Embassy messages

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Jurmala is ready to present the tourism potential of Uzbekistan to its guests
Jurmala is ready to present the tourism potential of Uzbekistan to its guests

RIGA, May 19. /IA "Dunyo"/. Uzbek Ambassador Timur Rakhmanov has met with Deputy Chairman of Jurmala City Advisory Council Janis Ledins, Dunyo news agency's correspondent reports.

During the talks, the sides discussed issues of expanding cooperation between the regions of Uzbekistan and Latvia in the spheres of trade and economy, science, education, culture and tourism.

The Latvian side was provided with information about the current development of Uzbekistan, economic and social reforms carried out in the country, investment potential and created conditions for doing business.

The representative of Jurmala administration expressed interest in the development of interregional cooperation, including in the sphere of tourism. In this direction, the issue of participation of the delegation of the Jurmala City Administration in the International Tourism Exhibition, which will be held in November in Tashkent, is being considered.

An agreement was reached to hold a presentation of Uzbekistan's tourism potential in July this year - during the opening of the tourist season in Jurmala, for a wider coverage of the public, which will be familiarized with the history, culture and tourism opportunities of our country.

The Latvian side also invited the Uzbek delegation to Jurmala city to hold Days of Uzbekistan in the first half of September.

Latvian company plans to employ Uzbek truck drivers
Latvian company plans to employ Uzbek truck drivers

RIGA, May 24. /IA Dunyo/. Uzbekistan's Ambassador Timur Rakhmanov met with the head of Latvia's largest transport and logistics company Kreiss Dmitry Chebaevsky on May 22, Dunyo news agency's correspondent reported.

The parties discussed the issues of intensification of bilateral cooperation in the field of transport and logistics, recruitment of personnel, driver training and creation of specialized training centers in our country.

The Latvian side highly appreciated the reforms carried out in our country to support domestic cargo carriers, privileges and preferences provided by the state for transportation services within the framework of boosting exports of Uzbek products.

Interest in organized attraction of Uzbek truck drivers for employment in "Kreiss" was noted. The Latvian side also informed about plans to implement in Uzbekistan a project of opening a simulation-training and preparatory center for drivers of heavy trucks on the basis of one of the driving schools in Tashkent with the possibility of issuing a European registration certificate of professional suitability.

As a result of negotiations, an agreement was reached to organize a visit of "Kreiss" company delegation to Uzbekistan on June 10-14 with a series of meetings and negotiations in relevant ministries and departments of our country.

Ambassador of Uzbekistan presents credentials to President of Latvia
Ambassador of Uzbekistan presents credentials to President of Latvia

RIGA, June 18. /IA Dunyo/. Uzbekistan's Ambassador to Latvia Timur Rakhmanov yesterday presented his credentials to Latvian President Edgars Rinkevics, Dunyo news agency's correspondent reported.

The current state and prospects of development of cooperation between Uzbekistan and Latvia were discussed during the conversation held within the framework of the ceremony.

The Latvian president praised the state of political dialog and bilateral trade and economic cooperation between Riga and Tashkent. He emphasized that Uzbekistan has become one of Latvia's largest trade and economic partners by the end of 2023.

A high assessment was given to the large-scale reforms carried out in Uzbekistan, noting that their results are welcomed by all EU countries.

Timur Rakhmanov arrived in the Latvian capital on March 13 as Uzbekistan's new ambassador. He replaced Kadambai Sultanov, who served as Uzbekistan's ambassador to Latvia (2019-2024) and at the same time to Lithuania (2021-2024), Finland (2020-2024) and Estonia (2020-2024) with residence in Riga.

A new air cargo bridge will open between Uzbekistan and Latvia in summer
A new air cargo bridge will open between Uzbekistan and Latvia in summer

RIGA, May 21. /IA "Dunyo". The first cargo flight between Uzbekistan and Latvia is planned to be launched in late June - early July, Dunyo news agency's correspondent reports.

According to the Embassy of Uzbekistan, a delegation of Uzbekistan's Fly Khiva airline headed by Director General Dilshod Khodjaev has organized a visit to Latvia within the framework of increasing exports to the EU countries.

Meetings were held in relevant ministries and agencies, as well as with the management of the Department of International Air Cargo Transportation of Riga Airport, during which the Latvian side expressed interest in establishing cargo traffic between the countries.

