Uzbekistan news

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The President visited the mausoleum of Imam Bukhari
The President visited the mausoleum of Imam Bukhari

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the mausoleum of Imam Bukhari on June 15, on the eve of the holy Eid al-Adha holiday.

Surahs from the Koran and dua were recited.

In conversation with religious figures, they talked about the conditions created for the development of science and enlightenment, education of youth in the spirit of patriotism and respect for national values.

Renovation of the complex is underway. The head of state familiarized himself with the progress of construction and finishing works.

The President concluded his visit to Samarkand and left for Tashkent.

How new mechanisms for regulating labor migration work in Uzbekistan
How new mechanisms for regulating labor migration work in Uzbekistan

Labor force migration is a natural process worldwide. In Uzbekistan, purposeful work is being carried out to safely and orderly send such citizens abroad. The Agency for External Labor Migration has sent 70,000 people to developed countries for this purpose in the past two years.

We all know that those who want to work abroad also incur certain expenses. Therefore, migrants partially reimburse the costs of a work visa, travel ticket, foreign language, and qualification assessment. It is established that a citizen who has obtained international or equivalent certification in a foreign language is reimbursed 50% of the language learning costs.

Among all the positive work carried out in this area, there is a noted development of significant cooperation with the International Organization for Migration in protecting migrant rights, as well as with developed countries. Systematic work is underway to develop the Concept of the State Policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of migration until 2030, envisaging the achievement of criteria for guaranteed equality in the social protection of labor migrants.

Emphasizing that the Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations has established contracts between the External Labor Migration Agency and 25 German companies, Uzbek citizens are being temporarily employed in various fields. Discussions are also underway with another five companies. In the past three years alone, 821 Uzbek citizens have been sent to Germany for temporary work, while 1,670 citizens are currently undergoing training to continue their work activities in this country.

In this way, cooperation in the field of labor migration between Uzbekistan and Germany is actively developing, ensuring the preparation of our citizens for work, providing professional training and language learning opportunities, and creating favorable conditions for employment.

The External Labor Migration Agency has been holding discussions on labor migration issues with several countries in 2024, such as Great Britain, Hungary, and Slovakia, highlighting the increasing importance of these efforts.

In addition to the above, under the initiative of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, each returning labor migrant is provided with a subsidy of 500,000 soums per month from the Labor Support Fund for one year. It is estimated that approximately 100 billion soums will be allocated to these measures for a year.

Assisting returning migrants in finding employment is also being considered as an important issue, and based on the Saykhunabad experience, financial support is provided for the production of goods and income generation, as well as other types of labor services. Medical facilities may also provide free medical checks for returning migrants and their family members. Additionally, starting from October 15, 2023, "Inson" Social Service Centers have been established in the Republic of Uzbekistan to provide social assistance to children whose parents work abroad, which is a significant step.

It is important to note that today, not only state organizations but also non-governmental organizations play a significant role in regulating and supporting labor migration. In this regard, it is relevant to mention educational courses and service organizations providing assistance in collaboration with the External Labor Migration Agency.

In short, a safe, orderly, and legal system for labor migration has been established in Uzbekistan, creating new mechanisms for citizens wishing to go abroad. It encompasses three main stages: The first stage involves organizing preparatory work for citizens intending to work abroad. Vocational and language training is conducted in 14 "Job Placement" service centers nationwide, 30 vocational training centers, 136 communities, 24 colleges, and 13 technical colleges.

Second stage: Providing legal and social assistance to labor migrants abroad. For this purpose, agencies dealing with labor migration issues have been established in several countries to provide services to Uzbek citizens working abroad. Labor Migration Affairs Attachés have been appointed at Uzbekistan's Embassies.

Third stage: Assisting in the reintegration of labor migrants returning to Uzbekistan. Inspectors at the Labor Support Centers are engaged in activities aimed at the reintegration of labor migrants returning to the country.

In conclusion, it is essential to emphasize that appropriate measures are being taken to ensure suitable working conditions and social protection for Uzbek citizens engaged in labor activities abroad. Collaboration with our foreign partners continues on all relevant migration issues. Systematic efforts are being made to further develop initiatives related to the professional orientation and language proficiency of labor migrants.

