme Assembly) and 25% of the members of the Senate are women. The number of businesswomen doubled, and the number of women who started their own business exceeded 205,000.

It is of particular importance that Uzbekistan is listed among the 5 fastest developing countries in the world in the field of gender equality in the World Bank index, and is among the top 20 countries in the open gender data index.

First of all, the conceptual basis of the reforms was created in Uzbekistan, and a number of strategic decisions were made for its systematic operation.

In order to further increase the effectiveness of the ongoing reforms, create conditions for comprehensive and rapid development of the state and society, implement priority directions for modernization of our country and liberalization of all spheres of life, the Strategy of Actions on five priority directions for the development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021 is consistently implemented increased.

Strategy 5 – Improvement of the system of state and community building, ensuring the rule of law and further reforming the judicial system, developing and liberalizing the economy, developing the social sphere and ensuring security, inter-ethnic harmony and religious tolerance, as well as a well-thought-out, mutually beneficial and practical foreign policy reforms worthy of universal recognition took place in the field of priority directions.

The economic growth in the country alone was ensured to grow by 4.4% in 2017, 5.4% in 2018, and 5.7% in 2019.

On September 11, 2023, the "Uzbekistan-2030" strategy was adopted based on the experience gained during the implementation of the development strategy of New Uzbekistan and the discussions of the general public, and the strategic tasks that we must achieve in the next 7 years were defined. The importance of this strategy, consisting of 100 points, is that in this document, specific goals and targets are set, which are expected to be achieved in all areas, and the reforms continue consistently.

The important thing is that this document sets the future priority goals, in particular, to use all the possibilities to increase the size of the country's gross domestic product from the current 80 billion dollars to 160 billion dollars, thereby doubling the size of the economy by 2030 and "countries with an income above the average". Bold steps are being taken to enter the ranks.
          In Uzbekistan, great attention is being paid to this area, which is directly related to the quality of life. In the last 7 years, the amount of funds allocated to the healthcare system has increased from 5.9 trillion soums to 33.5 trillion soums, that is, it has increased 6 times. Hospitals are equipped with modern equipment and new ones are being built.

In Uzbekistan, systematic measures are being taken to provide social support to the population, to identify the root causes of the problems of each of its strata, and to provide targeted assistance, especially to reduce poverty.

"Temir daftar" (Iron book), "Ayollar daftari" (Women`s book), "Yoshlar Daftar" (Youth book), "Mahallababay" (Neighbourhood) and "Khonadonbay" (House work) work methods are being introduced for this purpose. On this basis, not abstract indicators of the problem, but the problems of every family and citizen, women, and youth who need help and support are clearly studied on the spot, and they are solved in a timely and effective manner.

Today, the noble traditions of supporting the elderly, disabled people, people in a difficult situation, and showing them love and kindness are being enriched and improved with new meaning and practical actions. In this regard, programs such as "Prosperous village", "Prosperous neighborhood", "Five important initiatives", "Every family is an entrepreneur", and "Youth are our future" are giving positive results.

At this point, it should be noted that since 2017 Virtual and Public receptions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan have been established. In 2017-2021, the President's virtual lobby and People's lobby received 5 million. More than 780,000 appeals were considered, of which 3 mln. More than 288 thousand were satisfied. As a result of complete, timely and legal investigation of appeals, the level of their satisfaction is also increasing year by year. In particular, this indicator was 47.5 percent in 2017, 53.9 percent in 2018, 60.9 percent in 2019, 60.4 percent in 2020, and 86.7 percent in 2021.

Another consideration is that in recent years, the intensity and scope of the globalization process has increased in the intellectual world in the complex conditions where the struggle for the hearts and minds of the young generation is intensifying, the role and importance of education in the spirit of patriotism is increasing more and more, and the need to educate our youth as true patriots is growing stronger than ever. In the world, the number and scale of ideological struggles and conflicts are increasing, and new threats are emerging that cannot be predicted in advance.

In such a situation, education of young people in the spirit of loyalty to the Motherland, national identity and values, and concern for national interests is gaining urgent importance.

When one of the scholars said that "the happiness of every nation, the peace and happiness of the states depends on the good education of the youth", there are many real truths.

Based on the opinion of the head of Uzbekistan in his speech at the extended session of the Council of Spirituality and Enlightenment of the Republic that "it is natural that the legacy of our enlightened ancestors serves as a foundation for the legal democratic state and civil society that we are building today", it is clear as day that the development of national spirituality should be one step ahead.

In this regard, specific measures have been defined in 9 directions in the country, in particular, spirituality should be ten steps ahead of other fields, popularization of the heritage of the ancients, addition of an additional "Spiritual sector" to 4 sectors, enrichment of the activities and contents of theaters, cultural centers, priority issues such as the development of Uzbek cultural diplomacy, film, visual and applied arts in the international arena are among these.

The concept of the President of Uzbekistan, "If the economy is the body of society's life, then its soul is spirituality" has already become a vital principle for all of us. Strong spirituality based on the rich heritage of our ancestors and national values ​​serves as a strong pillar for the country that decided to build the new Uzbekistan.

In recent years, "Man-Society-State" has become an irrevocable strategic principle in Uzbekistan, fundamental reforms have been carried out to pay attention to people and protect their rights and interests.

         It is necessary to recognize one fact: reforms in accordance with international standards are being implemented in all areas related to people and their activities. At the same time, the critical analysis of our activities by the head of the country, using the existing freedom of speech, encourages us to constantly examine ourselves and improve our measures regularly in order to reach new goals in the future.

For example, more than 2,200,000 families are in need of social assistance, among them there are many young people. In this regard, specific measures have been determined this year, and in the updated Constitution, the state's social obligations have been tripled, and an additional 30-40 trillion soums will be allocated annually from the state budget.

The principle of "man-society-state" is of particular importance for the future development of our country, and constitutional guarantees have been strengthened in this regard.

The international community of Uzbekistan is paying special attention to strengthening friendly relations with neighboring countries on the basis of cooperation, mutual support, peace and harmony, and the legal basis for further deepening of the reforms implemented in foreign policy in recent years is also being strengthened.

For example, due to the resolution of the 30-year-old border problem with neighboring Kyrgyzstan, more than 2 million inhabitants of the valley were able to move freely with their relatives and friends.

The directions of strengthening peace and stability of Uzbekistan in our region, expanding the potential of our country in the international arena and developing comprehensive and mutually beneficial relations with foreign countries are confirmed in the "Concept of Foreign Political Activities" approved by law.

Today, Uzbekistan has established diplomatic relations with 131 countries of the world, we have 37 embassies in 38 countries, consulates in 17 cities, permanent representative offices in the UN and other international organizations.

In a word, as the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, said, "From now on, we will focus on strengthening multifaceted and mutually beneficial cooperation with all the neighboring countries in Central Asia and the countries and international organizations that are our strategic partners in the world."

Ensuring decent life of citizens in Uzbekistan, inter-ethnic and inter-confessional harmony, well-being and prosperity of our multi-ethnic country of Uzbekistan is also one of the most important directions.

In order to support our compatriots in many countries of the world and further strengthen our relations with them, the "Compatriots" fund was established.

Our work aimed at strengthening the environment of inter-ethnic harmony and tolerance in our society is reaching a new level in terms of quality. July 30, which is widely celebrated as the International Friendship Day, has been announced as the "International Friendship Day" in Uzbekistan. This year, this holiday was widely celebrated for the first time in our country. It can also be considered as a common phenomenon where internal and external political factors converge.

It will be necessary to mobilize all our strength and capabilities to further strengthen the atmosphere of inter-civilian harmony, inter-ethnic friendship and tolerance.

The future strategic tasks in the foreign policy have already been defined, which will serve as a consistent continuation of the actions in the field of foreign policy and economic diplomacy.

In this regard, first of all, it is necessary to further strengthen close friendship, good neighborliness and strategic partnership relations with the countries of the region, to expand mutually beneficial and multilateral relations with the countries of the far and near countries of the world, especially to continue providing assistance to the Afghan people to restore a peaceful and peaceful life in neighboring Afghanistan. It is appropriate to carry out priority tasks such as the implementation of large transport and communication projects together with the country at a qualitative level. In this regard, it is time to raise multilateral relations with international regional organizations and financial institutions to a new level.

In a word, the so-called New Uzbekistan is boldly marching towards sustainable development with systematic reforms, hard work and the will of the creative people. Systematic reforms implemented today in our country, which realizes its high responsibility to present and future generations to build a humane democratic state, an open and fair society, where human life, freedom, honor and dignity are considered the highest value, are a thing of the ages.


Khudoyberdi Khaknazarov

Doctor of History

Gender equality as one of the principles of building a New Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan — is a country of irreversible, rapid reforms. One of the priorities of the development strategy of the New Uzbekistan is the policy of achieving gender equality in the country.

Under the "Uzbekistan-2030" development strategy, large-scale measures are being implemented to increase women's political, social and economic activity, protect mothers and children, promote gender equality and safeguard women's rights and interests.

Thanks to the political will of the leadership of Uzbekistan, the Gender Strategy of Uzbekistan until 2030 was developed, the laws “On guarantees of equal rights and opportunities for women and men”, “On protection from oppression and violence” were adopted, as well as legislative norms on mandatory gender expertise of all regulations and introduction of gender audit. Thus, a mechanism has been introduced to study the state of the gender approach in all government organizations and to develop measures to ensure equal rights and opportunities for women and men by the Federation of Trade Unions as public control. Liability for domestic violence has been strengthened. Over the past 5 years, more than 40 Presidential decrees and Resolutions have been adopted aimed at ensuring gender equality. Meanwhile, legislation for women is being improved and opportunities are expanding. In 2023, the Electoral Code of Uzbekistan established provisions that the number of women when nominated from political parties to representative bodies of power should be at least 40% of the total number of nominated candidates for deputies and in the proportional election system, nominate at least two women out of each five candidates for parliament. Since 2019, a Gender Commission on increasing the role of women in society, gender equality and family has been created in the Senate. The Committee for Women and Family Affairs was newly created, more than 9 thousand positions were established, up to mahallas, specifically dealing with issues of women and family throughout the country and at all levels, rehabilitation centers began to operate to provide assistance to women victims of violence.

Systemic measures taken at the initiative of the head of state, President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, in order to reduce poverty, establish “women’s notebooks”, reduce unemployment among women and support women’s entrepreneurship, preferential loans for women have yielded tangible results throughout the country. A number of restrictions on women’s occupation and choice of professions were lifted. Advisory councils on gender issues were created in all ministries and departments. As a result, the number of women in parliament reached 33%, in business their number doubled and reached 25%, in political parties 44%, in higher education 40%. In 2023 alone, more than 13,3 billion soums of loans were allocated for the implementation of over 279 thousand women’s business projects, and about 300 billion soums of subsidies were provided to almost 57 thousand women. Based on the “Women's Notebooks” system, the problems of 994 thousand women were solved, the state allocated 1 trillion 234 million soums for these purposes.

As a result of studying the situation of women in mahallas, targeted assistance was provided to more than 690 thousand families in need of social protection.

In 2024, it is planned to provide 8 thousand women and girls included in the “Youth Notebook” with subsidies to start their own business and purchase equipment, and 10 thousand with preferential loans. It is planned to launch a “Business Marathon” project for 50 thousand young women with the participation of qualified specialists to provide practical assistance in setting up a business.

In the field of education, great attention is also paid to gender equality. The country has taken a number of effective measures to protect women and girls; a gender approach is being introduced into curricula and teaching methods, as well as in STEM education, especially in rural areas. Currently, more than half of the 1 million 300 thousand students, i.e. 653 thousand, are girls. In the master's program, the share of girls is 60% of master's students. The state encourages and fully pays for the contracts of women and girls studying for a master's degree from the state budget. In 2023-24 1,914 girls from needy families were accepted to study at universities using additional government grants. 181,500 girls received preferential educational loans. At the expense of local budgets, the contract amount of more than 2 thousand students from families in need of social protection, orphans or students deprived of parental care was covered for 14 billion soums.

Improving the opportunities and conditions for the education of women and girls in the country gave impetus to an increase in interest in mastering modern knowledge and professions, for example, within the framework of the educational project “One Million Programmers”, 47% were girls. Creating favorable conditions for women in education gives real results in unlocking their potential. Over the past seven years, more than 5 thousand women have been awarded the academic titles of Doctors of Philosophy and Doctors of Science. More than 14 thousand women are conducting their research at universities in Uzbekistan.

Achieving gender equality — is a global task on the agenda of universal international organizations such as the UN and other regional structures. Uzbekistan is actively developing international cooperation in this area. As a party to the 1979 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the 1995 Beijing Declaration of the Platform for Action, the country regularly submits national reports to the Committee and develops national action plans.

In recent years, great importance has been attached to cooperation in the field of gender equality with the countries of Central Asia. The Forums of Women Leaders of Central Asia and the Asian Women's Forum in 2024 were successfully held, where representatives of more than 40 countries and international organizations participated.

Lola Saidova, Doctor of Law, Professor,

Chief Researcher of the ISRS under the

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Gender policy in Uzbekistan – an important criterion for ensuring human rights

The main feature of a democratic society is the protection of human rights and the provision of equal opportunities for all in public life and administration. Gender equality is an essential component of this, as it ensures equal protection of rights and freedoms for individuals.

The Constitution of Uzbekistan states that all citizens enjoy equal rights and freedoms, regardless of gender, race, nationality, language, religion, beliefs, social origin or social status. Article 58 states that men and women have equal rights, and the state provides equal opportunities for both genders in managing society and state affairs.

These principles of equality and social justice are reflected in all laws and regulations, ensuring that everyone has equal access to opportunities and rights. This includes gender equality, which is essential for a fair and just society.

It should be noted that, in recent years, more than 40 legislative documents and important conceptual programs have been adopted within the framework of which efforts have been made to create equal rights and opportunities for women and men, strengthen the role of women in government and community leadership, provide necessary conditions for education, vocational training, employment, and create decent working conditions. These efforts also aim to increase women's participation in economic life and protect them against various forms of harassment and violence.

In particular, the law “On guarantees of equal rights and opportunities for women and men” provides for the prevention of gender discrimination and the provision of equal participation for all in public administration. The Law on Protection of Women from Harassment and Violence establishes mechanisms to end various forms of violence against women and to provide protection and assistance to victims.

The “Strategy for achieving gender equality in Uzbekistan until 2030” approved by the decision of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan on May 28, 2021, envisages a comprehensive approach to the implementation of the principle of equality between women and men in all spheres and levels of decision-making and implementation. Also, the strategy serves to ensure the promotion of gender equality in economic, political, and social life in order to create conditions for the realization of equal rights and opportunities for men and women and to observe fundamental human rights.

