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Delegation of Latvian business representatives visited Khorezm region
Delegation of Latvian business representatives visited Khorezm region

URGENCH, September 28. /IA “Dunyo”/. A delegation of Latvian businessmen visited Khorezm with the support of the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Riga, Dunyot news agency's correspondent reports.

During the visit, a business forum and meetings were held with participation of representatives of business circles of the two countries.

The parties exchanged views on economic and investment potential of Khorezm region, opportunities for realization of joint projects in agriculture, personnel training, services, logistics and energy.

The Latvian side also familiarized with the activities of “Opportunity Generosity” LLC, a pharmaceutical manufacturer located in Urgench, and other companies.

As a result of the visit, representatives of Latvian companies expressed interest in the implementation of specific projects in the field of education, in connection with which the relevant documents were signed.

President of Mongolia to pay state visit to Uzbekistan
President of Mongolia to pay state visit to Uzbekistan

At the invitation of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, President of Mongolia Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh will pay a state visit to our country on June 23-26.

In accordance with the program of the high-ranking guest's stay, it is envisaged to hold high-level talks in Tashkent, during which issues of further expansion and strengthening of Uzbek-Mongolian relations of friendship and multifaceted cooperation will be considered.

In particular, the agenda includes plans to develop constructive political dialogue and inter-parliamentary contacts, increase bilateral trade turnover, implement cooperation projects in mining, agriculture, livestock, light industry, healthcare, transport, logistics and other areas. Joint measures aimed at boosting cultural, humanitarian and tourist ties will also be discussed. There will be an exchange of views on international issues.

A package of intergovernmental and interdepartmental documents will be signed following the results of the summit.

As part of the program of the state visit, the leaders of the two countries will meet with representatives of leading companies and business circles, and a number of other bilateral events will be held.

Mongolian President Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh will also visit Khiva, where he will familiarize himself with the rich cultural and historical heritage of our people.

Gender equality as one of the principles of building a New Uzbekistan
Gender equality as one of the principles of building a New Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan — is a country of irreversible, rapid reforms. One of the priorities of the development strategy of the New Uzbekistan is the policy of achieving gender equality in the country.

Under the "Uzbekistan-2030" development strategy, large-scale measures are being implemented to increase women's political, social and economic activity, protect mothers and children, promote gender equality and safeguard women's rights and interests.

Thanks to the political will of the leadership of Uzbekistan, the Gender Strategy of Uzbekistan until 2030 was developed, the laws “On guarantees of equal rights and opportunities for women and men”, “On protection from oppression and violence” were adopted, as well as legislative norms on mandatory gender expertise of all regulations and introduction of gender audit. Thus, a mechanism has been introduced to study the state of the gender approach in all government organizations and to develop measures to ensure equal rights and opportunities for women and men by the Federation of Trade Unions as public control. Liability for domestic violence has been strengthened. Over the past 5 years, more than 40 Presidential decrees and Resolutions have been adopted aimed at ensuring gender equality. Meanwhile, legislation for women is being improved and opportunities are expanding. In 2023, the Electoral Code of Uzbekistan established provisions that the number of women when nominated from political parties to representative bodies of power should be at least 40% of the total number of nominated candidates for deputies and in the proportional election system, nominate at least two women out of each five candidates for parliament. Since 2019, a Gender Commission on increasing the role of women in society, gender equality and family has been created in the Senate. The Committee for Women and Family Affairs was newly created, more than 9 thousand positions were established, up to mahallas, specifically dealing with issues of women and family throughout the country and at all levels, rehabilitation centers began to operate to provide assistance to women victims of violence.

Systemic measures taken at the initiative of the head of state, President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, in order to reduce poverty, establish “women’s notebooks”, reduce unemployment among women and support women’s entrepreneurship, preferential loans for women have yielded tangible results throughout the country. A number of restrictions on women’s occupation and choice of professions were lifted. Advisory councils on gender issues were created in all ministries and departments. As a result, the number of women in parliament reached 33%, in business their number doubled and reached 25%, in political parties 44%, in higher education 40%. In 2023 alone, more than 13,3 billion soums of loans were allocated for the implementation of over 279 thousand women’s business projects, and about 300 billion soums of subsidies were provided to almost 57 thousand women. Based on the “Women's Notebooks” system, the problems of 994 thousand women were solved, the state allocated 1 trillion 234 million soums for these purposes.

As a result of studying the situation of women in mahallas, targeted assistance was provided to more than 690 thousand families in need of social protection.

In 2024, it is planned to provide 8 thousand women and girls included in the “Youth Notebook” with subsidies to start their own business and purchase equipment, and 10 thousand with preferential loans. It is planned to launch a “Business Marathon” project for 50 thousand young women with the participation of qualified specialists to provide practical assistance in setting up a business.