Bobomurod Yarashev,

teacherof the University of

Public Safety of the Republic of Uzbekistan

The principle of “New Uzbekistan - a social state” implies comprehensive support for the population
The principle of “New Uzbekistan - a social state” implies comprehensive support for the population

Social policy in our country contains a wide range of issues on poverty alleviation, job creation, and support for socially vulnerable groups of the population. Investments in human capital are both a contribution to the social and economic sectors of the country's development. Moreover, according to a study by the Institute of Macroeconomic and Regional Studies under the Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan, improving the quality of human capital leads to an increase in the inflow of foreign direct investment by 0.51 percent.
Article 1 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the new wording, adopted following the results of the national referendum, once again confirmed the commitment and orientation of the state to care for its citizens from the first days of their birth, regardless of their social status. It should be noted that the state did not come to this principle immediately, as the domestic social policy was formed step by step, i.e. in the process of long negotiations, permanent compromises and economic opportunities.
The enshrinement in the Constitution of the statement that Uzbekistan is a sovereign, democratic, law-based, social and secular State increases its social obligations.
It should be noted that a social state in the general sense guarantees quality education, qualified medical care, comprehensive support for families, children, women, the elderly and persons with disabilities, provides housing and employment for those in need, creates safe working conditions and reduces poverty.
All of the above-mentioned state guarantees began to be reflected in the last decade of our country, which entered the world history as New Uzbekistan.
First, the Strategy of Action on Five Priority Areas of Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021 and the Strategy for the Development of New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026 identify as priority tasks: building a humane state by elevating human honor and dignity and further developing a free civil society; turning the principles of justice and the rule of law into a fundamental and necessary condition for the country's development; accelerating the development of the national economy and ensuring high growth rates; carrying out the development of the country's economy; and ensuring the development of the national economy.

Secondly, the Ministry of Employment and Poverty Reduction has been established, the Ishga Markhamat monocenters have been launched, the “iron” “women's” and “youth” notebook systems have been set up, one hundred percent pensions are paid to working pensioners, the Social Protection Strategy of the Republic of Uzbekistan has been approved, and the problem of poverty in the country has been recognized. Moreover, the post of assistant khokims has been introduced, who are responsible for poverty reduction, developing entrepreneurship, organizing jobs and increasing the incomes of citizens. Most importantly, a new system of caring for the population has been created.
President Shavkat Mirziyoyev chaired a video conference call on May 15, 2023 to discuss measures to reduce poverty and provide employment. Following the recognition of the existence of poverty in the country, a system to reduce it was introduced. At the beginning of last year, all districts in Uzbekistan were divided into five categories and given differentiated benefits based on the pace of socio-economic development. As a result, one million people have been lifted out of poverty.
Thirdly, education and medicine are the most important and comprehensive social spheres. In order to accelerate reforms and improve efficiency in these sectors, relevant project offices have been established.
Undoubtedly, investment in human capital is the best contribution to the future. In this regard, unprecedented reforms have been carried out in the area of continuous improvement of the system of continuous quality education and training of qualified personnel. As a result, preschool education coverage has increased from 27 to 74 percent, 11-year compulsory schooling has been resumed, the workload of school teachers has been optimized, and forced labor has been abolished.
Changes in the higher education system in recent years have also shown significant positive results. As a result, enrollment in higher education has increased from nine to 42 per cent, and the number of higher education institutions has grown from 77 to 212.

Our country pays great attention to the medical sphere, which directly affects the quality of life. Over the past seven years, the financing of the health care system has increased from 5.9 trillion to 33.5 trillion soums, i.e. six times. Hospitals are being equipped with modern equipment and new facilities are being built. In order to bring medicine closer to the people, on-site screening examinations are being conducted.
It should be noted that Uzbekistan is working on targeted support for socially vulnerable segments of the population. This is evidenced by the addition of a new wording to article 57 of the Constitution on State measures aimed at improving the quality of life of socially vulnerable categories, creating conditions for their equal participation in public and State life with other citizens, and expanding their opportunities to independently provide for their basic living needs.
One of the main innovations is article 42 of the Basic Law, which states that the minimum wage shall be determined taking into account the need to ensure a decent standard of living. From December 1, 2023, the minimum wage is equal to 1.05 million soums, while the cost of consumer expenditures is set at 568 thousand soums per person per month.
In addition, according to the Presidential Decision “On measures to further improve the system of social services and assistance to the population” of September 28, 2023, a new system of social assistance by the employees of the social service centers “Inson” of the National Agency for Social Protection has been introduced in 28 districts (cities) on a pilot basis since October 15 last year. The employees are responsible for keeping records and register of lonely, elderly and disabled persons in need of care, which helps to develop a plan of individualized social services by taking into account the degree of need for care. At the same time, assistance to the lonely elderly included in the Unified Register of Social Protection is provided on the basis of a contract.

Sardor Zhakbarov
leading researcher
Institute of Legislation and Legal Policy under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

The text of the article is in Uzbek!
The text of the article is in Uzbek!

The text of the article is in Uzbek!

Reported on the progress of the development of neighborhood and city master plans
Reported on the progress of the development of neighborhood and city master plans

The head of our state familiarized himself with the presentation on the development of master plans of districts and cities.

