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President of Uzbekistan considers promising areas and projects of cooperation with UAE
President of Uzbekistan considers promising areas and projects of cooperation with UAE

Issues of further development of multifaceted partnership, promotion of economic and investment cooperation projects, establishment of practical interaction in the defense sector were discussed at the meeting between President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev and a delegation from the United Arab Emirates headed by Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defense, Crown Prince of the Emirate of Dubai Sheikh Hamdan bin Muhammad Al Maktoum.

The Emirati delegation included the Ministers of Government Affairs Muhammad bin Abdullah Al Gergawi, Energy and Infrastructure Suhail bin Muhammad Al Mazroui, Economy Abdullah bin Tuq Al Marri, and Minister of State for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy Omar bin Sultan Al Olama.

At the beginning of the conversation, Sheikh Hamdan Al Maktoum expressed his sincere gratitude to our Head of State for the warm welcome and conveyed warm greetings from UAE President Sheikh Mohammad Al Nahyan and Prime Minister of the UAE, Emir of Dubai Sheikh Mohammad Al Maktoum.

During the meeting, special attention was paid to the issues of forming a new long-term agenda of mutually beneficial cooperation in such key areas as investment, innovative development, green energy, infrastructure, education, healthcare, ecology, digital transformation, tourism and others.

The sides highly appreciated the fruitful results of the joint forum on unlocking the potential of mutually beneficial cooperation, bilateral intergovernmental and interdepartmental talks held this morning.

An agreement was reached to adopt a road map for the development of full-scale cooperation in strategic sectors.

It should be noted that the UAE is one of Uzbekistan's key partners in the Asian region.

The latest high-level contacts took place within the framework of the Global Climate Summit in Dubai last December.

The trade turnover in 2023 grew by 21 percent and amounted to 626 million dollars. More than 320 enterprises with the participation of Emirati capital operate in our country. The portfolio of ongoing and prospective investment projects amounts to about 20 billion dollars.

Ensuring the true independence of the courts of Uzbekistan is a priority task of the ongoing reforms
Ensuring the true independence of the courts of Uzbekistan is a priority task of the ongoing reforms

As the most important task of judicial reform being implemented in the Republic of Uzbekistan, important work is being carried out to ensure constitutional human rights and freedoms, strengthening the authority of the judiciary, which is considered an important guarantee of effective protection of human rights and to ensure the true independence of the courts.

Also, further expansion of the population’s access to justice within the framework of the principle “New Uzbekistan - New Court” requires accelerating the reform of the judicial system and introducing advanced international standards into the field. We can also observe confirmation of this in the corresponding positions of our state in the ratings of international organizations. Thus, according to the results of the Rule of Law Index ranking for 2022 (, Uzbekistan took 78th place out of 140 countries with an indicator of 0.50 points, of which 75th place in terms of civil justice and 65th in terms of criminal justice.

The fact that the update of the Constitution on the basis of generally recognized principles and norms of international law is enshrined in the preface of the updated Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan is a clear expression of recognition of the supremacy of generally recognized international law.

Article 15 of the Constitution determines that international treaties of the Republic of Uzbekistan, along with generally recognized principles and norms of international law, are an integral part of the legal system of Uzbekistan. According to part four of this article, if an international treaty of Uzbekistan establishes rules other than those provided for by the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan, then the rules of the international treaty of the Republic of Uzbekistan are applied.

Article 17 of the Constitution especially emphasizes that the Republic of Uzbekistan is a full-fledged subject of international relations; it is established that international law is based on generally accepted principles and norms. The application by courts of generally accepted principles and norms of international law is permitted in cases where existing laws contradict these international principles and norms.

Article 11 of the Constitution states that the system of state power of Uzbekistan, which is considered a full-fledged subject of international relations, is based on the principles of separation of powers into legislative, executive and judicial. It should be especially noted here that in accordance with Article 131 of Chapter XXIII, dedicated to the judiciary, the judicial system and the procedure for the activities of courts in the Republic of Uzbekistan are determined by law; the creation of emergency courts is not allowed.

In accordance with Article 1 of the law “On Courts” in the new edition (2021), the judicial power in Uzbekistan operates independently of the legislative, executive powers, political parties, and other public associations. Judicial power is exercised only by the courts. It was established that no other bodies or persons have the right to assign powers to the judiciary.

Article 2 of this law defines the judicial system, which consists of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan; Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan; military courts; Courts of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regional and Tashkent city courts; Administrative Court of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, administrative courts of regions and the city of Tashkent; interdistrict, district, city courts for civil cases; district and city courts for criminal cases; interdistrict, district, city economic courts; interdistrict administrative courts. It has been established that in the Republic of Uzbekistan specialization of judges by category of cases can be carried out, but the creation of emergency courts is not allowed.

As noted in Article 4 of this law, the main tasks of the court are to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens, state and public interests, rights and legally protected interests of legal entities and individuals guaranteed by the Constitution and other laws, international treaties of Uzbekistan, as well as international acts on human rights entrepreneurs. The activities of the court are aimed at ensuring the rule of law, social justice, civil peace and harmony, that is, it indicates that it is implemented in accordance with international agreements and international human rights instruments.

It is worth noting that in recent years, important documents have been adopted to ensure the compliance of the judicial system of our country with generally recognized international standards. These include such important historical documents as decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures to further reform the judicial and legal system, strengthen guarantees of reliable protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens” (2016), “On measures to radically improve the structure and increase efficiency of the judicial system of the Republic of Uzbekistan" (2017), "On measures to further improve the judicial system and increase confidence in the judiciary" (2020), "On measures to radically improve the system of financing the activities of the judiciary" (2021), decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 28, 2022 “On the development strategy of the new Uzbekistan for 2022 - 2026”, Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 16, 2023 “On additional measures to further expand access to justice and increase efficiency of the courts."

The Decree of the President of Uzbekistan dated January 16, 2023 “On additional measures to further expand access to justice and increase the efficiency of the courts” provides for:

in order to ensure the effective use of resources involved in the implementation of judicial activities, on the basis of advanced foreign experience, transfer the powers to consider certain categories of civil, economic and administrative offenses to the relevant administrative bodies:

determine the procedure for completing cases of certain categories of criminal, civil, economic and administrative offenses in lower courts;

What is relevant is that issues such as reconciliation of parties in civil and economic cases, development of reasonable proposals for the widespread introduction of the institution of mediation are raised.

It is appropriate to recognize here that the main idea and provisions of the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” have found their full expression in the updated Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which is considered the basis of our national legislation.

It is known that the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” consists of a preamble and a total of 30 articles, and if all its provisions are sequentially considered, then one can note the consistency and consistency of the content with the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan on human rights. For example, you can notice the similarity between the contents of Article 3 of the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”, which reads: “Every person has the right to life, liberty and security of person” and Article 25 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan: “The right to life is the inalienable right of every person and is protected by law. Encroachment on human life is a grave crime.”