In the field of education, great attention is also paid to gender equality. The country has taken a number of effective measures to protect women and girls; a gender approach is being introduced into curricula and teaching methods, as well as in STEM education, especially in rural areas. Currently, more than half of the 1 million 300 thousand students, i.e. 653 thousand, are girls. In the master's program, the share of girls is 60% of master's students. The state encourages and fully pays for the contracts of women and girls studying for a master's degree from the state budget. In 2023-24 1,914 girls from needy families were accepted to study at universities using additional government grants. 181,500 girls received preferential educational loans. At the expense of local budgets, the contract amount of more than 2 thousand students from families in need of social protection, orphans or students deprived of parental care was covered for 14 billion soums.

Improving the opportunities and conditions for the education of women and girls in the country gave impetus to an increase in interest in mastering modern knowledge and professions, for example, within the framework of the educational project “One Million Programmers”, 47% were girls. Creating favorable conditions for women in education gives real results in unlocking their potential. Over the past seven years, more than 5 thousand women have been awarded the academic titles of Doctors of Philosophy and Doctors of Science. More than 14 thousand women are conducting their research at universities in Uzbekistan.

Achieving gender equality — is a global task on the agenda of universal international organizations such as the UN and other regional structures. Uzbekistan is actively developing international cooperation in this area. As a party to the 1979 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the 1995 Beijing Declaration of the Platform for Action, the country regularly submits national reports to the Committee and develops national action plans.

In recent years, great importance has been attached to cooperation in the field of gender equality with the countries of Central Asia. The Forums of Women Leaders of Central Asia and the Asian Women's Forum in 2024 were successfully held, where representatives of more than 40 countries and international organizations participated.

Lola Saidova, Doctor of Law, Professor,

Chief Researcher of the ISRS under the

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Seek reward for enlightenment. About reading books and the development of book reading in Uzbekistan
Seek reward for enlightenment. About reading books and the development of book reading in Uzbekistan

In today's New Uzbekistan, a lot of attention is paid to the development of reading culture and book publishing. As the head of our state says, “There will be no break in education,” in every meeting with representatives of the intellectuals, culture, literature and art, in every historical speech that sounded like an appeal to our people, he paid             special attention to the issue of studying and gaining knowledge about the fundamentals world civilization, the achievements of modern world science. He never gets tired of emphasizing the words "knowledge, knowledge, knowledge" over and over again.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev: "Each country in the world, each nation is powerful primarily with its intellectual potential and high spirituality. It is not for nothing that he said that the source of such mighty power is the great discovery of human thinking - books and readers.

Decree of the President of Uzbekistan dated January 12, 2017 "On the establishment of a commission on the development of the system of printing and distribution of book products, the promotion of book reading and reading culture", The decision of September 13, 2017 "On the program of comprehensive measures to develop the system of publication and distribution of book products, increase and promote book reading and reading culture" together with the decision “On additional measures for the further development of the publishing and printing industry”, It is well known that great work has been done on the decisions "On further improvement of information-library services to the residents of the Republic of Uzbekistan".

On December 14, 2020, the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On approval of the national program for the development and support of reading culture in 2020-2025" was adopted.

The processes of implementation of this National Program are showing positive results.

The fourth initiative put forward by our President - to raise the spirituality of young people, to widely promote reading among them - serious practical work is being carried out in our country. Young people, especially teenagers and children, are widely participating in reading contests. 

Members of the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan actively participate in events dedicated to book reading and development of reading.The Children's and Adolescent Creative Council operates under the association, master classes are regularly held by well-known poets and writers in all schools, higher and secondary educational institutions of our country.

By the Administration of the Republic of Uzbekistan in April-May of this year in order to attract students and pupils of all higher educational institutions and general education schools in our country to reading books, to raise the level of artistic literacy and educate them in the spirit of patriotism and concern for the future of our country as part of the “Sharing Enlightenment” project, 156 famous artists held meetings with writers and educational events in 202 higher educational institutions and 606 secondary schools, under their auspices. At these events, 150 works of art were recommended for reading, films and performances were shown.

During 2020-2023, the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan published 403 books in the fields of prose, poetry, playwriting, children's literature, literary studies, and artistic translation. Over the past years, our poets, writers and translators prepared 100-volume "Masterpieces of Russian Literature" and 100-volume "Masterpieces of Turkish Literature" for publication. This great project was supported by the Head of State, published and distributed to the regions.

At this point, it should be noted that the 16-volume set of books entitled "Masterpieces of Karakalpak Literature" was prepared for publication and submitted to the press by the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan.

Within the framework of the "Book campaign" project, in the first quarter of 2023, 4,679 books were sent to higher education institutions, general education schools, 14,800 books to the provinces, 50 books to the penal colony, 950 to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Spirituality, Information and Library Centers, 500 to the State Security Service, 7,267 to event participants, book authors, 461 to newspapers and creative houses, 300 to Uzbekistan-Kyrgyz Friendship Society, 350 to neighborhoods, 134 to the Office of Muslims, More than 30 thousand 791 books were distributed indiscriminately to Uzbekistan "Veteran" Association of combatants-veterans and disabled people, 500 books to Halq Bank, and 600 books to children's camp. To date, more than 1 million books have been distributed in four years.

