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President of Uzbekistan considers promising areas and projects of cooperation with UAE
President of Uzbekistan considers promising areas and projects of cooperation with UAE

Issues of further development of multifaceted partnership, promotion of economic and investment cooperation projects, establishment of practical interaction in the defense sector were discussed at the meeting between President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev and a delegation from the United Arab Emirates headed by Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defense, Crown Prince of the Emirate of Dubai Sheikh Hamdan bin Muhammad Al Maktoum.

The Emirati delegation included the Ministers of Government Affairs Muhammad bin Abdullah Al Gergawi, Energy and Infrastructure Suhail bin Muhammad Al Mazroui, Economy Abdullah bin Tuq Al Marri, and Minister of State for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy Omar bin Sultan Al Olama.

At the beginning of the conversation, Sheikh Hamdan Al Maktoum expressed his sincere gratitude to our Head of State for the warm welcome and conveyed warm greetings from UAE President Sheikh Mohammad Al Nahyan and Prime Minister of the UAE, Emir of Dubai Sheikh Mohammad Al Maktoum.

During the meeting, special attention was paid to the issues of forming a new long-term agenda of mutually beneficial cooperation in such key areas as investment, innovative development, green energy, infrastructure, education, healthcare, ecology, digital transformation, tourism and others.

The sides highly appreciated the fruitful results of the joint forum on unlocking the potential of mutually beneficial cooperation, bilateral intergovernmental and interdepartmental talks held this morning.

An agreement was reached to adopt a road map for the development of full-scale cooperation in strategic sectors.

It should be noted that the UAE is one of Uzbekistan's key partners in the Asian region.

The latest high-level contacts took place within the framework of the Global Climate Summit in Dubai last December.

The trade turnover in 2023 grew by 21 percent and amounted to 626 million dollars. More than 320 enterprises with the participation of Emirati capital operate in our country. The portfolio of ongoing and prospective investment projects amounts to about 20 billion dollars.

To the participants of the joint conference of the International Federation of Textile Manufacturers and the International Association of Apparel Manufacturers
To the participants of the joint conference of the International Federation of Textile Manufacturers and the International Association of Apparel Manufacturers

Dear participants of the conference!

Ladies and gentlemen!

First of all, from the bottom of my heart, I sincerely congratulate you, my dear ones, on the opening of today's prestigious event - the joint conference of the International Textile Federation and the International Association of Apparel Manufacturers.

I would like to express my special gratitude to the President of the International Federation of Textile Manufacturers Mr. Kei Vi Srinavasan and President of the International Association of Apparel Manufacturers Mr. Chem Altan for the fact that this joint conference is being held in Uzbekistan for the first time.

At the same time, I express my sincere gratitude to the high-ranking representatives of the industry, heads of prestigious international and regional organizations participating in this conference.

Welcome to the pearl of the ancient Great Silk Road, the land of craftsmen - the majestic city of Samarkand!

Dear participants of the conference!

In recent years we have taken decisive steps to radically improve the investment and business environment, create favorable conditions for foreign and domestic investors.

As in all spheres and sectors, we have been implementing large-scale reforms in the textile and garment industries.

First of all, the state monopoly in cotton cultivation has been abolished, and a cluster system has been created and is being consistently improved, covering the entire process from raw material procurement to the production of finished goods.

Our reforms in this area have won the recognition of prestigious international organizations, and the boycott of Uzbek cotton has been lifted. Our cooperation with the international coalition “Cotton Campaign” continues in this direction.

At the same time, as a result of creating a stable legislative framework, improving the investment environment and introducing new technologies, the volume of cotton fiber processing increased from 40 percent in 2017 to 100 percent. At the same time, the work on import of cotton raw materials and production of finished products with high added value began.

Thanks to the opportunities created in the sphere, the volume of textile production has increased 5 times, its export - 4 times.

The most important thing is that earlier a significant part, i.e. 70 percent of exports in the sector, was accounted for raw materials, while today 60 percent of exported goods are finished products.

In the first years of reforms, we identified as a priority task the development of human capital, training of the population, especially young people and women, in professions, training of qualified personnel for all sectors, and these issues will continue to be in the center of our attention.

Decent working conditions that meet international requirements are created for the employees of enterprises, and the “Better Work” and “Better Cotton” programs are systematically implemented.

Particular attention is paid to ensuring labor rights and providing full support to over 600,000 workers.

At the same time, decisive measures are taken to create national brands, attract prestigious international and foreign trademarks to our country.

Authoritative participants of the world market, such as “Teamdress” (Germany), “Cotonella” (Italy), “Indorama” (Singapore), “Posco International” and “Gwangyang” (South Korea) are effectively operating in the country.

Uzbekistan's textile industry is being actively integrated into global production processes, and the number of our reliable partners on all continents of the world is increasing.

It should be noted that long-term cooperation with foreign investors and international brands, increasing production of high value-added products, bringing national brands to the international level will remain our priorities in the textile industry in the future.

I am convinced that today's conference will serve as an effective platform for further strengthening and expanding cooperation in this area on an international scale, sharing best practices and ideas.

I hope it will contribute to further expansion of mutually beneficial cooperation between representatives of more than 500 national and international organizations, manufacturers and retailers participating in the conference, and will bring the development of the industry to a qualitatively new level.