Also, the rule that “no one shall be subjected to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment” in Article 5 of the Declaration corresponds to the second paragraph of Article 26 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan “No one shall be subjected to torture, violence, other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment." One may also note the reflection of the provision of Article 9 of the Declaration that no one shall be arrested, detained or persecuted without cause in the second paragraph of Article 29 of our Constitution “No one shall be subjected to arrest, detention, detention, detention or other restriction freedom except on the basis of the law" and in the third paragraph - "When detained, a person must be explained in a language he understands his rights and the grounds for detention"

Article 10 of the Declaration enshrines the right of every person to demand an independent and impartial court and its reflection in international legal acts to which the Republic of Uzbekistan has acceded inspires confidence that only an independent court can protect the rights of every citizen through an impartial and open consideration of the case in court. In this regard, it should be noted that the reforms carried out on the basis of the Action Strategy for the Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017-2021, put forward at the initiative of the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, taking into account international standards, laid the foundation for democratization and liberalization of the judicial and legal sphere, ensuring genuine independence of the judiciary, protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens.

In order to improve the judicial system and ensure the independence of the courts, one of the important steps was the creation of the Supreme Judicial Council of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Supreme Court and the Higher Economic Court were merged, the activities of the Supreme Court were improved, the Economic Courts were reorganized into economic courts, 71 inter-district, district (city) economic courts were empowered to hear cases in the first instance. The first term of work as a judge is five years, then ten years and an indefinite term. The powers of the courts to independently resolve their financial, logistical and technical issues were withdrawn from the judiciary and transferred to the Supreme Court, which led to the independence of the courts from the executive authorities and ensuring their independence. The institution of returning a criminal case to the court for additional investigation was abolished, thereby putting an end to unnecessary censorship, and people were spared unnecessary confusion and nervousness. It was strictly established that a person’s guilt in committing a crime should be based only on evidence proven in court, that is, it was strictly forbidden to make decisions based on rumors and assumptions. In order to fully ensure fair justice, verify the legality, validity and fairness of court decisions, an audit authority was created.

One of the important problems of the judicial reform system is the new system for training qualified and mature judges and judicial staff. Increasing the population's trust in judicial institutions by the Supreme Council of Judges, ensuring the stability of justice and the rule of law, serves to transform the court literally into a “Fortress of Justice” and improve the level of justice.

The introduction of the institution of a plea agreement and its implementation in the criminal procedural legislation of our country is also an important factor in increasing the protection of human rights, freedoms and legitimate interests recognized in international law.

In accordance with the Decree of the President of Uzbekistan dated January 28, 2022 “On the new development strategy of Uzbekistan for 2022-2026”, about 300 laws were adopted in 2017-2021, more than 4 thousand resolutions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan aimed at fundamental reforming all spheres of state and public life in five priority areas of development of our country.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev, in his report dated December 7, 2019, “The supremacy of the Constitution and laws is the most important criterion for a legal democratic state and civil society,” dedicated to the 27th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, especially noted “ensuring the true independence of the courts is our highest priority. We must not allow the courts to be influenced by certain officials. In this regard, it is necessary to strengthen responsibility for interference in court cases or pressure on the court.”

The issue of ensuring compliance of the judicial system of Uzbekistan with generally accepted international standards will continue to remain relevant. In addition, practical measures are ongoing to harmonize national legislation with international legal standards in the field of human rights. After all, constitutional reforms today require an approach to constitutional norms, which are the main legal criterion that determines the value of a person in the life of our society, taking into account modern realities and international legal standards.


Ayub Muhammadiev, professor of the Department of Civil Law Sciences of the University of Public Security of the Republik of Uzbekistan, doctor of Law

Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan and Latvia discussed issues on transport connectivity and logistics, IT and digital technologies, trade, and investments during their meeting in New York
Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan and Latvia discussed issues on transport connectivity and logistics, IT and digital technologies, trade, and investments during their meeting in New York

TASHKENT, September 24. /Dunyo IA/. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan Bakhtiyor Saidov held negotiations in New York City with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia Baiba Braže, reports Dunyo IA correspondent.
"Had a productive meeting with H.E. Baiba Braže, Foreign Minister of Latvia, – the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan wrote in his telegram channel. – We highly value the opening of the office of the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia in Tashkent. Transport connectivity and logistics, IT and digital technologies, trade and investments were on the focus of our meeting".

The “Sharq Taronalari” XIII International Music Festival PRESS RELEASE  Samarqand City August 26-30, 2024
The “Sharq Taronalari” XIII International Music Festival PRESS RELEASE Samarqand City August 26-30, 2024

Under the auspices of UNESCO, the “Sharq Taronalari” XIII International Music Festival will be held from August 26 to 30 in the ancient and unique city of Samarkand, known as “The Pearl of the Earth.”
“Sharq Taronalari” is considered one of the largest festivals in Central Asia. The main objectives of the festival are to promote the achievements in national music art to the wider public, to preserve and develop the cultures and traditions of nations, to support talented youth in the fields of music and singing, and to expand international creative ties while promoting the ideals of peace, friendship, and mutual tolerance.
Established in 1997 and held for the first time, the “Sharq Taronalari” International Music Festival welcomed musical groups and performers from 31 countries; by 2019, the number of participating countries had increased to 75 during the XII “Sharq Taronalari” festival.
The XIII International Music Festival “Sharq Taronalari”, scheduled for August 26-30, 2024, is expected to be attended by more than 300 representatives from about (As of August 1, 62 countries have expressed their desire to participate in the festival, and applications for participation in the festival continue to arrive these days) 70 countries.
As of today, “Sharq Taronalari” has taken its place among the famous festivals not only in Central Asia but on a global scale. This is vividly evidenced by the increasing number of participants and the countries expressing desire to participate each year, alongside the growing level of the program’s quality.
The following program is planned for the XIII International Music Festival “Sharq Taronalari”:
On August 26, a solemn opening ceremony of the XIII International Music Festival “Sharq Taronalari” will be held in the city of Samarkand.
On August 27-28, an International Scientific and Practical Conference on the theme “Music Culture of Eastern Peoples: Principles of Creative Convergence in the Processes of Globalization” is scheduled, expecting the participation of musicologists, scientists from research centers, professors and teachers from musical higher education institutions, and researching doctoral and master’s students.
From August 27-29 (at 7:00 PM), a competition will be held among the participants of the XIII International Music Festival “Sharq Taronalari,” where the performances will be evaluated by an International Jury in two directions:
Professional (classical) level of folk music and song;
Music and song created by modern composers.
For reference. (Order No. 354 of April 25, 2019, on the approval of the regulations for the holding of the “Sharq Taronalari” International Music Festival (
To evaluate the performances of the competition contestants, an International Jury consisting of no less than seven members will be formed by the Organizing Committee.
The Jury will include highly qualified foreign and local musicologists, renowned artists, composers, and representatives from organizations of international art festivals in foreign countries.
During the evaluation process, the national identity of the songs, the harmony and meaning of the lyrics, the level of the performer’s skills, cultural attire, and stage movement will be the main criteria for the competition.
For the performance, a live ensemble of no more than 12 musicians will be allowed to participate.
The performances of the competition participants will be evaluated by the International Jury in two directions:
Professional (classical) level of folk music and song;
Music and song genres created by modern composers.
Winners of the competition will be awarded diplomas, statuettes, and cash prizes in the following amounts by the Organizing Committee:
“Grand Prix” — 10,000 US dollars;
1st place (in each genre) 2 x 5,000 — 10,000 US dollars;
2nd place (in each genre) 2 x 3,500 — 7,000 US dollars;
3rd place (in each genre) 3 x 2,000 — 6,000 US dollars;
The “Grand Prix” will not be awarded if no worthy candidate is found according to the decision of the International Jury.
According to the decision of the International Jury, only the “Grand Prix” prize will not be shared; the cash prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places may be shared.
Participants who took part in the competition but did not win will receive a diploma of participation in the “Sharq Taronalari” International Music Festival.
Winners of the competition must participate in the concert program of the solemn closing ceremony of the “Sharq Taronalari” International Music Festival.
Participants who have won the competition (laureates) cannot participate in this competition in the following years but may be invited to the festival as honored guests. Participants who participated in the competition and did not place are entitled to participate in the next competition.
Participants recognized by the organizers, creative unions, foundations, and independent jury members and fans will be awarded special diplomas and cash prizes of 500 US dollars in categories such as “Youngest Participant,” “Best Participant Recognized by Fans,” “Best Instrumental Music Performer,” and other nominations.
Each participant of the festival will receive a certificate of active participation in the “Sharq Taronalari” International Music Festival.
Note: Participants who have won the competition (laureates) cannot participate in this competition in the following years but may be invited to the festival as honored guests. Participants who participated in the competition and did not place are entitled to participate in the next competition.
On August 30, the solemn closing ceremony of the “Sharq Taronalari” XIII International Music Festival will take place in Samarkand, where the winners will be announced and awarded.