At the moment, the 100-volume set of books "Masterpieces of World Children's Literature" is being prepared for publication by the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan.

In 2020-2023, the first books of 87 young authors were published in tens of thousands of copies each in the "My first book" project by the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan, and presentation events were held. The books were freely distributed to higher education institutions, general education schools, and military units.

All these are aimed primarily at the development of reading among young people, children and adolescents. Publication of books and promotion of book reading will be continued consistently.

         At the end of our speech, we found it necessary to present our poem "Get a Book":
Buy a velvet from Otchopar*,
Take as much as you can,
But when you return home
Get a book, hey, man.
 Buy ornament from Urikzor*,
From Sirgali* get a car,
Kill ignorance if you can,
Get a book, hey, man.
A thousand kinds of wine - to you,
Pilaf ‒ to you, kebab ‒ to you,
I moan to you, I beg to you,
 Get a book, hey, man!
 You're great with your goods,
Qazi*, Norin* are your foods,
Now look to your kids' moods,
Get a book, hey, man.
You say "okay" with a smile,
Think for yourself for a while,
Be blessed by enlightment,
 Get a book, hey, man.
Make a shop, make a market,
You like house made of parquet,
Enjoy the sweet worry ‒
Get a book, hey, man.
Life is passing - hurry up,
Get a hold of yourself,
Be swift as running water,
Get a book, hey, man.
Who will stay on your trail,
Whether he's male or female,
First of all to your kids,
Get a book, hey, man.
May God bless you,
May your life be blessed,
Bring the Sun to your home ‒
Get a book, hey, man.
 Translated by Begoyim Kholbekova
Otchopar*- the name given to the market;
Urikzor* - market of various goods;
Sirgali* - car market;
Qazi*, Norin* - names of national dishes.
Poet Sirojiddin Sayyid,
Chairman of the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan

Proposals on further development and increase of competitiveness of the jewelry industry were considered
Proposals on further development and increase of competitiveness of the jewelry industry were considered

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev was given a presentation on measures to further develop the jewelry industry, support jewelry production and sales, and increase exports of finished products.

Our country has a huge potential for increasing production and export of jewelry.

As the head of state noted, only 6 percent of gold mined in the country is processed, and exports of its products amount to only 78 million dollars, so it is important to create jewelry zones with special conditions for entrepreneurs, to review the provision of raw materials, training of specialists, production chain and sales system.

In this regard, the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry have developed relevant proposals.

In particular, it is planned to improve the activity of the Uzbekzargarsanoati association, expand its powers and reorganize the management system.

In order to support manufacturers of the industry, it is proposed to apply the benefits provided for members of the Association "Uzbekzargarsanoati" to individual entrepreneurs - manufacturers of jewelry, who are members of the Association "Uzbekzargarsanoati".

The possibility of establishing a zero rate of customs duty and value added tax on equipment, packaging and marking materials that are not produced in Uzbekistan and used in the jewelry industry for the period up to October 1, 2026 is being studied.

The issues of creation of special jewelry centers including production, exhibition and trade areas were considered. Information was provided on the placement of pilot projects in Tashkent and Namangan region.

The issue of increasing the volume of jewelry exports was discussed. It was proposed to establish a zero rate of customs duty for export of jewelry made in our country to the United States of America under the GSP system.

The head of state instructed to finalize the presented measures and work out a program for the development of domestic jewelry production for the period up to 2027.

Uzbekistan has once again reaffirmed its commitment to building a society free of corruption, where integrity, transparency and accountability are the cornerstones of public administration
Uzbekistan has once again reaffirmed its commitment to building a society free of corruption, where integrity, transparency and accountability are the cornerstones of public administration

The Resolution signed by the President of Uzbekistan “On measures to introduce a system of continuous improvement of knowledge of the population and civil servants in the fight against corruption” caused an interested discussion in the international expert community.

Alexander Klishin, adviser at the UN Office of Rule of Law and Security Institutions:

– This initiative marks a significant step in the fight against corruption not only for Uzbekistan, but also on the international arena. The Virtual Anti-Corruption Academy is a leading initiative of the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, aimed at introducing a system of continuous improvement of knowledge among the population and civil servants in the fight against corruption.

The initiative is perfectly aligned with global efforts to promote integrity, transparency and accountability across all sectors of the economy. Uzbekistan has once again reaffirmed its commitment to building a society free of corruption, where integrity, transparency and accountability are the cornerstones of public administration. The Anti-Corruption Virtual Academy fully embodies these values and serves as a commendable example for other countries.


Anas Fayyad Qarman, UNDP Resident Representative a.i. in Uzbekistan:

– We are pleased to know the adoption of the Resolution of the President of Uzbekistan regarding the Virtual Anti-Corruption Academy. We view this measure as an important step towards further strengthening the anti-corruption ecosystem.