The parties started jointly working out the issue of establishing international air cargo transportation on the route Uzbekistan - Latvia with expansion to other major cities of the Baltic States.

The new air corridor will be actively used for export of fruit and vegetables, textile and other products from Uzbekistan to Latvia and other EU countries.

Issues related to the development of cooperation between Uzbekistan and Latvia in the field of combating crime discussed in Riga
Issues related to the development of cooperation between Uzbekistan and Latvia in the field of combating crime discussed in Riga

RIGA, September 30. /IA “Dunyo”/. Uzbek Ambassador Timur Rakhmanov has met with Latvian Interior Minister Rihards Kozlovskis, Dunyo news agency's correspondent reported.

At the meeting, the sides discussed issues of developing cooperation between Uzbekistan and Latvia in combating various crimes.

The Latvian side was provided with information about the reforms carried out in Uzbekistan in the field of policing, as well as the attention paid to compatriots abroad.

The Latvian minister expressed interest in expanding cooperation between the two countries' Interior Ministries in such areas as expertise, youth crime prevention, combating IT and economic crimes.

An agreement was reached between the Embassy and the Latvian Ministry of Internal Affairs to facilitate the exchange of information on criminal cases of our country's citizens who have violated Latvian laws.


Шуни маълум қиламизки, интернет тармоқларида жорий йилнинг 10 август куни Литва-Беларусь чегараси “Мядининкай” назорат пунктида Ўзбекистон Республикасида рўйхатдан ўтган юк машинаси контрабанда жиноятида гумонланиб Литванинг тегишли идоралари томонидан ушлангани хақида маълумот тарқалган.

Элчихона томонидан холат бўйича юқорида кўрсатилган назорат пункти ходимлари билан алоқалар ўрнатилган. 

Бугунки кунда Божхона жиноий хизмати томонидан ушбу воқия юзасидан жиноят иши қўзғатилган ва Вильнюс туман прокуратураси томонидан тергов олиб борилмоқда.

Ушбу холат Элчихона томонидан назоратга олинган ва Литванинг тегишли идоралари билан доимий алоқа ўрнатилган.

Вазиятга тўлиқ ойдинлик киритилиши билан қўшимча хабар берилади.

Ambassador of Uzbekistan visits the Latvian city of Liepaja
Ambassador of Uzbekistan visits the Latvian city of Liepaja

RIGA, May 2. /IA Dunyo/. Uzbekistan's Ambassador Timur Rakhmanov visited Liepaja city in order to study the prospects of establishing cooperation with industrialized regions of Latvia, Dunyo news agency's correspondent reported.
The program of his stay in the important industrial and port city included holding talks with the Liepaja administration, visiting the Liepaja Special Economic Zone (LSEZ), organizing a meeting with top managers of iCotton, a company specializing in deep processing of cotton and production of hygiene and cosmetology products, and acquaintance with the port infrastructure of the city.

Mayor Gunnar Ansins praised the reforms carried out in Uzbekistan, the conditions created in our country for foreign investors and the measures taken to support domestic producers.

The sides expressed interest in further boosting interaction in trade-economic, cultural-humanitarian, educational and other spheres.

Readiness to promote cooperation between the entrepreneurs of the two countries, including in the context of specific regions, was noted.

As a result of the visit, the schedule of forthcoming joint events was agreed upon, the organization of a business forum in Liepaja with the participation of representatives of Surkhandarya and Khorezm regions was started.

Uzbekistan-Lithuania Business Cooperation Council to be established
Uzbekistan-Lithuania Business Cooperation Council to be established

VILNIUS, May 8. /IA "Dunyo"/. A delegation of the Uzbek Chamber of Commerce and Industry has organized a visit to Lithuania with the support of our country's embassy, Dunyo news agency's correspondent reports.

In the framework of the visit, an agreement on the establishment of the Business Cooperation Council "Uzbekistan-Lithuania" was signed in Vilnius, and the first meeting of the newly created platform was held.

President of the Confederation of Lithuanian Industrialists Vidmantas Janulyavicius noted that relations between the two countries in trade and economic, transportation and logistics, green energy, agriculture and other areas of mutual interest are consistently developing. He also expressed confidence that the Council to be established will serve as a good platform for the development of bilateral trade, economic and investment relations.