We highly appreciate and support all mutually beneficial initiatives of our foreign partners. In particular, we are ready to provide all possible assistance in introducing the necessary standards for international brands to enter Uzbekistan.

We are ready to create all necessary conditions for prestigious international organizations to regularly hold conferences, exhibitions and fashion shows in our country, particularly in such cities as Bukhara, Khiva, Shakhrisabz, Margilan, Kokand, Namangan, Andijan, which have high tourism and industrial potential.

I am confident that the ancient history, rich cultural heritage of our country, meetings with our hard-working and generous people will make an indelible impression on you, and the huge socio-economic potential of our regions will encourage investors to implement new projects.

I congratulate you once again on the opening of the prestigious conference that is starting today and wish you all good health, happiness and prosperity, success in the fruitful work of the conference.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev,

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Congratulations to the people of Uzbekistan on Kurban Hayit holiday
Congratulations to the people of Uzbekistan on Kurban Hayit holiday

Dear compatriots!

Sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, I congratulate you, all our people on the holiday of Kurban Hayit, which has come in our country, which is being transformed and illuminated with the light of peace, kindness and harmony every day.

In these blessed moments we all deeply feel the spirit and joy of the great holiday and give immense gratitude to the Almighty for the fact that we meet such bright days together with our people.

Today, Kurban Hayit, firmly established in people's lives as a symbol of mercy, generosity and humanism, is gaining more and more significance, consonant with the content of large-scale reforms in the New Uzbekistan, in which respect for human honor and dignity comes to the fore in all spheres.

It should be especially noted that our sacred religion and this bright holiday, which embodies its humanistic essence, serves as a source of strength and inspiration for us in all good deeds aimed at strengthening the atmosphere of peace and tranquility, friendship and cohesion in mahallas and families, caring for the older generation, youth and women, low-income families, and making sure that no one is left behind.

Dear friends!

In these bright days, when our hearts are filled with joy, we talk about the great work carried out in recent years to revive the original spiritual values, to improve the sacred places, to create favorable conditions for the Muslims of the country to freely perform religious rites, including hajj and umrah.

In a short period of time, international scientific centers of Imam Bukhari, Imam Termezi and Imam Maturidi have been organized. The memorial complexes of Abu Iso Termezi, Abu Muin Nasafi, Sulton Uwais Karani and Suzuk Ota have been radically transformed. Work on the construction and equipping of the Imam Bukhari memorial complex and the Centre for Islamic Civilization is continuing apace. Majestic mosques are being built in many towns and villages.

Over the past seven years, more than 60 thousand Muslims of the country have made the Hajj. These days 15 thousand more of our compatriots are making pilgrimage to two sacred cities - Mecca and Medina, having realized their most cherished dream.

In such blessed moments, when good thoughts come true, we wish them with all our heart to fully perform the rites of Hajj and safely return to their homeland.

On the eve of the celebration of Hayyit, during our telephone conversation with the Chairman of the Muslims' Board, the Honorable Mufti Sheikh Nuriddin Kholiknazar, who is staying in the holy Mecca, he emphasized the created conditions necessary for our compatriots to perform the rites of Hajj. We hope that, having returned home, our pilgrims will become an example in further strengthening the atmosphere of kindness and mutual assistance in the society, in the struggle of enlightenment against ignorance, strengthening the education of youth and establishing harmony in families.

Dear compatriots!

Today we sincerely congratulate our compatriots abroad on this holiday, wish them health, happiness and success.

We convey warm congratulations to believing Muslims in the states of near and far abroad and sincere wishes of peace and progress to their peoples and countries.

May the ongoing wars and conflicts in different regions cease! May peace reign on the Earth forever!

Dear friends!

Today, together with our multinational people, we are building a new Uzbekistan. The new Uzbekistan is a new life, a new development, a happy future.

If we unite more firmly and continue the initiated reforms with even greater determination, we will undoubtedly achieve this great goal.

We will surely raise our children to be a generation of true patriots, highly educated, possessing modern knowledge and professions.

I wish you happiness and success on this path.

May the Almighty protect our nation!

I once again congratulate you on the holy holiday of Kurban Hayit, wish you health, peace and prosperity to your families.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev,

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

How new mechanisms for regulating labor migration work in Uzbekistan
How new mechanisms for regulating labor migration work in Uzbekistan

Labor force migration is a natural process worldwide. In Uzbekistan, purposeful work is being carried out to safely and orderly send such citizens abroad. The Agency for External Labor Migration has sent 70,000 people to developed countries for this purpose in the past two years.

We all know that those who want to work abroad also incur certain expenses. Therefore, migrants partially reimburse the costs of a work visa, travel ticket, foreign language, and qualification assessment. It is established that a citizen who has obtained international or equivalent certification in a foreign language is reimbursed 50% of the language learning costs.

Among all the positive work carried out in this area, there is a noted development of significant cooperation with the International Organization for Migration in protecting migrant rights, as well as with developed countries. Systematic work is underway to develop the Concept of the State Policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of migration until 2030, envisaging the achievement of criteria for guaranteed equality in the social protection of labor migrants.

Emphasizing that the Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations has established contracts between the External Labor Migration Agency and 25 German companies, Uzbek citizens are being temporarily employed in various fields. Discussions are also underway with another five companies. In the past three years alone, 821 Uzbek citizens have been sent to Germany for temporary work, while 1,670 citizens are currently undergoing training to continue their work activities in this country.

