Embassy messages

Latvian company plans to employ Uzbek truck drivers

Latvian company plans to employ Uzbek truck drivers

RIGA, May 24. /IA Dunyo/. Uzbekistan's Ambassador Timur Rakhmanov met with the head of Latvia's largest transport and logistics company Kreiss Dmitry Chebaevsky on May 22, Dunyo news agency's correspondent reported.

The parties discussed the issues of intensification of bilateral cooperation in the field of transport and logistics, recruitment of personnel, driver training and creation of specialized training centers in our country.

The Latvian side highly appreciated the reforms carried out in our country to support domestic cargo carriers, privileges and preferences provided by the state for transportation services within the framework of boosting exports of Uzbek products.

Interest in organized attraction of Uzbek truck drivers for employment in "Kreiss" was noted. The Latvian side also informed about plans to implement in Uzbekistan a project of opening a simulation-training and preparatory center for drivers of heavy trucks on the basis of one of the driving schools in Tashkent with the possibility of issuing a European registration certificate of professional suitability.

As a result of negotiations, an agreement was reached to organize a visit of "Kreiss" company delegation to Uzbekistan on June 10-14 with a series of meetings and negotiations in relevant ministries and departments of our country.

📅 24.05.2024

Embassy messages

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