Embassy messages

Proposals to improve the quality of education considered

Proposals to improve the quality of education considered

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev familiarized himself with the proposals on improving the quality of pre-school and school education and the system of professional development of teachers.

Students' interest in subjects and their academic performance largely depend on the knowledge and skill of teachers. Therefore, necessary conditions are being created for teachers' professional development and the system of knowledge assessment is being improved.

The responsible persons reported on the developed proposals in this sphere.

It was noted that a new certification system based on advanced technologies has been introduced. More than 190 thousand teachers took part in it, 51 thousand teachers were promoted to the new category based on the results.

It was emphasized that it is necessary to constantly stimulate the increase in the number of professional and self-educated teachers in schools.

It was proposed to increase the salaries of teachers with the highest and first qualification category from September 2025.

It was instructed to develop and implement a separate professional development program for teachers who have not been certified and do not have sufficient experience.

In this process, it is necessary to make full use of the possibilities of professional development centers and teacher training colleges. To this end, based on the experience of the Presidential Schools, a system of professional development for the heads and teachers of kindergartens and schools will be organized at the Abdullah Avloni National Research Institute with a frequency of every 5 years.

A task has been set to transfer 11 pedagogical colleges in the regions under the authority of the Centers of Professional Development and attract trainers from abroad.

It was informed that kindergartens and schools, technical schools and "Barkamol Avlod" school will be established on the basis of teacher training colleges with low workload.

In order to disseminate best practices, the evaluation system of Presidential Schools was introduced in 500 schools last year. As a result, student achievement in these schools increased from 53 percent to 59 percent. A bonus of up to 40 percent has been set for school leaders and teachers of high-performing schools.

In this regard, starting from the new school year, this evaluation system will be applied in another 1,000 schools. They will be assigned to 182 specialized schools and 500 schools that have tested the system.

Also 270 schools will be equipped with interactive whiteboards, 365 schools will be provided with computer classes.

The presentation also considered a proposal to establish the National Institute of Pedagogy of Education on the basis of the Research Institute of Pedagogical Sciences of Uzbekistan named after Kary-Niyazi. The new institute will be entrusted with the tasks of strengthening makhalla-parents-school cooperation, creating educational literature for parents and children, and scientific research of didactic views of the Jadids. Activity of the Academic Council on 5 specialties will be organized, as well as training of personnel in master's and doctoral studies.

In addition, the issues of introducing international methods in the schools of sportsmanship of Bakhodir Jalolov and Oksana Chusovitina, improving the quality of education and training were touched upon.

The head of state gave instructions on improving the quality of teachers' training, organizing a fair system of evaluation and incentives.

📅 19.06.2024

Embassy messages

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