In this way, cooperation in the field of labor migration between Uzbekistan and Germany is actively developing, ensuring the preparation of our citizens for work, providing professional training and language learning opportunities, and creating favorable conditions for employment.

The External Labor Migration Agency has been holding discussions on labor migration issues with several countries in 2024, such as Great Britain, Hungary, and Slovakia, highlighting the increasing importance of these efforts.

In addition to the above, under the initiative of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, each returning labor migrant is provided with a subsidy of 500,000 soums per month from the Labor Support Fund for one year. It is estimated that approximately 100 billion soums will be allocated to these measures for a year.

Assisting returning migrants in finding employment is also being considered as an important issue, and based on the Saykhunabad experience, financial support is provided for the production of goods and income generation, as well as other types of labor services. Medical facilities may also provide free medical checks for returning migrants and their family members. Additionally, starting from October 15, 2023, "Inson" Social Service Centers have been established in the Republic of Uzbekistan to provide social assistance to children whose parents work abroad, which is a significant step.

It is important to note that today, not only state organizations but also non-governmental organizations play a significant role in regulating and supporting labor migration. In this regard, it is relevant to mention educational courses and service organizations providing assistance in collaboration with the External Labor Migration Agency.

In short, a safe, orderly, and legal system for labor migration has been established in Uzbekistan, creating new mechanisms for citizens wishing to go abroad. It encompasses three main stages: The first stage involves organizing preparatory work for citizens intending to work abroad. Vocational and language training is conducted in 14 "Job Placement" service centers nationwide, 30 vocational training centers, 136 communities, 24 colleges, and 13 technical colleges.

Second stage: Providing legal and social assistance to labor migrants abroad. For this purpose, agencies dealing with labor migration issues have been established in several countries to provide services to Uzbek citizens working abroad. Labor Migration Affairs Attachés have been appointed at Uzbekistan's Embassies.

Third stage: Assisting in the reintegration of labor migrants returning to Uzbekistan. Inspectors at the Labor Support Centers are engaged in activities aimed at the reintegration of labor migrants returning to the country.

In conclusion, it is essential to emphasize that appropriate measures are being taken to ensure suitable working conditions and social protection for Uzbek citizens engaged in labor activities abroad. Collaboration with our foreign partners continues on all relevant migration issues. Systematic efforts are being made to further develop initiatives related to the professional orientation and language proficiency of labor migrants.

Bobomurod Yarashev,

teacherof the University of

Public Safety of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Ensuring the true independence of the courts of Uzbekistan is a priority task of the ongoing reforms
Ensuring the true independence of the courts of Uzbekistan is a priority task of the ongoing reforms

As the most important task of judicial reform being implemented in the Republic of Uzbekistan, important work is being carried out to ensure constitutional human rights and freedoms, strengthening the authority of the judiciary, which is considered an important guarantee of effective protection of human rights and to ensure the true independence of the courts.

Also, further expansion of the population’s access to justice within the framework of the principle “New Uzbekistan - New Court” requires accelerating the reform of the judicial system and introducing advanced international standards into the field. We can also observe confirmation of this in the corresponding positions of our state in the ratings of international organizations. Thus, according to the results of the Rule of Law Index ranking for 2022 (, Uzbekistan took 78th place out of 140 countries with an indicator of 0.50 points, of which 75th place in terms of civil justice and 65th in terms of criminal justice.

The fact that the update of the Constitution on the basis of generally recognized principles and norms of international law is enshrined in the preface of the updated Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan is a clear expression of recognition of the supremacy of generally recognized international law.

Article 15 of the Constitution determines that international treaties of the Republic of Uzbekistan, along with generally recognized principles and norms of international law, are an integral part of the legal system of Uzbekistan. According to part four of this article, if an international treaty of Uzbekistan establishes rules other than those provided for by the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan, then the rules of the international treaty of the Republic of Uzbekistan are applied.

Article 17 of the Constitution especially emphasizes that the Republic of Uzbekistan is a full-fledged subject of international relations; it is established that international law is based on generally accepted principles and norms. The application by courts of generally accepted principles and norms of international law is permitted in cases where existing laws contradict these international principles and norms.

Article 11 of the Constitution states that the system of state power of Uzbekistan, which is considered a full-fledged subject of international relations, is based on the principles of separation of powers into legislative, executive and judicial. It should be especially noted here that in accordance with Article 131 of Chapter XXIII, dedicated to the judiciary, the judicial system and the procedure for the activities of courts in the Republic of Uzbekistan are determined by law; the creation of emergency courts is not allowed.

In accordance with Article 1 of the law “On Courts” in the new edition (2021), the judicial power in Uzbekistan operates independently of the legislative, executive powers, political parties, and other public associations. Judicial power is exercised only by the courts. It was established that no other bodies or persons have the right to assign powers to the judiciary.

Article 2 of this law defines the judicial system, which consists of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan; Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan; military courts; Courts of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regional and Tashkent city courts; Administrative Court of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, administrative courts of regions and the city of Tashkent; interdistrict, district, city courts for civil cases; district and city courts for criminal cases; interdistrict, district, city economic courts; interdistrict administrative courts. It has been established that in the Republic of Uzbekistan specialization of judges by category of cases can be carried out, but the creation of emergency courts is not allowed.