We have been cooperating with the Anti-Corruption Agency in various areas a long while, including the development of a compliance control system in government agencies and organizations. We are also jointly developing various digital solutions to combat corruption in the public sector. In my opinion, a distinctive feature of a new Academy is its availability to both civil servants and ordinary citizens.


Antti Karttunen, Head of OSCE Project Coordinator in Uzbekistan:

– The initiative of the President of Uzbekistan to create a Virtual Anti-Corruption Academy is a time requirement and will help find answers to many questions related to this area.

Like the Law ‘On Conflict of Interest’ recently signed by the President, it is another important step in the fight against corruption in Uzbekistan.

We look forward to continuing to support the improvement of legislation in the field of combating corruption, as well as to improve the qualification of employees of government bodies and organizations through the Virtual Academy and support all other efforts of Uzbekistan in this area.

Tuija Brax, Director of the Rule of Law Center, former Minister of Justice (Finland):

– It is my great honor to express a few words about the new Virtual Anti-Corruption Academy in Uzbekistan. We have been cooperating with the Anti-Corruption Agency of Uzbekistan for several years now, and I was greatly impressed by the initiatives of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev to combat corruption in the country, measures to improve legislation in this area and efforts to raise public awareness. The new Virtual Academy is a unique opportunity to raise awareness, develop special courses for different target groups, and also attract young people to study this field, since ultimately it is about the future of Uzbekistan.

Quentin Reed, Professor of Oxford University, INGO Regional Dialogue’s Anti-Corruption Specialist (United Kingdom):

– I am happy to hear about the President signing the Resolution, which provides for the establishment of the Virtual Anti-Corruption Academy. International NGO Regional Dialogue and the Anti-Corruption Agency have been cooperating for several years in developing preventive anti-corruption measures in Uzbekistan. We express our readiness to provide full-fledged support in the development of educational modules and programs within the Virtual Academy, as awareness-raising, education and training are key tools in the prevention of corruption. Appropriate anti-corruption system cannot be established without them. This is particularly important for public servants, especially those in vulnerable situations, but I would also pay particular attention to citizens.

Nuripa Mukanova, Secretary General, the Anti-Corruption Business Council under the President of Kyrgyzstan:

– My congratulations to the people of Uzbekistan and the Anti-Corruption Agency on the establishment of the Virtual Anti-Corruption Academy. The opening of this Academy is important for both Uzbekistan and the countries of Central Asia. This is a very important anti-corruption measure and platform for increasing the capacity of all those directly involved in anti-corruption issues, as well as those who want to increase their capacity, knowledge and skills in the field of combating and preventing corruption. This platform will also allow young people who study and then enter public service to improve their anti-corruption skills.


Dunyo IA

Reforms in Uzbekistan are based on the principle “The stronger public control, the more humane, free and fair the state is”
Reforms in Uzbekistan are based on the principle “The stronger public control, the more humane, free and fair the state is”

The most important sign of civil society is manifested in the fact that citizens exercise complete control over the activities of state structures. According to article 36 of the new version of the Constitution of Uzbekistan, our citizens have the right to participate directly and through their representatives in the management of the affairs of society and the state. Such participation is carried out through self-government, referendums and the democratic formation of state bodies, as well as public control over the activities of state bodies. The procedure for exercising public control over the activities of state bodies is established by law.

In order to organize and regulate relations in the field of public control over the activities of state bodies and institutions, the law “On Public Control” was adopted on April 12, 2018. According to this law, public control is carried out in such forms as appeals and requests to state bodies, public discussions, public hearings, public monitoring, and the study is carried out by citizens' self-government bodies in such forms as hearing reports and information from officials of state bodies.

Consistent work is underway in our country to implement public control and improve the regulatory framework governing this area. By presidential decree dated May 4, 2018, the badge "For contribution to the development of civil society" was established; the decree of the President of Uzbekistan dated July 4, 2018 "On measures to organize the activities of public councils under state bodies" was of great importance for accelerating work in this area. This resolution establishes the procedure for organizing the main tasks, functions, powers and activities of the public council under state bodies, which basically provides that the public council is created by the decision of the head of the state body, carries out its work on a voluntary basis and it is assumed that it will conduct its work on a public basis, as well as be considered as a permanent advisory body whose decisions will be advisory in nature.

As Shavkat Mirziyoyev noted, “There is no more effective tool for achieving the supremacy of the Constitution and the law than public control.” Public control is an important institution of democracy and people's power; it serves to ensure the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens by monitoring the activities of state bodies.

In recent years, special attention has been paid in our republic to ensuring the participation of citizens in the management of society and public affairs, the creation of effective mechanisms for public control over the activities of the executive branch, and further strengthening the functions of public control. In particular, at the initiative of the President of Uzbekistan, a public chamber was established in 2020 in order to further strengthen public control and establish close cooperation between the state and society. It was noted that the public chamber should regularly study the opinion of the population, set specific tasks for government agencies to find solutions. The importance of implementing such influential forms of control as "public hearings", "public monitoring", "public expertise", and "public initiative" was demonstrated.