List of winners (festivals I and XII) at the “Sharq taronalari” International Music Festival from 1997 to 2019List of award winners at the “Sharq taronalari” I International Music Festival.

1997 Position held Full name Country Awards
Gran pri Simara Imanova Azerbaijan 10.000
1-place Munojat Yo'lchiyeva Uzbekistan 5000
Shannu Khurana India 5000
2-place Se Liin China 3500
Shahrom Noziriy Iran 3500
3-place Aleksandr Samojikov Russia 2000
B.Ganbat Mongolia 2000
Ramazan Stamgaziyev Kazakhstan 2000
Special Jury Prize Turkmenistan music group "Neksiya" automobile
Egyptian national music ansam
UNESCO trophy
Afganistan music group
List of awards at the “Sharq taronalari” II international music festival. 1999
Gran pri Nasiba Sattorova Uzbekistan 10.000
1-place Muhammad Omon Saudi Arabia 7000
Yun Kong Son Korea 7000
2-place “Lashari” ensemble Georgia 5000
Jaspinder Narula Xonim India 5000
3-place Olim Boboyev Tajikistan 2000
Ustod Ali Hamidxon Pakistan 2000
List of awards at the “Sharq taronalari” III International Music Festival. 2001
Gran pri - - -
1-place Alim Gasimov Azerbaijon 7000
Sohibjon Niyozov Uzbekiston 7000
Abdunabi Ibrohimov Uzbekiston 7000
2-place “Lashari” ensemble Georgia 5000
Madkhushri Ramsonder Badaltjavhariy India 5000
3-place Milliy musiqa ensemble Greece 3000
Nohide Tokguz Turkey 3000
Special Jury Prize "Altay" group Russia 1000
"Музыканты" group Kyrgyzstan 1000
Festival organizing committee trophy "Angan al-Shabab" group Egypt Maxsus mukofot
List of awards at the "Sharq taronalari" IV International Music Festival. 2003
Gran pri "Uranhay” ensemble Russia (Tuva Republik) 10.000
1-place Dilnura Mirzaqulova Uzbekiston 7000
Fozil Jamshidiy Iran 7000
2-place Ozoda Ashurova Tajikistan 5000
Zabit Nabizade Azerbaijan 5000
3-place Milliy musiqiy ensemble Afganistan 3000
An'anaviy musiqiy ensemble Bangladesh 3000
UNESCO trophy Abduhoshim Ismoilov Uzbekiston 1000
Musiqiy ensemble India 1000
Roman Kehman Israil 1000
List of awards at the “Sharq taronalari” V International Music Festival. 2005
Gran pri - - -
1-place Aygun Biylar Azeribajan 7000
Nodira Pirmatova Uzbekiston 7000
2-place "Viulan" group Italy 5000
Kuwait Academy of music string instrument ensemble Kuwait 5000
Urna Chahar Tuhchi Mongolia 5000
3-place Korean music group South Korea 3000
Shilpakala Academy musical group Bangladesh 3000
"Nazaret" Orchestra Israil 3000
Special Jury Prize National Brass Band Egypt 2000
UNESCO Special Prize musical group led by Hanif Nabizoda Afganistan 1500
List of awards at the “Sharq taronalari” VI international music festival. 2007
Gran pri Kuwait Music Institute group Kuwait 10.000
1-place South Korean music institute group South Kora 7000
2-place "An-Nil " national musical instrument group Egypt 5000
Music group Italy 5000
3-place "Ratang" group Keniya 3000
"Seri Maharani Gazal" group Malasia 3000
China National Youth Center Group China 3000
YUNESKO sovrini Youngest participant Arzu Aliyeva Azerbaijan 2000
List of awards at the “Sharq taronalari” VII international music festival. 2009
Gran pri Honored Artist of Turkmenistan Lale Begnazarova Turkmenistan 10.000
1-place Gochag Askerov Azerbaijan 7000
People's artist of Uzbekistan Matluba Dadaboyeva and ensemble of folk instruments Uzbekistan 7000
2-place "Vinalog" rok-pop group South Korea 5000
"Shem Tov Levi" ensemble Israil 5000
3-place Ensemble of folk instruments of the State Institute of musical arts Kuwait 3000
Laura Molika Italy 3000
Special Jury Prize "Kunsu" opera artists China
"Borte" group Mongolia
"Big Mountain" group US
Musiqiy group India
"Shilpakala" national ensemble of the Academy of music Bangladesh
List of recipients at the “Sharq taronalari” VIII international music festival. 2011
Gran pri "Park Jong-Vuk va Park Jonguk" South Korea 10.000
1-place "Dunhuang nude vords" China 7000
"Aysva" Lithuania 7000
2-place "Lider" musiqiy group Russia 5000
"Sato" musiqiy group Uzbekistan 5000
"Ovoi mehriboni" music group Iran 5000
3-place "Talilema" Madagascar 3000
"Chvenburebi" Georgia 3000
"Galkinish" group Turkmenistan 3000
UNESCO Special Prize Ilyos Arabov Uzbekistan
Jivan Gasparyan Armenia
Nazeket Teymurova Azerbayijan
For his contribution to the development of National Music "Huk Mongol" Mongolia
"Dror" Israil
"Yorqin ijrolar"
"Varsi brazers" India
Fan recognition "Hidden Dragen" Japan
Samarkand City Hall Award Afghanistan Institute of Arts team
Registan award of Samarkand regional government Xurshed Ibragimov Tajikistan
Special Jury Award "Bogʻ aro" Uzbekistan
List of awards at the “Sharq taronalari” IX International Music Festival. 2013
Gran pri Rashmiya Agarval India 10.000
1-place "Sadoi Pamir" group Afganistan 7000
"Lanaya" group Burkina Faso 7000
2-place "Pentan" group Great Britain 5000
"Sarihyun Gayageum Byungchangdan" group Republic Of Korea 5000
National opera and drama theatre team China 5000
3-place Abror Zufarov Uzbekistan 3000
"Chikuyusha" group Japan 3000
Catch-pop String-strong Austria 3000
Special award winners Sanam Marvi Pakistan
Galit Giat Israil
Taul Triini Estonia
Nadi Singapura Singapore
Salomat Ayapov Karakalpakstan
Sedar Hills US
"Sharq taronalari" List of awards at the X international music festival. 2015 < BR >
Gran pri "Jiangsu" women's orchestra China 10.000
1-place "Shamisenʼ group Japan 7000
2-place Chelm Poland 5000
Silver Sepp Estonia 5000
3-place "Quelite" Costa Rica 3000
UNESCO Special Prize "Ayqulash yulduzlari" Uzbekistan 1500
Samarkand City Hall Award Didgori Georgia
Samarkand regional government award "EVA" ensemble Bulgaria
Special Jury Award Afrikan voice JAR
Festival Direction award" Sharq taronalari Birjan Baziljanov Kazakhstan
Ministry of culture and Sports Award "Sedaa" Mongolia
Special awards Pung Ryu Republic Of Korea
Lingua Franca ansambli Greece, Cyprus
"Baxshi" trio Turkmenistan
"Laus Nova" group Italy
Yulduz Turdiyeva Uzbekistan
"Buta" team Azerbaijon
Ucell Communications special award Modern Maori Quartet New Zenland
List of awards at “Sharq taronalari” XI international music festival.
Gran pri Sohib Poshazoda Azerbaijan 10.000
1-place Mohichehra Shomurodova Uzbekistan 7000
"Keosong"people's artistic collective South Korea 7000
2-place Kyrgyz artistic team Kyrgyzstan 5000
Litwa artistic team Litwa 5000
3-place "Nagesh" artistic team Iran 3000
Indonesia artistic team Indonesi 3000
Turkish artistic team Turkey 3000
List of recipients at the “Sharq taronalari” XII International Music Festival.
Gran pri Mehrinigor Abdurashidova Uzbekistan 10.000
1-place "Qomuzchilar" duet Kyrgyzstan 5000
Parviz Gasimov Azerbaijon 5000
2-place "Archabil" group Turkmenistan 3500
"Xatan" group Mongolia 3500
3-place "Ayarxan" group Russia 2000
"Badaxshon" group Tajikistan 2000
Azizjon Abduazimov Uzbekistan 2000
Ulugʻbek Elmurodzoda Uzbekistan 2000