As noted in Article 4 of this law, the main tasks of the court are to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens, state and public interests, rights and legally protected interests of legal entities and individuals guaranteed by the Constitution and other laws, international treaties of Uzbekistan, as well as international acts on human rights entrepreneurs. The activities of the court are aimed at ensuring the rule of law, social justice, civil peace and harmony, that is, it indicates that it is implemented in accordance with international agreements and international human rights instruments.

It is worth noting that in recent years, important documents have been adopted to ensure the compliance of the judicial system of our country with generally recognized international standards. These include such important historical documents as decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures to further reform the judicial and legal system, strengthen guarantees of reliable protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens” (2016), “On measures to radically improve the structure and increase efficiency of the judicial system of the Republic of Uzbekistan" (2017), "On measures to further improve the judicial system and increase confidence in the judiciary" (2020), "On measures to radically improve the system of financing the activities of the judiciary" (2021), decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 28, 2022 “On the development strategy of the new Uzbekistan for 2022 - 2026”, Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 16, 2023 “On additional measures to further expand access to justice and increase efficiency of the courts."

The Decree of the President of Uzbekistan dated January 16, 2023 “On additional measures to further expand access to justice and increase the efficiency of the courts” provides for:

in order to ensure the effective use of resources involved in the implementation of judicial activities, on the basis of advanced foreign experience, transfer the powers to consider certain categories of civil, economic and administrative offenses to the relevant administrative bodies:

determine the procedure for completing cases of certain categories of criminal, civil, economic and administrative offenses in lower courts;

What is relevant is that issues such as reconciliation of parties in civil and economic cases, development of reasonable proposals for the widespread introduction of the institution of mediation are raised.

It is appropriate to recognize here that the main idea and provisions of the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” have found their full expression in the updated Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which is considered the basis of our national legislation.

It is known that the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” consists of a preamble and a total of 30 articles, and if all its provisions are sequentially considered, then one can note the consistency and consistency of the content with the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan on human rights. For example, you can notice the similarity between the contents of Article 3 of the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”, which reads: “Every person has the right to life, liberty and security of person” and Article 25 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan: “The right to life is the inalienable right of every person and is protected by law. Encroachment on human life is a grave crime.”

Also, the rule that “no one shall be subjected to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment” in Article 5 of the Declaration corresponds to the second paragraph of Article 26 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan “No one shall be subjected to torture, violence, other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment." One may also note the reflection of the provision of Article 9 of the Declaration that no one shall be arrested, detained or persecuted without cause in the second paragraph of Article 29 of our Constitution “No one shall be subjected to arrest, detention, detention, detention or other restriction freedom except on the basis of the law" and in the third paragraph - "When detained, a person must be explained in a language he understands his rights and the grounds for detention"

Article 10 of the Declaration enshrines the right of every person to demand an independent and impartial court and its reflection in international legal acts to which the Republic of Uzbekistan has acceded inspires confidence that only an independent court can protect the rights of every citizen through an impartial and open consideration of the case in court. In this regard, it should be noted that the reforms carried out on the basis of the Action Strategy for the Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017-2021, put forward at the initiative of the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, taking into account international standards, laid the foundation for democratization and liberalization of the judicial and legal sphere, ensuring genuine independence of the judiciary, protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens.

In order to improve the judicial system and ensure the independence of the courts, one of the important steps was the creation of the Supreme Judicial Council of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Supreme Court and the Higher Economic Court were merged, the activities of the Supreme Court were improved, the Economic Courts were reorganized into economic courts, 71 inter-district, district (city) economic courts were empowered to hear cases in the first instance. The first term of work as a judge is five years, then ten years and an indefinite term. The powers of the courts to independently resolve their financial, logistical and technical issues were withdrawn from the judiciary and transferred to the Supreme Court, which led to the independence of the courts from the executive authorities and ensuring their independence. The institution of returning a criminal case to the court for additional investigation was abolished, thereby putting an end to unnecessary censorship, and people were spared unnecessary confusion and nervousness. It was strictly established that a person’s guilt in committing a crime should be based only on evidence proven in court, that is, it was strictly forbidden to make decisions based on rumors and assumptions. In order to fully ensure fair justice, verify the legality, validity and fairness of court decisions, an audit authority was created.

One of the important problems of the judicial reform system is the new system for training qualified and mature judges and judicial staff. Increasing the population's trust in judicial institutions by the Supreme Council of Judges, ensuring the stability of justice and the rule of law, serves to transform the court literally into a “Fortress of Justice” and improve the level of justice.

The introduction of the institution of a plea agreement and its implementation in the criminal procedural legislation of our country is also an important factor in increasing the protection of human rights, freedoms and legitimate interests recognized in international law.

In accordance with the Decree of the President of Uzbekistan dated January 28, 2022 “On the new development strategy of Uzbekistan for 2022-2026”, about 300 laws were adopted in 2017-2021, more than 4 thousand resolutions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan aimed at fundamental reforming all spheres of state and public life in five priority areas of development of our country.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev, in his report dated December 7, 2019, “The supremacy of the Constitution and laws is the most important criterion for a legal democratic state and civil society,” dedicated to the 27th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, especially noted “ensuring the true independence of the courts is our highest priority. We must not allow the courts to be influenced by certain officials. In this regard, it is necessary to strengthen responsibility for interference in court cases or pressure on the court.”

