Embassy messages

Embassy messages

Trade union delegation of Uzbekistan discusses in Latvia issues of protecting the rights of compatriots – labor migrants
Ambassador of Uzbekistan presented his credentials to the President of Lithuania
Uzbekistan and Finland are preparing for the next meeting of the intergovernmental commission and a business forum within its framework
Discussions on potential areas of cooperation with the Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry were held in Riga
Uzbekistan and Latvia agreed to prepare a bilateral agreement on cooperation in the field of labor migration
Uzbekistan and Latvia ready for permanent dialogue in the field of labor migration
Торговый дом Узбекистана в Латвии провел онлайн-тренинг для хокимов и экспортеров Сырдарьинской области
Uzbek delegation studied Finland's experience in preventing violence against children
A festive evening for compatriots was organized in Estonia
Latvia widely celebrated the anniversary of the adoption of the Basic Law of Uzbekistan
Возможности медицинского туризма в Узбекистане презентованы в Риге
New contracts worth over $4 million signed as part of Uzbek exporters' business mission to Latvia
A roundtable discussion on the topic "Mirzo Ulugbek: a great encyclopedist and a famous statesman" was held in Riga
СМИ Латвии: Явка на выборах в Узбекистане составила 74,72%
Досрочное голосование по выборам в Законодательную палату Олий Мажлиса Узбекистана проходит в Латвии
В Латвии и Литве обсуждаются ключевые аспекты предстоящих парламентских выборов в Узбекистане
Issues related to the development of cooperation between Uzbekistan and Latvia in the field of combating crime discussed in Riga
A round table was held in Latvia on the upcoming elections in Uzbekistan to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis and Kengashes of People's Deputies
Uzbek exporters familiarized with requirements for import of Uzbek products to Latvian and European markets
Export of agricultural products from Uzbekistan to the Latvian market increases
Uzbek ambassador meets Latvian Saeima speaker to discuss prospects for boosting inter-parliamentary cooperation
Diplomats of Uzbekistan held a visiting reception of fellow citizens living in Estonia and Finland
Ambassador of Uzbekistan presents credentials to President of Latvia
Uzbekistan drivers will be able to obtain certificates according to European standards and work in EU countries
Climate change adaptation issues discussed in Riga
Latvian company plans to employ Uzbek truck drivers
A new air cargo bridge will open between Uzbekistan and Latvia in summer
Jurmala is ready to present the tourism potential of Uzbekistan to its guests
Latvia's largest pharmaceutical company plans to manufacture its products in Uzbekistan