According to the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to expand financing of projects formed on the basis of public opinion", adopted on October 25, 2022, an additional 335 billion soums were allocated for the implementation of 364 projects, each of which received more than 2 thousand votes in July-September 2022.

In recent years of modern development in our republic, the system of public administration has been improved, effective mechanisms of dialogue with the people have been introduced, and the effectiveness of the role and activities of the Mahalla Institute in the management of society has increased. Virtual and public reception rooms of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan were created in order to ensure human interests, knowledge and solution of problems and needs of people. These structures have become a mechanism for in-depth analysis of problems on the ground and a criterion for increasing the responsibility of state bodies and officials to society and evaluating their activities.

To date, such systems as "online reception" and "virtual visit" have been introduced, allowing for quick and economical identification of problems on the ground in order to optimize their expenses related to the maintenance of the public administration apparatus, eliminate corruption factors and establish effective public control over budget spending.

As an example, it is worth mentioning that in recent years a new system of dialogue with the people has been created – the activities of the presidential virtual and people's reception rooms. Of the 9,465,000 applications received by the virtual reception of the President, about 9,379,000 have been considered, the rest are also being resolved in accordance with the procedure established by law. The results of the public discussion can also be found on the "portal for discussions of draft regulatory legal acts" (, which is clearly seen in the example. To date, 25384 draft regulatory legal acts have been posted on this portal for public discussion, of which 25183 have already been completed.

In recent years, the study of public opinion has become publicly available. The Open Budget portal was launched to exercise public control over targeted budget expenditures. Citizens can send messages about violations of budget legislation through the Portal, suggestions for improving the budget process, while receiving information such as the state budget, budget execution through this portal. In particular, an initiative budget has been launched through the Open Budget information portal, which is held 2 times a year. Thanks to this portal, citizens are focused on solving problems through joint voting. In the first season (February) 2024, 35,575 initiatives were supported, for which 3,390.5 billion soums were allocated.

Establishing the accountability of public authorities to parliament and local councils, as well as the introduction of the Electronic Government system, led to a further strengthening of public control. As a result, today in our country there is a single interactive portal of public services (, an open data portal (, a portal for discussing draft regulatory documents (, and a complex of information systems “License" (, information system for automating the activities of Single Window centers (

Since 2023, in order to improve the system for identifying and solving social problems among the population in our republic, the practice of monthly hearing information from the heads of relevant government bodies and organizations in the mahalla council has been established, and new forms of public control have been introduced - “mahalla control” groups and “survey” institutions mahalla chairmen." Also, on behalf of the President, the “digital mahalla” system and the “people’s control” platform were improved.

The “My Opinion” web portal, which is under the jurisdiction of the Public Chamber, was created in order to expand the opportunities of citizens in our country to participate in the management of the affairs of society and the state, to ensure the openness of the activities of representative bodies of state power, to ensure the viability and effectiveness of the public administration system. Through this portal, a citizen can send proposals on legislation on important issues of state and public importance in the form of an electronic collective appeal. The My Opinion web portal, which is under the jurisdiction of the Public Chamber, was created in order to expand the opportunities of citizens in our country to participate in the management of the affairs of society and the state, to ensure the openness of the activities of representative bodies of state power, to ensure the viability and effectiveness of the public administration system. Through this portal, a citizen can send proposals on legislation on important issues of state and public importance in the form of an electronic collective appeal " "(My opinion). To date, more than 6670 collective appeals and about 30,000 comments have been received through the portal.

In recent years, political parties, which are considered to be one of the main actors of civil society in our country, have been given not only ample opportunities for free participation in elections, but also control over the executive branch. Political parties also have the right to exercise public control based on the interests of the public and their electorate. During election processes, local observers at polling stations consist of representatives of political parties and citizens' self-government bodies.

The role of the media in developing openness and transparency in our society, establishing public control over the activities of government bodies and their officials, studying and resolving legal appeals from citizens is also incomparable. In particular, the number of media registered in 2016–2023 increased by 41%, that is, in 2016 their number was 1614, and by 2023 it reached 2140. The number of mobile Internet users also exceeded 33 million.

As can be seen from the above, the main purpose of public control is to ensure respect for the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens, to ensure legality in the activities of state bodies and officials, and to protect the interests of society.

The Uzbekistan 2030 strategy, developed based on the results of public discussions in order to create a fair and modern state serving the people, identified such priority tasks as: creating the necessary conditions for public participation in the activities of local councils, broad involvement of civil society institutions and the gradual digitalization of their activities, establishing the practice of assessing the activities of heads of state bodies and their deputies based on public opinion, and intensified continuation of work to form an unparalleled attitude towards corruption in society.

