15.10.2024 9 projects with a total value of 2 billion dollars        08.10.2024 The President of Uzbekistan noted the priorities of expanding partnership with the World Bank        02.10.2024 Delegation of Latvian business representatives visited Khorezm region        02.10.2024 Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan and Latvia discussed issues on transport connectivity and logistics, IT and digital technologies, trade, and investments during their meeting in New York        02.10.2024 The President of Uzbekistan noted the priorities of expanding partnership with the World Bank        30.09.2024 President of Uzbekistan considers promising areas and projects of cooperation with UAE        25.09.2024 Representatives of foreign organizations were accredited to observe the elections        24.09.2024 Members of the Uzbekistan national chess team        20.09.2024 Proposals for the development of environmental protection and tourism were considered        17.09.2024 Address by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev at the second "Central Asia – Germany" summit        15.09.2024 Latvia and Lithuania held festive events in honor of the 33rd anniversary of our country's independence        14.09.2024 State awards presented to brave athletes       

Дикат, диқат

Хориждаги фуқароларимиз учун saylov.mfa.uz сайти ишга туширилди

Ўзбекистонда 27 октябрь куни бўлиб ўтадиган парламент сайловларига тайёргарлик кўриш мақсадида “saylov.mfa.uz” сайти ишга туширилди. Мазкур сайт Ўзбекистон Республикасининг хориждаги фуқароларига консуллик ҳисобида турмасдан овоз бериш учун сайловчилар рўйхатига киритишга электрон мурожаат қилиш имконини беради. Шунингдек, мазкур платформа орқали хориждаги фуқаролар экстерриториал тамойили асосида ўзлари танлаган сайлов участкасини ўзгартириш имконияти қўшимча қулайлик сифатида жорий этилди.


9 projects with a total value of 2 billion dollars
9 projects with a total value of 2 billion dollars
The text of the article is in Uzbek!
The President of Uzbekistan noted the priorities of expanding partnership with the World Bank
The President of Uzbekistan noted the priorities of expanding partnership with the World Bank
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev met with World Bank Vice President for Europe and Central Asia Antonella Bassani on September 30.

The sides discussed topical issues of further expansion of strategic cooperation with the World Bank Group and support of this leading international financial institution to the ongoing reform program in New Uzbekistan.

At the beginning of the meeting, Vice President Antonella Bassani conveyed to the head of our state sincere greetings and best wishes of World Bank President Ajay Bangui.

During the conversation, the current high level and fruitful nature of bilateral cooperation were noted with deep satisfaction.

In recent years, our country has become one of the largest partners of the Bank - the portfolio of projects has increased several times and now exceeds 12 billion dollars.

The World Bank is supporting the implementation of important reforms aimed at ensuring the sustainability of economic and social sectors. The Bank's regional office in Tashkent has been operating since July this year.

Such areas as poverty reduction, transformation of state-owned enterprises and banks, decarbonization, support for WTO accession and others have been identified as priorities for further expansion of the partnership.

Special attention was paid to the programs of urbanization and integrated development of regions, modernization of energy and irrigation infrastructure, support to the private sector.

There was also an exchange of views on the promotion of regional projects.
Delegation of Latvian business representatives visited Khorezm region
Delegation of Latvian business representatives visited Khorezm region
URGENCH, September 28. /IA “Dunyo”/. A delegation of Latvian businessmen visited Khorezm with the support of the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Riga, Dunyot news agency's correspondent reports.

During the visit, a business forum and meetings were held with participation of representatives of business circles of the two countries.

The parties exchanged views on economic and investment potential of Khorezm region, opportunities for realization of joint projects in agriculture, personnel training, services, logistics and energy.

The Latvian side also familiarized with the activities of “Opportunity Generosity” LLC, a pharmaceutical manufacturer located in Urgench, and other companies.

As a result of the visit, representatives of Latvian companies expressed interest in the implementation of specific projects in the field of education, in connection with which the relevant documents were signed.
Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan and Latvia discussed issues on transport connectivity and logistics, IT and digital technologies, trade, and investments during their meeting in New York
Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan and Latvia discussed issues on transport connectivity and logistics, IT and digital technologies, trade, and investments during their meeting in New York
TASHKENT, September 24. /Dunyo IA/. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan Bakhtiyor Saidov held negotiations in New York City with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia Baiba Braže, reports Dunyo IA correspondent.
"Had a productive meeting with H.E. Baiba Braže, Foreign Minister of Latvia, – the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan wrote in his telegram channel. – We highly value the opening of the office of the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia in Tashkent. Transport connectivity and logistics, IT and digital technologies, trade and investments were on the focus of our meeting".
The President of Uzbekistan noted the priorities of expanding partnership with the World Bank
The President of Uzbekistan noted the priorities of expanding partnership with the World Bank
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev met with World Bank Vice President for Europe and Central Asia Antonella Bassani on September 30.