The issue of ensuring compliance of the judicial system of Uzbekistan with generally accepted international standards will continue to remain relevant. In addition, practical measures are ongoing to harmonize national legislation with international legal standards in the field of human rights. After all, constitutional reforms today require an approach to constitutional norms, which are the main legal criterion that determines the value of a person in the life of our society, taking into account modern realities and international legal standards.


Ayub Muhammadiev, professor of the Department of Civil Law Sciences of the University of Public Security of the Republik of Uzbekistan, doctor of Law

Uzbekistan’s electoral transformation: embracing technology for a stronger democracy
Uzbekistan’s electoral transformation: embracing technology for a stronger democracy

Uzbekistan's upcoming elections for the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis (Parliament) and the Councils of People's Deputies, scheduled for October 27th, are not just a routine event. They mark a significant milestone in the nation's democratic journey, introducing groundbreaking changes that promise to transform the electoral landscape. The recent meeting of the Central Election Commission unveiled several key innovations that will ensure greater efficiency, transparency, and inclusivity, making these elections a matter of global interest.

For the first time in the nation's history, the Legislative Chamber elections will employ a mixed electoral system, combining majoritarian and proportional representation. This change means that voters will elect seventy-five deputies directly, while another seventy-five will be chosen based on party votes. This system aims to create a more balanced and representative legislature, enhancing democratic legitimacy and ensuring a broader spectrum of political voices.

One of the most notable advancements in Uzbekistan's electoral system is the full digitization of election commission activities. The introduction of the 'E-Saylov' information system is a significant leap forward, revolutionizing the election process. This digital platform not only streamlines the process, reducing bureaucracy and document handling, but also ensures a smoother, more efficient, and transparent electoral experience. It automates interactions between election commissions, political parties, candidates, observers, and the media, providing real-time statistical data, candidate information, and interactive maps. This technological leap empowers voters with unprecedented access to essential election-related information, making the electoral process more inclusive and transparent.

Inclusivity is another cornerstone of these elections. New election legislation requires political parties to ensure that at least 40% of their candidates are women, a progressive move towards gender equality in political representation. This requirement not only aligns Uzbekistan with advanced democratic standards but also enriches the political discourse by incorporating diverse perspectives.

The elections are taking place in a context where the updated Constitution has significantly enhanced the powers of parliament and representative bodies. The Legislative Chamber's powers have increased from 5 to 12, and the Senate's from 12 to 18. Parliament's oversight functions over executive, judicial, law enforcement, and special services have also been expanded. Additionally, the leadership of local Councils of People's Deputies by hokims (governors) has been abolished, transferring 33 powers previously held by hokims to local Councils to increase their role in resolving critical state issues.

The slogan "My Choice—My Prosperous Homeland" not only captures the spirit of these elections but also reflects the unwavering commitment of Uzbekistan's leadership to democratic state-building and citizen empowerment. With over 120,000 election commission members, 70,000 citizens, and numerous international observers participating, the elections are set to be a transparent and inclusive process, further demonstrating this commitment.

In conclusion, Uzbekistan is setting a remarkable precedent with its upcoming elections by embracing technological innovation and inclusivity. These initiatives will undoubtedly pave the way for a more prosperous and democratic future, showcasing Uzbekistan’s dedication to advancing democratic principles and practices.


Eldor Tulyakov,

The Executive Director,

Development Strategy Centre (Uzbekistan)


The President signed into law a law affecting the lives of more than 10 million people
The President signed into law a law affecting the lives of more than 10 million people

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed the law "On Recognition of Rights to Unauthorized Land Plots and Buildings and Structures Constructed on Them".

Many citizens of our country have been waiting for the resolution of this issue, which concerns the lives of millions of families. According to preliminary data, there are currently more than 3 million 600 thousand land plots, the legal documents for which are not formalized or incomplete.

In this regard, the head of state at a video conference call on land registration and cadastre held on November 21, 2023, noted the need for a legal solution to this issue. Accordingly, a draft law was developed with the participation of specialists in the sphere and deputies. The positive experience of Italy, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic and other countries was taken into account. The draft was finalized and considered in the chambers of the Oliy Majlis.

The law consists of 6 chapters and 35 articles, which recognize rights to the following land plots and property:

1) land plots unauthorizedly seized by citizens before May 1, 2018 through the construction of individual housing, and buildings and structures built on them;

2) land plots occupied by citizens and organizations before May 1, 2018 in excess of the area specified in the document, as well as buildings and structures built on them;

3) land plots, the recognition of rights to which within the framework of the "one-time action" has not been completed, as well as buildings and structures constructed on them;

4) land plots allocated by decision of the regional (city) khokim until June 8, 2021, but not approved by the regional khokim or the Kengash of People's Deputies;

5) residential premises on the territory of horticultural and vine-growing associations and the land plot occupied by them;

6) land plots of entrepreneurs located in small industrial zones before March 9, 2020;

7) land plots occupied by buildings and houses privatized by state warrant;

8) land plots occupied by buildings and houses for which the ownership right has been recognized by the decision of the hokim.

The law also clearly defines the main conditions for recognizing rights. For example, the land plot should not be allocated to other persons or put up for auction; there should be no dispute over the land plot; there should be no contradiction with the general plan.

