Uzbekistan news

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Gender equality as one of the principles of building a New Uzbekistan
Gender equality as one of the principles of building a New Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan — is a country of irreversible, rapid reforms. One of the priorities of the development strategy of the New Uzbekistan is the policy of achieving gender equality in the country.

Under the "Uzbekistan-2030" development strategy, large-scale measures are being implemented to increase women's political, social and economic activity, protect mothers and children, promote gender equality and safeguard women's rights and interests.

Thanks to the political will of the leadership of Uzbekistan, the Gender Strategy of Uzbekistan until 2030 was developed, the laws “On guarantees of equal rights and opportunities for women and men”, “On protection from oppression and violence” were adopted, as well as legislative norms on mandatory gender expertise of all regulations and introduction of gender audit. Thus, a mechanism has been introduced to study the state of the gender approach in all government organizations and to develop measures to ensure equal rights and opportunities for women and men by the Federation of Trade Unions as public control. Liability for domestic violence has been strengthened. Over the past 5 years, more than 40 Presidential decrees and Resolutions have been adopted aimed at ensuring gender equality. Meanwhile, legislation for women is being improved and opportunities are expanding. In 2023, the Electoral Code of Uzbekistan established provisions that the number of women when nominated from political parties to representative bodies of power should be at least 40% of the total number of nominated candidates for deputies and in the proportional election system, nominate at least two women out of each five candidates for parliament. Since 2019, a Gender Commission on increasing the role of women in society, gender equality and family has been created in the Senate. The Committee for Women and Family Affairs was newly created, more than 9 thousand positions were established, up to mahallas, specifically dealing with issues of women and family throughout the country and at all levels, rehabilitation centers began to operate to provide assistance to women victims of violence.

Systemic measures taken at the initiative of the head of state, President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, in order to reduce poverty, establish “women’s notebooks”, reduce unemployment among women and support women’s entrepreneurship, preferential loans for women have yielded tangible results throughout the country. A number of restrictions on women’s occupation and choice of professions were lifted. Advisory councils on gender issues were created in all ministries and departments. As a result, the number of women in parliament reached 33%, in business their number doubled and reached 25%, in political parties 44%, in higher education 40%. In 2023 alone, more than 13,3 billion soums of loans were allocated for the implementation of over 279 thousand women’s business projects, and about 300 billion soums of subsidies were provided to almost 57 thousand women. Based on the “Women's Notebooks” system, the problems of 994 thousand women were solved, the state allocated 1 trillion 234 million soums for these purposes.

As a result of studying the situation of women in mahallas, targeted assistance was provided to more than 690 thousand families in need of social protection.

In 2024, it is planned to provide 8 thousand women and girls included in the “Youth Notebook” with subsidies to start their own business and purchase equipment, and 10 thousand with preferential loans. It is planned to launch a “Business Marathon” project for 50 thousand young women with the participation of qualified specialists to provide practical assistance in setting up a business.

In the field of education, great attention is also paid to gender equality. The country has taken a number of effective measures to protect women and girls; a gender approach is being introduced into curricula and teaching methods, as well as in STEM education, especially in rural areas. Currently, more than half of the 1 million 300 thousand students, i.e. 653 thousand, are girls. In the master's program, the share of girls is 60% of master's students. The state encourages and fully pays for the contracts of women and girls studying for a master's degree from the state budget. In 2023-24 1,914 girls from needy families were accepted to study at universities using additional government grants. 181,500 girls received preferential educational loans. At the expense of local budgets, the contract amount of more than 2 thousand students from families in need of social protection, orphans or students deprived of parental care was covered for 14 billion soums.

Improving the opportunities and conditions for the education of women and girls in the country gave impetus to an increase in interest in mastering modern knowledge and professions, for example, within the framework of the educational project “One Million Programmers”, 47% were girls. Creating favorable conditions for women in education gives real results in unlocking their potential. Over the past seven years, more than 5 thousand women have been awarded the academic titles of Doctors of Philosophy and Doctors of Science. More than 14 thousand women are conducting their research at universities in Uzbekistan.

Achieving gender equality — is a global task on the agenda of universal international organizations such as the UN and other regional structures. Uzbekistan is actively developing international cooperation in this area. As a party to the 1979 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the 1995 Beijing Declaration of the Platform for Action, the country regularly submits national reports to the Committee and develops national action plans.

In recent years, great importance has been attached to cooperation in the field of gender equality with the countries of Central Asia. The Forums of Women Leaders of Central Asia and the Asian Women's Forum in 2024 were successfully held, where representatives of more than 40 countries and international organizations participated.

Lola Saidova, Doctor of Law, Professor,

Chief Researcher of the ISRS under the

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

President of Mongolia to pay state visit to Uzbekistan
President of Mongolia to pay state visit to Uzbekistan

At the invitation of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, President of Mongolia Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh will pay a state visit to our country on June 23-26.

In accordance with the program of the high-ranking guest's stay, it is envisaged to hold high-level talks in Tashkent, during which issues of further expansion and strengthening of Uzbek-Mongolian relations of friendship and multifaceted cooperation will be considered.

In particular, the agenda includes plans to develop constructive political dialogue and inter-parliamentary contacts, increase bilateral trade turnover, implement cooperation projects in mining, agriculture, livestock, light industry, healthcare, transport, logistics and other areas. Joint measures aimed at boosting cultural, humanitarian and tourist ties will also be discussed. There will be an exchange of views on international issues.

A package of intergovernmental and interdepartmental documents will be signed following the results of the summit.