The sides considered topical issues of further expansion of strategic cooperation with the World Bank Group and support of this leading international financial institution to the ongoing reform program in New Uzbekistan.

At the beginning of the meeting, Vice President Antonella Bassani conveyed to the head of our state sincere greetings and best wishes of World Bank President Ajay Bangui.

During the conversation, the current high level and fruitful nature of bilateral cooperation were noted with deep satisfaction.

In recent years, our country has become one of the largest partners of the Bank - the portfolio of projects has increased several times and now exceeds 12 billion dollars.

The World Bank supports the implementation of important reforms aimed at ensuring the sustainability of economic and social sectors. Since July this year, the Bank's regional office has been operating in Tashkent.

Such areas as poverty reduction, transformation of state-owned enterprises and banks, decarbonization, support for WTO accession and others have been identified as priorities for further expansion of the partnership.

Special attention was paid to the programs of urbanization and integrated development of regions, modernization of energy and irrigation infrastructure, support to the private sector.

There was also an exchange of views on the promotion of regional projects.
President of Uzbekistan considers promising areas and projects of cooperation with UAE
President of Uzbekistan considers promising areas and projects of cooperation with UAE
Issues of further development of multifaceted partnership, promotion of economic and investment cooperation projects, establishment of practical interaction in the defense sector were discussed at the meeting between President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev and a delegation from the United Arab Emirates headed by Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defense, Crown Prince of the Emirate of Dubai Sheikh Hamdan bin Muhammad Al Maktoum.

The Emirati delegation included the Ministers of Government Affairs Muhammad bin Abdullah Al Gergawi, Energy and Infrastructure Suhail bin Muhammad Al Mazroui, Economy Abdullah bin Tuq Al Marri, and Minister of State for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy Omar bin Sultan Al Olama.

At the beginning of the conversation, Sheikh Hamdan Al Maktoum expressed his sincere gratitude to our Head of State for the warm welcome and conveyed warm greetings from UAE President Sheikh Mohammad Al Nahyan and Prime Minister of the UAE, Emir of Dubai Sheikh Mohammad Al Maktoum.

During the meeting, special attention was paid to the issues of forming a new long-term agenda of mutually beneficial cooperation in such key areas as investment, innovative development, green energy, infrastructure, education, healthcare, ecology, digital transformation, tourism and others.

The sides highly appreciated the fruitful results of the joint forum on unlocking the potential of mutually beneficial cooperation, bilateral intergovernmental and interdepartmental talks held this morning.

An agreement was reached to adopt a road map for the development of full-scale cooperation in strategic sectors.

It should be noted that the UAE is one of Uzbekistan's key partners in the Asian region.

The latest high-level contacts took place within the framework of the Global Climate Summit in Dubai last December.

The trade turnover in 2023 grew by 21 percent and amounted to 626 million dollars. More than 320 enterprises with the participation of Emirati capital operate in our country. The portfolio of ongoing and prospective investment projects amounts to about 20 billion dollars.
Representatives of foreign organizations were accredited to observe the elections
Representatives of foreign organizations were accredited to observe the elections

On 23 September this year, a regular meeting of the Central Election Commission was held to discuss the accreditation of observers from abroad and from international organizations, as well as the organization of the activities of the Instant Information Center.

The interest of foreign countries and international organizations in the elections to the representative bodies of state power, which will be held this year in accordance with the updated electoral legislation, is extremely high.

In particular, it is expected that more than 1,000 international and foreign observers will participate in observing the elections, particularly about 400 from 50 countries, about 500 from 21 international organizations such as the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Organization of Turkic States and another 60 from the election commissions of 26 foreign countries.



It should be noted that the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe intends to participate in the observation of the elections in Uzbekistan with a comprehensive mission consisting of a core group, long-term and short-term observers, about 350 observers in total.

The great interest of foreign states and international organizations in the elections in Uzbekistan testifies to the international community's recognition of the democratic reforms being carried out in our country.



Accordingly, it was decided at the Central Election Commission meeting to accredit observers from international organizations who will participate in the elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis and the local Councils (Kengashes), and some observers from international organizations such as the Commonwealth of Independent States, the CIS Inter-parliamentary Assembly and the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe were accredited.

As of today, foreign and international organizations wishing to accredit observers can log into the “E-Saylov” information system in their country and enter data electronically in a specific format and submit it for review.

Another notable aspect of this process is that new samples of mandates of accredited foreign observers are automatically generated electronically through this system.



Also at the meeting of the Central Election Commission, the relevant decision was taken on the establishment of the Instant Information Center – “Call Center” - and the approval of its statutes. The “Call Center” will receive citizens' complaints centrally and provide them with legal explanations and consultations in real time.

The main objectives of the “Call Center” are to establish a dialog with citizens in real time during the election campaign, to provide the population with complete and reliable information on the activities of the commissions, the stages of the electoral process, to create the necessary conditions for the unconditional realization of citizens' rights to vote and appeal, and to strengthen their awareness of electoral legislation and processes.


