Uzbekistan news

New Uzbekistan strategy – a new way of supporting the young generation

New Uzbekistan strategy – a new way of supporting the young generation

18.9 million of the population of Uzbekistan or 54 percent are young people and children under 30 years of age. 9.5 million of young people are male and 9.4 million are female.

More than 50 laws and regulations were adopted in 2017-2021 in order to strengthen the legal basis of state policy regarding youth in the republic, and June 30 was declared as "Youth Day ".

As a result of the socio-political and economic reforms implemented in our country in recent years, a step has been taken to a completely new level of development. Youth , culture and sports issues was established in the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan , a "Youth Parliament" consisting of 100 active and enterprising young people under the Senate of the Oliy Majlis and 250 active and initiative young people under the Legislative Chamber, a commission on youth issues was established in the Legislative Chamber. 22.9 percent of business entities operating in the republic or 106 thousand 574 of them belong to young people under the age of 30 will come 21.5% of individual entrepreneurs are young people under 30 years old. Also, more than 3.5 thousand young farmers and about 7.8 thousand young craftsmen are working in the country.

In the 2019 elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 9 (6%) young people were elected as deputies, and 10% of local council deputies are young people.

The "Brave Boy" state award and the "Builder of the Future" medal were established to reward young people between the ages of 14 and under 30, who set an example for their peers with their activity and initiative in the social and political life of the country, as well as who have achieved great achievements in their studies and work. At the core of these practical results are consistent and effective reforms carried out on the basis of the renewed strategy of reforms and the strong will of the head of state regarding youth policy.

The strategic goal of the state youth policy implemented in the republic is to create conditions for every young person to get a free education, to carry out productive work, to realize themselves and to develop creatively, and to raise the level of social life in all aspects , which made it possible to accumulate valuable experience in our country. At this point, it should be emphasized that, along with state organizations, non-governmental organizations operating in our country are actively involved in the search for talented young people and their support. For example, it is important that one of the main directions of the state policy regarding youth is aimed at supporting the talents and abilities of young people. At the same time, in 2019, by a special decree of the President, the "Hope of the Country" fund under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan was established. Thousands of talented young people through educational grants awarded by this foundation

Our country has the opportunity to study in prestigious universities of developed foreign countries and learn advanced foreign experience. In particular, for the 2022-2023 academic year, 420 students and masters received scholarships and grants for studying abroad from the "Hope of the Country" fund. We can see that these practical works are being carried out in accordance with the goals of the development strategy of New Uzbekistan. Because, according to the 50th goal of the development strategy for 2022-2026, through the "Hope of the Country" fund, to double the scope of sending free and creative thinking young people to study at prestigious foreign universities, in which fifty percent of young people are trained in technical, exact sciences and IT fields and conducting open selection contests for bachelor's, master's and doctoral studies in the most prestigious universities of foreign countries, bachelor's, master's and doctoral programs of foreign higher education institutions important goals such as announcing and conducting an open competition were set by the Foundation for the purpose of participation in educational programs. As a result of the practical work carried out by the Foundation, a number of young people have mastered the knowledge and skills required by the times and are applying them to a number of areas of reforms in our country.

One of the urgent tasks of this organization in the fields of education, science, technology, information technology, culture, art, sports, and entrepreneurship, and the tasks of encouraging and supporting their various initiatives.

         As the President of Uzbekistan stated at the Youth Forum of Uzbekistan, "No matter what reforms we try in our country, we will first of all rely on young people like you, on your energy and determination. As you all know, today we have set ourselves huge goals. We have begun to create the foundations of the Third Renaissance in our Motherland. We consider the family, pre-school education, school and higher education as well as scientific and cultural centers to be the most important links of the Renaissance. For this reason, we are implementing fundamental reforms in these areas. I believe that in creating a new foundation for the development of our country, you, our devoted and patriotic youth, will actively participate and make a worthy contribution."

In the "New Development Strategy of Uzbekistan", which serves as a unique road map of the renewed reforms aimed at realizing the potential of such determined young people.

One of the priority directions of the state policy regarding youth in our country is the issue of ensuring youth employment, providing them with education, and training them in the profession. During the meeting with young people within the framework of the 2021 Youth Forum, the head of state asked for new and very relevant proposals in this regard. In particular, from now on, governors of regions, districts and cities, ministers and responsible leaders should hold regular meetings with young people, governors should develop and implement "road maps " aimed at solving the problems of young people, and report to local councils on this issue every six months. it was decided to give and determine the plans for the next six months.

An important initiative was put forward at the forum, such as the organization of vocational and entrepreneurship training for unemployed and unorganized youth within the framework of the "Youth: 1+1" program. Based on the principle "Each entrepreneur helps young people", the initiative to connect one unemployed youth to one entrepreneur was actively supported by many of our entrepreneurs. The head of state approved this noble action, which can provide employment to at least 500,000 young people.

         Within the framework of this initiative, during the past period, a number of activities have been carried out to train young people, provide them with jobs, and direct them to entrepreneurship, so that the level of unemployment among young people is significantly decreasing.

In this place, in the following years, in order to further accelerate youth reforms, including reducing unemployment, further expanding the scope of vocational training, and providing comprehensive support to talented young people, with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers dated January 18, 2021 "A youth-oriented state in Uzbekistan Policy Development until 2025" Concept was approved. According to it, as a result of the statements of the state policy on youth, opportunities will be created to further strengthen the economic potential of the country and to widely apply advanced practices.

And also it is expected that by 2030, Uzbekistan will be among the first 30 advanced countries of the world according to the PISA (The Program for International Student Assessment) rating .

At the same time, adaptation of educational programs to international standards (PISA, STEAM), coverage of children in pre-school educational institutions, youth comprehensive schools and higher educational institutions will be gradually increased due to the expansion of opportunities for non-state educational institutions. In particular, 80 percent of children under 3-7 years of age in the republic are enrolled in pre-school education organizations.

To increase the cultural level of young people, the number of libraries, theaters, cinemas, museums, parks and other cultural institutions will be gradually increased, and the capacity of sports facilities will be increased by 30% by creating conditions for young people to engage in mass sports.

Conditions will be created for youth to engage in public sports in neighborhoods; IT-parks will be established in all regions, Digital technology training centers will be established in districts (cities), about 200,000 young people will be trained on the basis of the "One million Uzbek programmers" project.

Conditions will be created for young people to use high-quality, fast and cheap Internet services, provision of double growth of communication and information services will be the most important results of the "Youth of Uzbekistan - 2025" concept.

         In conclusion, it can be said that by 2030, our country will become one of the "countries with an income above the average", the country's gross domestic product will exceed four thousand dollars per capita, and our economy will double from its current state. The effective implementation of the concept "Youth of Uzbekistan - 2025", which is an important legal basis, is of great importance. The fact that young people of any country have intellectual potential, knowledge and modern profession remains an important factor of the country's development.


Asrorjon Sattorov,

                                 The University of Public Safety of the Republic of Uzbekistan Associate professor

📅 08.07.2024

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