As part of the program of the state visit, the leaders of the two countries will meet with representatives of leading companies and business circles, and a number of other bilateral events will be held.

Mongolian President Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh will also visit Khiva, where he will familiarize himself with the rich cultural and historical heritage of our people.

Delegation of Latvian business representatives visited Khorezm region
Delegation of Latvian business representatives visited Khorezm region

URGENCH, September 28. /IA “Dunyo”/. A delegation of Latvian businessmen visited Khorezm with the support of the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Riga, Dunyot news agency's correspondent reports.

During the visit, a business forum and meetings were held with participation of representatives of business circles of the two countries.

The parties exchanged views on economic and investment potential of Khorezm region, opportunities for realization of joint projects in agriculture, personnel training, services, logistics and energy.

The Latvian side also familiarized with the activities of “Opportunity Generosity” LLC, a pharmaceutical manufacturer located in Urgench, and other companies.

As a result of the visit, representatives of Latvian companies expressed interest in the implementation of specific projects in the field of education, in connection with which the relevant documents were signed.

Proposals for the development of engineering education were considered
Proposals for the development of engineering education were considered

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the Inno innovative training and production technopark in Almazar district of the capital.

This technopark was established three years ago. Innovative ideas and inventions for the development of industrial sectors are developed here. In order to train young people in modern professions, cooperation with higher educational institutions has been established. Every year seminars and workshops are held with the participation of about 15 thousand students and pupils.

There are more and more such innovation centers in our country. Industry, energy and information technologies are developing, new complexes are being launched. They require engineers and technicians with up-to-date knowledge and qualifications.

The activity of higher engineering schools established at Tashkent State Technical University, Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Tashkent State Transport University, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Tashkent Architecture and Construction University and Tashkent University of Information Technologies has been presented to the President.

The decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 2, 2024 sets a number of tasks in this direction. In particular, according to the decree, the organizational and managerial activities of higher education institutions that train personnel in engineering and technology are being improved. The existing training programs are being studied and fundamentally changed in accordance with modern technologies and the requirements of employers.

The head of our state was informed about it.

At the first stage, higher engineering schools will be opened at 10 institutions of higher education. The supervisory board of the schools will include not only scientists, but also representatives of partner enterprises.

Two-year master's degree programs will be implemented in these schools, candidates will be selected on the basis of manufacturers' orders. In the first year, students will design new products on the orders of enterprises, conduct scientific research and study in in-depth modular programs. In the second year, they will test at enterprises technological processes related to the creation of prototypes of new products.

The President paid attention to the practical applicability and effectiveness of scientific research in higher educational institutions. It was noted that the attention paid to the education system should be really embodied in scientific achievements.

The head of state also familiarized himself with the inventions and advanced developments of researchers. In particular, energy-efficient devices, a cooling system protecting transformers from overheating under load, chemical reagents important for the oil and gas industry, modern approaches in construction, including road construction, engineering projects for hydraulic structures and modern solutions in the field of information technologies were presented.

Uzbekistan plans to increase exports of electrical products to Europe, countries of South Asia and the Middle East
Uzbekistan plans to increase exports of electrical products to Europe, countries of South Asia and the Middle East

There are about a thousand manufacturing enterprises operating in the electrical engineering sector of Uzbekistan, most of them small, producing over two thousand types of products. Almost all enterprises in the industry are privately owned. The total number of people employed in the industry exceeds 35,000.

The 76 largest enterprises in the industry, which produce over 90% of all electrical engineering products, are members of the Association of Electrical Engineering Manufacturers (UzEltechSanoat). Of these, 18 enterprises manufacture electrical wires and cables, 27 enterprises manufacture household appliances, and 32 enterprises manufacture power transformers and other electrical products.

The Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026 aimed to increase industrial production by 1.4 times by 2026, including doubling the production of high value-added products in the electrical engineering industry and tripling exports.

The Uzbekistan-2030 Strategy, adopted in September 2023, will ensure the achievement of all the goals outlined in the Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan. It also sets the task of increasing copper processing in the electrical engineering industry to 300,000 tons per year and raising the localization level of manufactured products to an average of 65%.

Therefore, Uzbekistan pays special attention to the development of technologically advanced industries, including electrical engineering, and provides state support.

Over the past seven years, the President of Uzbekistan has adopted several legislative acts providing customs and tax benefits to enterprises in the electrical engineering industry, as well as subsidies to cover transportation and other expenses.

Specifically, until January 1, 2027, enterprises in the electrical engineering industry have received a 50% reduction in profit and property taxes. Additionally, benefits for exemption from customs duties on imported raw materials, components, and equipment for their own production needs have been extended.

Furthermore, several programs have been approved for the implementation of investment projects in the electrical engineering industry, focusing on technical and technological upgrades of existing facilities and the creation of new production lines.

Due to these measures, over the past 7 years, the volume of attracted investments in the industry has amounted to $935 million, of which about $400 million are foreign direct investments.

Additionally, more than 260 new investment projects worth over $800 million have been launched, including 50 cable production projects worth $120 million, 115 household appliance projects worth $380 million, 40 power equipment projects worth $60 million, and 58 other electrical engineering projects worth $250 million.

As a result, over 13,000 new jobs have been created, bringing the total number of jobs in the industry to 35,000.