Due to this, gender policy in our country has become an important factor in society and state development. Concepts such as “gender equality”, “gender and development”, “gender balance”, and “the role of women in social and political life” are expressed in the development of program documents and all normative legal documents in our country.

In practice, the results are even more significant. In particular, the reason for the gender policy is that in the last seven years, the share of women in public administration in Uzbekistan has increased from 27% to 35%. In his speech at the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, summarized the systematic efforts to achieve gender equality in our country and noted that the share of women in public administration reached 35% for the first time.

Moreover, in our country, 32% of the deputies in the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis and 25% of the members of the Senate are women. The number of women entrepreneurs has doubled, and the number of women who have started their own business has exceeded 205 thousand. Hundreds of thousands of women were trained in trades and entrepreneurship. Among the population employed in health care and education, the share of women is 77 percent, in the economy and industry, it is 46 percent. The number of girls studying in higher education institutions has increased by six times; more than half of the students are women.

Uzbekistan has ratified the main international human rights treaties and conventions related to gender equality. Our country joined the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) in 1995 and undertook to eliminate discrimination and ensure the full development and well-being of women. Uzbekistan has also ratified the Beijing Declaration and the Platform for Action, which set strategic goals for achieving gender equality, and has been effectively fulfilling the relevant obligations.

Therefore, the systematic measures taken in this regard are duly recognized by the international community. In particular, in the World Bank index, Uzbekistan was listed among the 5 fastest developing countries in the world in the field of gender equality.

In addition, Uzbekistan ranked 18th out of 195 countries with a score of
69.7 in the “Open Data Watch” organization's Open Gender Data Index, and was ranked among the “Top-20”.

In the policy of ensuring gender equality in the public service, increasing the weight of women in public administration, in particular, issues of forming a team of potential female leaders are of priority.

It should be noted that after the introduction of open competitions by the Public Service Development Agency, practically the same requirements were set for everyone. The human factor between the employer, personnel department representatives, and candidates was limited. Equal opportunities are guaranteed for all.

This, of course, further expanded the opportunities for women to enter the civil service. If we base our opinion on the numbers, earlier women made up
5-8 percent of those who entered the civil service, now women make up about
34 percent of the winners of the competition.

To be more specific, 2.1 million applications have been received in open competitions to date, of which 20% are women. 56,500 of our citizens won these contests, and 19,670 of them (35 percent) were women.

The first direction of ensuring gender equality in the personnel policy is to attract the most potential women to the civil service, to increase the attractiveness of the civil service for them, and the second major direction is to hire highly skilled people in the management of the civil service – “HiPo” (High potential) is to systematically prepare female personnel for leadership positions and to form a corps of “Women leaders”.

According to many sociologists, a professional leader is a person who has certain characteristics for successful management, regardless of gender. For effective management, it is not the role of the leader in gender relations, but the presence of professional competences such as the ability to correctly set priorities in solving the problem, to direct the team, and to fully achieve the goals based on the rational distribution of resources, is considered important.

However, due to the problem of vertical segregation, the low proportion of women in high-ranking positions, and the problem of the “glass ceiling”—invisible barriers to advancement our women have to work in more middle and senior management positions. As a reason for such a situation, we can point out the high responsibility of leadership, and for this reason, the professional qualifications, knowledge, and potential of women are not in accordance with the relevant leadership position.

In order to form specialists into good leaders, it is necessary to develop the necessary soft skills in effective work with personnel and making optimal decisions in management, development of human resources, innovation, critical and systematic thinking, and leadership competencies.

Therefore, our agency, in cooperation with the Family and Women's Committee and the Academy of Public Administration, launched the “Women's School of Leaders” educational program aimed at preparing the most potential women working in state bodies for leadership.

Until now, on the basis of this program, he has a high professional potential, is active in the implementation of reforms, and is active in various fields of public administration. The qualification of 145 women was improved.

At this point, it should be noted that by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PF-81 dated March 1, 2022, the position of women activists was introduced in every neighborhood in all cities, towns, villages, and towns. In turn, through this, the President created a practical school for the formation of women leaders. Currently, there are about 9,400 women activists at the lower level, and 207 women are working as deputy governors, heads of family, and women's departments at the middle level.

Those who have achieved the highest results according to the KPI system by the State Service Development Agency are included in the National Personnel Reserve and are purposefully prepared for senior leadership positions.

As a result of the above-summarized measures implemented on the basis of today's gender equality policy, a unique national model of preparing women for leadership is being formed in our country.

In conclusion, a strong legal basis for gender equality policy has been formed in our country, and as a result of the full and correct implementation of these norms in life, we are making progress recognized by the international community. On this basis, it can be noted that gender policy in Uzbekistan serves as an important criterion for ensuring human rights.


Dilfuza Makhkamova,

Head of the Department of the Agency for the Development of Public Service under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Farangiz Avazbekova,

Chief Inspector of the Agency for the Development of Public Service

under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Law

Environmental protection in Uzbekistan is an integral part of the sustainable development strategy and the country’s contribution to solving global problems

Uzbekistan, located in the heart of Central Asia, faces unique environmental challenges that require an integrated approach and strategic planning. In recent years, the country has been taking active steps to protect the environment by integrating sustainable development into national programs and projects. These efforts are not only aimed at improving the environmental situation in the country, but also make a significant contribution to solving global problems. Uzbekistan actively participates in global initiatives to combat climate change. The country ratified the Paris Agreement in 2016, committing to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to climate change.

Environmental policy issues play a key role on the agenda of the New Uzbekistan. Measures to transform the sphere of ecology and environmental protection to improve the activities of our ministry, actions to combat climate change and its consequences, a moratorium on tree cutting, the introduction of clean “green” energy, solid waste management, the development of “green” transport infrastructure, expansion networks of protected natural areas, measures to restore ecosystems and preserve biodiversity, combat desertification and drought, unify environmental legislation in accordance with international standards, supporting the introduction of modern information technologies, show positive trends.

One of the key aspects of Uzbekistan’s environmental strategy is the development of a “green economy”. The state program “Green Economy” for 2019-2030 is aimed at reducing the carbon footprint, increasing energy efficiency and developing renewable energy sources (RES).

Moreover, the government of Uzbekistan has set ambitious goals to increase the share of renewable energy sources in the country’s overall energy balance. As part of the Development Strategy “Uzbekistan - 2030” and subsequent plans. As President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev stated at the third Tashkent International Investment Forum held in early may this year, our country strives to create more than 20 gigawatts of renewable energy capacity by 2030 and increase its share in the energy sector. balance up to 40 percent. These goals include the construction of new solar and wind power plants, as well as the modernization of existing energy infrastructure.

In 2019, the law “On Renewable Energy Sources” was adopted, which creates a legal basis for the development of the green energy sector. The law provides benefits and preferences for investors, which stimulates the attraction of both domestic and foreign investment.

The development of “green energy” in Uzbekistan is actively supported by international organizations and financial institutions. Cooperation with the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank and other structures plays an important role. Investments and technical support from these organizations contribute to the rapid implementation of innovative technologies and best practices in the field of renewable energy sources.

Just last year, together with the strategic partners of Uzbekistan - the companies Masdar, Gezhouba, China Energy”, large wind and solar power plants with a capacity of 1.4 gigawatts were launched. Also, together with ACWA Power, we began implementing a project for the production of “green” hydrogen.

Currently, work is underway on the implementation of 28 eight projects in this direction. It is noteworthy that these important projects are carried out exclusively through foreign direct investment on the basis of public-private partnerships.

Achieving global sustainable development goals is no less important for the country.

In Uzbekistan, in 2022, an updated Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers “On additional measures to accelerate the implementation of National Goals and Objectives in the field of sustainable development for the period up to 2030” was adopted, which confirms Uzbekistan’s strong determination in achieving the global Agenda for the period up to 2030 year in a comprehensive partnership with all UN member countries to achieve sixteen national sustainable development goals.

The National Goals and Objectives in the field of sustainable development for the period until 2030, the Plan of Measures for the effective implementation of the National Goals and Objectives in the field of sustainable development for the period 2022–2026, as well as the National Development Strategies of Uzbekistan, approved by the Government of our country, serve the implementation of the Goals of Sustainable Development development.

The achieved results in implementing the national goals and objectives of Uzbekistan are generally approved and recognized by the international community.

The basic principle of the new Uzbekistan “In the name of the honor and dignity of man” is consonant with the UN principle on sustainable development “Leave no one behind”.

In the Interagency Ranking of Sustainable Development Goals published by the UN (SDR) in 2023, Uzbekistan took 69th place among 166 countries, increasing its ranking by 8 points.

The Voluntary National Reviews prepared in 2020 and 2023 on the implementation of the national Goals and objectives of sustainable development of Uzbekistan until 2023 were positively assessed by the UN.

Uzbekistan has achieved significant results on all Sustainable Development Goals, which were balanced and interconnected with the implementation of the “Strategy of Action for Five Priority Areas of Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017 - 2021”

An analysis of the current state of protected natural areas in Uzbekistan and current trends in this area shows that in recent years the number and area of protected natural areas in the country have been increasing. Reforms are being carried out in the forestry sector, as a result of which the amount of forest land in the country has noticeably increased.

In this context, the initiative of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev “Yashil makon” (“Green space”) has become a truly national project. The forest area in relation to the total land area of Uzbekistan has increased over 7 years from 8.3% to 8.7%. The share of protected areas increased 2.0 times.

Uzbekistan actively participates in international mechanisms for environmental protection and human development. Various initiatives are being implemented to preserve biodiversity, restore ecosystems in the Aral Sea region, protect the ozone layer and mitigate the effects of climate change, and waste management. There are also policies and programs aimed at ensuring people's access to healthy food and clean water. Uzbekistan cooperates with the European Union, its institutional bodies for environmental protection and sustainable development, as well as with individual states such as Germany, Finland, Turkey, and South Korea.

The country is a party to 14 international conventions, as well as more than 20 protocols, agreements and memoranda of understanding in the field of environmental protection and sustainable development.

Uzbekistan regularly takes an active part in the annual meetings of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. During the 27th meeting, held in 2022, the Uzbek delegation advocated consolidating efforts to achieve carbon neutrality, promoting renewable energy sources, climate change adaptation projects, combating desertification and land degradation, introducing water-saving technologies and other climate actions in Central Asia.

Another significant aspect was that the UN supported the initiative of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev to hold the first International Climate Forum in Samarkand in 2024, dedicated to climate change issues, which provides for a discussion of opportunities for international cooperation to reduce risks and threats in the Central Asian region and issues of attracting climate finance . During the 78th session of the UN General Assembly in September of this year. In New York, the President of Uzbekistan took the initiative to adopt the UN General Assembly resolution «Central Asia in the face of global climate threats: solidarity for common prosperity» and proposed discussing its main provisions at the Samarkand Forum.

Cooperation with the countries of Central Asia is critically important to address the many environmental challenges facing the region. Cooperation in this area contributes not only to improving the environmental situation, but also to strengthening regional stability and sustainable development.

Another significant aspect was that the UN supported the initiative of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev to hold the first International Climate Forum in Samarkand in 2024, dedicated to climate change issues, which provides for a discussion of opportunities for international cooperation to reduce risks and threats in the Central Asian region and issues of attracting climate finance . During the 78th session of the UN General Assembly in September of this year. In New York, the President of Uzbekistan took the initiative to adopt the UN General Assembly resolution “Central Asia in the face of global climate threats: solidarity for common prosperity” and proposed discussing its main provisions at the Samarkand Forum.

One of the most significant areas of cooperation between Uzbekistan and neighboring countries is water resources management. The transboundary rivers Amudarya and Syrdarya are vital for all countries in the region. Uzbekistan actively participates in international forums and initiatives aimed at the rational use of water resources and conflict prevention. Joint projects with Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan include modernizing irrigation systems, introducing water-saving technologies and improving water basin management.

The problem of the drying up of the Aral Sea is one of the most acute environmental disasters in the region. The Aral Sea region is of international importance. In the second half of the 20th century, the state of the Aral Sea entered a phase of instability. This period, caused by anthropogenic impact, is characterized by a decrease in the volume and flow of water, an increase in salinity, a decrease in fish biodiversity and other negative processes. The shrinking Aral Sea has a significant impact on the ecosystems of all neighboring countries, its critical situation extends directly to Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, in particular to the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Khorezm, Bukhara and Navoi regions, and indirectly to Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan.

Restoring the Aral Sea requires joint efforts of all coastal states. Uzbekistan actively cooperates with Kazakhstan within the framework of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (IFAS), implementing projects on reforestation, improving water supply and combating dust storms. These measures not only help improve the environmental situation, but also help mitigate the socio-economic consequences of an environmental disaster.

Desertification and land degradation are a serious problem for the countries of Central Asia. Uzbekistan is actively participating in regional projects aimed at combating these phenomena. Collaborative efforts include planting shelterbelts, restoring pastures, improving land management and introducing sustainable agricultural practices. Cooperation with Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan allows for the exchange of best practices and technologies, which contributes to the effective fight against desertification.

Positive trends include the adoption of measures to increase the area of green space, a reduction in areas allocated for cotton and an increase in areas for growing vegetables, grains, fruits and fodder crops, as well as an increase in government support for the introduction of water-saving irrigation technologies.

Cooperation in the field of environmental education and knowledge exchange plays an important role in solving environmental problems in the region. Uzbekistan, together with neighboring countries, is implementing programs to increase environmental awareness of the population, train specialists and conduct joint research. This includes organizing conferences, seminars, training programs and exchanges of students and scientists. Such interaction contributes to the formation of a sustainable environmental culture and the training of qualified personnel to solve environmental problems.

Cooperation between Uzbekistan and the countries of Central Asia in the field of environmental protection is a key element of the regional sustainable development policy. Joint efforts to manage water resources, restore the Aral Sea, develop renewable energy sources, combat desertification and environmental education contribute not only to improving the environmental situation, but also to strengthening regional stability and prosperity. Uzbekistan continues to actively participate in international and regional initiatives aimed at solving common environmental problems, demonstrating its commitment to the principles of sustainable development and international cooperation.

In general, environmental protection in Uzbekistan is an integral part of the country’s sustainable development strategy. The measures taken to develop a green economy, combat climate change, protect water resources and promote sustainable agriculture not only improve the environmental situation in the country, but also make a significant contribution to solving global environmental problems. Uzbekistan demonstrates that an integrated and strategic approach to environmental protection can lead to a sustainable future, both nationally and globally.