Note: The Ministry of Culture you can get more information on the official Telegram page based on the hashtag #Sharq_taronalari


Uzbekistan's upcoming elections for the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis (Parliament) and the Councils of People's Deputies, scheduled for October 27th, are not just a routine event. They mark a significant milestone in the nation's democratic journey, introducing groundbreaking changes that promise to transform the electoral landscape. The recent meeting of the Central Election Commission unveiled several key innovations that will ensure greater efficiency, transparency, and inclusivity, making these elections a matter of global interest.

For the first time in the nation's history, the Legislative Chamber elections will employ a mixed electoral system, combining majoritarian and proportional representation. This change means that voters will elect seventy-five deputies directly, while another seventy-five will be chosen based on party votes. This system aims to create a more balanced and representative legislature, enhancing democratic legitimacy and ensuring a broader spectrum of political voices.

One of the most notable advancements in Uzbekistan's electoral system is the full digitization of election commission activities. The introduction of the 'E-Saylov' information system is a significant leap forward, revolutionizing the election process. This digital platform not only streamlines the process, reducing bureaucracy and document handling, but also ensures a smoother, more efficient, and transparent electoral experience. It automates interactions between election commissions, political parties, candidates, observers, and the media, providing real-time statistical data, candidate information, and interactive maps. This technological leap empowers voters with unprecedented access to essential election-related information, making the electoral process more inclusive and transparent.

Inclusivity is another cornerstone of these elections. New election legislation requires political parties to ensure that at least 40% of their candidates are women, a progressive move towards gender equality in political representation. This requirement not only aligns Uzbekistan with advanced democratic standards but also enriches the political discourse by incorporating diverse perspectives.

The elections are taking place in a context where the updated Constitution has significantly enhanced the powers of parliament and representative bodies. The Legislative Chamber's powers have increased from 5 to 12, and the Senate's from 12 to 18. Parliament's oversight functions over executive, judicial, law enforcement, and special services have also been expanded. Additionally, the leadership of local Councils of People's Deputies by hokims (governors) has been abolished, transferring 33 powers previously held by hokims to local Councils to increase their role in resolving critical state issues.

The slogan "My Choice—My Prosperous Homeland" not only captures the spirit of these elections but also reflects the unwavering commitment of Uzbekistan's leadership to democratic state-building and citizen empowerment. With over 120,000 election commission members, 70,000 citizens, and numerous international observers participating, the elections are set to be a transparent and inclusive process, further demonstrating this commitment.

In conclusion, Uzbekistan is setting a remarkable precedent with its upcoming elections by embracing technological innovation and inclusivity. These initiatives will undoubtedly pave the way for a more prosperous and democratic future, showcasing Uzbekistan’s dedication to advancing democratic principles and practices.

Eldor Tulyakov,

The Executive Director,

Development Strategy Centre (Uzbekistan)


How the phrase “Spirit of Central Asiaz” appeared in world political science
How the phrase “Spirit of Central Asiaz” appeared in world political science

New trends in Central Asian politics of Uzbekistan


Uzbekistan's policy in Central Asia has reached a qualitatively higher level. The trend of developing mutually beneficial cooperation between the countries of the region is intensifying with its own characteristics. According to President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, Uzbekistan has given priority to strengthening relations of close friendship and cooperation with neighboring countries, and over the past historically short period - the political position and influence of our country in the Central Asian region and the Middle East. The world has grown dramatically. The spirit of trust in New Uzbekistan and the principles of striving for cooperation with our country have increased in the world.

Central Asia is a region with important and unique resources, economic and communication potential. In the 90s of the 20th century, the countries of the region embarked on their own independent path of development and joined the ranks of developing countries, promoting humanism, social justice, and security. in the region there is international harmony, peace and well-established foreign policy activities and international cooperation, based on the principles of international law, such as the creation of an atmosphere of peace, and consistently developing them.

In the direction of the foreign policy of New Uzbekistan, in establishing practical cooperation in the countries of Central Asia, the fifth priority direction of the “Uzbekistan-2030” strategy has been identified - the consistent continuation of a policy based on the principle of “A Safe and Peaceful State”. the region to a new level of quality, good neighborliness and strategic partnership with all neighboring countries, pays special attention to the rapid development of relations, regular and effective conduct of bilateral and multilateral negotiations in political, economic, cultural and humanitarian areas.

The measures taken by the government of the Republic of Uzbekistan to expand mutual cooperation between the countries of the region also play an important role. It should be noted that as a result of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev’s reforms in the field of foreign policy, diplomatic relations of Uzbekistan with the countries of the Central region literally rose to a new level.

The fact that Shavkat Mirziyoyev began his first visit to foreign countries as President of Uzbekistan with a visit to the countries of Central Asia, literally indicating that he has raised the development of regional cooperation to a new level.

On March 6-7, 2017, Shavkat Mirziyoyev made a state visit to Turkmenistan. It should be noted that this was Sh. Mirziyoyev’s first visit to a foreign country as the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. This state visit of the President clearly confirmed that Uzbekistan attaches great importance to good neighborly relations in foreign policy, and was supported by the signing of the Strategic Partnership Agreement between Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan.

The visit of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev to Kazakhstan on March 23, 2017 and the signing of a Joint declaration on deepening the strategic partnership and strengthening the friendly neighborhood between the two countries opened a new era in interstate cooperation. Thanks to the joint efforts of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, in 2017 the volume of bilateral trade reached 2 billion US dollars, and such direct contacts serve as the basis for the effective implementation of bilateral and multilateral cooperation.