As a result of implementing investment projects for modernizing and creating new production facilities, the production of new types of electrical engineering products has been mastered, particularly household appliances (washing machines, electric stoves, vacuum cleaners, hoods, water heaters, new models of refrigerators and washing machines under the Samsung brand, SMART HD TVs, built-in hobs and gas stoves, etc.); industrial air conditioners; new types of electrical cables (high and low voltage, used in solar energy systems, household appliances, as well as self-supporting insulated cables); dry transformers; electronics (monoblocks, SIM cards, electronic boards for household appliances); smart meters for electricity, gas, and water consumption; parts for solar panels and renewable energy stations; elevators and escalators; water pumps, etc.

Overall, from 2017 to 2023, the production volume of the electrical engineering industry increased 7.1 times to $1.98 billion, including a 5.5-fold increase in wires, cables, and copper products to $792 million; an 8.2-fold increase in household appliances to $633 million; and a 9.3-fold increase in power and technical equipment to $567 million.

The contribution of the electrical engineering industry to the development of the economy is also growing, and although the share of the industry's value added in the economy is still less than 1%, it has grown 1.5 times in recent years.

The growth in the production of electrical engineering products has contributed to an increase in export volumes, which have grown 5.5 times to $1047 million over the specified period, including a 4-fold increase in wires, cables, and copper products to $576 million; a more than 10-fold increase in household appliances to $214 million; and a 12-fold increase in power equipment and other products to $257 million.

It should be noted that the significant growth (more than 10 times) in the export of household appliances occurred due to the creation of new production facilities in Uzbekistan by Artel Electronics. In particular, the export volume of refrigerators increased 15 times to $58 million, televisions 6 times to $52 million, electric stoves 4.5 times to $40 million, washing machines 5 times to $20 million, air conditioners 4 times to $15 million, etc.

Moreover, not only the geography of export countries has expanded, but also the range of electrical engineering products supplied to foreign markets. Currently, about 200 types of various electrical engineering products are exported to almost 70 countries. The number of exporting enterprises in the electrical engineering industry has grown to 100.

In January 2024, a Presidential Decree "On Additional Measures for Further Increasing the Production and Export Potential of the Electrical Engineering Industry" was adopted, outlining target indicators for the industry's development in the coming years.

Specifically, in 2024, the plan is to increase the volume of production by almost 30% to $2.6 billion, exports by 43% to $1.5 billion, and the volume of copper processing into finished products to 140,000 tons. In 2025, the goal is to increase production to $3.2 billion, exports to $2.0 billion, and copper processing to 160,000 tons.

To achieve these targets, the Program for Creating New Production Capacities and Diversifying Production in the Electrical Engineering Industry in 2024-2026 and Beyond has been approved. The program aims to implement a total of 294 investment projects worth over $4 billion in the coming years.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the necessary conditions have been created in Uzbekistan for enterprises in the electrical engineering industry to increase production volumes and expand the supply of their products to both domestic and foreign markets.

Therefore, goals have been set to increase exports not only to traditional but also to new markets. In particular, there are plans to increase the export of electrical engineering products to European markets, considering the GSP+ preferential trade regime granted to Uzbekistan, as well as to South Asian and Middle Eastern countries.


Yuri Kutbitdinov,

chief Research Officer of the Center for Economic Research and Reforms under the Administration of the President of the

Republic of Uzbekistan


Uzbekistan has once again reaffirmed its commitment to building a society free of corruption, where integrity, transparency and accountability are the cornerstones of public administration
Uzbekistan has once again reaffirmed its commitment to building a society free of corruption, where integrity, transparency and accountability are the cornerstones of public administration

The Resolution signed by the President of Uzbekistan “On measures to introduce a system of continuous improvement of knowledge of the population and civil servants in the fight against corruption” caused an interested discussion in the international expert community.

Alexander Klishin, adviser at the UN Office of Rule of Law and Security Institutions:

– This initiative marks a significant step in the fight against corruption not only for Uzbekistan, but also on the international arena. The Virtual Anti-Corruption Academy is a leading initiative of the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, aimed at introducing a system of continuous improvement of knowledge among the population and civil servants in the fight against corruption.

The initiative is perfectly aligned with global efforts to promote integrity, transparency and accountability across all sectors of the economy. Uzbekistan has once again reaffirmed its commitment to building a society free of corruption, where integrity, transparency and accountability are the cornerstones of public administration. The Anti-Corruption Virtual Academy fully embodies these values and serves as a commendable example for other countries.


Anas Fayyad Qarman, UNDP Resident Representative a.i. in Uzbekistan:

– We are pleased to know the adoption of the Resolution of the President of Uzbekistan regarding the Virtual Anti-Corruption Academy. We view this measure as an important step towards further strengthening the anti-corruption ecosystem.

We have been cooperating with the Anti-Corruption Agency in various areas a long while, including the development of a compliance control system in government agencies and organizations. We are also jointly developing various digital solutions to combat corruption in the public sector. In my opinion, a distinctive feature of a new Academy is its availability to both civil servants and ordinary citizens.


Antti Karttunen, Head of OSCE Project Coordinator in Uzbekistan:

– The initiative of the President of Uzbekistan to create a Virtual Anti-Corruption Academy is a time requirement and will help find answers to many questions related to this area.

Like the Law ‘On Conflict of Interest’ recently signed by the President, it is another important step in the fight against corruption in Uzbekistan.

We look forward to continuing to support the improvement of legislation in the field of combating corruption, as well as to improve the qualification of employees of government bodies and organizations through the Virtual Academy and support all other efforts of Uzbekistan in this area.