Lithuanian Deputy Minister of Transport and Communications Loreta Maskalioviene noted that Uzbekistan has become the country with the biggest economic potential in the Central Asian region. "Lithuanian businessmen show great interest in developing cooperative relations with Uzbek partners," she emphasized.

Within the framework of the visit, a business forum was held with the participation of representatives of business circles and heads of companies from Uzbekistan and Lithuania. Within the framework of the forum, B2B negotiations were organized between business representatives of the two countries, following which export contracts worth $30 million were signed to supply a wide range of products manufactured in Uzbekistan to Lithuania.

The parties agreed to establish Uzbek Trade House in Klaipeda jointly with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan and Lithuanian businessmen on the basis of equal participation. The trade house will serve to further expand opportunities for exporting products manufactured in Uzbekistan to Lithuania and European Union countries.

Uzbek businessmen familiarized themselves with the activities of major Lithuanian production enterprises and discussed issues of cooperation, mutual exchange of ideas and experience.

The visit of the Ferghana Oblast delegation to Latvia was fruitful
The visit of the Ferghana Oblast delegation to Latvia was fruitful

RIGA, April 29. /IA "Dunyo"/. A delegation of Uzbekistan headed by Deputy Khokim of Fergana region Nuriddin Mamajanov visited Latvia, Dunyo news agency's correspondent reported. Within the framework of the visit, the sides held talks on further development of trade and economic relations, increasing exports of national products and attracting direct investments in our country's economy.

In particular, during the meeting with Riga Deputy Mayor Linda Ozola the prospects of developing relations in trade-economic, investment, tourism, educational and cultural spheres were discussed, as well as an agreement was reached on participation of Fergana region representatives in cultural events to be held in Riga.

The delegation also held talks with Edgars Suna, Deputy Director of the Freeport of Riga (FPR). During the event, the sides discussed the issue of increasing exports of Uzbek products to Latvia and other EU countries, including active utilization of the port's terminal infrastructure. The issues of purchasing or renting warehouses in the territory of the REP by Uzbek entrepreneurs, granting them privileges and preferences were discussed. In turn, Edgars Suna said that the port management is ready to help in this matter. An agreement was reached to sign a memorandum on mutual cooperation between the parties in a short period of time.

Within the framework of the delegation's stay at the Uzbek Trade House in Riga, a B2B meeting between businessmen of the two countries was held. At this event, information about investment and export potential of Uzbekistan, including Fergana region, was presented. As a result of meetings and negotiations, agreements were reached on supplying agricultural products, household chemicals, confectionery and textile products to the Latvian market, and export contracts worth 25 million US dollars were signed.

At the same time, the opening ceremony of the exhibition hall of Fergana region in the Uzbek Trade House was held within the framework of the event.

Members of the delegation also held a meeting in Latvian company "KGS Group" and discussed the establishment of agro-logistic complex in Fergana region. The Latvian side expressed interest in the implementation of this project and readiness to invest 10 million dollars in it.

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Uzbek exporters familiarized with requirements for import of Uzbek products to Latvian and European markets
Uzbek exporters familiarized with requirements for import of Uzbek products to Latvian and European markets

RIGA, September 21. /IA Dunyo/. The Embassy of Uzbekistan together with the Plant Protection Agency organized an online seminar-training on the topic “Export to Europe” with the participation of the head of the Uzbek Trade House in Latvia, Honorary Consul Vladimir Galperin, Dunyo news agency's correspondent reports.

The event was devoted to disclosure of peculiarities of normative and technical regulation and other specific requirements for export of locally produced products to Latvian and European markets.

Latvian expert provided detailed information on requirements and conditions related to export of agricultural products to Europe, certification, food packaging standards, processing technologies, beverage production, licensing of production technologies.

It is worth noting that 50 Uzbek exporters participated in the training seminar.

Uzbek diplomats meet with compatriots in Riga
Uzbek diplomats meet with compatriots in Riga

RIGA, May 6. /IA "Dunyo"/. Representatives of the embassy in Latvia have met with Uzbek citizens temporarily working at KRS Logistics in Riga, Dunyo news agency's correspondent reports.

Modern development of Uzbekistan, decisions taken and measures aimed at further improvement of living conditions of our citizens, including those working abroad, were discussed with compatriots.

Explanatory work on personal security and legal support has been carried out. An agreement was reached to organize a meeting with the management of KRS Logistics to discuss the working conditions of our citizens.