New reforms in the judicial and legal system of Uzbekistan are aimed at practical results

The main goal of state policy in the penal sphere in Uzbekistan is aimed at liberalizing punishment and the system of its execution. Based on this, a number of strategic objectives have been identified. In particular:

Firstly, crime, improvement and liberalization of criminal and criminal-procedural legislation, decriminalization of specific criminal acts, humanization of criminal punishments and the procedure for their execution were determined as one of the priority directions for improving the state and society building system in the Action Strategy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021.

Secondly, the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the Concept of improvement of criminal and criminal-procedural legislation” was adopted on May 14, 2018. It was aimed at improving the criminal responsibility and punishment system, in particular, eliminating forms and types of punishments that do not meet to modern requirements, and preventing crimes. The task of introducing types of punishment and other legal measures, simplifying punishment or expanding the norms regulating the conditions of criminal responsibility or exemption of person from liability was established.

Thirdly, the implementation of qualitatively new mechanisms for ensuring the unconditional observance of the rights of prisoners, respect for their honor and dignity, priority tasks such as further expansion of the scope of rights of convicts in accordance with generally recognized international standards were determined in the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated on November 7, 2018 “On measures to radically improve the criminal and executive legislation”.

Fourthly, the necessity to ensure labor, social security and other internationally recognized rights of convicts, people who have served their sentences, to introduce effective mechanisms to help their social adaptation and reintegration into society, and widely introducing the principle of humanitarianism into the penal system was noted as the essential and necessary condition for the development of the law priority principles in the Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan in 2022-2026;

Fifthly, the task of reducing the practice of imprisonment from 30% to 20% was strengthened as the main criterion for reforms in the judicial system in the strategy “Uzbekistan – 2030”.

Sixthly, new version of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan was adopted pursuant to the Referendum on April 30, 2023, in which human rights and freedoms are guaranteed based on the universally recognized norms of international law, as well as the prohibition of the death penalty.

Meanwhile, 3 laws, 2 decrees and 7 resolutions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, more than 20 resolution and decrees of the government, more than 15 departmental and interdepartmental regulatory legal documents aimed at further improving the system of execution of punishment for the implementation of these strategic goals were accepted.

As a result, the range of rights and legal interests of the prisoners were expanded and brought into line with international standards.

It is worth noting that at the initiative of the President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, the work on ensuring the rights and freedoms of prisoners serving sentences in penitentiary institutions has reached a completely new level.

In particular, based on the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated on April 2, 2021, “On additional organizational measures to further improve the activities of internal affairs bodies in the field of ensuring public safety and fighting crime”, the followings were determined:

to increase the effectiveness of educational work on the moral correction in order to prevent re-offending, to improve the system of execution of punishment, to ensure the protection of the rights, freedoms and legal interests of prisoners;

to ensure the priority importance of honor and dignity of prisoners, to introduce transparent and more effective legal mechanisms of moral education and labor training for social adaptation of convicts to society in the future;

to radically improve the criminal-executive legislation, taking into account modern international standards and advanced foreign experience;

to ensure strict discipline and legality in penitentiary institutions and investigative detention centers, to prevent corruption, and fully automate the processes of monitoring the condition of prisoners;

to create opportunity to purchase items in the prescribed manner by prisoners in penitentiary institutions, and their relatives as well, through electronic stores based on free market mechanisms;

to maintain the electronic database of information about the behavior and personality of each prisoner and fully digitize the process of distribution of prisoners in order to correctly determine the tactics of re-educating prisoners and prevent them from committing crime.

A number of practical results have been achieved as a result of the comprehensive reforms implemented in the field of criminal punishment.


Firstly, the restrictions on the visits of juvenile prisoners with their parents were removed, and female prisoners were given the right to visit their children in orphanages on unlimited basis.

Secondly, special attention was paid to the education and vocational training of prisoners, and the activity of "Master-Apprentice" schools was launched in penitentiary institutions.

In fact, there are 6 general educational schools and 4 vocational centers operating in the penitentiary institutions at present. More than 2,000 convicts are trained in such schools, and more than 5,000 in the vocational centers are trained in tailoring, carpentry, furniture making, auto electrician, electrician, locksmith and other professions, and they are given certificates in 16 specialties in total.

Thirdly, according to the law “On Education"” the right to distance education was given to prisoners in penitentiary institutions.

Henceforth, the dream of the prisoners who want to get higher education was fulfilled. 25 prisoners were admitted to the prestigious national higher educational institutions, as well as branches of international higher education institutions in our country in 2021-2023.

Fourthly, special attention was paid to the social welfare of prisoners, and the right to pension was guaranteed (as of January 1, 2024, pensions were granted to 676 prisoners) and it was determined that social insurance would not be deducted from wages. The number of phone calls, visits and meetings of the prisoners has almost doubled.

Fifthly, in the direction of expanding the political rights of prisoners, the requirements of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, as well as the positive experiences of France, Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Turkey, are implemented into national legislation, and the right to vote was given for the first time for prisoners who are serving sentences for crimes of low social risk and less serious crimes.

On this basis, 3,619 prisoners in the 2019 Parliamentary elections, 8,203 prisoners in the 2021 Presidential elections, and 9,738 prisoners in the 2023 referendum exercised their political right to vote.

Sixthly, the procedure for the visit of the Representative of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Human Rights (Ombudsman), diplomatic corps, representatives of international, republican and local non-governmental non-profit organizations, foreign and local mass media to prisons was established.

Seventhly, With the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan in 2022-2026”, a system of providing “initial socio-material support package” was introduced to help citizens who have served their sentences to find their place in society in the future.

Eighthly, in order to allow and support the convicts who realized the mistake of their actions, sincerely repented and resolutely chose to the path of recovery, the mechanism of “pardon” was established by the head of our state which is considered clear example of forgiveness and nobility of our nation.

In particular, in 2017-2024, a total of 7128 convicts were pardoned by the relevant decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 219 of them were foreign citizens and 377 were women.

Ninthly, according to the relevant decree of the government, certain information in prisons that cannot be disclosed until now, including:

the number of persons detained in penitentiary institutions and investigative detention centers;

the number of penitentiary institutions and investigative detention centers and their locations;

the production activities of penitentiary institutions, the goods produced by them according to the nomenclature and expressed in money;

the number of deaths among persons detained in penitentiary institutions and pretrial detention centers;

information on the number of prisoners kept in penitentiary institutions and subjected to coercive medical measures was disclosed.

Admittedly, in addition to the norms of international law, the United States, the countries of the European Union, Russian Federation, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Kyrgyz Republic and a number of positive experiences of other countries were taken into account in the improvement of criminal law and the mechanisms of its practical implementation, as well as in the expansion of the basic rights and freedoms of prisoners.

In addition, the provisions of the international legal norms related to the system of execution of punishment were introduced into the criminal law. In particular, the “Minimum standard rules for dealing with prisoners” (Nelson Mandela Rules), adopted by the resolution of the United Nations General Assembly on December 17, 2015, was applied to the criminal law of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Hence, respect for the dignity of prisoners was guaranteed, mechanisms aimed at preventing the use of torture and cruel treatment were improved. Furthermore:

the right of prisoners to receive psychological assistance was enabled;

prisoners in need of medical care were allowed to be placed in regional institutions of the Ministry of Health;

prisoners suffering from a serious illness were given the opportunity to talk over the phone and meet their close relatives based on the doctor’s permission.

At the same time, the application of disciplinary punishment was completely canceled for the disorder in case of his mental state was disturbed.

Based on the abovementioned facts, as well as on the basis of the norms of international law and the positive experiences of foreign countries, it is expedient to implement the following proposals and recommendations in the practice of law enforcement in order to improve the criminal law of the Republic of Uzbekistan:

Further expansion of the basic rights of prisoners, in particular, the use of computer tools connected to the Internet (educational, artistic, electronic books, publications, educational materials, graphic designs) connected to the global information network in specially equipped rooms, the introduction of a simplified procedure for the use of electronic state services, including notary services;

education of convicts, acquisition of profession and wide involvement of them in useful work;

raising the legal consciousness and culture, ideological views of prisoners, defining systematic measures aimed at forming immunity of intolerance to violations to them;

determining the acceptable directions of exemption from punishment in legislation;

implementation of modern forms of social adaptation and resocialization of prisoners based on the analysis of international law norms and best practices of foreign countries.

At the same time, further liberalizing crimes and criminal law, especially by expanding non-custodial sentences for juveniles, women, the elderly, and prisoners with disabilities, is the best way to improve the most effective national crime-fighting system today.

In short, improving the law enforcement practice and legislation in the judicial executive system, and consistently continuing the ongoing reforms are aimed at building democratic legal state and fair civil society in our country, strengthening the guarantees of human rights protection, and ensuring the rule of law in society.


Khatamov Rustam

Head of the Academy of the Ministry of internal affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Doctor of philosophy in law sciences (PhD), Associate professor, Colonel

Uzbekistan: civil society institutions — a bridge between society and state

Today, civil society institutions, particularly non-governmental non-profit organizations (NGOs), play an active role in Uzbekistan's development and the implementation of the “Uzbekistan – 2030” strategy. It is impossible to build a new Uzbekistan without organizing the activities of NGOs, the most important institution of civil society, according to democratic principles. On this basis, effective work is being done to support NGOs and civil society institutions, strengthen social partnerships with state bodies, implement effective public oversight, and improve the legal framework governing this area.

As a result of the measures implemented, the legal and regulatory framework has been improved to provide legal guarantees for NGOs while also meeting modern democratic requirements and international standards. The laws "On non-governmental non-profit organizations," "On guarantees for the activities of non-governmental non-profit organizations," and "On public oversight," as well as the Presidential Decree "On approval of the civil society development concept for the period 2021-2025" and a number of Governmental decrees, have all been adopted.

The civil society development concept for the period 2021-2025 aims to increase state support for civil society institutions in the form of subsidies, grants, and social orders by 1.8 times, as well as increase the volume of allocated funds to 70 billion soums by 2025.

A number of goals, objectives, and indicators related to the further development of civil society are set out in conceptually significant documents such as the Strategy for Action, the Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026, and the "Uzbekistan - 2030" Strategy. Upon that basis, it is worth noting that the State programmes adopted annually include provisions for further strengthening the activities of civil society institutions and NGOs.

The chapter titled "Civil society institutions" and the term itself were included for the first time in the new version of the Constitution adopted through a referendum in 2023.

It should be mentioned that the President of Uzbekistan prioritizes civil society institutions and NGOs in his publications, speeches, and reports. Shavkat Mirziyoyev's book titled "Strategy of New Uzbekistan" includes a separate paragraph titled "Free and Open Civil Society" and it includes comments on priority areas for civil society development as well as proposals for implementing a number of tasks based on a thorough examination of relevant national legislation, law enforcement practice, and best foreign experience.

According to the figures, there were only 95 NGOs operating in the country on January 1, 1991; by January 1, 2000, there were 2,585, by January 1, 2016, there were 8,417, and by January 1, 2024, there were over 9,000. These NGOs are critical in protecting individuals' and legal entities' rights and legitimate interests, as well as democratic values and the achievement of social, cultural, and educational objectives. 

It is also important to note the dynamic growth of support and financial sustainability provided by NGOs. In particular, 513.8 billion soums were allocated from the state budget to support 2,074 NGOs and other civil society institutions between 2017 and 2023. If 12.3 billion soums were allocated in 2017, the figure was 226.4 billion in 2023. It is planned to allocate 1.8 trillion soums in 2024.

Furthermore, the scope of state support for civil society institutions has been broadened, and public funds to support civil society institutions have been established through the local Councils (Kengash) of People's Deputies. The legal basis for allocating funds from the local budget to support civil society institutions in the regions has been strengthened, and social projects are funded through these channels.

It should be acknowledged that favourable conditions are one of the most important factors in the effective operation of non-governmental organizations. In 14 regions of our republic, "Houses of non-governmental non-profit organizations" have been established, housing approximately 500 NGOs and providing them with the necessary office equipment, furniture, items, equipment, and other tools. As a result, the NGOs' problems with the building were resolved, and their socially beneficial activities were resumed. In particular, newly established NGOs carrying out their activities in socially significant spheres were accommodated in these buildings under the right of free use.

To regularly improve the knowledge and skills of NGOs' managers based on the best foreign experience, the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan organizes training courses on a special 72-hour training programme. To date, 367 NGO leaders and managers have attended advanced training courses. These advanced training courses are expected to train 134 NGO managers by 2024.

It should be noted that NGOs express proposals and initiatives to improve State programs and legislation in their field, as well as carry out public control measures over the implementation of Regional socioeconomic development programmes and State programmes.


As mentioned above, the 83rd goal of the “Uzbekistan – 2030” strategy prioritizes the expansion of free civil society and media activities, transforming Uzbekistan into a hub for civil society development. It specifically highlights the tasks of increasing the number of projects implemented within the framework of social partnership by at least threefold and increasing the number of NGOs participating in government programs to at least 80.

To summarize, civil society institutions and NGOs are genuine supporters of state bodies and organizations in the process of reforms, sociopolitical and socioeconomic changes, achievement of strategic goals, and serving as a social bridge between society and government.


Anvarjon Mirkomilov,

Head of Department,

Development Strategy Center

How the phrase “Spirit of Central Asiaz” appeared in world political science

New trends in Central Asian politics of Uzbekistan


Uzbekistan's policy in Central Asia has reached a qualitatively higher level. The trend of developing mutually beneficial cooperation between the countries of the region is intensifying with its own characteristics. According to President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, Uzbekistan has given priority to strengthening relations of close friendship and cooperation with neighboring countries, and over the past historically short period - the political position and influence of our country in the Central Asian region and the Middle East. The world has grown dramatically. The spirit of trust in New Uzbekistan and the principles of striving for cooperation with our country have increased in the world.

Central Asia is a region with important and unique resources, economic and communication potential. In the 90s of the 20th century, the countries of the region embarked on their own independent path of development and joined the ranks of developing countries, promoting humanism, social justice, and security. in the region there is international harmony, peace and well-established foreign policy activities and international cooperation, based on the principles of international law, such as the creation of an atmosphere of peace, and consistently developing them.

In the direction of the foreign policy of New Uzbekistan, in establishing practical cooperation in the countries of Central Asia, the fifth priority direction of the “Uzbekistan-2030” strategy has been identified - the consistent continuation of a policy based on the principle of “A Safe and Peaceful State”. the region to a new level of quality, good neighborliness and strategic partnership with all neighboring countries, pays special attention to the rapid development of relations, regular and effective conduct of bilateral and multilateral negotiations in political, economic, cultural and humanitarian areas.