Tuija Brax, Director of the Rule of Law Center, former Minister of Justice (Finland):

– It is my great honor to express a few words about the new Virtual Anti-Corruption Academy in Uzbekistan. We have been cooperating with the Anti-Corruption Agency of Uzbekistan for several years now, and I was greatly impressed by the initiatives of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev to combat corruption in the country, measures to improve legislation in this area and efforts to raise public awareness. The new Virtual Academy is a unique opportunity to raise awareness, develop special courses for different target groups, and also attract young people to study this field, since ultimately it is about the future of Uzbekistan.

Quentin Reed, Professor of Oxford University, INGO Regional Dialogue’s Anti-Corruption Specialist (United Kingdom):

– I am happy to hear about the President signing the Resolution, which provides for the establishment of the Virtual Anti-Corruption Academy. International NGO Regional Dialogue and the Anti-Corruption Agency have been cooperating for several years in developing preventive anti-corruption measures in Uzbekistan. We express our readiness to provide full-fledged support in the development of educational modules and programs within the Virtual Academy, as awareness-raising, education and training are key tools in the prevention of corruption. Appropriate anti-corruption system cannot be established without them. This is particularly important for public servants, especially those in vulnerable situations, but I would also pay particular attention to citizens.

Nuripa Mukanova, Secretary General, the Anti-Corruption Business Council under the President of Kyrgyzstan:

– My congratulations to the people of Uzbekistan and the Anti-Corruption Agency on the establishment of the Virtual Anti-Corruption Academy. The opening of this Academy is important for both Uzbekistan and the countries of Central Asia. This is a very important anti-corruption measure and platform for increasing the capacity of all those directly involved in anti-corruption issues, as well as those who want to increase their capacity, knowledge and skills in the field of combating and preventing corruption. This platform will also allow young people who study and then enter public service to improve their anti-corruption skills.


Dunyo IA

Members of the Uzbekistan national chess team
Members of the Uzbekistan national chess team

Dear our sons and daughters!

I cordially congratulate you on your worthy participation in the 45th World Chess Olympiad held in Budapest, the capital of Hungary. You have opened another bright page in the history of Uzbek chess, taking the honorable third place among representatives of about 200 countries.

In very sharp and uncompromising chess duels, you, having demonstrated high intellectual potential, unwavering will and steadfastness, outperformed the teams of such countries as China, Serbia, Armenia, Germany, Azerbaijan, Slovenia, Spain, which is truly admirable.

By your example, we have seen that the youth of New Uzbekistan is capable of achieving truly high standards in competitions of mind and thinking, and this has filled our hearts with a sense of joy and pride.

The results achieved by Nodirbek Abdusattorov, Zhavohir Sindorov, Shamsiddin Vokhidov, Nodirbek Yokubboyev and Zhakhongir Vokhidov, who displayed outstanding intellectual abilities, are very valuable and dear to us.

It should be especially noted that Shamsiddin Vokhidov, having won a gold medal and Nodirbek Abdusattorov a silver medal in the board section, proved again what true masters of chess game they are.

Along with courageous and brave young men, our purposeful chess players such as Afruza Hamdamova, Nilufar Yokubboeva, Umida Omonova, Marjona Malikova, Nodira Nodirjonova, who directed all their strength and energy, skill and professionalism to worthily defend the honor of the Motherland, also took part in the competition.

It is undoubtedly noteworthy that they improved their results from the last Olympiad, taking the 12th place among the
170 countries. It is gratifying that our chess player Nodira Nodirjonova won the 2nd place in the board section and was awarded a silver medal. I sincerely congratulate them all, wish them to reach even higher milestones and take prizes at future competitions.

Undoubtedly, the tremendous success of our chess players is a practical result of the enormous attention paid to the youth in New Uzbekistan, the ongoing large-scale reforms to develop sports, including the most intellectual one - chess.

Undoubtedly, such bright achievements further unite our people on the way to noble goals, serve as a source of inspiration for thousands of young men and women.

Taking this opportunity, on behalf of all our people and on my own behalf I express my sincere gratitude to you, my dear ones, to your experienced mentors and coaches who made a great contribution to your success, to all members of the national team, to your parents who supported you and to all chess fans.

May you have good luck in conquering the highest peaks at the next World Chess Olympiad, which will be hosted by our native Uzbekistan for the first time in 2026!

I wish you all health, happiness and well-being, great success in your studies and subsequent activities. May your path to victory be steadfast, my dear ones!

Shavkat Mirziyoyev,
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

The President familiarized himself with the new project of the joint venture
The President familiarized himself with the new project of the joint venture

Президент Шавкат Мирзиёев начал свою поездку в Республику Каракалпакстан с ознакомления с промышленным потенциалом региона.

Совместное предприятие “Nukus Eleсtroapparat” было введено в строй в 2017 году, оно производит силовое оборудование для электросетей. В июне текущего года здесь был запущен проект по изготовлению солнечных панелей стоимостью более 10 миллионов долларов. Оборудование было доставлено и установлено из Республики Корея. Производственный процесс полностью автоматизирован. Годовая мощность проекта составляет 273 тысячи единиц.

Это будет способствовать дальнейшему внедрению альтернативной энергетики в нашей стране. На сегодняшний день в различных сооружениях и домах установлены солнечные панели общей мощностью 600 мегаватт. Этот процесс продолжается.

Наряду с локализацией востребованной на внутреннем рынке продукции совместное предприятие получило возможность экспортировать продукцию на 4 миллиона долларов. Обеспечено работой 70 человек.

Глава нашего государства ознакомился с технологическим процессом, побеседовал с работниками. Ответственным лицам даны указания по увеличению количества таких предприятий и производству ими продукции с высоким спросом на рынке.