Recognition of rights is carried out step by step by region. Approval of information and documents concerning unauthorized land plots and buildings and structures built on them is carried out through the automated information system of the Cadastre Agency. The relevant information is also entered into this system by 15 authorized organizations.

Completeness and legality of the collected documents are checked by the regional justice department. The results will be announced on the website of the Cadastre Agency and in makhalla corners. Citizens who have received a positive conclusion will be sent an SMS-message, on the basis of which a one-time payment will be made. After that, the rights will be recognized quarterly by the decision of the regional Kengash of People's Deputies.

The bodies of prosecutor's office, internal affairs, agro-inspection, ecology, cadastre establish state control over the implementation of the law. The law also pays special attention to public control. Thus, public groups will be created in each mahalla by decision of district councils of people's deputies. These groups will include a deputy of the district council elected from the district where the mahalla is located, the chairman of the mahalla and active citizens.

A one-time payment is charged for the recognition of rights to land plots under residential houses, privatized or buildings and structures recognized on the right of ownership. The amount of the payment is 5 basic calculation units in the city of Tashkent, 3 BRV in the city of Nukus and regional centers, 2 BRV in cities and 1 BRV in other settlements. Persons included in the Unified Register of Social Protection and persons with disabilities are given a discount.

The one-time payment is directed to cover the costs of the cadastre and justice bodies and the Uzbekcosmos Agency. The remaining funds will be directed to the activities of the initiative budget, i.e. to the mahallas.

The law will come into force in 3 months, before that explanatory and preparatory work will be carried out on the ground. The law will be in force until January 1, 2028.

It should be noted that in the Republic of Karakalpakstan work in this direction has already begun. The Decree of the President of Uzbekistan of July 28, 2023 allowed to recognize the rights to undocumented residential houses and land plots located in the region by the decision of Jokargy Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan.

After that, working groups were established in all districts and cities to examine 43,432 houses built in the Republic of Karakalpakstan without title documents. The location, condition and time of construction of the houses were verified on the basis of an analysis of land records and space images.

Following a comprehensive discussion, ownership of 27,590 residential houses and the right to lease the land on which they are located were recognized.

The results of this noble policy have had a positive impact on the lives of more than 100,000 citizens living in 27,590 houses. They now have the right to legally register their housing, sell it to another person, and put family members on permanent registration. Also, owners will now be able to receive preferential loans for repairs or additional construction, and in case of seizure of housing for public needs to demand compensation in accordance with the law.

The law "On Recognition of Rights to Unauthorized Land Plots and Buildings and Structures Constructed on Them" will expand the scope of this noble work throughout the country. If we assume that each of more than 3 million 600 thousand land plots concerns on average 3-4 citizens or entrepreneurs, this law will solve the problems of more than 10 million people and create a legal basis for their future life.

Further tasks for the development of competition were discussed
Further tasks for the development of competition were discussed

On August 5, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev familiarized himself with the presentation of measures aimed at developing competition.

The ongoing efforts to reduce the state presence in the economy and curb large monopolies have a positive impact on the competitive environment. In particular, over the last five years the competitive environment has improved in more than 25 goods. Exclusive rights that restricted competition in 7 types of activities have been abolished. The number of enterprises with state participation decreased by 42 percent, while the number of private business entities increased by 1.6 times.

Last year the Law "On Competition" was adopted in a new version. The Committee for Competition Development and Consumer Protection was given additional effective powers. According to the studies conducted on this basis, in some organizations there are such phenomena as anticompetitive decision-making, direct contracts, use of dominant position in trade.

In this regard, a Competition Development Framework has been developed to enhance the coverage and effectiveness of competition in this area. This concept defines further tasks to reduce government involvement in the economy, liberalize market access and create a level playing field for entrepreneurs.

Thus, it is planned to abolish regulations and redundant requirements that impede the free access of business entities to markets. It is envisaged to introduce relaxations aimed at reducing the regulatory burden, in particular, permitting procedures and licenses will be replaced by compulsory liability insurance.

Independent market regulators will be introduced in the spheres of natural monopolies. The participation of natural monopoly entities will be limited in commodity markets related to natural monopolies and where there is an opportunity to develop competition.

The scale of direct public procurement will be reduced, and it will be completely switched to competitive methods. It is envisaged to abolish the provision of state aid of an individual nature that restricts competition, including exclusive rights, privileges, preferences and relaxations.

By means of mutual integration of information systems of state bodies, digital monitoring of all links in the chain of pricing of socially important products will be established. A system of non-disclosure and encouragement of persons who have provided information on cases of anticompetitive agreements and actions, collusions will be introduced.

In general, as a result of the implementation of this concept, measures will be taken to gradually eliminate 17 types of state monopoly in a number of areas, such as energy, oil and gas sector, water management, road construction, railroad and airport services. Anti-competitive actions in public procurement will be curbed and transparency of these processes will be ensured. Commodity exchanges will increase supply and expand the choice opportunities for buyers.

The President gave additional instructions to continue work in this area, to ensure free market principles, and to develop entrepreneurship. The need to reduce the state's share in the economy and to gradually transfer certain functions to the private sector was emphasized. The task has been set to constantly analyze the state of competition on commodity, financial and digital markets and to make proposals to improve procedures.