Following the state visit of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev to the Kyrgyz Republic, a declaration was signed on strengthening strategic partnership, friendship, good neighborliness and trust.

In 2018, the implementation of the new policy of the President of Uzbekistan to strengthen political trust and mutual solidarity in Central Asia continued consistently. In particular, President Sh. Mirziyoyev visited this country on March 9-10, 2018 at the invitation of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan E. Rahmon. During the visit, the leaders of the two countries signed a Joint Statement on Strengthening Friendship and Good Neighborhood and an Agreement on Certain Sections of the Uzbek-Tajik State Border.

In addition, as a result of the continuation of negotiations of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the delimitation and demarcation of the state border with neighboring countries, the delimitation of the state border lines with Kazakhstan has been completed, 85 percent of the border with Kyrgyzstan has been passed. agreed upon, and 99.9 percent of the border with Tajikistan has been agreed upon.

At the end of 2021, trade turnover between Uzbekistan and Tajikistan amounted to almost 600 million US dollars. The number of joint ventures has increased 10 times. If in 2017 there were 24 enterprises operating in Uzbekistan, then by the end of 2021 240 enterprises with the participation of Tajik capital began operating. There are 61 enterprises operating in Tajikistan based on investments from Uzbekistan.

On June 2-3, 2022, the presidents of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev and the presidents of Tajikistan signed a historic declaration “On strengthening eternal friendship and alliance.” In addition, documents signed at the level of government, ministries and departments are designed to raise multifaceted Uzbek-Tajikistan cooperation to a new level.

Analyzing the platforms and formats of interstate dialogue organized on the initiative of Uzbekistan on regional cooperation, it should be noted that, on the initiative of the head of Uzbekistan, consultative meetings of the leaders of Central Asian countries are regularly held.

Consultative meetings are systematically organized as part of this initiative (March 2018, Kazakhstan; November 2019, Uzbekistan; August 2021, Turkmenistan; July 2022, Kyrgyzstan; 2023, Tajikistan). As positive trends in Uzbekistan’s policy in Central Asia, practical proposals made at these meetings can be noted. In particular, at the fourth consultation meeting held in Kyrgyzstan, he put forward a number of proposals that meet the interests of the region. In particular, the interests of the region today are served by such proposals as the creation of a system of border trade zones with unified and simplified procedures for the delivery of goods to Central Asia and the holding of a Central Asian festival of culture, art and cinema in each country.

Indeed, here it is permissible to note the high assessments expressed by many foreign experts to the initiatives of Uzbekistan. For example, Li Yunxuan, director of the Institute of European and Asian Social Development under the State Council of China, says: “Uzbekistan is an active participant in the processes of strengthening regional and interregional cooperation, in the mechanism of consultative meetings of leaders of Central Asian countries, in ensuring the effectiveness of cooperation on topical issues of ensuring regional stability and development plays an important role.

Indeed, as a result of the growing role of Central Asia in modern international relations, “the spirit of trust in New Uzbekistan and the principles of cooperation with our country have increased in the world.” ... Our countries, which have been common brothers and sisters from time immemorial, began to act in close cooperation on many regional and global issues and socio-economic development.

The phrase “spirit of Central Asia” has appeared in world political science.

On September 14, 2023, President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev spoke at the fourth consultative meeting of leaders of Central Asian countries held in Tajikistan and put forward a number of proposals to strengthen new trends in the Central Asian region. politics of Uzbekistan. Including the development of trade and economic cooperation in the region; development of industrial cooperation; increasing interdependence in transport; ensuring security in the energy sector; ensuring food safety; Combating the threats posed by climate change.

The issue of creating an interstate economic council to expand practical cooperation on the entire range of trade and economic issues in the region also deserves attention. Another platform implemented at the initiative of Uzbekistan is the Central Asian Economic Forum. On March 15, 2019, the first Central Asian Economic Forum was held in Tashkent with the participation of deputy prime ministers of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. Positive results were achieved through discussion at the forum of issues of further development of regional cooperation, studying the possibilities of the transport and communications complex, increasing the volume of mutual trade and the attractiveness of tourism.

At the initiative of Uzbekistan, in order to ensure good neighborliness and interethnic harmony between the peoples of the countries of Central Asia, on November 15, 2019, an international conference was held in Tashkent with the participation of experts and scientists from foreign countries on the topic “Central Asia is our common home,” which serves to bring the countries of the region closer together in cultural and humanitarian sphere.

Uzbekistan's policy in Central Asia is consistent in identifying new trends, ensuring stability and security.

On March 9-10, 2018, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev made a state visit to the Republic of Tajikistan. At the high-level meeting, special attention was paid to strengthening interstate cooperation in the areas of ensuring regional security and stability, promoting the solution of international problems, combating terrorism and extremism and other types of organized transnational crime, which is an important achievement of Uzbekistan. diplomacy in ensuring regional security and stability. According to Tajik expert Kasimsho Iskandarov, relations between Tajikistan and Uzbekistan depend on the political will of state leaders. After Shavkat Mirziyoyev came to power, relations between the two countries changed dramatically. The rapid development of Tajik-Uzbek relations has solved many problems not only between the two countries, but also between all countries in the region. The political environment for developing regional cooperation has improved. 

Also, on the initiative of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, on June 22, 2018, the UN General Assembly for the first time adopted a resolution “Strengthening regional and international cooperation to ensure peace, stability and consistent development in the Central Asian region”.  Our opinion is confirmed by the fact that Uzbekistan has put forward proposals for the formation of a regional system for forecasting emergency situations in the region, their prevention, early warning and joint counteraction.

It is worth noting that there are several factors that contribute to the development of good neighborly relations, such as mutual trade, investments and joint projects.

If we look at the numbers, we can witness that Uzbekistan’s trade turnover with the countries of Central Asia has grown to an unprecedented level. Trade turnover in 2017 amounted to $2.4 billion, and by the end of 2019 it reached $5.2 billion. In two short years the growth was 150 percent. Despite the restrictions caused by the pandemic, the growth in freight volumes observed in Central Asia in 2020 demonstrates the enormous potential for further expansion of international roads and railways and strengthening of transport and logistics infrastructure. In this regard, on August 6, 2021, within the framework of the third consultative meeting of leaders of Central Asian countries, at the Economic Forum of Central Asian Countries, held in the Avaza National Tourist Zone (Turkmenistan), the Uzbek side discussed the development of transport corridors connecting the countries of Central Asia, increasing efficiency use of the transit potential of the countries of the region, and also, it is worth noting that he made a proposal to strengthen cooperation on the harmonization and digitalization of customs clearance procedures. It is worth noting that “in recent years, radical reforms in our country, a consistent and active foreign policy, especially strengthening the environment of close neighbors in the Central Asian region, have increased the international prestige of our country”.

If we evaluate the new trends in the Central Asian policy of Uzbekistan, we can see that their impact on regional interaction and international relations is acquiring positive significance.

It should be noted that on December 19, 2019, at the plenary meeting of the UN General Assembly, a special resolution “Sustainable tourism and sustainable development in Central Asia” was adopted, proposed by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

In short, the special significance of the approaches in the regional policy of Uzbekistan lies in the fact that they serve to strengthen the belt of security, stability and cooperation throughout the region. In the context of increasing threats to regional and global security, the socio-economic well-being of countries, Uzbekistan is of great importance in determining new trends in the politics of Central Asia and the prospects for jointly combating modern dangers and threats.