Central Election Commission Press Service

Members of the Uzbekistan national chess team
Members of the Uzbekistan national chess team
Dear our sons and daughters!

I cordially congratulate you on your worthy participation in the 45th World Chess Olympiad held in Budapest, the capital of Hungary. You have opened another bright page in the history of Uzbek chess, taking the honorable third place among representatives of about 200 countries.

In very sharp and uncompromising chess duels, you, having demonstrated high intellectual potential, unwavering will and steadfastness, outperformed the teams of such countries as China, Serbia, Armenia, Germany, Azerbaijan, Slovenia, Spain, which is truly admirable.

By your example, we have seen that the youth of New Uzbekistan is capable of achieving truly high standards in competitions of mind and thinking, and this has filled our hearts with a sense of joy and pride.

The results achieved by Nodirbek Abdusattorov, Zhavohir Sindorov, Shamsiddin Vokhidov, Nodirbek Yokubboyev and Zhakhongir Vokhidov, who displayed outstanding intellectual abilities, are very valuable and dear to us.

It should be especially noted that Shamsiddin Vokhidov, having won a gold medal and Nodirbek Abdusattorov a silver medal in the board section, proved again what true masters of chess game they are.

Along with courageous and brave young men, our purposeful chess players such as Afruza Hamdamova, Nilufar Yokubboeva, Umida Omonova, Marjona Malikova, Nodira Nodirjonova, who directed all their strength and energy, skill and professionalism to worthily defend the honor of the Motherland, also took part in the competition.

It is undoubtedly noteworthy that they improved their results from the last Olympiad, taking the 12th place among the
170 countries. It is gratifying that our chess player Nodira Nodirjonova won the 2nd place in the board section and was awarded a silver medal. I sincerely congratulate them all, wish them to reach even higher milestones and take prizes at future competitions.

Undoubtedly, the tremendous success of our chess players is a practical result of the enormous attention paid to the youth in New Uzbekistan, the ongoing large-scale reforms to develop sports, including the most intellectual one - chess.

Undoubtedly, such bright achievements further unite our people on the way to noble goals, serve as a source of inspiration for thousands of young men and women.

Taking this opportunity, on behalf of all our people and on my own behalf I express my sincere gratitude to you, my dear ones, to your experienced mentors and coaches who made a great contribution to your success, to all members of the national team, to your parents who supported you and to all chess fans.

May you have good luck in conquering the highest peaks at the next World Chess Olympiad, which will be hosted by our native Uzbekistan for the first time in 2026!

I wish you all health, happiness and well-being, great success in your studies and subsequent activities. May your path to victory be steadfast, my dear ones!

Shavkat Mirziyoyev,
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Proposals for the development of environmental protection and tourism were considered
Proposals for the development of environmental protection and tourism were considered
Prezident Shavkat Mirziyoyev 19-sentabr kuni atrof-muhitni muhofaza qilish va turizm sohalaridagi takliflar taqdimoti bilan tanishdi.

Hozirgi kunda havoni musaffo saqlash, ekologik hodisalarning ta'sirini kamaytirish tobora dolzarb bo'lib bormoqda. Shu bois bu borada ikkita dastur ishlab chiqildi.

Birinchisi - Chang bo'ronlariga qarshi kurashish va ularning oqibatlarini yumshatish bo'yicha 2024-2030-yillarga mo'ljallangan milliy dasturdir. Bu hujjatda “Yevro-4” standartidan past toifadagi yoqilg'ini sotish va undan foydalanishni bosqichma-bosqich to'liq taqiqlash nazarda tutiladi. Buning uchun Buxoro va Farg'ona neftni qayta ishlash zavodlari yuqori sifatli yoqilg'i ishlab chiqarish bo'yicha modernizatsiya qilinadi.

Ikkinchisi - Toshkent shahrida atmosfera havosi sifatini yaxshilashga qaratilgan chora-tadbirlar dasturi bo'lib, unga ko'ra, kelgusi 5 yilda poytaxtimiz va unga tutash Toshkent viloyati tumanlarida 441 gektar “yashil belbog'” va bog'lar tashkil qilinadi.

Sanitar tozalash ishlarini tartibga solish maqsadida mavjud markaz negizida Chiqindilarni boshqarish va sirkulyar iqtisodiyotni rivojlantirish agentligini tuzish taklif etilmoqda. Sanitar tozalash korxonalarining samaradorlik ko'rsatkichlariga qarab, uchta toifaga ajratgan holda reyting tizimi joriy qilinadi.

Yangi quriladigan, balandligi 12 metrdan yoki umumiy maydoni 500 kvadrat metrdan ortiq bo'lgan binolarni loyihalashtirishda unga tutash hududlarning kamida 25 foizini ko'kalamzorlashtirish talabi qo'yiladi. Shuningdek, atrof-muhitga zarari ko'p sanoat korxonalari ham “yashil belbog'”lar barpo etish majburiyatini oladi.