The measures taken by the government of the Republic of Uzbekistan to expand mutual cooperation between the countries of the region also play an important role. It should be noted that as a result of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev’s reforms in the field of foreign policy, diplomatic relations of Uzbekistan with the countries of the Central region literally rose to a new level.

The fact that Shavkat Mirziyoyev began his first visit to foreign countries as President of Uzbekistan with a visit to the countries of Central Asia, literally indicating that he has raised the development of regional cooperation to a new level.

On March 6-7, 2017, Shavkat Mirziyoyev made a state visit to Turkmenistan. It should be noted that this was Sh. Mirziyoyev’s first visit to a foreign country as the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. This state visit of the President clearly confirmed that Uzbekistan attaches great importance to good neighborly relations in foreign policy, and was supported by the signing of the Strategic Partnership Agreement between Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan.

The visit of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev to Kazakhstan on March 23, 2017 and the signing of a Joint declaration on deepening the strategic partnership and strengthening the friendly neighborhood between the two countries opened a new era in interstate cooperation. Thanks to the joint efforts of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, in 2017 the volume of bilateral trade reached 2 billion US dollars, and such direct contacts serve as the basis for the effective implementation of bilateral and multilateral cooperation.

Following the state visit of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev to the Kyrgyz Republic, a declaration was signed on strengthening strategic partnership, friendship, good neighborliness and trust.

In 2018, the implementation of the new policy of the President of Uzbekistan to strengthen political trust and mutual solidarity in Central Asia continued consistently. In particular, President Sh. Mirziyoyev visited this country on March 9-10, 2018 at the invitation of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan E. Rahmon. During the visit, the leaders of the two countries signed a Joint Statement on Strengthening Friendship and Good Neighborhood and an Agreement on Certain Sections of the Uzbek-Tajik State Border.

In addition, as a result of the continuation of negotiations of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the delimitation and demarcation of the state border with neighboring countries, the delimitation of the state border lines with Kazakhstan has been completed, 85 percent of the border with Kyrgyzstan has been passed. agreed upon, and 99.9 percent of the border with Tajikistan has been agreed upon.

At the end of 2021, trade turnover between Uzbekistan and Tajikistan amounted to almost 600 million US dollars. The number of joint ventures has increased 10 times. If in 2017 there were 24 enterprises operating in Uzbekistan, then by the end of 2021 240 enterprises with the participation of Tajik capital began operating. There are 61 enterprises operating in Tajikistan based on investments from Uzbekistan.

On June 2-3, 2022, the presidents of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev and the presidents of Tajikistan signed a historic declaration “On strengthening eternal friendship and alliance.” In addition, documents signed at the level of government, ministries and departments are designed to raise multifaceted Uzbek-Tajikistan cooperation to a new level.

Analyzing the platforms and formats of interstate dialogue organized on the initiative of Uzbekistan on regional cooperation, it should be noted that, on the initiative of the head of Uzbekistan, consultative meetings of the leaders of Central Asian countries are regularly held.

Consultative meetings are systematically organized as part of this initiative (March 2018, Kazakhstan; November 2019, Uzbekistan; August 2021, Turkmenistan; July 2022, Kyrgyzstan; 2023, Tajikistan). As positive trends in Uzbekistan’s policy in Central Asia, practical proposals made at these meetings can be noted. In particular, at the fourth consultation meeting held in Kyrgyzstan, he put forward a number of proposals that meet the interests of the region. In particular, the interests of the region today are served by such proposals as the creation of a system of border trade zones with unified and simplified procedures for the delivery of goods to Central Asia and the holding of a Central Asian festival of culture, art and cinema in each country.

Indeed, here it is permissible to note the high assessments expressed by many foreign experts to the initiatives of Uzbekistan. For example, Li Yunxuan, director of the Institute of European and Asian Social Development under the State Council of China, says: “Uzbekistan is an active participant in the processes of strengthening regional and interregional cooperation, in the mechanism of consultative meetings of leaders of Central Asian countries, in ensuring the effectiveness of cooperation on topical issues of ensuring regional stability and development plays an important role.

Indeed, as a result of the growing role of Central Asia in modern international relations, “the spirit of trust in New Uzbekistan and the principles of cooperation with our country have increased in the world.” ... Our countries, which have been common brothers and sisters from time immemorial, began to act in close cooperation on many regional and global issues and socio-economic development.

The phrase “spirit of Central Asia” has appeared in world political science.

On September 14, 2023, President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev spoke at the fourth consultative meeting of leaders of Central Asian countries held in Tajikistan and put forward a number of proposals to strengthen new trends in the Central Asian region. politics of Uzbekistan. Including the development of trade and economic cooperation in the region; development of industrial cooperation; increasing interdependence in transport; ensuring security in the energy sector; ensuring food safety; Combating the threats posed by climate change.

The issue of creating an interstate economic council to expand practical cooperation on the entire range of trade and economic issues in the region also deserves attention. Another platform implemented at the initiative of Uzbekistan is the Central Asian Economic Forum. On March 15, 2019, the first Central Asian Economic Forum was held in Tashkent with the participation of deputy prime ministers of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. Positive results were achieved through discussion at the forum of issues of further development of regional cooperation, studying the possibilities of the transport and communications complex, increasing the volume of mutual trade and the attractiveness of tourism.

At the initiative of Uzbekistan, in order to ensure good neighborliness and interethnic harmony between the peoples of the countries of Central Asia, on November 15, 2019, an international conference was held in Tashkent with the participation of experts and scientists from foreign countries on the topic “Central Asia is our common home,” which serves to bring the countries of the region closer together in cultural and humanitarian sphere.

Uzbekistan's policy in Central Asia is consistent in identifying new trends, ensuring stability and security.

On March 9-10, 2018, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev made a state visit to the Republic of Tajikistan. At the high-level meeting, special attention was paid to strengthening interstate cooperation in the areas of ensuring regional security and stability, promoting the solution of international problems, combating terrorism and extremism and other types of organized transnational crime, which is an important achievement of Uzbekistan. diplomacy in ensuring regional security and stability. According to Tajik expert Kasimsho Iskandarov, relations between Tajikistan and Uzbekistan depend on the political will of state leaders. After Shavkat Mirziyoyev came to power, relations between the two countries changed dramatically. The rapid development of Tajik-Uzbek relations has solved many problems not only between the two countries, but also between all countries in the region. The political environment for developing regional cooperation has improved. 

Also, on the initiative of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, on June 22, 2018, the UN General Assembly for the first time adopted a resolution “Strengthening regional and international cooperation to ensure peace, stability and consistent development in the Central Asian region”.  Our opinion is confirmed by the fact that Uzbekistan has put forward proposals for the formation of a regional system for forecasting emergency situations in the region, their prevention, early warning and joint counteraction.

It is worth noting that there are several factors that contribute to the development of good neighborly relations, such as mutual trade, investments and joint projects.

If we look at the numbers, we can witness that Uzbekistan’s trade turnover with the countries of Central Asia has grown to an unprecedented level. Trade turnover in 2017 amounted to $2.4 billion, and by the end of 2019 it reached $5.2 billion. In two short years the growth was 150 percent. Despite the restrictions caused by the pandemic, the growth in freight volumes observed in Central Asia in 2020 demonstrates the enormous potential for further expansion of international roads and railways and strengthening of transport and logistics infrastructure. In this regard, on August 6, 2021, within the framework of the third consultative meeting of leaders of Central Asian countries, at the Economic Forum of Central Asian Countries, held in the Avaza National Tourist Zone (Turkmenistan), the Uzbek side discussed the development of transport corridors connecting the countries of Central Asia, increasing efficiency use of the transit potential of the countries of the region, and also, it is worth noting that he made a proposal to strengthen cooperation on the harmonization and digitalization of customs clearance procedures. It is worth noting that “in recent years, radical reforms in our country, a consistent and active foreign policy, especially strengthening the environment of close neighbors in the Central Asian region, have increased the international prestige of our country”.

If we evaluate the new trends in the Central Asian policy of Uzbekistan, we can see that their impact on regional interaction and international relations is acquiring positive significance.

It should be noted that on December 19, 2019, at the plenary meeting of the UN General Assembly, a special resolution “Sustainable tourism and sustainable development in Central Asia” was adopted, proposed by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

In short, the special significance of the approaches in the regional policy of Uzbekistan lies in the fact that they serve to strengthen the belt of security, stability and cooperation throughout the region. In the context of increasing threats to regional and global security, the socio-economic well-being of countries, Uzbekistan is of great importance in determining new trends in the politics of Central Asia and the prospects for jointly combating modern dangers and threats.


Mirzayev Gulom,

Doctor of philosophy in historical sciences (PhD), associate professor at the University of Public Safety of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Festive greetings to the youth of Uzbekistan
Dear young men and women!

Sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, I congratulate you on this wonderful holiday celebrated in our country - Youth Day.

We rely on all our people, including you - courageous and purposeful young men and women - to achieve the lofty goals of building a new Uzbekistan. Therefore, ensuring the rights and interests of young people, raising the younger generation as harmoniously developed individuals is in the center of our attention as one of the priority directions of the state policy.

In recent years, our country has created a unique vertical management system in work with young people. It makes it possible to solve many issues of youth related to training, employment, meaningful leisure and social support through youth leaders - representatives of the President in the mahallas - at the lower level.

Our young men and women are experiencing in their lives the real results of the large-scale work carried out on the basis of the "Youth Notebook" and the "Youth Balance" platform.

Thanks to the introduction of a new system that promotes the increase of youth income through allocation of land plots, this year alone, based on the recommendations of the "Makhalla Seven" 156 thousand young men and girls were given 60 thousand hectares of land on lease for a period of 30 years, which was an important step in this direction.

All of us, undoubtedly, are happy that young people effectively use the created opportunities and achieve great success in different spheres. At the prestigious international Olympiads in mathematics, chemistry, biology, physics and informatics in the past academic year alone, 55 of our schoolchildren won 8 gold, 15 silver, 32 bronze medals, 383 were awarded the Grand Prix and 1,359 were awarded 1st place in prestigious international competitions in the field of culture and art.

We experienced great joy and pride when at the recent Asian Football Cup in Qatar, Uzbekistan's Olympic team won a ticket to the Olympics for the first time in the country's history.

Such are our talented, educated and courageous young people! These young men and women are worthy representatives of the New Uzbekistan, our priceless wealth and golden fund.

My dear young friends!

The colossal work carried out in Uzbekistan in the field of youth policy is now being recognized in the global arena. Thus, last year, according to the Youth Development Index, Uzbekistan was recognized as one of the fastest developing countries in the field of youth policy. Also, Uzbekistan was included by the UN among 10 countries of the world on the exemplary realization of the "Youth Strategy - 2030". In 2022 the city of Bukhara was declared the Youth Capital of the Turkic World, and in 2024 our city of Tashkent became the first youth capital of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

It will be right to say that the World Youth Festival, which is taking place in our country for the first time these days, is another vivid confirmation of Uzbekistan's high recognition. More than 700 young men and women from 92 countries, heads and officials of more than 20 authoritative international organizations, ministries and departments of foreign countries are taking part in this forum. Most importantly, our youth are gaining more and more friends and partners around the world, their opportunities in gaining knowledge and professions, participating in global dialog and cooperation are expanding.

Dear young men and women!

A nation and state in which children are talented, educated, confident in their abilities and potential, eager to learn new things, will undoubtedly have a wonderful future. We will mobilize all our capabilities to nurture such youth of Uzbekistan.

Always remember, if you cherish your every moment, live with creativity and creation, love your Motherland without limits, you will surely reach high milestones.

I once again congratulate you all on today's holiday, wish you health, happiness and success on the way to your goals.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev,
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

UN Secretary-General to visit Uzbekistan
At the invitation of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres will pay an official visit to our country from June 30 to July 1.

The program of the high-ranking guest's stay in Tashkent envisages talks at the highest level.

The agenda includes issues of further expansion and strengthening of Uzbekistan's multifaceted cooperation with the UN and its institutions, as well as topical aspects of global policy and regional interaction. Special attention will be paid to supporting measures to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in our country.

During the visit, the UN Secretary-General will also visit a number of industrial and social sites, hold bilateral meetings and events.

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Press and media workers
Dear friends!

Sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, I congratulate you, devoted representatives of national journalism, who devote their talent, skill and selfless labor to serving the people, respected veterans who have made a worthy contribution to the development of the sphere, on June 27, the Day of Press and Mass Media Workers, and express to you my deepest respect and kindest wishes.
As you know, liberalization of the information sphere and its development are priority tasks in the construction of the New Uzbekistan. Therefore, the new version of the adopted Constitution of the country enshrines the norms and principles of ensuring freedom of mass media activities, and the legal framework of the sphere is being improved.
It should be emphasized that in recent years the country has been opening up broad opportunities for freedom of speech and pluralism of opinion, which have contributed to further strengthening the participation, role and place of media representatives in socio-political processes.
We all know well and highly appreciate the growing influence of journalists in promoting openness and transparency in society, public control over the activities of state bodies and their officials, and the study and resolution of legitimate appeals from citizens.
We should note a significant increase in the number of topical reports on various topics in newspapers, magazines, television and radio channels, social networks, thematic programs, analytical commentaries, discussions on problematic issues with the participation of specialists and experts.
Critical and analytical materials, in particular, about shortcomings in the field of construction, ecology and environmental protection, road safety, as well as in social and economic spheres help to "wake up" some "dormant" managers and local officials, to make them work in a new way, to live the concerns of people.
In a word, our indifferent and noble journalists and active bloggers with their firm position and impartial word make a worthy contribution to solving acute problems of life, increasing the effectiveness of reforms, expanding the views and worldview of their compatriots.
All this undoubtedly testifies to the fact that our national media are already close to the level of the "fourth estate". Still, it will not be easy to achieve such a lofty goal; there are, of course, many obstacles and difficulties along the way.
However, no matter how difficult it may be, we will resolutely continue our work in this direction.

Dear friends!