Mirzayev Gulom,

Doctor of philosophy in historical sciences (PhD), associate professor at the University of Public Safety of the Republic of Uzbekistan



The Tashkent International Biennale of Contemporary Art has been held every two years since 2001 with government support. It serves as an open platform for cultural exchange in the visual arts, showcasing the modern creative potential of different countries and discussing current issues in contemporary art.

The theme of the X Tashkent International Biennale of Contemporary Art in 2024 is "Art and World". Conceptually, it explores the relationship between art and modern reality through the works of artists from various countries. This theme prompts reflection on the nature of the modern world: Does it possess integrity? Today, the world is characterized by polar stances, clashes, and numerous challenges related to preservation, ecology, morality, culture, and identity, spanning personal to state levels. Its landscape is shaped by opposition influenced by globalization, geopolitics, technogenic civilization, and artificial intelligence. How does contemporary art reflect on the modern world?

Simultaneously, the X Tashkent International Biennale aims to showcase various trends and new directions in contemporary art to the general public. It seeks to enhance international cultural relations, strengthen the creative dialogue between cultures, and highlight the achievements of different countries in visual art. The Biennale focuses on liberating creative consciousness, demonstrating pluralism in creative exploration, and illustrating the specifics of the postmodern condition in different countries. It addresses the state of intertextuality in modern art and the preservation or disappearance of local traditions in the era of globalization.

The concept of the Biennale is dedicated to displaying a multicultural lifestyle through the prism of contemporary art. The works presented will reflect diverse artistic expressions that uphold humanistic values. The theme provides an opportunity to explore concepts such as ecology, culture, tolerance, modern orientalism, identity, artificial intelligence, technogenic civilization, and the inner world of individuals.


FOR MORE DETAILS:, +998-71-233-04-27

Curator of the X Tashkent International Biennale of Contemporary Art:

Sukhrob Kurbanov - Art Critic and Art Historian.

Coordinator of the event:

Asya Tuychiyeva - Head of the Department for International Relations, Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan.

The priority of water resource management reform in Uzbekistan is water conservation and its rational use
The priority of water resource management reform in Uzbekistan is water conservation and its rational use

Today, as global climate changes are observed, the population is growing, and industrial sectors are rapidly developing, the value of water resources is increasing not only in the Central Asian region but also worldwide.


According to the data, over the past 30 years, the air temperature in our region has increased by one and a half degrees, as a result of which about a third of the centuries-old glaciers in the highlands have melted, and the volume of water in rivers and streams has decreased slightly.


If current climate trends continue, in the next twenty years, the flow of the two large rivers, Amu Darya and Syr Darya, may decrease by 15%. This would result in a 25 percent reduction in per capita water availability and agricultural crop yields.


These are not just numbers, but indicators related to the fate and well-being of the people living in the region.


According to scientists, by 2040 in some areas of Central Asia, the need for water resources will triple. Over time, economic damage could reach 11% of the region's gross domestic product. The United Nations (UN) warns that countries in the region are currently losing up to US$2 billion a year due to water scarcity and inefficient use. Therefore, if appropriate measures are not taken now, it is inevitable that the countries in our region will face dire consequences of water shortages.


Under the leadership of the President of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, special attention is being paid to the comprehensive development of the water management sector in our republic, the rational use of existing water resources, including the widespread introduction of digital and water-saving irrigation technologies, and remarkable results are being achieved in this regard.


In his speech at the 78th session of the UN General Assembly on September 19, 2023, the leader of Uzbekistan emphasized the issue of water resource shortages in Central Asia, supported the establishment of the position of the UN Secretary General's Special Representative on Water Resources, and proposed creating a platform for water-saving technologies in Central Asia. In the process of using the "United Nations-Water Resources" mechanism, he emphasized his support for attracting and implementing the most advanced technologies.


This means that Uzbekistan will take the initiative in creating a platform for water-saving technologies in Central Asia, while also seeking to involve the international community in the process.


For more than 30 years since its establishment, the International Fund for Saving the Aral has become the most important platform for regional cooperation in the fields of water management and ecology. In the face of new risks and threats arising because of global climate change, the role and importance of the fund are increasing.


On September 15, 2023, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev put forward the initiative to develop and implement new, agreed-upon decisions for the long-term perspective within the framework of this structure at the meeting of the Council of Heads of the Founding States of the International Fund for Saving the Aral held in Dushanbe. Reflecting the spirit of today, he emphasized the need to further improve the fund's legal framework and modernize its institutional mechanisms.

It should be noted that in the country’s domestic policy over the past seven years, at the initiative of the President, large-scale reforms in the water sector have been implemented. To manage state policy in the field of water management, a separate Ministry of Water Resources was created and the Concept for the development of the industry for the period until 2030 was approved.


As a logical continuation of these reforms and to solve systemic problems at the middle and upper levels of the water management system, on May 7, 2024, the President of Uzbekistan signed the decree "On Setting Priorities for the Introduction and Development of a Modern Management System in Water Resources." According to this document, the activity of the Ministry of Water Resources was divided into three parts, setting up a vertical management system. At the upper level is the management of the state water policy, the regulator; the middle level is engaged in the operation and construction of water management facilities and the introduction of business processes into the sector; and the lower-level handles supplying water directly to consumers.


In the middle stage, an agency for the exploitation of water resource facilities is being set up that operates as an independent legal entity. The agency includes the Ministry of Water Resources of the Republic of Karakalpakhstan and regional irrigation systems basin departments, main canals, water reservoirs, and pumping station utilization departments, as well as land-improvement expeditions.


The department for the implementation of water management projects participates as a customer in projects funded by the budget and foreign investments. The decree envisages a 22% increase in the salary of middle- and high-level employees working in the ministry system, starting on July 1, 2024, and a 60% increase starting in 2025. It should be mentioned that starting in January 2024, the salary of lower-level employees has been doubled, and several incentive mechanisms are being used.


As a result of the accurate calculation of available water resources, special attention is paid to the introduction of water-saving technologies, resulting in abundant and high-quality harvests from agricultural crops. Nevertheless, the prevention of water scarcity remains one of the most important directions for Uzbekistan.


Uzbekistan is a country with a large water infrastructure in the Central Asian region; the total irrigated cropland exceeds 4.3 million hectares.


As one of the five priority directions of the "Uzbekistan-2030" strategy, which defines the goals of sustainable development of the country, the task of saving water resources and environmental protection is emphasized, placing great responsibility on water management employees.


To reduce water losses in irrigation networks, the year 2024 was announced as a "breakthrough year for concreting canals" in the water industry at the initiative of the President. For this purpose, 5,000 kilometers of irrigation networks, of which 1,500 kilometers are main and inter-farm and 3,500 kilometers are internal, have been concreted this year. To date, 525 kilometers of canals have been reconstructed, of which 355 kilometers have been concreted. The length of canals concreted by clusters and farms has exceeded 13,500 kilometers.


In recent years, the areas covered by water-saving technologies in the country have reached 1.3 million hectares. Of this, drip irrigation accounts for 478,000 hectares, sprinkler irrigation for 55,000 hectares, and discrete method irrigation for 29,000 hectares. Over 700,000 hectares have been leveled using laser leveling equipment.