Ekologik huquqqbuzarliklarning oldini olish, bu borada jamoatchilik nazoratini kuchaytirish masalalariga ham e'tibor qaratildi. Faol va jonkuyar insonlarni rag'batlantirish maqsadida “O'zbekiston Respublikasida xizmat ko'rsatgan ekolog” faxriy unvonini ta'sis etish taklifi bildirildi.

Atrof-muhit bilan bog'liq bo'lgan masalalar bo'yicha qarorlar qabul qilish jarayonida jamoatchilikning axborot olish imkoniyati, ishtiroki va odil sudlovga erishishish imkoniyati to'g'risidagi Orxus konvensiyasiga qo'shilish masalasi ko'rib chiqildi.

Ma'muriy javobgarlik to'g'risidagi kodeksga qurilish maydonlarida atmosfera havosini muhofaza qilish talablariga rioya qilmaslik bo'yicha modda kiritish maqsadga muvofiqligi aytildi. Shuningdek, daraxtlarni kesish va qasddan quritish, daryo o'zanlaridan noqonuniy qum-shag'al qazib olish, chiqindilarni belgilanmagan joylarga tashlash kabilar uchun jarimalarni oshirish va qat'iylashtirish choralari ko'riladi.

Vazirlar Mahkamasining 2019-yil 27-maydagi qarori bilan respublikada ekologik markirovkalash tizimi joriy etilgan. Endi ISO 14024 xalqaro standartiga muvofiq, “Yashil belgi” nomi ostida mahsulot va xizmatlarni ixtiyoriy ekologik markirovkalash yo'lga qo'yiladi. 2 ming 336 ta xo'jalik yurituvchi subyektlarda avtomatik monitoring stansiyalari, chang-gaz tozalash uskunalari va suv tozalash inshootlarini o'rnatish bo'yicha tarmoq jadvallari tasdiqlanadi.

Ekologiya vazirligi huzurida jamoatchilik nazorati ostida boshqariladigan va yuridik shaxs maqomiga ega bo'lmagan “Yashil xayriya jamg'armasi” tashkil etiladi. Elektron xarid ilovalarida “Yashil to'lov” ixtiyoriy ustama turi ochiladi.

Sohadagi yana bir muammo yovvoyi hayvonlarni asrash bilan bog'liq. Ularni xonadonlarda boqish huquqiy jihatdan tartibga solinmagan. Shu bois endi yovvoyi hayvonlarni uy sharoitida, sirk va shapitolarda saqlash hamda tomoshalarda foydalanish taqiqlanadi. Jismoniy shaxslar ixtiyoridagi hamda sirklarda saqlanuvchi bunday jonzotlar hayvonot bog'laridagi reabilitatsiya markazlariga, okeanariumlar, pitomnik va ilmiy-tadqiqot muassasalariga topshirilishi belgilanmoqda.

Taqdimotda tibbiy turizmni rivojlantirish chora-tadbirlari ham muhokama qilindi.

Shu maqsadda O'zbekiston bu yo'nalishda Markaziy Osiyoning “chorlovchi nuqtasi” sifatida targ'ib qilinadi. “Tibbiy xizmatlar mehmondo'stligi” dasturi amalga oshiriladi. Tibbiy va sog'lomlashtirish muassasalari faoliyati rag'batlantirilib, ularning yagona reyestri ishga tushiriladi. Mehmonxonalar kabi yulduzli sanatoriylar faoliyati yo'lga qo'yiladi.

Davlatimiz rahbari bular bo'yicha hujjat loyihalarini puxta ishlab chiqish va ijrosini samarali tashkil etish bo'yicha ko'rsatmalar berdi.
Address by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev at the second "Central Asia – Germany" summit
Address by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev at the second "Central Asia – Germany" summit

Distinguished heads of delegations!

I am sincerely glad to greet you all. I would like to echo the words of gratitude to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, H.E. Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, for the warm welcome and excellent organization of our meeting.

I am grateful to the distinguished Federal Chancellor of Germany, H.E. Mr. Olaf Scholz, for his commitment to expanding the multifaceted partnership with the countries of our region.

Our first meeting in Berlin and today's summit reaffirm shared intention to continue an open and constructive dialogue and our focus on achieving concrete practical results.

We are interested in holding regular meetings in this format, with setting up the mechanisms for expert review and implementation of the initiatives put forward.

Distinguished Federal Chancellor!

We highly value Germany's firm and unwavering support for the ongoing democratic transformations and socio-economic reforms in our countries, partnership and integration in Central Asia.

I would like to highlight that our multifaceted relationship has deep historical roots.

In the 18th century, the great composer of the Age of Enlightenment Handel created one of his greatest works – the opera "Tamerlane" – in just 20 days.