Over the last three years, over 2,000 acts contradicting the competition law have been identified locally. In most cases, these are documents of local khokimiyats and ministries. In this regard, it was noted that it is necessary to intensify the work of territorial departments of the Committee for Competition Development and improve the qualification of personnel.

It was also pointed out the importance of increasing openness and strengthening the work on publicizing the activities of the Committee. It was emphasized that this is important to prevent violations of the law and to create a transparent environment.

Delegation of Latvian business representatives visited Khorezm region
Delegation of Latvian business representatives visited Khorezm region

URGENCH, September 28. /IA “Dunyo”/. A delegation of Latvian businessmen visited Khorezm with the support of the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Riga, Dunyot news agency's correspondent reports.

During the visit, a business forum and meetings were held with participation of representatives of business circles of the two countries.

The parties exchanged views on economic and investment potential of Khorezm region, opportunities for realization of joint projects in agriculture, personnel training, services, logistics and energy.

The Latvian side also familiarized with the activities of “Opportunity Generosity” LLC, a pharmaceutical manufacturer located in Urgench, and other companies.

As a result of the visit, representatives of Latvian companies expressed interest in the implementation of specific projects in the field of education, in connection with which the relevant documents were signed.

Seek reward for enlightenment. About reading books and the development of book reading in Uzbekistan
Seek reward for enlightenment. About reading books and the development of book reading in Uzbekistan

In today's New Uzbekistan, a lot of attention is paid to the development of reading culture and book publishing. As the head of our state says, “There will be no break in education,” in every meeting with representatives of the intellectuals, culture, literature and art, in every historical speech that sounded like an appeal to our people, he paid             special attention to the issue of studying and gaining knowledge about the fundamentals world civilization, the achievements of modern world science. He never gets tired of emphasizing the words "knowledge, knowledge, knowledge" over and over again.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev: "Each country in the world, each nation is powerful primarily with its intellectual potential and high spirituality. It is not for nothing that he said that the source of such mighty power is the great discovery of human thinking - books and readers.

Decree of the President of Uzbekistan dated January 12, 2017 "On the establishment of a commission on the development of the system of printing and distribution of book products, the promotion of book reading and reading culture", The decision of September 13, 2017 "On the program of comprehensive measures to develop the system of publication and distribution of book products, increase and promote book reading and reading culture" together with the decision “On additional measures for the further development of the publishing and printing industry”, It is well known that great work has been done on the decisions "On further improvement of information-library services to the residents of the Republic of Uzbekistan".

On December 14, 2020, the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On approval of the national program for the development and support of reading culture in 2020-2025" was adopted.

The processes of implementation of this National Program are showing positive results.

The fourth initiative put forward by our President - to raise the spirituality of young people, to widely promote reading among them - serious practical work is being carried out in our country. Young people, especially teenagers and children, are widely participating in reading contests. 

Members of the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan actively participate in events dedicated to book reading and development of reading.The Children's and Adolescent Creative Council operates under the association, master classes are regularly held by well-known poets and writers in all schools, higher and secondary educational institutions of our country.

By the Administration of the Republic of Uzbekistan in April-May of this year in order to attract students and pupils of all higher educational institutions and general education schools in our country to reading books, to raise the level of artistic literacy and educate them in the spirit of patriotism and concern for the future of our country as part of the “Sharing Enlightenment” project, 156 famous artists held meetings with writers and educational events in 202 higher educational institutions and 606 secondary schools, under their auspices. At these events, 150 works of art were recommended for reading, films and performances were shown.

During 2020-2023, the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan published 403 books in the fields of prose, poetry, playwriting, children's literature, literary studies, and artistic translation. Over the past years, our poets, writers and translators prepared 100-volume "Masterpieces of Russian Literature" and 100-volume "Masterpieces of Turkish Literature" for publication. This great project was supported by the Head of State, published and distributed to the regions.

At this point, it should be noted that the 16-volume set of books entitled "Masterpieces of Karakalpak Literature" was prepared for publication and submitted to the press by the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan.

Within the framework of the "Book campaign" project, in the first quarter of 2023, 4,679 books were sent to higher education institutions, general education schools, 14,800 books to the provinces, 50 books to the penal colony, 950 to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Spirituality, Information and Library Centers, 500 to the State Security Service, 7,267 to event participants, book authors, 461 to newspapers and creative houses, 300 to Uzbekistan-Kyrgyz Friendship Society, 350 to neighborhoods, 134 to the Office of Muslims, More than 30 thousand 791 books were distributed indiscriminately to Uzbekistan "Veteran" Association of combatants-veterans and disabled people, 500 books to Halq Bank, and 600 books to children's camp. To date, more than 1 million books have been distributed in four years.

At the moment, the 100-volume set of books "Masterpieces of World Children's Literature" is being prepared for publication by the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan.

In 2020-2023, the first books of 87 young authors were published in tens of thousands of copies each in the "My first book" project by the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan, and presentation events were held. The books were freely distributed to higher education institutions, general education schools, and military units.

All these are aimed primarily at the development of reading among young people, children and adolescents. Publication of books and promotion of book reading will be continued consistently.