As a result of public control, the activities of state bodies in the country are objectively studied, their shortcomings are identified, various violations of legislation are prevented, public participation in the implementation of laws and their preparation is ensured, broader conditions are created for the prompt solution of various problems in society and the will of the population, and special attention should be paid to the fact that public control implies not only control over the quality of the work performed, but also the use of opportunities, as well as participation in their development.

In conclusion, I would like to note that in our republic, constitutional status has been given a state public control. In the new Uzbekistan, the participation of citizens in the management of the affairs of society and the state, including the development and improvement of public control over the activities of state bodies, provides ample opportunities for the full-fledged formation and strengthening of civil society in our country.  If the public control in the country is strong, the state is more humane, free and fair.


N.S.Rasulova, candidate of historical sciences Associate professor of the University  of Public safety of the Republic of Uzbekistan

The President visited the mausoleum of Imam Bukhari
The President visited the mausoleum of Imam Bukhari

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the mausoleum of Imam Bukhari on June 15, on the eve of the holy Eid al-Adha holiday.

Surahs from the Koran and dua were recited.

In conversation with religious figures, they talked about the conditions created for the development of science and enlightenment, education of youth in the spirit of patriotism and respect for national values.

Renovation of the complex is underway. The head of state familiarized himself with the progress of construction and finishing works.

The President concluded his visit to Samarkand and left for Tashkent.

Uzbekistan: a focus on promoting reading
Uzbekistan: a focus on promoting reading

Libraries play a key role in education, culture, and community development, providing an invaluable resource for accessing knowledge, preserving cultural heritage, and promoting intellectual growth. In the modern information society, they remain an important institution that promotes the education and self-development of people of all ages.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev emphasised during the opening ceremony of the People's Library under the President of the Republic of Turkey in Ankara: “Intellectual potential, high morale is what makes a nation strong. The source of this invincible power is books and libraries – the great invention of mankind”.  

At the present stage, education has become one of the most important areas of state policy. The government of the Republic of Uzbekistan pays special attention to the development of this sphere, recognizing its key role in the prosperity of the country. In recent years, the republic has achieved significant success in the educational domain. These achievements are aimed at modernizing the system, improving the quality of education and training, and expanding access to education for all citizens of the country.

At the same time, special attention is paid to the promotion of reading and the fostering of the reading culture of the population. And in the Presidential Decree adopted on September 13, 2017, “On the program of comprehensive measures to develop the system of publishing and distributing book products, improving the culture of reading”, clear goals are outlined for the creation of an effective system of information and library services to the population, which served to move this area to a new stage of development and contributed to raising the level of social and information culture and the role of libraries, made it possible to develop and implement modern innovative and educational technologies that increase the competitiveness of Uzbekistan in the world market.

In addition, the Presidential Decree “On further improvement of information and library services for the population of the Republic of Uzbekistan” was adopted on June 7, 2019. The main goals of the decree are:

  • improving the regulatory framework in order to ensure high-quality social guarantees to the population for information and library services;
  • development of information and library institutions taking into account modern requirements;
  • promoting the sustainable development of information and library services the for population in the regions;
  • strengthening the material and technical base of information and library institutions;
  • development of public-private partnerships in the library sector, a network of private and electronic libraries;
  • expanding cooperation with Internet resources that specialize in distributing electronic books to improve the efficiency of libraries and the efficiency of servicing (including paid) users;
  • ensuring the safety of information and library institutions and the safety of information and library collections as part of the national and world cultural heritage;
  • formation and enhancement of the information culture of society, sustainable interest in national history and culture, enhancement and promotion of a reading culture;
  • staffing information and library institutions with qualified specialists.

The adoption of this decree expands the range of services in the country, including access to electronic resources and holding cultural and educational events, as well as improving staff qualifications and introducing modern methods of user service. In addition, these changes not only contribute to the development of the information society and economic growth by attracting investment in education and culture, but also promote the formation of a literate and informed society, which is an important step in the development of the country.

The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers dated December 14, 2020 approved the National Program for the Development and Support of a Reading Culture for 2020-2025, which includes the publication of quality books that meet the spiritual, educational, artistic and aesthetic needs of the population; supporting the activities of publishers and artists, publishing children's literature; translation of the best examples of national and world literature; simplification of the organization of book sales; improving the delivery system for newly published books and distribution of information sources; expansion of international cooperation in the field of online ordering of foreign work, their delivery and distribution.

In turn, it should be noted that within the framework of the “Uzbekistan - 2030” Strategy, special attention is paid to the popularization of masterpieces of Uzbek and world literature. The country's leadership strives to instil in citizens a love of reading and ensure access to libraries and information services for everyone.

The Strategy “Uzbekistan - 2030” puts forward such main goals as increasing the number of young book lovers to five million, the annual creation of 100 works of art and 50 books for children and adolescents, the publication of the multi-volume book “Uzbek adabiyoti khazinasidan” (“From the Treasury of Uzbek Literature”), the 100-volume book “Jakhon Bolalar Adabiyoti Durdonalari” (“Pearls of World Children’s Literature”) in Uzbek, as well as the digitalization of a book fund of almost 40 million books.