The great poet and philosopher Goethe dedicated a number of his famous works to our ancient cities - the centers of civilization.

I would like to mention another historical fact.

At the beginning of the 20th century, a group of talented, progressive young people from Central Asia studied at the leading German universities and subsequently made a great contribution to the promotion of the enlightenment ideas and socio-economic development of our region.

I would like to emphasize that today we see Germany as one of our important partners in achieving national goals of sustainable development.

Let me briefly highlight the profound and fundamental changes that have taken place in Central Asia in recent years.

We have established an open and productive dialogue and are independently addressing many issues related to borders, water, energy, trade and transit.

Recently, the Sixth Meeting of the Heads of State of the region was held here in Astana.

The international stance of the region is strengthening, cooperation with the leading countries via "Central Asia Plus" format is expanding.

The volumes of trade turnover, investment, freight transport and tourist travel by our citizens have increased many-fold.

We are discussing major regional projects in green energy and the development of transport communications.

We are exchanging experience and technologies, creating modern industrial and agricultural enterprises, and introducing financial instruments to stimulate cooperation projects.

Most importantly, we clearly understand that the future of our region, its security and sustainable development depends solely on our political will and efforts.

We sincerely welcome the interest of our European partners, first of all Germany, as the main initiator and driving force behind the promotion of EU strategies and multilateral cooperation programmes with our countries.

We are preparing to hold another summit in Uzbekistan in the format of "Central Asia - European Union" next year, having defined the investment in the future of the region as the main topic of the agenda of the meeting.

Dear colleagues!

Conflicts and wars, the overall global instability and unpredictability, sanctions policy, increased protectionism and many other factors are causing extremely negative impact on our countries and are becoming a serious test to the implementation of national programs and reforms.

Earlier, during our talks in Samarkand, I shared with Chancellor Scholz my high expectations from today’s meeting.

In this regard, I would like to outline our vision of the main directions for developing cooperation with Germany in Central Asia.

First. We highly value the establishment of a strategic regional partnership between Central Asia and Germany, which meets the common interests of maintaining stability, ensuring sustainability and prosperity of the region.

We consider it appropriate to adopt a long-term Concept for the development of our partnership with program activities in priority areas.

In order to develop this document, we propose to consider the possibility of establishing the “Central Asia – Germany” Forum of Analytical Centers. We are ready to hold its first meeting next year in Khiva - one of the region’s historic cities where a large community of German Mennonites used to live.

We also assign an important role to the annual meetings of the heads of the foreign ministries of our countries in preparing the agenda of our summits.

Second. Investment and technological partnership with the leading German companies.

I would like to note that the portfolio of ongoing and promising projects in Uzbekistan with the participation of German companies exceeds 20 billion Euros.

This includes energy, chemical and extractive industries, machine building, textile and food industry, agriculture, transport and logistics, production of construction materials.

The leading German companies, such as Siemens, Linde, BASF, MAN, Claas, Henkel, Knauf and many others are among our partners, which have invested about 6 billion euros into Uzbekistan’s economy in recent years.

Today we will have the opportunity to discuss long-term plans with the representatives of the German business.

In this regard, I have a number of specific proposals:

– developing a "road map" for expanding investment and technological cooperation between the Central Asian countries and Germany;

– participation of the leading German companies and banks in the implementation of joint projects in the special economic and industrial zones being created in the border areas, as well as large infrastructure projects of regional significance;

– launching of a permanent business dialogue platform – “Central Asia-Germany” Council of Investors and Entrepreneurs. We are ready to hold its first meeting next year in Uzbekistan within the Tashkent Investment Forum;

– study of the possibility of adopting a multilateral intergovernmental agreement on promotion and protection of investments.

Third. Partnership in critical raw materials based on the introduction of advanced German knowledge and technologies.

As it was mentioned our region is abundant in mineral resources.

The German Mineral Resources Agency and German companies could become our key partners in this area.

Here, we are referring to the geological survey projects, intensive exploration, processing and production of products with high added value, as well as arrangement of shipments to Germany and other EU countries.

Uzbekistan is ready to take part in the joint implementation of such projects in neighboring countries.

The technical assistance from Germany and European institutions in implementing the Digital Mapping Program of Critical Minerals and Rare Earth Metals in our region holds promising opportunities.

We also believe it is important to establish a reliable legal framework for such cooperation.

Fourth. “Green” energy. In recent years, all our countries have been actively developing solar, wind and hydropower, modernizing thermal power plants and networks, and promoting green hydrogen projects.

We propose to consider launching an Energy Dialogue between Central Asian countries and Germany, involving energy ministries, companies, operators, scientific organizations, design institutes and industry experts.

We are interested in preparing a Comprehensive Capacity Building Program for specialists in the low-carbon economy with the German technical assistance.

Fifth. Joint response to climate change.

Experts predict that the Central Asian region will remain most vulnerable to the effects of global warming. The rise in average temperatures will be twice as high as the world average.