Today, printing and journalism are becoming not only the "fourth estate", but also a key area comparable in importance to defense and security.
Therefore, the sphere needs more and more people like you, brave, sincere lovers of the Motherland, devoted to the profession, selfless people.
In this regard, our primary task remains the training of modern journalistic personnel with multifaceted professional knowledge and skills, high moral and intellectual qualities.
At the same time, we all realize that today more than ever it is important to fill the information space with high-quality and competitive national content.
I believe it is extremely important to cover the events taking place in the world taking into account our national interests, promptly and on the basis of deep analysis.
At the same time, the increase in the dissemination of false and unfounded information that misleads people poses an urgent task for us to improve the media literacy of the population. All controversial issues and problems arising in the information space should be resolved exclusively within the framework of the law, on the basis of legal norms.
I am sure that you, dear representatives of the media, will take an active part in solving such tasks.
Ensuring the legitimate interests of all employees of the sphere, stimulating their selfless labor will undoubtedly continue to be in the center of our attention.
On this significant day I once again congratulate you on your professional holiday, wish you all health, success in your honorable activity, peace and prosperity to your families.
Taking this opportunity, I cordially congratulate the media workers who have been honored with high state awards on today's holiday.
May the joy of inspiration and creative search always accompany you, my dear ones!

Shavkat Mirziyoyev,
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan has once again reaffirmed its commitment to building a society free of corruption, where integrity, transparency and accountability are the cornerstones of public administration

The Resolution signed by the President of Uzbekistan “On measures to introduce a system of continuous improvement of knowledge of the population and civil servants in the fight against corruption” caused an interested discussion in the international expert community.

Alexander Klishin, adviser at the UN Office of Rule of Law and Security Institutions:

– This initiative marks a significant step in the fight against corruption not only for Uzbekistan, but also on the international arena. The Virtual Anti-Corruption Academy is a leading initiative of the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, aimed at introducing a system of continuous improvement of knowledge among the population and civil servants in the fight against corruption.

The initiative is perfectly aligned with global efforts to promote integrity, transparency and accountability across all sectors of the economy. Uzbekistan has once again reaffirmed its commitment to building a society free of corruption, where integrity, transparency and accountability are the cornerstones of public administration. The Anti-Corruption Virtual Academy fully embodies these values and serves as a commendable example for other countries.


Anas Fayyad Qarman, UNDP Resident Representative a.i. in Uzbekistan:

– We are pleased to know the adoption of the Resolution of the President of Uzbekistan regarding the Virtual Anti-Corruption Academy. We view this measure as an important step towards further strengthening the anti-corruption ecosystem.

We have been cooperating with the Anti-Corruption Agency in various areas a long while, including the development of a compliance control system in government agencies and organizations. We are also jointly developing various digital solutions to combat corruption in the public sector. In my opinion, a distinctive feature of a new Academy is its availability to both civil servants and ordinary citizens.


Antti Karttunen, Head of OSCE Project Coordinator in Uzbekistan:

– The initiative of the President of Uzbekistan to create a Virtual Anti-Corruption Academy is a time requirement and will help find answers to many questions related to this area.

Like the Law ‘On Conflict of Interest’ recently signed by the President, it is another important step in the fight against corruption in Uzbekistan.

We look forward to continuing to support the improvement of legislation in the field of combating corruption, as well as to improve the qualification of employees of government bodies and organizations through the Virtual Academy and support all other efforts of Uzbekistan in this area.

Tuija Brax, Director of the Rule of Law Center, former Minister of Justice (Finland):

– It is my great honor to express a few words about the new Virtual Anti-Corruption Academy in Uzbekistan. We have been cooperating with the Anti-Corruption Agency of Uzbekistan for several years now, and I was greatly impressed by the initiatives of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev to combat corruption in the country, measures to improve legislation in this area and efforts to raise public awareness. The new Virtual Academy is a unique opportunity to raise awareness, develop special courses for different target groups, and also attract young people to study this field, since ultimately it is about the future of Uzbekistan.

Quentin Reed, Professor of Oxford University, INGO Regional Dialogue’s Anti-Corruption Specialist (United Kingdom):

– I am happy to hear about the President signing the Resolution, which provides for the establishment of the Virtual Anti-Corruption Academy. International NGO Regional Dialogue and the Anti-Corruption Agency have been cooperating for several years in developing preventive anti-corruption measures in Uzbekistan. We express our readiness to provide full-fledged support in the development of educational modules and programs within the Virtual Academy, as awareness-raising, education and training are key tools in the prevention of corruption. Appropriate anti-corruption system cannot be established without them. This is particularly important for public servants, especially those in vulnerable situations, but I would also pay particular attention to citizens.

Nuripa Mukanova, Secretary General, the Anti-Corruption Business Council under the President of Kyrgyzstan:

– My congratulations to the people of Uzbekistan and the Anti-Corruption Agency on the establishment of the Virtual Anti-Corruption Academy. The opening of this Academy is important for both Uzbekistan and the countries of Central Asia. This is a very important anti-corruption measure and platform for increasing the capacity of all those directly involved in anti-corruption issues, as well as those who want to increase their capacity, knowledge and skills in the field of combating and preventing corruption. This platform will also allow young people who study and then enter public service to improve their anti-corruption skills.


Dunyo IA

Uzbekistan: a focus on promoting reading

Libraries play a key role in education, culture, and community development, providing an invaluable resource for accessing knowledge, preserving cultural heritage, and promoting intellectual growth. In the modern information society, they remain an important institution that promotes the education and self-development of people of all ages.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev emphasised during the opening ceremony of the People's Library under the President of the Republic of Turkey in Ankara: “Intellectual potential, high morale is what makes a nation strong. The source of this invincible power is books and libraries – the great invention of mankind”.  

At the present stage, education has become one of the most important areas of state policy. The government of the Republic of Uzbekistan pays special attention to the development of this sphere, recognizing its key role in the prosperity of the country. In recent years, the republic has achieved significant success in the educational domain. These achievements are aimed at modernizing the system, improving the quality of education and training, and expanding access to education for all citizens of the country.

At the same time, special attention is paid to the promotion of reading and the fostering of the reading culture of the population. And in the Presidential Decree adopted on September 13, 2017, “On the program of comprehensive measures to develop the system of publishing and distributing book products, improving the culture of reading”, clear goals are outlined for the creation of an effective system of information and library services to the population, which served to move this area to a new stage of development and contributed to raising the level of social and information culture and the role of libraries, made it possible to develop and implement modern innovative and educational technologies that increase the competitiveness of Uzbekistan in the world market.

In addition, the Presidential Decree “On further improvement of information and library services for the population of the Republic of Uzbekistan” was adopted on June 7, 2019. The main goals of the decree are:

  • improving the regulatory framework in order to ensure high-quality social guarantees to the population for information and library services;
  • development of information and library institutions taking into account modern requirements;
  • promoting the sustainable development of information and library services the for population in the regions;
  • strengthening the material and technical base of information and library institutions;
  • development of public-private partnerships in the library sector, a network of private and electronic libraries;
  • expanding cooperation with Internet resources that specialize in distributing electronic books to improve the efficiency of libraries and the efficiency of servicing (including paid) users;
  • ensuring the safety of information and library institutions and the safety of information and library collections as part of the national and world cultural heritage;
  • formation and enhancement of the information culture of society, sustainable interest in national history and culture, enhancement and promotion of a reading culture;
  • staffing information and library institutions with qualified specialists.

The adoption of this decree expands the range of services in the country, including access to electronic resources and holding cultural and educational events, as well as improving staff qualifications and introducing modern methods of user service. In addition, these changes not only contribute to the development of the information society and economic growth by attracting investment in education and culture, but also promote the formation of a literate and informed society, which is an important step in the development of the country.

The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers dated December 14, 2020 approved the National Program for the Development and Support of a Reading Culture for 2020-2025, which includes the publication of quality books that meet the spiritual, educational, artistic and aesthetic needs of the population; supporting the activities of publishers and artists, publishing children's literature; translation of the best examples of national and world literature; simplification of the organization of book sales; improving the delivery system for newly published books and distribution of information sources; expansion of international cooperation in the field of online ordering of foreign work, their delivery and distribution.

In turn, it should be noted that within the framework of the “Uzbekistan - 2030” Strategy, special attention is paid to the popularization of masterpieces of Uzbek and world literature. The country's leadership strives to instil in citizens a love of reading and ensure access to libraries and information services for everyone.

The Strategy “Uzbekistan - 2030” puts forward such main goals as increasing the number of young book lovers to five million, the annual creation of 100 works of art and 50 books for children and adolescents, the publication of the multi-volume book “Uzbek adabiyoti khazinasidan” (“From the Treasury of Uzbek Literature”), the 100-volume book “Jakhon Bolalar Adabiyoti Durdonalari” (“Pearls of World Children’s Literature”) in Uzbek, as well as the digitalization of a book fund of almost 40 million books.

On November 28, 2023, there was signed the Presidential Decree “On measures to implement the project “A Thousand Books for Youth”, aimed at creating a system for translating books popular in the world into Uzbek, that contribute to increasing the intellectual and scientific potential of the younger generation.

At the same time, within the framework of the “Olympiad of Five Initiatives”, the following 5 projects in the field of reading and intellectual games are annually implemented: “Young Reading Family”, “Poetry Competition”, “Young Reader”, the intellectual game “Zakovat” and the project “Example of Foreign Languages”. These projects increase the interest of young people in reading books and help expand logical thinking and knowledge through intellectual games.

The “Young Reader” and “Young Reading Family” competitions are important events held to promote reading, the spiritual enrichment of youth, and increase their intellectual potential. This competition serves to increase interest in books among young people and expand their knowledge and horizons.

Also, within the framework of the project “A Thousand Books for Youth”, the Agency for Youth Affairs will have to work on acquiring rights to use works from authors, translating them into Uzbek, and preparing for printing and publishing books on the basis of a state order and at the expense of the State budget (with the exception of books, published for state higher educational institutions).

Two stages have been established for translation into Uzbek and the publication of popular books in the world. First: a preliminary list of books is formed annually by the Expert Council. Second: the preliminary list is posted in the information systems of the Agency for Youth Affairs for selection by the population by voting, and thus the final list is formed.

The list of books published annually must include at least 20 percent of popular science works. The rights to the works prepared for publication will belong to the Agency for Youth Affairs, which will provide them free of charge to publishing houses.

It is also planned to create and ensure the continuous operation of a special mobile application that accumulates literature in the Uzbek language and provides the population with free access to a wide range of information. On the recommendation of the Expert Council, the works will be distributed to information and library institutions (including libraries of public and administration authorities), and electronic versions will be donated free of charge to the Alisher Navoi National Library of Uzbekistan and the relevant institutions of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan for wide use by readers.

The necessary spiritual, legal, material, and technical basis has been created in the Republic to develop children's literature and improve the quality of textbooks and teaching aids. The country's publishing houses have increased the publication of works by authors of world and Uzbek children's literature. In accordance with a number of documents adopted to promote book reading, systematic measures are being taken in all regions to popularise literature among children and adolescents. Over the past four years, a number of presidential decrees and government resolutions have been adopted to guide the country's publishing, printing, and bibliographical information institutions.

Thus, bibliographical information services play a critical role in ensuring public well-being by providing citizens with easy access to information, knowledge, and culture. In addition, the development of digital services, collaboration with communities, and the use of new technologies strengthen the role of libraries as centres of learning, information, and communication. This helps to enhance the capabilities of people and stimulates their desire for education. The development of the potential of information and library services contributes to lifelong learning, self-improvement, cultural and spiritual enrichment of the population. This is of crucial importance for modern society.

Ramzidin Nuridinov

Expert of the Development Strategy Center.

Uzbekistan: the fight against corruption is a continuous process

Uzbekistan has been undergoing a transformational journey since it changed political leadership in 2016. The nation is implementing extensive reforms aimed at spanning anti-corruption measures, business climate enhancements, judicial reforms, improving labour conditions, administrative efficiency, protection of human rights, and good governance.

Central to these reforms is a comprehensive anti-corruption agenda bolstered by strong laws and strategic plans. Reforms have targeted diverse sectors, with a focus on improving public administration, ensuring quality public services and information access, and overhauling the judiciary. Over the recent years Uzbekistan has made significant efforts to help its people feel confident that leaders in the national public and private sectors operate in a transparent and ethical way.

As we know, international standards in this area focus on the following elements, which are intended to increase effectiveness of prevention and combating corruption:

  • Imposing additional restrictions for civil servants;
  • Increasing transparency in the private sector, e.g. identifying beneficial owners;
  • Strengthening the role of financial intelligence units in combating corruption;
  • Strengthening corporate and individual liability for corruption offences;
  • Supporting collective action initiatives.

In line with the abovementioned standards, since the adoption of the law on anti-corruption in 2017, Uzbekistan has doubled its efforts to prevent corruption in the public sector and has widened international cooperation to achieve this end. Since coming to power in 2016, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev has taken steps to liberalise the Uzbek economy and denounce corruption.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev has begun liberalising the economy, which has started to attract significant investments from China and the EU and contributed to Uzbekistan’s strong economic growth. In particular, Presidential Decree of 2017 took steps to tackle the shadow economy by permitting the free purchase and sale of currency and the use of international mechanisms to set currency conversion rates. This decree eradicated the decades old “black market” where the difference between actual and official conversion rates was around 50%.

In 2020, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev established a new Anti-Corruption Agency via President Decree No.6013 and launched a mandatory online public procurement platform. The Anti-Corruption Agency is tasked with studying researching corruption, engaging with civil society, and enhancing transparency.

The number of arrests and prosecutions of public officials for corruption has increased. According to Prosecutor General’s Office, for example in 2022, there were a total of 3,116 convictions of public officials, of which 110 officials were from the national agencies, 264 from provincial agencies and 2,742 from city and district state bodies. The majority of these cases related to embezzlement (2,103), abuse of position (265), fraud (243) and bribery (169).

The fight against corruption has become a priority area of state policy in Uzbekistan. This can be seen in the conceptual regulatory acts adopted in recent years in this area, on the example of administrative reforms aimed at preventing corruption. The country has established an effective mechanism of countering corruption, including efficient normative-legal base and institutional foundations. More than 70 regulatory acts aimed at combating corruption in all sectors of state and public construction have served as a solid basis for the implementation of these reforms.

The Law on Combating Corruption, adopted in 2017 soon after Mirziyoyev came to power, is the main legal basis for countering corruption in Uzbekistan. The law requires state employees to inform their supervisors about corruption offences they may be directly or indirectly involved in and is meant to ensure protection for whistleblowers. Further, the law grants media outlets the right to request information on corruption offences from state agencies. It also envisages the mandatory examination of regulations being drafted by ministries and other state agencies to ensure they do not create new opportunities for corruption.