         At the end of our speech, we found it necessary to present our poem "Get a Book":
Buy a velvet from Otchopar*,
Take as much as you can,
But when you return home
Get a book, hey, man.
 Buy ornament from Urikzor*,
From Sirgali* get a car,
Kill ignorance if you can,
Get a book, hey, man.
A thousand kinds of wine - to you,
Pilaf ‒ to you, kebab ‒ to you,
I moan to you, I beg to you,
 Get a book, hey, man!
 You're great with your goods,
Qazi*, Norin* are your foods,
Now look to your kids' moods,
Get a book, hey, man.
You say "okay" with a smile,
Think for yourself for a while,
Be blessed by enlightment,
 Get a book, hey, man.
Make a shop, make a market,
You like house made of parquet,
Enjoy the sweet worry ‒
Get a book, hey, man.
Life is passing - hurry up,
Get a hold of yourself,
Be swift as running water,
Get a book, hey, man.
Who will stay on your trail,
Whether he's male or female,
First of all to your kids,
Get a book, hey, man.
May God bless you,
May your life be blessed,
Bring the Sun to your home ‒
Get a book, hey, man.
 Translated by Begoyim Kholbekova
Otchopar*- the name given to the market;
Urikzor* - market of various goods;
Sirgali* - car market;
Qazi*, Norin* - names of national dishes.
Poet Sirojiddin Sayyid,
Chairman of the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan has once again reaffirmed its commitment to building a society free of corruption, where integrity, transparency and accountability are the cornerstones of public administration
Uzbekistan has once again reaffirmed its commitment to building a society free of corruption, where integrity, transparency and accountability are the cornerstones of public administration

The Resolution signed by the President of Uzbekistan “On measures to introduce a system of continuous improvement of knowledge of the population and civil servants in the fight against corruption” caused an interested discussion in the international expert community.

Alexander Klishin, adviser at the UN Office of Rule of Law and Security Institutions:

– This initiative marks a significant step in the fight against corruption not only for Uzbekistan, but also on the international arena. The Virtual Anti-Corruption Academy is a leading initiative of the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, aimed at introducing a system of continuous improvement of knowledge among the population and civil servants in the fight against corruption.

The initiative is perfectly aligned with global efforts to promote integrity, transparency and accountability across all sectors of the economy. Uzbekistan has once again reaffirmed its commitment to building a society free of corruption, where integrity, transparency and accountability are the cornerstones of public administration. The Anti-Corruption Virtual Academy fully embodies these values and serves as a commendable example for other countries.


Anas Fayyad Qarman, UNDP Resident Representative a.i. in Uzbekistan:

– We are pleased to know the adoption of the Resolution of the President of Uzbekistan regarding the Virtual Anti-Corruption Academy. We view this measure as an important step towards further strengthening the anti-corruption ecosystem.

We have been cooperating with the Anti-Corruption Agency in various areas a long while, including the development of a compliance control system in government agencies and organizations. We are also jointly developing various digital solutions to combat corruption in the public sector. In my opinion, a distinctive feature of a new Academy is its availability to both civil servants and ordinary citizens.


Antti Karttunen, Head of OSCE Project Coordinator in Uzbekistan:

– The initiative of the President of Uzbekistan to create a Virtual Anti-Corruption Academy is a time requirement and will help find answers to many questions related to this area.

Like the Law ‘On Conflict of Interest’ recently signed by the President, it is another important step in the fight against corruption in Uzbekistan.

We look forward to continuing to support the improvement of legislation in the field of combating corruption, as well as to improve the qualification of employees of government bodies and organizations through the Virtual Academy and support all other efforts of Uzbekistan in this area.

Tuija Brax, Director of the Rule of Law Center, former Minister of Justice (Finland):

– It is my great honor to express a few words about the new Virtual Anti-Corruption Academy in Uzbekistan. We have been cooperating with the Anti-Corruption Agency of Uzbekistan for several years now, and I was greatly impressed by the initiatives of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev to combat corruption in the country, measures to improve legislation in this area and efforts to raise public awareness. The new Virtual Academy is a unique opportunity to raise awareness, develop special courses for different target groups, and also attract young people to study this field, since ultimately it is about the future of Uzbekistan.

Quentin Reed, Professor of Oxford University, INGO Regional Dialogue’s Anti-Corruption Specialist (United Kingdom):

– I am happy to hear about the President signing the Resolution, which provides for the establishment of the Virtual Anti-Corruption Academy. International NGO Regional Dialogue and the Anti-Corruption Agency have been cooperating for several years in developing preventive anti-corruption measures in Uzbekistan. We express our readiness to provide full-fledged support in the development of educational modules and programs within the Virtual Academy, as awareness-raising, education and training are key tools in the prevention of corruption. Appropriate anti-corruption system cannot be established without them. This is particularly important for public servants, especially those in vulnerable situations, but I would also pay particular attention to citizens.

Nuripa Mukanova, Secretary General, the Anti-Corruption Business Council under the President of Kyrgyzstan:

– My congratulations to the people of Uzbekistan and the Anti-Corruption Agency on the establishment of the Virtual Anti-Corruption Academy. The opening of this Academy is important for both Uzbekistan and the countries of Central Asia. This is a very important anti-corruption measure and platform for increasing the capacity of all those directly involved in anti-corruption issues, as well as those who want to increase their capacity, knowledge and skills in the field of combating and preventing corruption. This platform will also allow young people who study and then enter public service to improve their anti-corruption skills.


Dunyo IA