We are grateful to the German side for launching the second phase of the “Green Central Asia” program, assistance provided for the implementation of environmental projects.

We are also interested in the following:

- implementation of joint educational programs and scientific exchanges at the Central Asian University of Environmental and Climate Change Studies;

- adoption of cooperation programs for the introduction of German water management technologies, modernization of irrigation systems, conservation of biodiversity and training of environmental specialists.

We support and are ready to take an active part in the practical implementation of the initiative of the German Chancellor to create a Central Asian Nature Partnership.

Sixth. The biggest barrier to deepening our partnership is the lack of transport connectivity, including land and air.

We count on Germany’s support in engaging European institutions in the development of alternative transportation corridors connecting Central Asia with Europe.

We propose to hold a joint Ministerial Conference next year on improving the transit capacity of such routes.

Dear heads of delegations!

The exhibition of cultural and historical heritage of our region last year at the Neues Museum in Berlin once again demonstrated the need for regular organization of such events.

Over several months, more than half a million of residents and guests of the German capital city enjoyed the exhibition.

We propose to adopt a Joint Plan for Cultural Activities in our countries, consider the possibility of holding Central Asian Art and Film Days in major cities of Germany, and establish cooperation between museums.

In the field of scientific and educational exchange, it is important to launch a platform for partnership among leading universities,
to develop programs aimed at expanding cooperation in the field of dual education, to train German language teachers with the involvement of the Goethe Institute and other German organizations.

The high interest of our youth in learning German is evidenced by the victory of an Uzbek schoolgirl at the World Olympiad held this summer in Göttingen.

Dear colleagues!

We believe it is important to continue close cooperation with Germany in the fields of combating terrorism, extremism and cybercrime, preventing radicalization of youth.

The security situation in Central Asia is inextricably linked with the processes taking place in Afghanistan.

We believe it is important to prevent the aggravation of the humanitarian crisis in this country, which is left alone with its own challenges.

In this regard, we are ready to cooperate with Germany and other European partners in the implementation of joint projects aimed at involving this country into regional economic cooperation and training personnel, including girls and women, in skills that are on-demand for the peaceful life in Afghanistan, at the Educational Center located in the border town of Termez.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that Uzbekistan is interested in untapping the potential of Germany’s multifaceted cooperation with the Central Asian region.

I am confident that today’s meeting will serve to further bringing our countries and peoples closer and fill our strategic partnership with concrete projects and programs.

Thank you!

State awards presented to brave athletes
State awards presented to brave athletes
On September 13, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev held a meeting with the winners and medalists of the XVII Summer Paralympic Games.

The event was attended by the leadership of the National Paralympic Committee and sports federations, coaches, parents of athletes, representatives of state and public organizations.

As you know, the competitions were held from August 28 to September 8 in the capital of France, Paris. About 4.4 thousand Paralympians from 168 countries participated in them. From Uzbekistan, 65 para-athletes competed in 9 sports.

The Paralympic Games, like the Olympics, were successful for our country. Our compatriots set many records, winning 10 gold, 9 silver, 7 bronze - a total of 26 medals. They took 13th place in the overall team standings, as well as 3rd place in Asia and 1st place among Turkic, Islamic countries and the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Issues related to the development of cooperation between Uzbekistan and Latvia in the field of combating crime discussed in Riga
Issues related to the development of cooperation between Uzbekistan and Latvia in the field of combating crime discussed in Riga
RIGA, September 30. /IA “Dunyo”/. Uzbek Ambassador Timur Rakhmanov has met with Latvian Interior Minister Rihards Kozlovskis, Dunyo news agency's correspondent reported.

At the meeting, the sides discussed issues of developing cooperation between Uzbekistan and Latvia in combating various crimes.

The Latvian side was provided with information about the reforms carried out in Uzbekistan in the field of policing, as well as the attention paid to compatriots abroad.

The Latvian minister expressed interest in expanding cooperation between the two countries' Interior Ministries in such areas as expertise, youth crime prevention, combating IT and economic crimes.

An agreement was reached between the Embassy and the Latvian Ministry of Internal Affairs to facilitate the exchange of information on criminal cases of our country's citizens who have violated Latvian laws.
A round table was held in Latvia on the upcoming elections in Uzbekistan to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis and Kengashes of People's Deputies
A round table was held in Latvia on the upcoming elections in Uzbekistan to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis and Kengashes of People's Deputies
RIGA, September 22. /IA Dunyo/. A round table was held at the Embassy of Uzbekistan jointly with the Institute of Central Asia and Middle East Studies to inform representatives of the Latvian government and public about the reforms implemented in political, economic and social spheres in our country, Dunyo news agency's correspondent reported.

The participants of the event were provided with detailed information on large-scale reforms in all spheres, strengthening of Uzbekistan's position in the international arena, implementation of political and socio-economic reforms. In addition, special attention was paid to the parliamentary elections to be held on October 27.