Information on state procurement is posted on the website The open data portal (, the registered database of legal entities and commercial entities ( and other platforms play an important role today in ensuring the principles of openness and transparency and public control, which are the most effective tools for combating and preventing corruption. Licensing and permitting procedures have also been radically improved to completely improve the business and investment climate, remove unnecessary bureaucratic barriers and outdated regulations.

According to the National Database of Legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, other important legislative acts in the area of anti-corruption include:

  • the Constitution (last amended in May 2023)
  • the Criminal Code
  • the Law on public civil service
  • the Law on public procurement
  • the Law on public-private partnerships
  • the Law on distributing legal aid information and ensuring access to it
  • the Law on the openness of state authorities and administration
  • the Law on e-government
  • the Law on public control
  • the Law on countering legalisation of income derived from criminal activities, financing of terrorism and financing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (last amended in January 2019), which provides a legal framework for anti-money laundering.

The Civil Service Law, which entered into force in 2022, forbids civil servants from accepting gifts, from engaging in business activities and from opening foreign bank accounts or purchasing real estate abroad. It also introduces a system of mandatory declaration of civil servants' assets and income.

Under Article 7 of the 2017 Law on Combating Corruption, state agencies responsible for implementing the law on combating corruption include the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) established in 2020, General Prosecutor’s Office, the State Security Service, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, and the Department on Fighting Economic Crime under the General Prosecutor’s Office.

There is also a National Council on Combating Corruption and its territorial bodies that aim to coordinate the efforts of all the relevant institutions and develop state anti-corruption programmes. The ACA serves as the working body of the Council, which is headed by the Chair of the Senate. The ACA has a preventive mandate authorising it to request state agencies to provide documentation on their expenditure of public funds, sales of state assets and public procurement as well as on their investment projects and implementation of state programmes. It can also consider appeals of citizens and legal entities on corruption issues and conduct administrative investigations into corruption offences, the results of which should then be shared with law enforcement bodies.

Uzbekistan is a signatory to the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) as well as to the Istanbul Anti-Corruption Action Plan, which is the main subregional initiative in the framework of the OECD Anti-Corruption Network for Eastern Europe and Central Asia (ACN). Uzbekistan has recently become a member of the Global Operational Network of Anti-Corruption Law Enforcement Authorities.

It should be emphasised that each regulatory legal act in Uzbekistan is being developed based on the principle – “legislation free from corruption”, systemic preventive measures in the practice of combating corruption are being strengthened, and the public oversight is supported by establishing interaction mechanisms with civil society institutions.

The mentioned and other measures have contributed to improving the fight against corruption in the country. This has also been evidenced in better positions of the country in international rankings. According to international governance indices, Uzbekistan has been improving its efforts to curb corruption. In recent years the country improved its ranking Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) by 42 positions. In 2023 alone the country improved its ranking there by 5 positions.

To sum up, we can conclude that Uzbekistan’s path towards creating effective financial, legal and institutional mechanisms of countering corruption has given its results. Although, it should also me noted that fighting against corruption is not merely a task for several years. It is an ongoing process and the government of Uzbekistan remains committed to take new steps for ensuring the success of its anti-corruption reforms in line with the international standards in this field.


Nilufar Doniyorkhodjaeva

Head of Department

Development Strategy Center

Tashkent, Uzbekistan

The priority of water resource management reform in Uzbekistan is water conservation and its rational use

Today, as global climate changes are observed, the population is growing, and industrial sectors are rapidly developing, the value of water resources is increasing not only in the Central Asian region but also worldwide.


According to the data, over the past 30 years, the air temperature in our region has increased by one and a half degrees, as a result of which about a third of the centuries-old glaciers in the highlands have melted, and the volume of water in rivers and streams has decreased slightly.


If current climate trends continue, in the next twenty years, the flow of the two large rivers, Amu Darya and Syr Darya, may decrease by 15%. This would result in a 25 percent reduction in per capita water availability and agricultural crop yields.


These are not just numbers, but indicators related to the fate and well-being of the people living in the region.


According to scientists, by 2040 in some areas of Central Asia, the need for water resources will triple. Over time, economic damage could reach 11% of the region's gross domestic product. The United Nations (UN) warns that countries in the region are currently losing up to US$2 billion a year due to water scarcity and inefficient use. Therefore, if appropriate measures are not taken now, it is inevitable that the countries in our region will face dire consequences of water shortages.


Under the leadership of the President of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, special attention is being paid to the comprehensive development of the water management sector in our republic, the rational use of existing water resources, including the widespread introduction of digital and water-saving irrigation technologies, and remarkable results are being achieved in this regard.


In his speech at the 78th session of the UN General Assembly on September 19, 2023, the leader of Uzbekistan emphasized the issue of water resource shortages in Central Asia, supported the establishment of the position of the UN Secretary General's Special Representative on Water Resources, and proposed creating a platform for water-saving technologies in Central Asia. In the process of using the "United Nations-Water Resources" mechanism, he emphasized his support for attracting and implementing the most advanced technologies.


This means that Uzbekistan will take the initiative in creating a platform for water-saving technologies in Central Asia, while also seeking to involve the international community in the process.


For more than 30 years since its establishment, the International Fund for Saving the Aral has become the most important platform for regional cooperation in the fields of water management and ecology. In the face of new risks and threats arising because of global climate change, the role and importance of the fund are increasing.


On September 15, 2023, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev put forward the initiative to develop and implement new, agreed-upon decisions for the long-term perspective within the framework of this structure at the meeting of the Council of Heads of the Founding States of the International Fund for Saving the Aral held in Dushanbe. Reflecting the spirit of today, he emphasized the need to further improve the fund's legal framework and modernize its institutional mechanisms.

It should be noted that in the country’s domestic policy over the past seven years, at the initiative of the President, large-scale reforms in the water sector have been implemented. To manage state policy in the field of water management, a separate Ministry of Water Resources was created and the Concept for the development of the industry for the period until 2030 was approved.


As a logical continuation of these reforms and to solve systemic problems at the middle and upper levels of the water management system, on May 7, 2024, the President of Uzbekistan signed the decree "On Setting Priorities for the Introduction and Development of a Modern Management System in Water Resources." According to this document, the activity of the Ministry of Water Resources was divided into three parts, setting up a vertical management system. At the upper level is the management of the state water policy, the regulator; the middle level is engaged in the operation and construction of water management facilities and the introduction of business processes into the sector; and the lower-level handles supplying water directly to consumers.


In the middle stage, an agency for the exploitation of water resource facilities is being set up that operates as an independent legal entity. The agency includes the Ministry of Water Resources of the Republic of Karakalpakhstan and regional irrigation systems basin departments, main canals, water reservoirs, and pumping station utilization departments, as well as land-improvement expeditions.


The department for the implementation of water management projects participates as a customer in projects funded by the budget and foreign investments. The decree envisages a 22% increase in the salary of middle- and high-level employees working in the ministry system, starting on July 1, 2024, and a 60% increase starting in 2025. It should be mentioned that starting in January 2024, the salary of lower-level employees has been doubled, and several incentive mechanisms are being used.


As a result of the accurate calculation of available water resources, special attention is paid to the introduction of water-saving technologies, resulting in abundant and high-quality harvests from agricultural crops. Nevertheless, the prevention of water scarcity remains one of the most important directions for Uzbekistan.


Uzbekistan is a country with a large water infrastructure in the Central Asian region; the total irrigated cropland exceeds 4.3 million hectares.


As one of the five priority directions of the "Uzbekistan-2030" strategy, which defines the goals of sustainable development of the country, the task of saving water resources and environmental protection is emphasized, placing great responsibility on water management employees.


To reduce water losses in irrigation networks, the year 2024 was announced as a "breakthrough year for concreting canals" in the water industry at the initiative of the President. For this purpose, 5,000 kilometers of irrigation networks, of which 1,500 kilometers are main and inter-farm and 3,500 kilometers are internal, have been concreted this year. To date, 525 kilometers of canals have been reconstructed, of which 355 kilometers have been concreted. The length of canals concreted by clusters and farms has exceeded 13,500 kilometers.


In recent years, the areas covered by water-saving technologies in the country have reached 1.3 million hectares. Of this, drip irrigation accounts for 478,000 hectares, sprinkler irrigation for 55,000 hectares, and discrete method irrigation for 29,000 hectares. Over 700,000 hectares have been leveled using laser leveling equipment.


Work on the introduction of water-saving technologies, which started in previous years, is being continued consistently. This year alone, it is planned to introduce cost-effective technologies on 500,000 hectares of land and to fully cover all irrigated farming areas in the country with such technologies by 2030.


All possibilities and resources are being used for this. Today, the number of local enterprises producing equipment and components for water-saving technologies in Uzbekistan has reached 55, with plans to increase this number in the future.


In recent years, 11,446 "Smart Water" devices, online water level monitoring meters in 1,704 pumping units, and online monitoring of seepage water levels have been installed in 6,746 reclamation monitoring wells. To manage water resources from one point without human intervention, the management processes of 65 large water management facilities were automated.


It is planned to save 8 billion cubic meters of water in 2024 through the concreting of channels, the introduction of water-saving technologies, the digitization of the industry, the implementation of "smart" devices, and effective water management.


It should be noted that 60 percent of the irrigated cropland in the country is supplied with water through pumps. There are more than 1,600 pumping stations in the Ministry's system, and due to their modernization, installation of modern energy-saving devices, and the introduction of public-private partnerships, electricity consumption has been reduced by 1.5 billion kWh in the last seven years.


In the coming years, the total cost of the water industry will be $6.0 trillion. Agreements for 463 public-private partnership projects worth significant amounts in soums were signed. In 2023, all water management facilities in five districts and 300 pumping stations across the republic will be transferred to the private sector.


This transfer increases work efficiency, saves up to 30% on electricity at pumping stations, and reduces salary deductions by 13%.


The "Irrigators' School" was launched in cooperation with the Ministry of Water Resources, the "Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers," the National Research University, and "Agrobank." Highly qualified specialists from abroad are organizing one-week-long free training courses for designers, contractors, managers of farms, and cluster enterprises from all districts of the republic.


In short, life itself proves that the only solution to mitigate the water shortage in our region is to save water and use it wisely.


Press service of the Ministry of Water Resources
of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan: Conceptual Transformation of the Legal System as a Leitmotif of Good Transformations
Constitutions have a stabilizing function and are designed to maintain the efficiency and effectiveness not only of legal, political and economic systems, but also of social foundations and basic national and cultural values. The analysis of constitutional and legal reforms carried out in different countries of the world clearly demonstrates that it is those reforms that are aimed at overcoming the gap between the postulates proclaimed in the Basic Laws and the natural evolution of political, economic and social life of society that are effective.

The general trend in the direction is the adaptation of legal systems to changing circumstances both inside and outside the country. Ignoring internal and external factors, stagnation in socio-political life is fraught with negative factors, increased social tension, lower economic growth rates and, accordingly, the standard of living of the population.

Today it is obvious that many regions of the world have formed their own civilization projects. In 2015-2023 alone, significant changes were made to more than 60 constitutions of the world (out of almost 200). President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, who was the main ideological inspirer of the new constitutional reform in Uzbekistan, spoke about this, in particular, at a meeting with members of the Constitutional Commission on June 20, 2022.

The current complex situation in the world requires serious reflection on the future of nations, which means an even more responsible attitude to the fate of the Motherland, making urgent strategic decisions, responding to the intensification of global processes of transformation and competition. As has been noted, the political-legal, socio-economic, spiritual and cultural makeup of Uzbek society and the outlook of compatriots have changed dramatically in a short period of time.

On the basis of more than 220 thousand proposals of citizens, labor collectives, scientific community, representatives of civil society institutions, the draft Constitutional Law "On the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan", amending a number of fundamental provisions of the Basic Law of 1992, has been developed and submitted for public discussion.

The following have been identified as priority areas for updating the Constitution of Uzbekistan:

First. Within the framework of constitutional reform it is planned to translate into reality the will of the multi-ethnic people of Uzbekistan, in which the highest value is the human being, his rights and freedoms. As well as defining the ideology of state and social development and constitutional values reflecting the originality of the constitutional and legal creativity of the people of Uzbekistan.

These aspects are reflected in the Preamble to the Constitution, which defines the priorities of Uzbekistan's development at the new stage of improving the nation's statehood, including:

Commitment to human rights and freedoms, national and universal values, and the principles of State sovereignty;
affirmation of fidelity to the ideals of democracy, freedom and equality, social justice and solidarity;
Aiming to build a humane democratic state, an open and just society in which the highest value is the human being, his life, freedom, honor and dignity;
Striving to strengthen and develop Uzbekistan's friendly relations with the international community, particularly with neighbouring States, on the basis of cooperation, mutual support, peace and harmony;
ensuring a decent life for citizens, inter-ethnic and inter-confessional harmony, and the well-being and prosperity of our multi-ethnic native Uzbekistan, and others.
Second. Definition of new principles that strengthen the state-legal status of our independent country.

It is established that Uzbekistan is a sovereign, democratic, legal, social and secular state with a republican form of government. This is, in essence, the main goal of the constitutional reforms, and all subsequent amendments and additions to the text of the draft are aimed at ensuring the practical realization of these most important features.

Third. The constitutional reform is called to fundamentally change the paradigm of thinking and principles of activity in the system of state and public administration, to put the postulate "man - society - state" instead of the principle of "state - society - man" as the basis of relations in the new Uzbekistan.

The Constitution has developed all the attributes of a State governed by the rule of law, where the authorities must be limited in their actions by law, subordinate to the will of the sovereign people and called upon to ensure the rights and freedoms of the individual.
New provisions related to human rights in the conditions of the development of modern information society are also relevant: the right to access to and free use of the Internet; the right of everyone to get acquainted with the data collected about him/her by state bodies, citizens' self-government bodies and any organizations; the right to demand the correction of inaccurate data, as well as the destruction of data collected illegally or no longer having legal grounds. Such provisions are still contained in few of the most modern constitutions.

The section on social, economic and cultural rights correlates well with the second direction of updating the Constitution of Uzbekistan noted by the President - the enshrinement of the principles of the social state.

The concept of the social state in the general form, which most researchers now agree with, usually includes the principles of social justice, equality and social guarantees.

Many of the provisions of the "social constitution" are also contained in Chapter XII "Economic Foundations of Society". It guarantees freedom of economic activity and entrepreneurship, inviolability of private property, provision by the state of a favorable business and investment climate, free movement of goods, services, labor and financial resources, and prohibits unfair competition and monopolization of economic activity. It is especially important that the results of denationalization and privatization are not subject to revision and cancellation.