Здесь же была представлена продукция, производимая предприятиями отрасли.

На самом заводе установлены солнечные панели мощностью 125 киловатт. Полученная электроэнергия используется для внутренних нужд, а излишки реализуются в региональную электросеть.

За последние годы в нашей стране за счет инвестиций в размере 2 миллиардов долларов введены в эксплуатацию 10 солнечных и ветряных станций общей мощностью 2,6 гигаватта. Также ведется работа по 32 "зеленым" проектам мощностью 18,6 гигаватта общей стоимостью 19 миллиардов долларов. В целом к 2030 году намечено довести долю возобновляемых источников энергии в энергетическом балансе до 40 процентов.

In Uzbekistan, the share of non-state media exceeds 60%
In Uzbekistan, the share of non-state media exceeds 60%

In the modern world, freedom of speech and information is a key element of a democratic society.

Uzbekistan is actively moving towards strengthening the constitutional rights of citizens in this important area, striving to create favorable conditions for the free exchange of information and development of the information society.

The country remains firmly committed to further improving the system of ensuring human rights, freedoms and legitimate interests. The efforts made by the country's leadership in this direction are holistic, sustainable and irreversible.

The following key aspects of state policy in areas of obtaining and disseminating information:

Firstly, creating conditions for free expression of opinions, independent and safe work of the media. Freedom of speech and press are fundamental principles of a democratic society. Uzbekistan strives to ensure pluralism of opinions and prevent any form of censorship, which contributes to the development of an open and informed society.

For this purpose, the necessary legal frameworks have been formed and are being improved in accordance with international standards and recommendations. To date, the country has adopted more than 10 relevant laws, among them - “On guarantees and freedom of access to information”, “On the openness of the activities of public authorities and management”, “On the media”, “On the principles and guarantees of freedom of information” , “On the protection of the professional activities of a journalist”, “On informatization”, etc.

Under Uzbek legislation, journalists are guaranteed personal inviolability in the performance of their professional duties and may not be prosecuted for publishing critical material.

In addition, to further liberalise media activities and ensure the rights of journalists, in 2018, the legislation clarified the legal status of journalists and guarantees of freedom of journalistic activity, as well as the procedure for accreditation of foreign media representatives in the country in accordance with modern requirements.

Mechanisms have also been established for government support of the mass media (provision of privileges on taxes, other compulsory payments and tariffs, preferences, provision of government subsidies, grants and social orders, as well as social support for editorial staff).

The consistent expansion of conditions and opportunities for media outlets is also reflected in their quantitative characteristics. From 2016 to date, their total number has increased by 49 per cent, reaching 2,200. At the same time, the total share of non-state media in the country is over 60%. Alongside traditional media, online publications are also developing rapidly, the number of which has reached 716, and their audience is steadily growing.

It is important to note that in 2023, a number of issues of ensuring freedom of information were enshrined at the level of the country’s Basic Law. Thus, the new version of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, adopted at a national referendum, outlines guarantees for the state to ensure free activity of the media, as well as responsibility for interference in the work of the media.

Another main difference of the new version of the Constitution in terms of freedom of information is the specification of the legal conditions under which restrictions on the search, receipt, use and dissemination of information can be introduced.

Similar provisions were identified in the Basic Law earlier, but were not detailed, which could lead to ambiguous interpretation and be used to unjustifiably restrict the rights of citizens.

The 2023 amendments establish that restrictions can only be imposed on certain grounds and only to the extent necessary. This represents a significant step forward in ensuring that restrictions on the right to seek, receive and disseminate information are transparent, legal and proportionate. These measures help strengthen the rule of law, protect the rights and freedoms of citizens and increase public confidence in government institutions.

A new provision has also been introduced into the country's Constitution guaranteeing free access to the Internet. Thus, the state at the constitutional level confirms its obligations to create all the necessary conditions for this, including in the context of supporting the processes of active digital transformation of the country and expanding the range of online services provided to the population.

Secondly, ensuring unhindered and equal access to information, including strengthening the accountability of government bodies to society. This includes expanding access to data on the work of government agencies and socially significant information in general. Availability of information allows citizens to be better informed, make informed decisions and actively participate in public life.

Openness and transparency in the activities of government agencies remain one of the key indicators of the effectiveness of the system of public control, ensuring continuous dialogue between the state and citizens, minimizing bureaucracy and combating corruption. It is the full implementation of this aspect that will reflect the principle laid down by the Head of State: “It is not the people who serve the state bodies, but the state bodies should serve the people”.

The work carried out by the Republic of Uzbekistan in this regard is becoming increasingly systematic. Thus, in addition to the current Law on Openness in the Activities of State Authorities and Government Bodies, a number of normative acts have been adopted since 2018 and up to the present time aimed at radically improving the work of the press services of State bodies and raising the status of press secretaries to the level of deputy head of department.

Increased requirements were set for the heads and employees of information services of state bodies, including timely and comprehensive coverage of key events and decisions within the work of their departments, as well as prompt response to requests from journalists and the public.

At present, the combined staff of the press services of ministries and departments includes 778 press secretaries and more than 500 employees.

In addition, the Agency of Information and Mass Communications, together with the press secretaries of government agencies, has created a mechanism for promptly responding to citizens' appeals, as well as critical and widely discussed news items in the media. As part of this work, more than 10,000 responses and expert opinions on the identified materials were published in the media, social networks and messengers.

The new version of the Constitution also obliges public bodies to act in a transparent and open manner. This means that all significant decisions and actions of public institutions must be publicly justified and documented. Authorities are obliged to publish regular reports on their activities and inform the public about important initiatives and programmes.