This task was set at the video conference call dedicated to priority tasks in the economy, which took place on January 16 this year. The responsible persons presented information on the work done, as well as the expected results from the implementation of master plans.

During this time master plans were developed for 14 districts and cities. They provide for the construction of 759 apartment buildings, 22 shopping centers and more than 800 service facilities.

In addition, 136 more master plans are planned based on driver areas in 112 neighborhoods.

For example, 38 high-growth neighborhoods need to build sufficient housing, public spaces and recreational parks.

In 20 districts with high tourism potential, there is an opportunity to increase the flow of tourists by 2.5 times by increasing the number of hotels and developing ecological, hunting, medical, sports and extreme tourism.

More than 400 motels, campgrounds, canteens, stores and car services can be created in 68 districts, through which main roads pass.

In general, thanks to the projects based on master plans, 40 thousand jobs are expected to be created, as well as annual budget revenues of 350 billion soums.

The head of our state emphasized the need to accelerate the creation of convenient infrastructure, shopping and entertainment places, as well as high-income jobs for the population.

The task has been set to create a vertical system of development and monitoring of master plans.

Delegation of Latvian business representatives visited Khorezm region
Delegation of Latvian business representatives visited Khorezm region

URGENCH, September 28. /IA “Dunyo”/. A delegation of Latvian businessmen visited Khorezm with the support of the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Riga, Dunyot news agency's correspondent reports.

During the visit, a business forum and meetings were held with participation of representatives of business circles of the two countries.

The parties exchanged views on economic and investment potential of Khorezm region, opportunities for realization of joint projects in agriculture, personnel training, services, logistics and energy.

The Latvian side also familiarized with the activities of “Opportunity Generosity” LLC, a pharmaceutical manufacturer located in Urgench, and other companies.

As a result of the visit, representatives of Latvian companies expressed interest in the implementation of specific projects in the field of education, in connection with which the relevant documents were signed.

President of Uzbekistan considers promising areas and projects of cooperation with UAE
President of Uzbekistan considers promising areas and projects of cooperation with UAE

Issues of further development of multifaceted partnership, promotion of economic and investment cooperation projects, establishment of practical interaction in the defense sector were discussed at the meeting between President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev and a delegation from the United Arab Emirates headed by Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defense, Crown Prince of the Emirate of Dubai Sheikh Hamdan bin Muhammad Al Maktoum.

The Emirati delegation included the Ministers of Government Affairs Muhammad bin Abdullah Al Gergawi, Energy and Infrastructure Suhail bin Muhammad Al Mazroui, Economy Abdullah bin Tuq Al Marri, and Minister of State for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy Omar bin Sultan Al Olama.

At the beginning of the conversation, Sheikh Hamdan Al Maktoum expressed his sincere gratitude to our Head of State for the warm welcome and conveyed warm greetings from UAE President Sheikh Mohammad Al Nahyan and Prime Minister of the UAE, Emir of Dubai Sheikh Mohammad Al Maktoum.

During the meeting, special attention was paid to the issues of forming a new long-term agenda of mutually beneficial cooperation in such key areas as investment, innovative development, green energy, infrastructure, education, healthcare, ecology, digital transformation, tourism and others.

The sides highly appreciated the fruitful results of the joint forum on unlocking the potential of mutually beneficial cooperation, bilateral intergovernmental and interdepartmental talks held this morning.

An agreement was reached to adopt a road map for the development of full-scale cooperation in strategic sectors.

It should be noted that the UAE is one of Uzbekistan's key partners in the Asian region.

The latest high-level contacts took place within the framework of the Global Climate Summit in Dubai last December.

The trade turnover in 2023 grew by 21 percent and amounted to 626 million dollars. More than 320 enterprises with the participation of Emirati capital operate in our country. The portfolio of ongoing and prospective investment projects amounts to about 20 billion dollars.

Tourist places and regions of Uzbekistan.
Tourist places and regions of Uzbekistan.

You can read more details in the file below!

How candidates are selected in Uzbekistan through a single portal of vacancies of state bodies and organizations
How candidates are selected in Uzbekistan through a single portal of vacancies of state bodies and organizations