Fourth. Development of a free and fair civil society. The general principle proclaimed for the development of civil society in Uzbekistan is very important. Its goal is to ensure peace, inter-ethnic and inter-confessional harmony and tolerance.

Under the amended Constitution, civil society institutions, including mahallas, political parties, movements, the media, trade unions, public foundations and other voluntary associations, form the basis of civil society. Their aims and objectives are to protect the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens, to promote the achievement of social and cultural goals, and to meet the spiritual and other non-material needs of society.

Accordingly, the entire system of state power with its checks and balances is being fine-tuned so that it serves the principle of people's power to a greater extent.

In particular, the powers of Parliament - the Oliy Majlis - to form the Government and parliamentary control over its activities are being expanded. Some of the President's powers to appoint and dismiss officials are also being transferred to Parliament. At the same time, some of the Government's powers in the area of current administration are being expanded, but this expansion also means that its responsibility is being strengthened.

Public control over the activities of state bodies is envisaged. Local self-government is being reformed, including in terms of dividing and expanding the powers of its bodies in order to increase the efficiency of their activities.

The introduction of a substantive definition of "citizens' self-government" is also important: it means not only the right, but also the actual ability of citizens to decide independently and within the framework of the law on issues of local importance, based on their interests, historical development, national and spiritual values, local customs and traditions.

The institution of legislative initiative is being reformed. In particular, a new institution is being created: citizens of at least 100,000 people will now have the opportunity to submit their legislative proposals to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis. In this way, the people become not only the source of all power in the country, but also acquire the status of a direct subject of lawmaking.

The judicial system is being strengthened and improved, since a State governed by the rule of law cannot be built without an effectively functioning system of fair and independent courts and law enforcement agencies. Changes are being made in the activities of the Constitutional Court, which now has the right to consider complaints from citizens and legal entities to verify the constitutionality of the law applied to them by the court in a particular case.

Fifth. The constitutional mechanisms for ensuring the supremacy of the Constitution and the law as the most important guarantee of the democratic renewal of the country and the reliable protection of human rights and freedoms have been significantly strengthened.


All these large-scale transformations are only at the beginning of their journey. However, their enshrinement in the Constitution will mean the advent of the second, even more important, stage of reforms: their implementation, including through legislative activity.

The principles of Uzbekistan's foreign policy, enshrined in the Preamble of the Constitution, will also become an important condition for the success of all undertakings: the aspiration to strengthen and multiply harmonious and friendly relations of Uzbekistan with the world community, primarily with neighboring countries, on the basis of mutual support, cooperation and respect, peace and harmony.

Bakhodir Ismailov.

Head of the sector of legislation in the sphere of

international relations of the Institute of Legislation

Institute of Legislation and Legal Policy under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Law, Professor.

President of Mongolia to pay state visit to Uzbekistan
At the invitation of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, President of Mongolia Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh will pay a state visit to our country on June 23-26.

In accordance with the program of the high-ranking guest's stay, it is envisaged to hold high-level talks in Tashkent, during which issues of further expansion and strengthening of Uzbek-Mongolian relations of friendship and multifaceted cooperation will be considered.

In particular, the agenda includes plans to develop constructive political dialogue and inter-parliamentary contacts, increase bilateral trade turnover, implement cooperation projects in mining, agriculture, livestock, light industry, healthcare, transport, logistics and other areas. Joint measures aimed at boosting cultural, humanitarian and tourist ties will also be discussed. There will be an exchange of views on international issues.

A package of intergovernmental and interdepartmental documents will be signed following the results of the summit.

As part of the program of the state visit, the leaders of the two countries will meet with representatives of leading companies and business circles, and a number of other bilateral events will be held.

Mongolian President Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh will also visit Khiva, where he will familiarize himself with the rich cultural and historical heritage of our people.

Proposals for the development of engineering education were considered
President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the Inno innovative training and production technopark in Almazar district of the capital.

This technopark was established three years ago. Innovative ideas and inventions for the development of industrial sectors are developed here. In order to train young people in modern professions, cooperation with higher educational institutions has been established. Every year seminars and workshops are held with the participation of about 15 thousand students and pupils.

There are more and more such innovation centers in our country. Industry, energy and information technologies are developing, new complexes are being launched. They require engineers and technicians with up-to-date knowledge and qualifications.

The activity of higher engineering schools established at Tashkent State Technical University, Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Tashkent State Transport University, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Tashkent Architecture and Construction University and Tashkent University of Information Technologies has been presented to the President.

The decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 2, 2024 sets a number of tasks in this direction. In particular, according to the decree, the organizational and managerial activities of higher education institutions that train personnel in engineering and technology are being improved. The existing training programs are being studied and fundamentally changed in accordance with modern technologies and the requirements of employers.

The head of our state was informed about it.

At the first stage, higher engineering schools will be opened at 10 institutions of higher education. The supervisory board of the schools will include not only scientists, but also representatives of partner enterprises.

Two-year master's degree programs will be implemented in these schools, candidates will be selected on the basis of manufacturers' orders. In the first year, students will design new products on the orders of enterprises, conduct scientific research and study in in-depth modular programs. In the second year, they will test at enterprises technological processes related to the creation of prototypes of new products.

The President paid attention to the practical applicability and effectiveness of scientific research in higher educational institutions. It was noted that the attention paid to the education system should be really embodied in scientific achievements.

The head of state also familiarized himself with the inventions and advanced developments of researchers. In particular, energy-efficient devices, a cooling system protecting transformers from overheating under load, chemical reagents important for the oil and gas industry, modern approaches in construction, including road construction, engineering projects for hydraulic structures and modern solutions in the field of information technologies were presented.

Dialogue on the development of engineering science and education was held
On June 20, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev chaired a video conference call on training engineering personnel and improving the performance of higher educational institutions.

In today's competitive world, our country, relying on domestic resources, is moving towards industrial development. Every year 3 thousand industrial enterprises are put into operation, about 150 thousand jobs are created.

This year, projects worth 21 trillion soums will be implemented within the framework of state investment programs. Also, projects with foreign and regional investments worth 37.5 billion dollars are planned for this year.

Accordingly, the state pays great attention to science, education and innovation. For example, over the past four years, 2.2 trillion soums have been allocated to 1,727 practical, innovative, fundamental and startup projects. Spending on research and development has doubled.

However, the results in this area and the number of highly qualified engineers are still insufficient. There is a gap between higher education institutions and industry.

That is why rectors of technical universities were also invited to the meeting.

The head of state first of all dwelt on the problems in this sphere.

The 36 state technical higher educational institutions annually graduate 67 thousand specialists. However, the programs and specialties in these universities do not meet the requirements of manufacturers. As a result, 60 percent of engineers do not work in their specialty.

Higher educational institutions are limited to fundamental research, and practical developments for the economy are very rare. Hundreds of startups and innovative projects in engineering fields remain on paper.

In foreign universities there are such specialties as "value engineering", "comparative engineering", "reverse engineering". In our technical universities, these areas are not developed. As a result, industries have to spend a lot of money on training their employees abroad or attract specialists from abroad.

Although the coverage of higher education has increased 5 times in the last seven years, the interest of young people in engineering and technical specialties is very low. Some equipment of universities and scientific laboratories is outdated. Many professors and teachers are disconnected from practice. Rectors do not visit enterprises, do not familiarize themselves with new technologies, do not study equipment and machines.

Over the last four years, the number of research contracts of universities has tripled. Revenues from them have increased 6 times. However, the implementation of the results of scientific developments into production is slow. Not everyone is equally successful in patenting their inventions.

The President presented new initiatives to develop this area.

Now training and research processes in technical areas will be completely changed based on the best practices. 36 universities and their branches will be gradually consolidated, leaving a total of 20 technical universities. They will completely switch to the dual system of education.

Specialties that are not in demand in the labor market will be reduced. Some departments will be merged. The functions of dean offices to serve students will be digitalized. Based on foreign experience, a "Registrar's Office" will be created.

Each university will establish cooperation with prestigious technical universities of developed partner countries such as Germany, Japan, China, Russia, Italy, Turkey, South Korea, Singapore.

Based on the chain "industry-enterprise-university", each university will be assigned an industrial partner.

All engineering universities will open departments at their partner enterprises and introduce dual education. At the same time, the enterprises will allocate funds to equip the departments, stimulate teachers and students. Student internships and graduate training will be fully organized at partner enterprises.

Thirty-two sectoral councils will be established in the system of ministries and enterprises. They will determine priority directions of scientific research in technical fields together with institutes and will be customers of these researches.

Also at the first stage, higher engineering schools will be opened in 10 universities. Two-year applied master's degree programs will be implemented in them, and candidates will be selected by order of manufacturers. Enterprises will financially support the establishment and equipping of laboratories in higher engineering schools. The state will also provide highly qualified engineers-technologists. If every minister, industry leader, rector, professor and teacher feels deep sense of responsibility and works hard, we will definitely achieve this," Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.

The status of pilot production enterprises of universities will be legislated. They will be granted privileges applicable to IT park residents. At least 60 percent of the employees of the subsidiaries will be doctoral candidates and students.

From next year, state grants for projects in technical areas will be increased fourfold. Partner organizations of universities will also be allowed to act as founders of enterprises.

Hokims of regions and heads of industries will be able to directly provide universities with orders for scientific and production projects up to 10 billion soums.

A system of allocating at least half a percent of the cost of investment projects for scientific activities will be introduced.

It has been determined to organize national contests "Best Idea", "Best Project" and "Best Invention" in engineering fields. Teachers, students and practicing engineers will be able to participate in them. The prize for the first place is an electric car.

Also 10 best participants, authors of ideas, projects and inventions will be sent for internship to such countries as Germany, Japan, China, Russia, Italy, Turkey, South Korea, Singapore.

The meeting continued in the format of an open dialog. Industry leaders, scientists, rectors and engineers expressed their opinions on the development of science and education in engineering.

It was assigned to draft a relevant decree based on the proposals.

- We need highly qualified engineers-technologists like air for the accelerated development of the economy. If every minister, industry leader, rector, professor and teacher feels deep sense of responsibility and works hard, we will definitely achieve this," Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.

Issues in the religious and educational sphere were considered
President Shavkat Mirziyoyev has been informed of the work being done in the spiritual and educational sphere.

The main priority of transformations in multi-ethnic Uzbekistan is the comprehensive protection of the rights and freedoms of all its citizens. And one of the inalienable rights is freedom of religion. Therefore, all conditions are being created in our country so that believers can perform rituals and observe religious traditions.

It is worth emphasizing that the policy of New Uzbekistan in this area is receiving great recognition not only among our people, but also among the international community.

Thus, if in the early years of Uzbekistan's independence the number of compatriots honored with the holy pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina could be counted on fingers, these days more than 15 thousand Uzbeks are performing the sacred rites.

President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev's greeting to our people on the occasion of Kurban Hayit, his conversation with Chairman of the Muslim Mufti Sheikh Nuriddin Khaliknazar on the pilgrimage of our compatriots have become one of the brightest pages of this year's Hajj season.

In a short period of time, Uzbekistan has created a comprehensive system of training qualified personnel in the religious and educational sphere. In order to study and popularize the rich scientific heritage of our scholars, research centers have been launched. Examples of this are the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan, the Mir Arab Higher Madrasa, the School of Hadith Studies, and the international research centers of Imam Bukhari, Imam Termizi, and Imam Moturidi. Large-scale renovation and improvement of Imam Bukhari memorial complex is underway.

During today's meeting it was emphasized the necessity of wider study and propaganda of works of these great thinkers among the population, especially among the youth. Since it is in them that the true meaning of Islam, enlightening ideas of the Muslim religion are laid down. And it is especially actual now, in our troubled time, when all over the world various forces try to distort the essence of religion and to lead young people off the true path.

It was noted a great role in this work and those who now make pilgrimage in sacred Mecca. The pilgrims have recently made an appeal, where they expressed their readiness to contribute to the spiritual education of the younger generation in their districts, in their mahallas.

Also at the meeting, the head of state stressed that an important role in these processes should be played by the Center of Islamic Civilization, the activities of which will serve to widely acquaint our people and foreign guests with the invaluable heritage of ancestors, to promote the ideas of enlightened Islam. At present, scientists-historians and theologians are working on filling the activities of the center with new content.

Information about further plans of the center's activity was heard.

Proposals on further development and increase of competitiveness of the jewelry industry were considered
President Shavkat Mirziyoyev was given a presentation on measures to further develop the jewelry industry, support jewelry production and sales, and increase exports of finished products.

Our country has a huge potential for increasing production and export of jewelry.

As the head of state noted, only 6 percent of gold mined in the country is processed, and exports of its products amount to only 78 million dollars, so it is important to create jewelry zones with special conditions for entrepreneurs, to review the provision of raw materials, training of specialists, production chain and sales system.

In this regard, the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry have developed relevant proposals.

In particular, it is planned to improve the activity of the Uzbekzargarsanoati association, expand its powers and reorganize the management system.

In order to support manufacturers of the industry, it is proposed to apply the benefits provided for members of the Association "Uzbekzargarsanoati" to individual entrepreneurs - manufacturers of jewelry, who are members of the Association "Uzbekzargarsanoati".

The possibility of establishing a zero rate of customs duty and value added tax on equipment, packaging and marking materials that are not produced in Uzbekistan and used in the jewelry industry for the period up to October 1, 2026 is being studied.

The issues of creation of special jewelry centers including production, exhibition and trade areas were considered. Information was provided on the placement of pilot projects in Tashkent and Namangan region.

The issue of increasing the volume of jewelry exports was discussed. It was proposed to establish a zero rate of customs duty for export of jewelry made in our country to the United States of America under the GSP system.

The head of state instructed to finalize the presented measures and work out a program for the development of domestic jewelry production for the period up to 2027.

Proposals to improve the quality of education considered
President Shavkat Mirziyoyev familiarized himself with the proposals on improving the quality of pre-school and school education and the system of professional development of teachers.

Students' interest in subjects and their academic performance largely depend on the knowledge and skill of teachers. Therefore, necessary conditions are being created for teachers' professional development and the system of knowledge assessment is being improved.

The responsible persons reported on the developed proposals in this sphere.

It was noted that a new certification system based on advanced technologies has been introduced. More than 190 thousand teachers took part in it, 51 thousand teachers were promoted to the new category based on the results.

It was emphasized that it is necessary to constantly stimulate the increase in the number of professional and self-educated teachers in schools.

It was proposed to increase the salaries of teachers with the highest and first qualification category from September 2025.

It was instructed to develop and implement a separate professional development program for teachers who have not been certified and do not have sufficient experience.

