Embassy messages

Press and media workers

Press and media workers

Dear friends!

Sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, I congratulate you, devoted representatives of national journalism, who devote their talent, skill and selfless labor to serving the people, respected veterans who have made a worthy contribution to the development of the sphere, on June 27, the Day of Press and Mass Media Workers, and express to you my deepest respect and kindest wishes.
As you know, liberalization of the information sphere and its development are priority tasks in the construction of the New Uzbekistan. Therefore, the new version of the adopted Constitution of the country enshrines the norms and principles of ensuring freedom of mass media activities, and the legal framework of the sphere is being improved.
It should be emphasized that in recent years the country has been opening up broad opportunities for freedom of speech and pluralism of opinion, which have contributed to further strengthening the participation, role and place of media representatives in socio-political processes.
We all know well and highly appreciate the growing influence of journalists in promoting openness and transparency in society, public control over the activities of state bodies and their officials, and the study and resolution of legitimate appeals from citizens.
We should note a significant increase in the number of topical reports on various topics in newspapers, magazines, television and radio channels, social networks, thematic programs, analytical commentaries, discussions on problematic issues with the participation of specialists and experts.
Critical and analytical materials, in particular, about shortcomings in the field of construction, ecology and environmental protection, road safety, as well as in social and economic spheres help to "wake up" some "dormant" managers and local officials, to make them work in a new way, to live the concerns of people.
In a word, our indifferent and noble journalists and active bloggers with their firm position and impartial word make a worthy contribution to solving acute problems of life, increasing the effectiveness of reforms, expanding the views and worldview of their compatriots.
All this undoubtedly testifies to the fact that our national media are already close to the level of the "fourth estate". Still, it will not be easy to achieve such a lofty goal; there are, of course, many obstacles and difficulties along the way.
However, no matter how difficult it may be, we will resolutely continue our work in this direction.

Dear friends!

Today, printing and journalism are becoming not only the "fourth estate", but also a key area comparable in importance to defense and security.
Therefore, the sphere needs more and more people like you, brave, sincere lovers of the Motherland, devoted to the profession, selfless people.
In this regard, our primary task remains the training of modern journalistic personnel with multifaceted professional knowledge and skills, high moral and intellectual qualities.
At the same time, we all realize that today more than ever it is important to fill the information space with high-quality and competitive national content.
I believe it is extremely important to cover the events taking place in the world taking into account our national interests, promptly and on the basis of deep analysis.
At the same time, the increase in the dissemination of false and unfounded information that misleads people poses an urgent task for us to improve the media literacy of the population. All controversial issues and problems arising in the information space should be resolved exclusively within the framework of the law, on the basis of legal norms.
I am sure that you, dear representatives of the media, will take an active part in solving such tasks.
Ensuring the legitimate interests of all employees of the sphere, stimulating their selfless labor will undoubtedly continue to be in the center of our attention.
On this significant day I once again congratulate you on your professional holiday, wish you all health, success in your honorable activity, peace and prosperity to your families.
Taking this opportunity, I cordially congratulate the media workers who have been honored with high state awards on today's holiday.
May the joy of inspiration and creative search always accompany you, my dear ones!

Shavkat Mirziyoyev,
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

📅 26.06.2024

Embassy messages

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Latvian company plans to employ Uzbek truck drivers
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Uzbekistan-Lithuania Business Cooperation Council to be established
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Uzbek diplomats meet with compatriots in Riga
Ambassador of Uzbekistan visits the Latvian city of Liepaja
The visit of the Ferghana Oblast delegation to Latvia was fruitful