In 2021, in accordance with the Presidential decree, the possibilities of public control over the activities of government agencies were expanded. A list of socially significant information to be published as open data was approved, government bodies and organizations developing data, as well as the procedure for their publication were clearly defined.

The practice of determining indicators of openness and assessing it based on advanced international standards has been successfully introduced. The corresponding national Openness Indexes were published for 2022 and 2023.

At the same time, in 2022, liability was established for violating the legislation on the openness of the activities of public authorities and management, including for non-disclosure of socially significant information, failure to comply with the deadline and procedure for publication, or falsification of information.

Thirdly, protecting the rights of citizens to privacy and personal data. In the era of digital technology and big data, government policy is aimed at ensuring the security of citizens' personal information and preventing its misuse. This includes the development and implementation of legal regulations and technical solutions to protect personal data.

These issues are regulated by the relevant Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Personal Data” dated July 2, 2019. In particular, it regulates the need to ensure the collection, systematization and storage of personal data of citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the country in order to suppress the risks and threats of their leakage and misuse.

At the same time, it should be noted that the new version of the Constitution also enshrines the right to protection of personal data as a personal right of the individual. Consequently, their processing is allowed only with the consent of the individual. From now on, the Basic Law creates a direct possibility for citizens to demand correction of inaccurate data and destruction of data collected illegally or no longer having legal grounds, i.e. to realise the established international practice of the so-called ‘right to be forgotten’.

Such amendments are designed to promote the protection of privacy, increase trust in data processing systems, reduce risks and abuse, develop the digital economy and comply with international standards. Together, these measures create the conditions for a more transparent, secure and sustainable society in the digital age.

At the same time, the development of the population's information literacy remains an important factor in the formation of an effective and self-regulated national media environment against the background of various global challenges. The need to meet the needs of citizens for quality content and improve critical thinking skills has been repeatedly emphasised by the President of Uzbekistan.

The relevance of this task is confirmed by the fact that disinformation is recognised as one of the main short-term global threats, according to an expert report by the World Economic Forum. In addition, a long-term study of media consumption in Central Asia, conducted by the United States Agency for International Development and the non-governmental organisation Internews, shows an increase in the share of citizens in Uzbekistan who lack basic skills in working with information on the Internet (from 3% in 2021 to 25% in 2023).

Uzbekistan continue the country's course of strengthening openness and to develop fruitful and constructive international co-operation in the area of freedom of speech and the press with a view to turning the media into a real ‘fourth estate’. This will certainly create the necessary conditions for the creation of an informed, safe and progressive society ready to meet the challenges and opportunities of the digital age.


           Aziz Yengalychev,

  Chief Researcher at the Institute for Strategic and Regional studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Ensuring the true independence of the courts of Uzbekistan is a priority task of the ongoing reforms
Ensuring the true independence of the courts of Uzbekistan is a priority task of the ongoing reforms

As the most important task of judicial reform being implemented in the Republic of Uzbekistan, important work is being carried out to ensure constitutional human rights and freedoms, strengthening the authority of the judiciary, which is considered an important guarantee of effective protection of human rights and to ensure the true independence of the courts.

Also, further expansion of the population’s access to justice within the framework of the principle “New Uzbekistan - New Court” requires accelerating the reform of the judicial system and introducing advanced international standards into the field. We can also observe confirmation of this in the corresponding positions of our state in the ratings of international organizations. Thus, according to the results of the Rule of Law Index ranking for 2022 (, Uzbekistan took 78th place out of 140 countries with an indicator of 0.50 points, of which 75th place in terms of civil justice and 65th in terms of criminal justice.

The fact that the update of the Constitution on the basis of generally recognized principles and norms of international law is enshrined in the preface of the updated Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan is a clear expression of recognition of the supremacy of generally recognized international law.

Article 15 of the Constitution determines that international treaties of the Republic of Uzbekistan, along with generally recognized principles and norms of international law, are an integral part of the legal system of Uzbekistan. According to part four of this article, if an international treaty of Uzbekistan establishes rules other than those provided for by the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan, then the rules of the international treaty of the Republic of Uzbekistan are applied.

Article 17 of the Constitution especially emphasizes that the Republic of Uzbekistan is a full-fledged subject of international relations; it is established that international law is based on generally accepted principles and norms. The application by courts of generally accepted principles and norms of international law is permitted in cases where existing laws contradict these international principles and norms.

Article 11 of the Constitution states that the system of state power of Uzbekistan, which is considered a full-fledged subject of international relations, is based on the principles of separation of powers into legislative, executive and judicial. It should be especially noted here that in accordance with Article 131 of Chapter XXIII, dedicated to the judiciary, the judicial system and the procedure for the activities of courts in the Republic of Uzbekistan are determined by law; the creation of emergency courts is not allowed.

In accordance with Article 1 of the law “On Courts” in the new edition (2021), the judicial power in Uzbekistan operates independently of the legislative, executive powers, political parties, and other public associations. Judicial power is exercised only by the courts. It was established that no other bodies or persons have the right to assign powers to the judiciary.

Article 2 of this law defines the judicial system, which consists of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan; Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan; military courts; Courts of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regional and Tashkent city courts; Administrative Court of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, administrative courts of regions and the city of Tashkent; interdistrict, district, city courts for civil cases; district and city courts for criminal cases; interdistrict, district, city economic courts; interdistrict administrative courts. It has been established that in the Republic of Uzbekistan specialization of judges by category of cases can be carried out, but the creation of emergency courts is not allowed.