How candidates are selected in Uzbekistan through a single portal of vacancies of state bodies and organizations
In Uzbekistan, electronic document management systems are being implemented, the range of public services is expanding, human resource management processes are being optimized, and a unified public sector ecosystem is being developed through integration and other measures.
In recent years we have seen the adoption of several key strategies, including the National Strategy of Action on Five Priority Directions of Development of Uzbekistan for 2017-2021, the "Digital Uzbekistan - 2030" Strategy, the "New Uzbekistan Development Strategy for 2022-2026," and the "Uzbekistan - 2030" Strategy. These strategies aim to drive digital transformation across the national economy, industry, and society as a whole.
Digitalization has also impacted the public civil service. Notably, the decree of the President of Uzbekistan "On measures for the radical improvement of personnel policy and the system of public civil service in the Republic of Uzbekistan" dated October 3, 2019, established the Agency for the Development of Public Service under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (ARGOS). ARGOS is responsible for implementing a unified state policy in personnel management and human resource development within state bodies and organizations.
ARGOS was tasked with implementing innovative personnel management and human resource development methods based on principles of openness, professionalism, and accountability. This includes introducing a system of measurable indicators (key performance indicators) for evaluating public civil servants and analyzing their performance, systematically identifying and attracting qualified specialists (including those abroad), and widely involving talented youth and women in public service. Additionally, ARGOS organizes an open, competitive selection process for the most promising personnel in public service.
Including the implementation of an open, independent competitive selection system announced through a single portal for public vacancies ( Previously, entering public service required visiting various agencies, submitting resumes, and waiting for responses.
Today, candidates can log into their personal account on the vacancies portal, select a suitable position, and submit an application. The platform provides information on the candidate's status and upcoming selection stages. The open competitive selection involves stages such as application acceptance, verification of qualification requirements, testing, and interviews. Not all candidates pass all stages on their first attempt.
The competitive selection process is based on meritocracy, ensuring that only the most deserving candidates are chosen, thus promoting transparency and fairness.
As of now, more than 188,000 competitive selections have been announced on the platform, with over 2.9 million applications submitted and 69,163 candidates successfully hired.
Another significant change in state personnel administration is the formation and management of the National Personnel Reserve using modern information systems. ARGOS is responsible for this task, and continuous work is underway to develop and enrich the National Personnel Reserve.
Managing the National Personnel Reserve involves more than just record-keeping; it includes comprehensive measures to prepare personnel for managerial roles. Each person in the Reserve receives an individual development plan for the certain period of time, which includes professional development courses and internships in public bodies. Candidates should regularly report on their progress, providing additional insights into their suitability for managerial positions.
All these activities are managed through the unified information portals: for personal users, for personnel departments of ministries and agencies, for ARGOS performance monitoring, and for individual performance data and activities.
A third key change is reflected in the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to improve the human resource management system in Republican and local executive bodies" dated September 22, 2023. It stipulates that from November 1, 2023, all information and documents related to human resource management in these bodies will be maintained on the electronic platform
Starting from this date, all ministries and agencies are required to conduct personnel administration documentation exclusively on This new system enables comprehensive monitoring and analysis of personnel management, providing accurate information on vacancies, employee numbers, career movements, and compliance with public service legislation.
Ultimately, this platform acts as a mirror, reflecting both the successes and shortcomings of personnel management departments, allowing ARGOS to respond promptly, prevent, and address issues in public civil service.
In conclusion, digital technologies play a crucial role in development and should be a primary focus for building a sustainable economic and public sector. Expanded digitalization and digital transformation, along with investments in the digital ecosystem, IT infrastructure, and electronic services, will drive further modernization of the national public service system and accelerate growth in various sectors.

Ilkhom Kurbonov,
Abbos Akramov,
Agency for Development of Public Service
under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Proposals on further development and increase of competitiveness of the jewelry industry were considered
Proposals on further development and increase of competitiveness of the jewelry industry were considered

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev was given a presentation on measures to further develop the jewelry industry, support jewelry production and sales, and increase exports of finished products.

Our country has a huge potential for increasing production and export of jewelry.

As the head of state noted, only 6 percent of gold mined in the country is processed, and exports of its products amount to only 78 million dollars, so it is important to create jewelry zones with special conditions for entrepreneurs, to review the provision of raw materials, training of specialists, production chain and sales system.

In this regard, the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry have developed relevant proposals.

In particular, it is planned to improve the activity of the Uzbekzargarsanoati association, expand its powers and reorganize the management system.

In order to support manufacturers of the industry, it is proposed to apply the benefits provided for members of the Association "Uzbekzargarsanoati" to individual entrepreneurs - manufacturers of jewelry, who are members of the Association "Uzbekzargarsanoati".

The possibility of establishing a zero rate of customs duty and value added tax on equipment, packaging and marking materials that are not produced in Uzbekistan and used in the jewelry industry for the period up to October 1, 2026 is being studied.

The issues of creation of special jewelry centers including production, exhibition and trade areas were considered. Information was provided on the placement of pilot projects in Tashkent and Namangan region.

The issue of increasing the volume of jewelry exports was discussed. It was proposed to establish a zero rate of customs duty for export of jewelry made in our country to the United States of America under the GSP system.

The head of state instructed to finalize the presented measures and work out a program for the development of domestic jewelry production for the period up to 2027.