In this process, it is necessary to make full use of the possibilities of professional development centers and teacher training colleges. To this end, based on the experience of the Presidential Schools, a system of professional development for the heads and teachers of kindergartens and schools will be organized at the Abdullah Avloni National Research Institute with a frequency of every 5 years.

A task has been set to transfer 11 pedagogical colleges in the regions under the authority of the Centers of Professional Development and attract trainers from abroad.

It was informed that kindergartens and schools, technical schools and "Barkamol Avlod" school will be established on the basis of teacher training colleges with low workload.

In order to disseminate best practices, the evaluation system of Presidential Schools was introduced in 500 schools last year. As a result, student achievement in these schools increased from 53 percent to 59 percent. A bonus of up to 40 percent has been set for school leaders and teachers of high-performing schools.

In this regard, starting from the new school year, this evaluation system will be applied in another 1,000 schools. They will be assigned to 182 specialized schools and 500 schools that have tested the system.

Also 270 schools will be equipped with interactive whiteboards, 365 schools will be provided with computer classes.

The presentation also considered a proposal to establish the National Institute of Pedagogy of Education on the basis of the Research Institute of Pedagogical Sciences of Uzbekistan named after Kary-Niyazi. The new institute will be entrusted with the tasks of strengthening makhalla-parents-school cooperation, creating educational literature for parents and children, and scientific research of didactic views of the Jadids. Activity of the Academic Council on 5 specialties will be organized, as well as training of personnel in master's and doctoral studies.

In addition, the issues of introducing international methods in the schools of sportsmanship of Bakhodir Jalolov and Oksana Chusovitina, improving the quality of education and training were touched upon.

The head of state gave instructions on improving the quality of teachers' training, organizing a fair system of evaluation and incentives.

Sincere congratulations to foreign partners
In connection with the advent of Eid al-Adha, the holy holiday of Eid al-Adha, which embodies such noble values as mercy, generosity, humanism and harmony, and promotes an atmosphere of mutual respect and tolerance in society, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev has received heartfelt congratulations from the heads of foreign States and governments, respected public and religious figures and heads of leading international and regional organizations.

In their messages, they express to the head of our state and the multinational people of Uzbekistan words of sincere respect, wishes for peace, well-being and prosperity, as well as reaffirm their commitment to the full strengthening of relations of friendship and multifaceted cooperation.

Congratulations, in particular, were sent to:

The Minister, Two Holy Shrines, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia;

Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Saudi Arabia;

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of the Republic of Turkey;

Abdelfattah Al-Sisi, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt;

President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev;

President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sadyr Zhaparov;

President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon;

President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov;

National leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov;

Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

Sheikh Muhammad bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the United Arab Emirates;

Vice President, Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates, Ruler of the Emirate of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum;

Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Vice President, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Presidential Affairs of the United Arab Emirates;

Shaikh Seif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Interior of the United Arab Emirates;

Turki bin Muhammad bin Fahd bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Minister of State and member of the Council of Ministers of Saudi Arabia;

Emir of the State of Kuwait Mishaal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah;

Crown Prince of the State of Kuwait Sabah Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Muborak Al-Sabah;

King Abdullah II of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan;

King Muhammad VI of Morocco;

Abdelmajid Tebboun, President of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria;

Mahmoud Abbas, President of the State of Palestine;

Secretary General of the Organization of Turkic States Kubanychbek Omuraliev;

Secretary General of the Economic Cooperation Organization, Khusraw Noziri;

Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Hussein Ibrohim Taha;

Sheikh-ul-Islam Allahshukur Pashazade, Chairman of the Caucasus Muslims Board.

Congratulations continue to pour in.

Congratulations to the people of Uzbekistan on Kurban Hayit holiday

Dear compatriots!

Sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, I congratulate you, all our people on the holiday of Kurban Hayit, which has come in our country, which is being transformed and illuminated with the light of peace, kindness and harmony every day.

In these blessed moments we all deeply feel the spirit and joy of the great holiday and give immense gratitude to the Almighty for the fact that we meet such bright days together with our people.

Today, Kurban Hayit, firmly established in people's lives as a symbol of mercy, generosity and humanism, is gaining more and more significance, consonant with the content of large-scale reforms in the New Uzbekistan, in which respect for human honor and dignity comes to the fore in all spheres.

It should be especially noted that our sacred religion and this bright holiday, which embodies its humanistic essence, serves as a source of strength and inspiration for us in all good deeds aimed at strengthening the atmosphere of peace and tranquility, friendship and cohesion in mahallas and families, caring for the older generation, youth and women, low-income families, and making sure that no one is left behind.

Dear friends!

In these bright days, when our hearts are filled with joy, we talk about the great work carried out in recent years to revive the original spiritual values, to improve the sacred places, to create favorable conditions for the Muslims of the country to freely perform religious rites, including hajj and umrah.

In a short period of time, international scientific centers of Imam Bukhari, Imam Termezi and Imam Maturidi have been organized. The memorial complexes of Abu Iso Termezi, Abu Muin Nasafi, Sulton Uwais Karani and Suzuk Ota have been radically transformed. Work on the construction and equipping of the Imam Bukhari memorial complex and the Centre for Islamic Civilization is continuing apace. Majestic mosques are being built in many towns and villages.

Over the past seven years, more than 60 thousand Muslims of the country have made the Hajj. These days 15 thousand more of our compatriots are making pilgrimage to two sacred cities - Mecca and Medina, having realized their most cherished dream.

In such blessed moments, when good thoughts come true, we wish them with all our heart to fully perform the rites of Hajj and safely return to their homeland.

On the eve of the celebration of Hayyit, during our telephone conversation with the Chairman of the Muslims' Board, the Honorable Mufti Sheikh Nuriddin Kholiknazar, who is staying in the holy Mecca, he emphasized the created conditions necessary for our compatriots to perform the rites of Hajj. We hope that, having returned home, our pilgrims will become an example in further strengthening the atmosphere of kindness and mutual assistance in the society, in the struggle of enlightenment against ignorance, strengthening the education of youth and establishing harmony in families.

Dear compatriots!

Today we sincerely congratulate our compatriots abroad on this holiday, wish them health, happiness and success.

We convey warm congratulations to believing Muslims in the states of near and far abroad and sincere wishes of peace and progress to their peoples and countries.

May the ongoing wars and conflicts in different regions cease! May peace reign on the Earth forever!

Dear friends!

Today, together with our multinational people, we are building a new Uzbekistan. The new Uzbekistan is a new life, a new development, a happy future.

If we unite more firmly and continue the initiated reforms with even greater determination, we will undoubtedly achieve this great goal.

We will surely raise our children to be a generation of true patriots, highly educated, possessing modern knowledge and professions.

I wish you happiness and success on this path.

May the Almighty protect our nation!

I once again congratulate you on the holy holiday of Kurban Hayit, wish you health, peace and prosperity to your families.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev,

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

The President visited the mausoleum of Imam Bukhari
President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the mausoleum of Imam Bukhari on June 15, on the eve of the holy Eid al-Adha holiday.

Surahs from the Koran and dua were recited.

In conversation with religious figures, they talked about the conditions created for the development of science and enlightenment, education of youth in the spirit of patriotism and respect for national values.

Renovation of the complex is underway. The head of state familiarized himself with the progress of construction and finishing works.

The President concluded his visit to Samarkand and left for Tashkent.

The President of Uzbekistan held a meeting with the Secretary-General of UN Tourism
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev met with Secretary-General of UN Tourism (World Tourism Organization) Zurab Pololikashvili, who is in our country on a working visit, in Samarkand on June 15.

The sides discussed issues related to further expansion of Uzbekistan's multifaceted cooperation with this specialized UN institution.

The course of implementation of agreements reached and initiatives put forward at the 25th session of the organization's General Assembly, which was held in Samarkand in October 2023, has been reviewed. The UN General Assembly's adoption of the resolution initiated by Uzbekistan on declaring 2027 the International Year of Sustainable and Resilient Tourism was highly appreciated.

It was noted with deep satisfaction that the organization is a strategic partner of Uzbekistan in the development of modern tourist infrastructure and popularization of tourist destination to our country.

It was noted the importance of continuing joint efforts to implement programs and projects aimed at creating comfortable conditions and facilities for tourists, development of pilgrimage and cultural and cognitive tourism, including domestic tourism.

Special attention was paid to the issues of training qualified personnel in the field of hospitality and service with the effective use of opportunities of the International Academy of Tourism operating in Samarkand.

In order to popularize the tourist destination in Uzbekistan, practical interaction will be expanded in the issues of supporting the participation of domestic tour operators in major international tourism fairs and exhibitions.

The Uzbekistan-Korea summit has ended
The state visit of the President of the Republic of Korea Yoon Seok-yol at the invitation of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev has ended.
During the three-day visit, high-level talks were held, at the end of which the leaders signed a joint statement on further deepening and comprehensive expansion of the Special Strategic Partnership. A bilateral set of documents was received.
The heads of state participated in a joint business forum with the participation of representatives of leading Korean companies and banking and financial institutions.
The presidents visited the Technopark in Tashkent and got acquainted with the existing potential for industrial cooperation.
Today, the dialogue between the heads of state continued in Samarkand. The presidents and their wives got acquainted with the historical and architectural masterpieces of the ancient city.
After the end of the visit, President Yun Sok Yol and his wife were escorted by President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev and his wife at the airport.

Latvia's largest pharmaceutical company plans to manufacture its products in Uzbekistan
RIGA, May 11. /IA Dunyo/. Ambassador of Uzbekistan Timur Rakhmanov together with Deputy Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan Dilshod Rasulov yesterday met with member of the Board of Directors - head of sales office in Central Asia of the largest Latvian pharmaceutical company "Olainfarm" Alexander Melnis, Dunyo news agency's correspondent reported.

At the meeting, the sides discussed issues of investment and technological cooperation between Uzbekistan and Olainfarm and prospects of establishing joint production cooperation with deepening the level of localization.

Alexander Melnis positively assessed the progressive reforms in the healthcare sector in Uzbekistan under the leadership of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, which has contributed to the development of cooperation between the companies of the two countries in recent years. It was emphasized that Riga is confidently optimistic about the prospects of expanding Olainfarm's long-term presence in Uzbekistan by increasing investment and technological cooperation.

As Alexander Melnis informed, Olainfarm is working on the realization of an investment project to establish production of a wide range of high-quality ampouled products in Uzbekistan.

Olainfarm was founded in 1972 in the Latvian town of Olaina. It is the largest pharmaceutical company in the Baltic States. The company's turnover exceeds 124 million euros. The product range includes 60 finished dosage forms, 25 active pharmaceutical substances and more than 20 intermediates. The company's products are exported to 60 countries. Since 2011, it has been supplying the World Health Organization (WHO) with anti-tuberculosis drugs.

Shavkat Miromonovich Mirziyoyev

Shavkat Miromonovich Mirziyoyev was born on July 24, 1957 in the family of a doctor in the Zomin district of Jizzakh region. Nationality - Uzbek. Graduated from Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers in 1981. He has the specialty of engineer-mechanic. Candidate of technical sciences, associate professor.

He started working at the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers in 1981 and worked as a junior researcher, senior teacher, associate professor, and vice-rector for educational affairs. In 1990, he was elected to the Supreme Soviet of the Republic and at the same time worked as the chairman of the Mandate Commission.

In 1992, he was appointed the mayor of Mirzo Ulugbek district of Tashkent city. In 1996-2001, he worked as the governor of Jizzakh region and in 2001-2003 as the governor of Samarkand region, making a great contribution to the socio-economic development of these districts and regions.

In 1995-2003, as a deputy of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, simultaneously with his work in the executive power, he actively participated in the development and adoption of important legal documents related to the political, social and economic development of the country and the implementation of democratic reforms. .

Sh. M. Mirziyoyev was approved as the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2003 and was re-approved for this position three more times - in 2005, 2010, 2015 by the chambers of the Oliy Majlis.

Since the first years of our country's independence, Sh.M. Mirziyoyev has gained the trust of the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Islam Karimov, and has been working effectively as his close colleague and advisor.

Sh.M.Mirziyoyev as the head of the government to implement large-scale socio-economic reforms, modernize and renew our country, implement large and unique projects, develop private property at a priority level, sharply increase the share of small business and private entrepreneurship in the economy and demonstrated his high potential and skillful organizational skills in further strengthening their legal protection.

Industrial development of the country's economy, increasing the export potential of the republic, radical reform of the agrarian sector, especially development of the farming movement, deep processing of agricultural products, ensuring food safety in the republic and providing the population with guaranteed and affordable products focused on his work as a priority.

He carried out large-scale and effective measures aimed at fundamentally improving the living and working conditions of the population by carrying out massive construction and beautification works in all regions of our country, providing high-quality communal services to the population, comprehensively developing the cities and districts of the republic, especially remote rural districts.

Sh.M.Mirziyoyev's activities include the development of education, science, and healthcare systems based on modern requirements along with socio-economic issues, creating suitable conditions for young people to grow up healthy and mature, motherhood and childhood strong protection has taken an important place as a priority.

To further increase the authority and prestige of the neighborhood, which is a unique institution of self-government, and also to strengthen their position in the society by involving other public organizations in democratic reforms, honoring national spiritual values ​​and consistent development. paid attention to.

In addition to the aforementioned, he directly led in reaching agreements that serve the national interests and economic development of our country by strengthening comprehensive cooperation with foreign countries and international structures, as well as international financial institutions in the implementation of economic and social tasks.

On September 8, 2016, at the joint session of the Legislative Chamber and the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in accordance with the joint decision of the parliamentary chambers, the duties and powers of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan were temporarily entrusted to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Mirziyoyev loaded.

  On October 19, the 8th congress of the Movement of Entrepreneurs and Businessmen - the Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan was held in Tashkent. A decision was made to approve the candidacy of Shavkat Miromonovich Mirziyoyev, a member of the party's political council, for the presidency. He was elected as the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan with 88.61 percent of the votes of the voters in the results of the presidential election held on December 4, 2016. On December 14, 2016, he officially took up his duties.

On October 24, 2021, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev was re-elected for a second five-year term with 80.1 percent of voters.

Sh.M. Mirziyoyev is married, has two daughters, one son, and five grandchildren. Wife Z.M. Mirziyoyeva is an engineer-economist by specialty, and at the same time she is a housewife.

Sh.M.Mirziyoyev was awarded with the "Fame of Labor" and "For selfless services" orders for his many years of effective work in the state and administrative bodies, his great contribution to the development of our country and the improvement of the well-being of our people.