As noted in Article 4 of this law, the main tasks of the court are to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens, state and public interests, rights and legally protected interests of legal entities and individuals guaranteed by the Constitution and other laws, international treaties of Uzbekistan, as well as international acts on human rights entrepreneurs. The activities of the court are aimed at ensuring the rule of law, social justice, civil peace and harmony, that is, it indicates that it is implemented in accordance with international agreements and international human rights instruments.

It is worth noting that in recent years, important documents have been adopted to ensure the compliance of the judicial system of our country with generally recognized international standards. These include such important historical documents as decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures to further reform the judicial and legal system, strengthen guarantees of reliable protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens” (2016), “On measures to radically improve the structure and increase efficiency of the judicial system of the Republic of Uzbekistan" (2017), "On measures to further improve the judicial system and increase confidence in the judiciary" (2020), "On measures to radically improve the system of financing the activities of the judiciary" (2021), decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 28, 2022 “On the development strategy of the new Uzbekistan for 2022 - 2026”, Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 16, 2023 “On additional measures to further expand access to justice and increase efficiency of the courts."

The Decree of the President of Uzbekistan dated January 16, 2023 “On additional measures to further expand access to justice and increase the efficiency of the courts” provides for:

in order to ensure the effective use of resources involved in the implementation of judicial activities, on the basis of advanced foreign experience, transfer the powers to consider certain categories of civil, economic and administrative offenses to the relevant administrative bodies:

determine the procedure for completing cases of certain categories of criminal, civil, economic and administrative offenses in lower courts;

What is relevant is that issues such as reconciliation of parties in civil and economic cases, development of reasonable proposals for the widespread introduction of the institution of mediation are raised.

It is appropriate to recognize here that the main idea and provisions of the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” have found their full expression in the updated Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which is considered the basis of our national legislation.

It is known that the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” consists of a preamble and a total of 30 articles, and if all its provisions are sequentially considered, then one can note the consistency and consistency of the content with the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan on human rights. For example, you can notice the similarity between the contents of Article 3 of the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”, which reads: “Every person has the right to life, liberty and security of person” and Article 25 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan: “The right to life is the inalienable right of every person and is protected by law. Encroachment on human life is a grave crime.”

Also, the rule that “no one shall be subjected to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment” in Article 5 of the Declaration corresponds to the second paragraph of Article 26 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan “No one shall be subjected to torture, violence, other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment." One may also note the reflection of the provision of Article 9 of the Declaration that no one shall be arrested, detained or persecuted without cause in the second paragraph of Article 29 of our Constitution “No one shall be subjected to arrest, detention, detention, detention or other restriction freedom except on the basis of the law" and in the third paragraph - "When detained, a person must be explained in a language he understands his rights and the grounds for detention"

Article 10 of the Declaration enshrines the right of every person to demand an independent and impartial court and its reflection in international legal acts to which the Republic of Uzbekistan has acceded inspires confidence that only an independent court can protect the rights of every citizen through an impartial and open consideration of the case in court. In this regard, it should be noted that the reforms carried out on the basis of the Action Strategy for the Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017-2021, put forward at the initiative of the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, taking into account international standards, laid the foundation for democratization and liberalization of the judicial and legal sphere, ensuring genuine independence of the judiciary, protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens.

In order to improve the judicial system and ensure the independence of the courts, one of the important steps was the creation of the Supreme Judicial Council of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Supreme Court and the Higher Economic Court were merged, the activities of the Supreme Court were improved, the Economic Courts were reorganized into economic courts, 71 inter-district, district (city) economic courts were empowered to hear cases in the first instance. The first term of work as a judge is five years, then ten years and an indefinite term. The powers of the courts to independently resolve their financial, logistical and technical issues were withdrawn from the judiciary and transferred to the Supreme Court, which led to the independence of the courts from the executive authorities and ensuring their independence. The institution of returning a criminal case to the court for additional investigation was abolished, thereby putting an end to unnecessary censorship, and people were spared unnecessary confusion and nervousness. It was strictly established that a person’s guilt in committing a crime should be based only on evidence proven in court, that is, it was strictly forbidden to make decisions based on rumors and assumptions. In order to fully ensure fair justice, verify the legality, validity and fairness of court decisions, an audit authority was created.

One of the important problems of the judicial reform system is the new system for training qualified and mature judges and judicial staff. Increasing the population's trust in judicial institutions by the Supreme Council of Judges, ensuring the stability of justice and the rule of law, serves to transform the court literally into a “Fortress of Justice” and improve the level of justice.

The introduction of the institution of a plea agreement and its implementation in the criminal procedural legislation of our country is also an important factor in increasing the protection of human rights, freedoms and legitimate interests recognized in international law.

In accordance with the Decree of the President of Uzbekistan dated January 28, 2022 “On the new development strategy of Uzbekistan for 2022-2026”, about 300 laws were adopted in 2017-2021, more than 4 thousand resolutions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan aimed at fundamental reforming all spheres of state and public life in five priority areas of development of our country.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev, in his report dated December 7, 2019, “The supremacy of the Constitution and laws is the most important criterion for a legal democratic state and civil society,” dedicated to the 27th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, especially noted “ensuring the true independence of the courts is our highest priority. We must not allow the courts to be influenced by certain officials. In this regard, it is necessary to strengthen responsibility for interference in court cases or pressure on the court.”