Work on the introduction of water-saving technologies, which started in previous years, is being continued consistently. This year alone, it is planned to introduce cost-effective technologies on 500,000 hectares of land and to fully cover all irrigated farming areas in the country with such technologies by 2030.


All possibilities and resources are being used for this. Today, the number of local enterprises producing equipment and components for water-saving technologies in Uzbekistan has reached 55, with plans to increase this number in the future.


In recent years, 11,446 "Smart Water" devices, online water level monitoring meters in 1,704 pumping units, and online monitoring of seepage water levels have been installed in 6,746 reclamation monitoring wells. To manage water resources from one point without human intervention, the management processes of 65 large water management facilities were automated.


It is planned to save 8 billion cubic meters of water in 2024 through the concreting of channels, the introduction of water-saving technologies, the digitization of the industry, the implementation of "smart" devices, and effective water management.


It should be noted that 60 percent of the irrigated cropland in the country is supplied with water through pumps. There are more than 1,600 pumping stations in the Ministry's system, and due to their modernization, installation of modern energy-saving devices, and the introduction of public-private partnerships, electricity consumption has been reduced by 1.5 billion kWh in the last seven years.


In the coming years, the total cost of the water industry will be $6.0 trillion. Agreements for 463 public-private partnership projects worth significant amounts in soums were signed. In 2023, all water management facilities in five districts and 300 pumping stations across the republic will be transferred to the private sector.


This transfer increases work efficiency, saves up to 30% on electricity at pumping stations, and reduces salary deductions by 13%.


The "Irrigators' School" was launched in cooperation with the Ministry of Water Resources, the "Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers," the National Research University, and "Agrobank." Highly qualified specialists from abroad are organizing one-week-long free training courses for designers, contractors, managers of farms, and cluster enterprises from all districts of the republic.


In short, life itself proves that the only solution to mitigate the water shortage in our region is to save water and use it wisely.


Press service of the Ministry of Water Resources
of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Representatives of foreign organizations were accredited to observe the elections
Representatives of foreign organizations were accredited to observe the elections

On 23 September this year, a regular meeting of the Central Election Commission was held to discuss the accreditation of observers from abroad and from international organizations, as well as the organization of the activities of the Instant Information Center.

The interest of foreign countries and international organizations in the elections to the representative bodies of state power, which will be held this year in accordance with the updated electoral legislation, is extremely high.

In particular, it is expected that more than 1,000 international and foreign observers will participate in observing the elections, particularly about 400 from 50 countries, about 500 from 21 international organizations such as the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Organization of Turkic States and another 60 from the election commissions of 26 foreign countries.



It should be noted that the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe intends to participate in the observation of the elections in Uzbekistan with a comprehensive mission consisting of a core group, long-term and short-term observers, about 350 observers in total.

The great interest of foreign states and international organizations in the elections in Uzbekistan testifies to the international community's recognition of the democratic reforms being carried out in our country.



Accordingly, it was decided at the Central Election Commission meeting to accredit observers from international organizations who will participate in the elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis and the local Councils (Kengashes), and some observers from international organizations such as the Commonwealth of Independent States, the CIS Inter-parliamentary Assembly and the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe were accredited.

As of today, foreign and international organizations wishing to accredit observers can log into the “E-Saylov” information system in their country and enter data electronically in a specific format and submit it for review.

Another notable aspect of this process is that new samples of mandates of accredited foreign observers are automatically generated electronically through this system.



Also at the meeting of the Central Election Commission, the relevant decision was taken on the establishment of the Instant Information Center – “Call Center” - and the approval of its statutes. The “Call Center” will receive citizens' complaints centrally and provide them with legal explanations and consultations in real time.

The main objectives of the “Call Center” are to establish a dialog with citizens in real time during the election campaign, to provide the population with complete and reliable information on the activities of the commissions, the stages of the electoral process, to create the necessary conditions for the unconditional realization of citizens' rights to vote and appeal, and to strengthen their awareness of electoral legislation and processes.


Central Election Commission Press Service

New Uzbekistan strategy – a new way of supporting the young generation
New Uzbekistan strategy – a new way of supporting the young generation

18.9 million of the population of Uzbekistan or 54 percent are young people and children under 30 years of age. 9.5 million of young people are male and 9.4 million are female.

More than 50 laws and regulations were adopted in 2017-2021 in order to strengthen the legal basis of state policy regarding youth in the republic, and June 30 was declared as "Youth Day ".

As a result of the socio-political and economic reforms implemented in our country in recent years, a step has been taken to a completely new level of development. Youth , culture and sports issues was established in the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan , a "Youth Parliament" consisting of 100 active and enterprising young people under the Senate of the Oliy Majlis and 250 active and initiative young people under the Legislative Chamber, a commission on youth issues was established in the Legislative Chamber. 22.9 percent of business entities operating in the republic or 106 thousand 574 of them belong to young people under the age of 30 will come 21.5% of individual entrepreneurs are young people under 30 years old. Also, more than 3.5 thousand young farmers and about 7.8 thousand young craftsmen are working in the country.

In the 2019 elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 9 (6%) young people were elected as deputies, and 10% of local council deputies are young people.

The "Brave Boy" state award and the "Builder of the Future" medal were established to reward young people between the ages of 14 and under 30, who set an example for their peers with their activity and initiative in the social and political life of the country, as well as who have achieved great achievements in their studies and work. At the core of these practical results are consistent and effective reforms carried out on the basis of the renewed strategy of reforms and the strong will of the head of state regarding youth policy.

The strategic goal of the state youth policy implemented in the republic is to create conditions for every young person to get a free education, to carry out productive work, to realize themselves and to develop creatively, and to raise the level of social life in all aspects , which made it possible to accumulate valuable experience in our country. At this point, it should be emphasized that, along with state organizations, non-governmental organizations operating in our country are actively involved in the search for talented young people and their support. For example, it is important that one of the main directions of the state policy regarding youth is aimed at supporting the talents and abilities of young people. At the same time, in 2019, by a special decree of the President, the "Hope of the Country" fund under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan was established. Thousands of talented young people through educational grants awarded by this foundation

Our country has the opportunity to study in prestigious universities of developed foreign countries and learn advanced foreign experience. In particular, for the 2022-2023 academic year, 420 students and masters received scholarships and grants for studying abroad from the "Hope of the Country" fund. We can see that these practical works are being carried out in accordance with the goals of the development strategy of New Uzbekistan. Because, according to the 50th goal of the development strategy for 2022-2026, through the "Hope of the Country" fund, to double the scope of sending free and creative thinking young people to study at prestigious foreign universities, in which fifty percent of young people are trained in technical, exact sciences and IT fields and conducting open selection contests for bachelor's, master's and doctoral studies in the most prestigious universities of foreign countries, bachelor's, master's and doctoral programs of foreign higher education institutions important goals such as announcing and conducting an open competition were set by the Foundation for the purpose of participation in educational programs. As a result of the practical work carried out by the Foundation, a number of young people have mastered the knowledge and skills required by the times and are applying them to a number of areas of reforms in our country.

One of the urgent tasks of this organization in the fields of education, science, technology, information technology, culture, art, sports, and entrepreneurship, and the tasks of encouraging and supporting their various initiatives.