Speaking, head of the institute Aydin Askerov noted that the expected political event is a continuation of reforms observed in our country. According to him, the world highly appreciates the important changes implemented under the leadership of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev on the path of establishing New Uzbekistan. This electoral process is being conducted under a completely new, mixed model, and by increasing the share of women from 40 percent, special attention is being paid to strengthening their role in the political life of our country.

Deputy Director of the Institute Andrei Bruy emphasized that the active interest and involvement of young people in the political changes taking place in Uzbekistan are proof that the country's leadership pays great attention to them and all conditions are being created for this purpose.

All questions of the participants were also answered during the event. In particular, information was provided on the opportunities created for Uzbek citizens temporarily and permanently residing abroad to participate in the upcoming elections.
Uzbek exporters familiarized with requirements for import of Uzbek products to Latvian and European markets
Uzbek exporters familiarized with requirements for import of Uzbek products to Latvian and European markets
RIGA, September 21. /IA Dunyo/. The Embassy of Uzbekistan together with the Plant Protection Agency organized an online seminar-training on the topic “Export to Europe” with the participation of the head of the Uzbek Trade House in Latvia, Honorary Consul Vladimir Galperin, Dunyo news agency's correspondent reports.

The event was devoted to disclosure of peculiarities of normative and technical regulation and other specific requirements for export of locally produced products to Latvian and European markets.

Latvian expert provided detailed information on requirements and conditions related to export of agricultural products to Europe, certification, food packaging standards, processing technologies, beverage production, licensing of production technologies.

It is worth noting that 50 Uzbek exporters participated in the training seminar.
Export of agricultural products from Uzbekistan to the Latvian market increases
Export of agricultural products from Uzbekistan to the Latvian market increases
RIGA, September 20. /IA “Dunyo”/. With the support of our country's embassy, the volume of garlic exports from Uzbekistan to the Latvian market is increasing, Dunyo news agency's correspondent reports.

In particular, the products with a total volume of about 20 tons were supplied to Latvian company “KGS Group” by exporting company “Oksus” Ltd. from Uzbekistan, which went on sale in large shopping centers on September 16. It is planned to further increase the volume of supplies of these products to the markets of the Baltic States.

Negotiations are also underway with major importing companies to increase the range of Uzbek national products sold in the markets of these countries.

Шуни маълум қиламизки, интернет тармоқларида жорий йилнинг 10 август куни Литва-Беларусь чегараси “Мядининкай” назорат пунктида Ўзбекистон Республикасида рўйхатдан ўтган юк машинаси контрабанда жиноятида гумонланиб Литванинг тегишли идоралари томонидан ушлангани хақида маълумот тарқалган.

Элчихона томонидан холат бўйича юқорида кўрсатилган назорат пункти ходимлари билан алоқалар ўрнатилган. 

Бугунки кунда Божхона жиноий хизмати томонидан ушбу воқия юзасидан жиноят иши қўзғатилган ва Вильнюс туман прокуратураси томонидан тергов олиб борилмоқда.

Ушбу холат Элчихона томонидан назоратга олинган ва Литванинг тегишли идоралари билан доимий алоқа ўрнатилган.

Вазиятга тўлиқ ойдинлик киритилиши билан қўшимча хабар берилади.

Diplomats of Uzbekistan held a visiting reception of fellow citizens living in Estonia and Finland
Diplomats of Uzbekistan held a visiting reception of fellow citizens living in Estonia and Finland
RIGA, June 21. /IA Dunyo/. The Embassy of Uzbekistan in Riga has organized a consular reception for fellow citizens living in Estonia and Finland, Dunyo news agency's correspondent reports.

Diplomats visited places of residence and labor activity of Uzbek citizens. During the reception they were given legal consultations on issues of interest to them and practical consular and legal assistance.

During the meeting with compatriots the discussion was about the reforms being implemented in Uzbekistan to organize safe and legal external labor migration, as well as the opportunities created for temporary labor activity in foreign countries.

There was a discussion on the negative consequences of illegal migration, human trafficking, falling under the influence of foreign ideas and participation in mass riots, as well as the need to comply with the legislation of the host country.
Ambassador of Uzbekistan presents credentials to President of Latvia
Ambassador of Uzbekistan presents credentials to President of Latvia
RIGA, June 18. /IA Dunyo/. Uzbekistan's Ambassador to Latvia Timur Rakhmanov yesterday presented his credentials to Latvian President Edgars Rinkevics, Dunyo news agency's correspondent reported.

The current state and prospects of development of cooperation between Uzbekistan and Latvia were discussed during the conversation held within the framework of the ceremony.

The Latvian president praised the state of political dialog and bilateral trade and economic cooperation between Riga and Tashkent. He emphasized that Uzbekistan has become one of Latvia's largest trade and economic partners by the end of 2023.

A high assessment was given to the large-scale reforms carried out in Uzbekistan, noting that their results are welcomed by all EU countries.

Timur Rakhmanov arrived in the Latvian capital on March 13 as Uzbekistan's new ambassador. He replaced Kadambai Sultanov, who served as Uzbekistan's ambassador to Latvia (2019-2024) and at the same time to Lithuania (2021-2024), Finland (2020-2024) and Estonia (2020-2024) with residence in Riga.
Uzbekistan drivers will be able to obtain certificates according to European standards and work in EU countries
Uzbekistan drivers will be able to obtain certificates according to European standards and work in EU countries
RIGA, June 17. /IA Dunyo/. Representatives of the largest in the Baltic region transportation and logistics company "Kreiss" visited Uzbekistan on June 10-17, Dunyo news agency's correspondent reports.

Kreiss" company, founded in 2001 in Riga, is one of the largest trucking companies in the Baltic region and important operators providing logistics services in Europe and CIS countries. The annual turnover of the company is 160 million dollars.

During the visit, the Latvian side held negotiations with the leadership of the Ministry of Transport, the Agency for External Labor Migration and the International Road Carriers Association.

Kreiss and the External Labor Migration Agency signed an agreement on the organized recruitment of 600 drivers to Latvia.

A Memorandum was signed with "Vatanparvar" organization on organization of special simulators for training Uzbek truck drivers on the platform of driving schools belonging to this association. It was emphasized that drivers trained at the centers can obtain certificates according to European standards and work in the EU countries.
Climate change adaptation issues discussed in Riga
Climate change adaptation issues discussed in Riga
RIGA, June 14. /IA Dunyo/. A delegation from Uzbekistan headed by Bobur Bekmurodov, chairman of the national movement "Yuksalish", visited Riga within the framework of the grant project "Planning a sustainable policy of mitigation and adaptation to climate change in Uzbekistan", Dunyo news agency reported.

During the visit, a number of meetings and negotiations were held with the leaders of the Latvian Association of Local Governments, the Ministry of Climate and Energy and authorities of major cities.

During them, the sides exchanged views on improving the planning of sustainable climate change mitigation and adaptation policies, capacity building of decision makers, local public authorities, representatives of civil society institutions, integrated climate change management and disaster reduction.

The issues of developing climate change action plans, supporting the integration of gender equality in the protection of women and children from climate change, raising public awareness of the socio-economic impacts of climate change and helping to ensure their participation in decision-making in this area were discussed.

As a result of the meetings, it was decided to continue the process of exchange of experience between experts in this field of the two countries. In addition, an agreement was reached to organize a visit to Uzbekistan by a Latvian delegation consisting of representatives of state and public organizations in this field.
Latvian company plans to employ Uzbek truck drivers
Latvian company plans to employ Uzbek truck drivers
RIGA, May 24. /IA Dunyo/. Uzbekistan's Ambassador Timur Rakhmanov met with the head of Latvia's largest transport and logistics company Kreiss Dmitry Chebaevsky on May 22, Dunyo news agency's correspondent reported.

The parties discussed the issues of intensification of bilateral cooperation in the field of transport and logistics, recruitment of personnel, driver training and creation of specialized training centers in our country.

The Latvian side highly appreciated the reforms carried out in our country to support domestic cargo carriers, privileges and preferences provided by the state for transportation services within the framework of boosting exports of Uzbek products.

Interest in organized attraction of Uzbek truck drivers for employment in "Kreiss" was noted. The Latvian side also informed about plans to implement in Uzbekistan a project of opening a simulation-training and preparatory center for drivers of heavy trucks on the basis of one of the driving schools in Tashkent with the possibility of issuing a European registration certificate of professional suitability.

As a result of negotiations, an agreement was reached to organize a visit of "Kreiss" company delegation to Uzbekistan on June 10-14 with a series of meetings and negotiations in relevant ministries and departments of our country.
A new air cargo bridge will open between Uzbekistan and Latvia in summer
A new air cargo bridge will open between Uzbekistan and Latvia in summer
RIGA, May 21. /IA "Dunyo". The first cargo flight between Uzbekistan and Latvia is planned to be launched in late June - early July, Dunyo news agency's correspondent reports.

According to the Embassy of Uzbekistan, a delegation of Uzbekistan's Fly Khiva airline headed by Director General Dilshod Khodjaev has organized a visit to Latvia within the framework of increasing exports to the EU countries.

Meetings were held in relevant ministries and agencies, as well as with the management of the Department of International Air Cargo Transportation of Riga Airport, during which the Latvian side expressed interest in establishing cargo traffic between the countries.

The parties started jointly working out the issue of establishing international air cargo transportation on the route Uzbekistan - Latvia with expansion to other major cities of the Baltic States.

The new air corridor will be actively used for export of fruit and vegetables, textile and other products from Uzbekistan to Latvia and other EU countries.

Uzbekistan, Kokan

Welcome to Samarkhand!

New army of new Uzbekistan!