The issue of ensuring compliance of the judicial system of Uzbekistan with generally accepted international standards will continue to remain relevant. In addition, practical measures are ongoing to harmonize national legislation with international legal standards in the field of human rights. After all, constitutional reforms today require an approach to constitutional norms, which are the main legal criterion that determines the value of a person in the life of our society, taking into account modern realities and international legal standards.


Ayub Muhammadiev, professor of the Department of Civil Law Sciences of the University of Public Security of the Republik of Uzbekistan, doctor of Law

To the participants of the joint conference of the International Federation of Textile Manufacturers and the International Association of Apparel Manufacturers
To the participants of the joint conference of the International Federation of Textile Manufacturers and the International Association of Apparel Manufacturers

Dear participants of the conference!

Ladies and gentlemen!

First of all, from the bottom of my heart, I sincerely congratulate you, my dear ones, on the opening of today's prestigious event - the joint conference of the International Textile Federation and the International Association of Apparel Manufacturers.

I would like to express my special gratitude to the President of the International Federation of Textile Manufacturers Mr. Kei Vi Srinavasan and President of the International Association of Apparel Manufacturers Mr. Chem Altan for the fact that this joint conference is being held in Uzbekistan for the first time.

At the same time, I express my sincere gratitude to the high-ranking representatives of the industry, heads of prestigious international and regional organizations participating in this conference.

Welcome to the pearl of the ancient Great Silk Road, the land of craftsmen - the majestic city of Samarkand!

Dear participants of the conference!

In recent years we have taken decisive steps to radically improve the investment and business environment, create favorable conditions for foreign and domestic investors.

As in all spheres and sectors, we have been implementing large-scale reforms in the textile and garment industries.

First of all, the state monopoly in cotton cultivation has been abolished, and a cluster system has been created and is being consistently improved, covering the entire process from raw material procurement to the production of finished goods.

Our reforms in this area have won the recognition of prestigious international organizations, and the boycott of Uzbek cotton has been lifted. Our cooperation with the international coalition “Cotton Campaign” continues in this direction.

At the same time, as a result of creating a stable legislative framework, improving the investment environment and introducing new technologies, the volume of cotton fiber processing increased from 40 percent in 2017 to 100 percent. At the same time, the work on import of cotton raw materials and production of finished products with high added value began.

Thanks to the opportunities created in the sphere, the volume of textile production has increased 5 times, its export - 4 times.

The most important thing is that earlier a significant part, i.e. 70 percent of exports in the sector, was accounted for raw materials, while today 60 percent of exported goods are finished products.

In the first years of reforms, we identified as a priority task the development of human capital, training of the population, especially young people and women, in professions, training of qualified personnel for all sectors, and these issues will continue to be in the center of our attention.

Decent working conditions that meet international requirements are created for the employees of enterprises, and the “Better Work” and “Better Cotton” programs are systematically implemented.

Particular attention is paid to ensuring labor rights and providing full support to over 600,000 workers.

At the same time, decisive measures are taken to create national brands, attract prestigious international and foreign trademarks to our country.

Authoritative participants of the world market, such as “Teamdress” (Germany), “Cotonella” (Italy), “Indorama” (Singapore), “Posco International” and “Gwangyang” (South Korea) are effectively operating in the country.

Uzbekistan's textile industry is being actively integrated into global production processes, and the number of our reliable partners on all continents of the world is increasing.

It should be noted that long-term cooperation with foreign investors and international brands, increasing production of high value-added products, bringing national brands to the international level will remain our priorities in the textile industry in the future.

I am convinced that today's conference will serve as an effective platform for further strengthening and expanding cooperation in this area on an international scale, sharing best practices and ideas.

I hope it will contribute to further expansion of mutually beneficial cooperation between representatives of more than 500 national and international organizations, manufacturers and retailers participating in the conference, and will bring the development of the industry to a qualitatively new level.

We highly appreciate and support all mutually beneficial initiatives of our foreign partners. In particular, we are ready to provide all possible assistance in introducing the necessary standards for international brands to enter Uzbekistan.

We are ready to create all necessary conditions for prestigious international organizations to regularly hold conferences, exhibitions and fashion shows in our country, particularly in such cities as Bukhara, Khiva, Shakhrisabz, Margilan, Kokand, Namangan, Andijan, which have high tourism and industrial potential.

I am confident that the ancient history, rich cultural heritage of our country, meetings with our hard-working and generous people will make an indelible impression on you, and the huge socio-economic potential of our regions will encourage investors to implement new projects.

I congratulate you once again on the opening of the prestigious conference that is starting today and wish you all good health, happiness and prosperity, success in the fruitful work of the conference.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev,

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan recognized as the safest of 121 countries worldwide
Uzbekistan recognized as the safest of 121 countries worldwide

TASHKENT, July 28. /Dunyo IA/. Uzbekistan took 1st place in the ranking of the safest countries in the world "Safety Perception Index 2023", which includes 121 countries, reports Dunyo IA correspondent.

According to Uzbektourism, the rating indicates that the level of danger to the life and movement of citizens in Uzbekistan is minimal.

The five safest countries also included the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Norway and Estonia.

Of the Central Asian countries, Kazakhstan took 14th place, Tajikistan – 17th, Kyrgyzstan – 26th.

Guinea, Sierra Leone and Mali took the lowest place in the rating.

The "Safety Perception Index" focuses on five factors: food and water, violent crime, adverse weather conditions, mental health and safety in work settings. These factors serve as an important basis for the formation of an image that will become the basis for the security rating of countries.

The fact that Uzbekistan is in first place in this ranking creates the basis for the unhindered arrival and departure of foreign tourists to our country.