On November 28, 2023, there was signed the Presidential Decree “On measures to implement the project “A Thousand Books for Youth”, aimed at creating a system for translating books popular in the world into Uzbek, that contribute to increasing the intellectual and scientific potential of the younger generation.

At the same time, within the framework of the “Olympiad of Five Initiatives”, the following 5 projects in the field of reading and intellectual games are annually implemented: “Young Reading Family”, “Poetry Competition”, “Young Reader”, the intellectual game “Zakovat” and the project “Example of Foreign Languages”. These projects increase the interest of young people in reading books and help expand logical thinking and knowledge through intellectual games.

The “Young Reader” and “Young Reading Family” competitions are important events held to promote reading, the spiritual enrichment of youth, and increase their intellectual potential. This competition serves to increase interest in books among young people and expand their knowledge and horizons.

Also, within the framework of the project “A Thousand Books for Youth”, the Agency for Youth Affairs will have to work on acquiring rights to use works from authors, translating them into Uzbek, and preparing for printing and publishing books on the basis of a state order and at the expense of the State budget (with the exception of books, published for state higher educational institutions).

Two stages have been established for translation into Uzbek and the publication of popular books in the world. First: a preliminary list of books is formed annually by the Expert Council. Second: the preliminary list is posted in the information systems of the Agency for Youth Affairs for selection by the population by voting, and thus the final list is formed.

The list of books published annually must include at least 20 percent of popular science works. The rights to the works prepared for publication will belong to the Agency for Youth Affairs, which will provide them free of charge to publishing houses.

It is also planned to create and ensure the continuous operation of a special mobile application that accumulates literature in the Uzbek language and provides the population with free access to a wide range of information. On the recommendation of the Expert Council, the works will be distributed to information and library institutions (including libraries of public and administration authorities), and electronic versions will be donated free of charge to the Alisher Navoi National Library of Uzbekistan and the relevant institutions of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan for wide use by readers.

The necessary spiritual, legal, material, and technical basis has been created in the Republic to develop children's literature and improve the quality of textbooks and teaching aids. The country's publishing houses have increased the publication of works by authors of world and Uzbek children's literature. In accordance with a number of documents adopted to promote book reading, systematic measures are being taken in all regions to popularise literature among children and adolescents. Over the past four years, a number of presidential decrees and government resolutions have been adopted to guide the country's publishing, printing, and bibliographical information institutions.

Thus, bibliographical information services play a critical role in ensuring public well-being by providing citizens with easy access to information, knowledge, and culture. In addition, the development of digital services, collaboration with communities, and the use of new technologies strengthen the role of libraries as centres of learning, information, and communication. This helps to enhance the capabilities of people and stimulates their desire for education. The development of the potential of information and library services contributes to lifelong learning, self-improvement, cultural and spiritual enrichment of the population. This is of crucial importance for modern society.

Ramzidin Nuridinov

Expert of the Development Strategy Center.

The President of Uzbekistan noted the importance of adopting a long-term program of strategic partnership with FAO
The President of Uzbekistan noted the importance of adopting a long-term program of strategic partnership with FAO

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev met with Director General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Qiu Dongyu on September 5.

The head of the authoritative branch structure of the United Nations system is in Tashkent within the framework of the ongoing International Forum on Food Security and Sustainable Development Goals for Landlocked Countries.

At the beginning of the meeting, the UN High Representative expressed his deep gratitude to the head of our state for supporting the successful holding of the forum, which is attended by representative delegations from more than 30 countries of the world.

In the course of the conversation, the sides considered issues of further expanding the strategic partnership between Uzbekistan and FAO in effectively responding to contemporary challenges and threats.

The sides noted with satisfaction the fruitful results of practical interaction achieved in recent years. Thus, the qualitative indicators of implementation of the country cooperation program for the period until 2025 have doubled.

There are 34 projects in the active phase of implementation. Over the last year, 7 new projects were launched, including in the field of agriculture, school feeding, veterinary medicine, agrochemistry and other spheres.

The importance of preparation and adoption of a new five-year partnership program was emphasized.

Special attention was paid to promising joint projects and activities in the field of digitalization of the agro-industrial complex, exchange of advanced knowledge and experience, attraction of innovations and investments in improving the fertility of the land fund, cultivation and processing of organic agricultural products, modernization of irrigation systems, creation of modern clusters and logistics centers, research and development.

There was also an exchange of views on the global and regional situation related to food security.

Festive greetings to the youth of Uzbekistan
Festive greetings to the youth of Uzbekistan

Dear young men and women!

Sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, I congratulate you on this wonderful holiday celebrated in our country - Youth Day.

We rely on all our people, including you - courageous and purposeful young men and women - to achieve the lofty goals of building a new Uzbekistan. Therefore, ensuring the rights and interests of young people, raising the younger generation as harmoniously developed individuals is in the center of our attention as one of the priority directions of the state policy.

In recent years, our country has created a unique vertical management system in work with young people. It makes it possible to solve many issues of youth related to training, employment, meaningful leisure and social support through youth leaders - representatives of the President in the mahallas - at the lower level.

Our young men and women are experiencing in their lives the real results of the large-scale work carried out on the basis of the "Youth Notebook" and the "Youth Balance" platform.

Thanks to the introduction of a new system that promotes the increase of youth income through allocation of land plots, this year alone, based on the recommendations of the "Makhalla Seven" 156 thousand young men and girls were given 60 thousand hectares of land on lease for a period of 30 years, which was an important step in this direction.

All of us, undoubtedly, are happy that young people effectively use the created opportunities and achieve great success in different spheres. At the prestigious international Olympiads in mathematics, chemistry, biology, physics and informatics in the past academic year alone, 55 of our schoolchildren won 8 gold, 15 silver, 32 bronze medals, 383 were awarded the Grand Prix and 1,359 were awarded 1st place in prestigious international competitions in the field of culture and art.

We experienced great joy and pride when at the recent Asian Football Cup in Qatar, Uzbekistan's Olympic team won a ticket to the Olympics for the first time in the country's history.

Such are our talented, educated and courageous young people! These young men and women are worthy representatives of the New Uzbekistan, our priceless wealth and golden fund.

My dear young friends!

The colossal work carried out in Uzbekistan in the field of youth policy is now being recognized in the global arena. Thus, last year, according to the Youth Development Index, Uzbekistan was recognized as one of the fastest developing countries in the field of youth policy. Also, Uzbekistan was included by the UN among 10 countries of the world on the exemplary realization of the "Youth Strategy - 2030". In 2022 the city of Bukhara was declared the Youth Capital of the Turkic World, and in 2024 our city of Tashkent became the first youth capital of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

It will be right to say that the World Youth Festival, which is taking place in our country for the first time these days, is another vivid confirmation of Uzbekistan's high recognition. More than 700 young men and women from 92 countries, heads and officials of more than 20 authoritative international organizations, ministries and departments of foreign countries are taking part in this forum. Most importantly, our youth are gaining more and more friends and partners around the world, their opportunities in gaining knowledge and professions, participating in global dialog and cooperation are expanding.

Dear young men and women!

A nation and state in which children are talented, educated, confident in their abilities and potential, eager to learn new things, will undoubtedly have a wonderful future. We will mobilize all our capabilities to nurture such youth of Uzbekistan.

Always remember, if you cherish your every moment, live with creativity and creation, love your Motherland without limits, you will surely reach high milestones.

I once again congratulate you all on today's holiday, wish you health, happiness and success on the way to your goals.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev,
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Issues in the religious and educational sphere were considered
Issues in the religious and educational sphere were considered

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev has been informed of the work being done in the spiritual and educational sphere.

The main priority of transformations in multi-ethnic Uzbekistan is the comprehensive protection of the rights and freedoms of all its citizens. And one of the inalienable rights is freedom of religion. Therefore, all conditions are being created in our country so that believers can perform rituals and observe religious traditions.

It is worth emphasizing that the policy of New Uzbekistan in this area is receiving great recognition not only among our people, but also among the international community.

Thus, if in the early years of Uzbekistan's independence the number of compatriots honored with the holy pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina could be counted on fingers, these days more than 15 thousand Uzbeks are performing the sacred rites.

President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev's greeting to our people on the occasion of Kurban Hayit, his conversation with Chairman of the Muslim Mufti Sheikh Nuriddin Khaliknazar on the pilgrimage of our compatriots have become one of the brightest pages of this year's Hajj season.

In a short period of time, Uzbekistan has created a comprehensive system of training qualified personnel in the religious and educational sphere. In order to study and popularize the rich scientific heritage of our scholars, research centers have been launched. Examples of this are the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan, the Mir Arab Higher Madrasa, the School of Hadith Studies, and the international research centers of Imam Bukhari, Imam Termizi, and Imam Moturidi. Large-scale renovation and improvement of Imam Bukhari memorial complex is underway.

During today's meeting it was emphasized the necessity of wider study and propaganda of works of these great thinkers among the population, especially among the youth. Since it is in them that the true meaning of Islam, enlightening ideas of the Muslim religion are laid down. And it is especially actual now, in our troubled time, when all over the world various forces try to distort the essence of religion and to lead young people off the true path.

It was noted a great role in this work and those who now make pilgrimage in sacred Mecca. The pilgrims have recently made an appeal, where they expressed their readiness to contribute to the spiritual education of the younger generation in their districts, in their mahallas.

Also at the meeting, the head of state stressed that an important role in these processes should be played by the Center of Islamic Civilization, the activities of which will serve to widely acquaint our people and foreign guests with the invaluable heritage of ancestors, to promote the ideas of enlightened Islam. At present, scientists-historians and theologians are working on filling the activities of the center with new content.

Information about further plans of the center's activity was heard.