         As the President of Uzbekistan stated at the Youth Forum of Uzbekistan, "No matter what reforms we try in our country, we will first of all rely on young people like you, on your energy and determination. As you all know, today we have set ourselves huge goals. We have begun to create the foundations of the Third Renaissance in our Motherland. We consider the family, pre-school education, school and higher education as well as scientific and cultural centers to be the most important links of the Renaissance. For this reason, we are implementing fundamental reforms in these areas. I believe that in creating a new foundation for the development of our country, you, our devoted and patriotic youth, will actively participate and make a worthy contribution."

In the "New Development Strategy of Uzbekistan", which serves as a unique road map of the renewed reforms aimed at realizing the potential of such determined young people.

One of the priority directions of the state policy regarding youth in our country is the issue of ensuring youth employment, providing them with education, and training them in the profession. During the meeting with young people within the framework of the 2021 Youth Forum, the head of state asked for new and very relevant proposals in this regard. In particular, from now on, governors of regions, districts and cities, ministers and responsible leaders should hold regular meetings with young people, governors should develop and implement "road maps " aimed at solving the problems of young people, and report to local councils on this issue every six months. it was decided to give and determine the plans for the next six months.

An important initiative was put forward at the forum, such as the organization of vocational and entrepreneurship training for unemployed and unorganized youth within the framework of the "Youth: 1+1" program. Based on the principle "Each entrepreneur helps young people", the initiative to connect one unemployed youth to one entrepreneur was actively supported by many of our entrepreneurs. The head of state approved this noble action, which can provide employment to at least 500,000 young people.

         Within the framework of this initiative, during the past period, a number of activities have been carried out to train young people, provide them with jobs, and direct them to entrepreneurship, so that the level of unemployment among young people is significantly decreasing.

In this place, in the following years, in order to further accelerate youth reforms, including reducing unemployment, further expanding the scope of vocational training, and providing comprehensive support to talented young people, with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers dated January 18, 2021 "A youth-oriented state in Uzbekistan Policy Development until 2025" Concept was approved. According to it, as a result of the statements of the state policy on youth, opportunities will be created to further strengthen the economic potential of the country and to widely apply advanced practices.

And also it is expected that by 2030, Uzbekistan will be among the first 30 advanced countries of the world according to the PISA (The Program for International Student Assessment) rating .

At the same time, adaptation of educational programs to international standards (PISA, STEAM), coverage of children in pre-school educational institutions, youth comprehensive schools and higher educational institutions will be gradually increased due to the expansion of opportunities for non-state educational institutions. In particular, 80 percent of children under 3-7 years of age in the republic are enrolled in pre-school education organizations.

To increase the cultural level of young people, the number of libraries, theaters, cinemas, museums, parks and other cultural institutions will be gradually increased, and the capacity of sports facilities will be increased by 30% by creating conditions for young people to engage in mass sports.

Conditions will be created for youth to engage in public sports in neighborhoods; IT-parks will be established in all regions, Digital technology training centers will be established in districts (cities), about 200,000 young people will be trained on the basis of the "One million Uzbek programmers" project.

Conditions will be created for young people to use high-quality, fast and cheap Internet services, provision of double growth of communication and information services will be the most important results of the "Youth of Uzbekistan - 2025" concept.

         In conclusion, it can be said that by 2030, our country will become one of the "countries with an income above the average", the country's gross domestic product will exceed four thousand dollars per capita, and our economy will double from its current state. The effective implementation of the concept "Youth of Uzbekistan - 2025", which is an important legal basis, is of great importance. The fact that young people of any country have intellectual potential, knowledge and modern profession remains an important factor of the country's development.


Asrorjon Sattorov,

                                 The University of Public Safety of the Republic of Uzbekistan Associate professor

How candidates are selected in Uzbekistan through a single portal of vacancies of state bodies and organizations
How candidates are selected in Uzbekistan through a single portal of vacancies of state bodies and organizations

How candidates are selected in Uzbekistan through a single portal of vacancies of state bodies and organizations
In Uzbekistan, electronic document management systems are being implemented, the range of public services is expanding, human resource management processes are being optimized, and a unified public sector ecosystem is being developed through integration and other measures.
In recent years we have seen the adoption of several key strategies, including the National Strategy of Action on Five Priority Directions of Development of Uzbekistan for 2017-2021, the "Digital Uzbekistan - 2030" Strategy, the "New Uzbekistan Development Strategy for 2022-2026," and the "Uzbekistan - 2030" Strategy. These strategies aim to drive digital transformation across the national economy, industry, and society as a whole.
Digitalization has also impacted the public civil service. Notably, the decree of the President of Uzbekistan "On measures for the radical improvement of personnel policy and the system of public civil service in the Republic of Uzbekistan" dated October 3, 2019, established the Agency for the Development of Public Service under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (ARGOS). ARGOS is responsible for implementing a unified state policy in personnel management and human resource development within state bodies and organizations.
ARGOS was tasked with implementing innovative personnel management and human resource development methods based on principles of openness, professionalism, and accountability. This includes introducing a system of measurable indicators (key performance indicators) for evaluating public civil servants and analyzing their performance, systematically identifying and attracting qualified specialists (including those abroad), and widely involving talented youth and women in public service. Additionally, ARGOS organizes an open, competitive selection process for the most promising personnel in public service.
Including the implementation of an open, independent competitive selection system announced through a single portal for public vacancies ( Previously, entering public service required visiting various agencies, submitting resumes, and waiting for responses.
Today, candidates can log into their personal account on the vacancies portal, select a suitable position, and submit an application. The platform provides information on the candidate's status and upcoming selection stages. The open competitive selection involves stages such as application acceptance, verification of qualification requirements, testing, and interviews. Not all candidates pass all stages on their first attempt.
The competitive selection process is based on meritocracy, ensuring that only the most deserving candidates are chosen, thus promoting transparency and fairness.
As of now, more than 188,000 competitive selections have been announced on the platform, with over 2.9 million applications submitted and 69,163 candidates successfully hired.
Another significant change in state personnel administration is the formation and management of the National Personnel Reserve using modern information systems. ARGOS is responsible for this task, and continuous work is underway to develop and enrich the National Personnel Reserve.
Managing the National Personnel Reserve involves more than just record-keeping; it includes comprehensive measures to prepare personnel for managerial roles. Each person in the Reserve receives an individual development plan for the certain period of time, which includes professional development courses and internships in public bodies. Candidates should regularly report on their progress, providing additional insights into their suitability for managerial positions.
All these activities are managed through the unified information portals: for personal users, for personnel departments of ministries and agencies, for ARGOS performance monitoring, and for individual performance data and activities.
A third key change is reflected in the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to improve the human resource management system in Republican and local executive bodies" dated September 22, 2023. It stipulates that from November 1, 2023, all information and documents related to human resource management in these bodies will be maintained on the electronic platform
Starting from this date, all ministries and agencies are required to conduct personnel administration documentation exclusively on This new system enables comprehensive monitoring and analysis of personnel management, providing accurate information on vacancies, employee numbers, career movements, and compliance with public service legislation.
Ultimately, this platform acts as a mirror, reflecting both the successes and shortcomings of personnel management departments, allowing ARGOS to respond promptly, prevent, and address issues in public civil service.
In conclusion, digital technologies play a crucial role in development and should be a primary focus for building a sustainable economic and public sector. Expanded digitalization and digital transformation, along with investments in the digital ecosystem, IT infrastructure, and electronic services, will drive further modernization of the national public service system and accelerate growth in various sectors.

Ilkhom Kurbonov,
Abbos Akramov,
Agency for Development of Public Service
under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan