Uzbekistan news

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Issues in the religious and educational sphere were considered
Issues in the religious and educational sphere were considered

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev has been informed of the work being done in the spiritual and educational sphere.

The main priority of transformations in multi-ethnic Uzbekistan is the comprehensive protection of the rights and freedoms of all its citizens. And one of the inalienable rights is freedom of religion. Therefore, all conditions are being created in our country so that believers can perform rituals and observe religious traditions.

It is worth emphasizing that the policy of New Uzbekistan in this area is receiving great recognition not only among our people, but also among the international community.

Thus, if in the early years of Uzbekistan's independence the number of compatriots honored with the holy pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina could be counted on fingers, these days more than 15 thousand Uzbeks are performing the sacred rites.

President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev's greeting to our people on the occasion of Kurban Hayit, his conversation with Chairman of the Muslim Mufti Sheikh Nuriddin Khaliknazar on the pilgrimage of our compatriots have become one of the brightest pages of this year's Hajj season.

In a short period of time, Uzbekistan has created a comprehensive system of training qualified personnel in the religious and educational sphere. In order to study and popularize the rich scientific heritage of our scholars, research centers have been launched. Examples of this are the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan, the Mir Arab Higher Madrasa, the School of Hadith Studies, and the international research centers of Imam Bukhari, Imam Termizi, and Imam Moturidi. Large-scale renovation and improvement of Imam Bukhari memorial complex is underway.

During today's meeting it was emphasized the necessity of wider study and propaganda of works of these great thinkers among the population, especially among the youth. Since it is in them that the true meaning of Islam, enlightening ideas of the Muslim religion are laid down. And it is especially actual now, in our troubled time, when all over the world various forces try to distort the essence of religion and to lead young people off the true path.

It was noted a great role in this work and those who now make pilgrimage in sacred Mecca. The pilgrims have recently made an appeal, where they expressed their readiness to contribute to the spiritual education of the younger generation in their districts, in their mahallas.

Also at the meeting, the head of state stressed that an important role in these processes should be played by the Center of Islamic Civilization, the activities of which will serve to widely acquaint our people and foreign guests with the invaluable heritage of ancestors, to promote the ideas of enlightened Islam. At present, scientists-historians and theologians are working on filling the activities of the center with new content.

Information about further plans of the center's activity was heard.

Seek reward for enlightenment. About reading books and the development of book reading in Uzbekistan
Seek reward for enlightenment. About reading books and the development of book reading in Uzbekistan

In today's New Uzbekistan, a lot of attention is paid to the development of reading culture and book publishing. As the head of our state says, “There will be no break in education,” in every meeting with representatives of the intellectuals, culture, literature and art, in every historical speech that sounded like an appeal to our people, he paid             special attention to the issue of studying and gaining knowledge about the fundamentals world civilization, the achievements of modern world science. He never gets tired of emphasizing the words "knowledge, knowledge, knowledge" over and over again.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev: "Each country in the world, each nation is powerful primarily with its intellectual potential and high spirituality. It is not for nothing that he said that the source of such mighty power is the great discovery of human thinking - books and readers.

Decree of the President of Uzbekistan dated January 12, 2017 "On the establishment of a commission on the development of the system of printing and distribution of book products, the promotion of book reading and reading culture", The decision of September 13, 2017 "On the program of comprehensive measures to develop the system of publication and distribution of book products, increase and promote book reading and reading culture" together with the decision “On additional measures for the further development of the publishing and printing industry”, It is well known that great work has been done on the decisions "On further improvement of information-library services to the residents of the Republic of Uzbekistan".

On December 14, 2020, the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On approval of the national program for the development and support of reading culture in 2020-2025" was adopted.

The processes of implementation of this National Program are showing positive results.

The fourth initiative put forward by our President - to raise the spirituality of young people, to widely promote reading among them - serious practical work is being carried out in our country. Young people, especially teenagers and children, are widely participating in reading contests. 

Members of the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan actively participate in events dedicated to book reading and development of reading.The Children's and Adolescent Creative Council operates under the association, master classes are regularly held by well-known poets and writers in all schools, higher and secondary educational institutions of our country.

By the Administration of the Republic of Uzbekistan in April-May of this year in order to attract students and pupils of all higher educational institutions and general education schools in our country to reading books, to raise the level of artistic literacy and educate them in the spirit of patriotism and concern for the future of our country as part of the “Sharing Enlightenment” project, 156 famous artists held meetings with writers and educational events in 202 higher educational institutions and 606 secondary schools, under their auspices. At these events, 150 works of art were recommended for reading, films and performances were shown.

During 2020-2023, the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan published 403 books in the fields of prose, poetry, playwriting, children's literature, literary studies, and artistic translation. Over the past years, our poets, writers and translators prepared 100-volume "Masterpieces of Russian Literature" and 100-volume "Masterpieces of Turkish Literature" for publication. This great project was supported by the Head of State, published and distributed to the regions.

At this point, it should be noted that the 16-volume set of books entitled "Masterpieces of Karakalpak Literature" was prepared for publication and submitted to the press by the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan.

Within the framework of the "Book campaign" project, in the first quarter of 2023, 4,679 books were sent to higher education institutions, general education schools, 14,800 books to the provinces, 50 books to the penal colony, 950 to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Spirituality, Information and Library Centers, 500 to the State Security Service, 7,267 to event participants, book authors, 461 to newspapers and creative houses, 300 to Uzbekistan-Kyrgyz Friendship Society, 350 to neighborhoods, 134 to the Office of Muslims, More than 30 thousand 791 books were distributed indiscriminately to Uzbekistan "Veteran" Association of combatants-veterans and disabled people, 500 books to Halq Bank, and 600 books to children's camp. To date, more than 1 million books have been distributed in four years.

At the moment, the 100-volume set of books "Masterpieces of World Children's Literature" is being prepared for publication by the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan.

In 2020-2023, the first books of 87 young authors were published in tens of thousands of copies each in the "My first book" project by the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan, and presentation events were held. The books were freely distributed to higher education institutions, general education schools, and military units.

All these are aimed primarily at the development of reading among young people, children and adolescents. Publication of books and promotion of book reading will be continued consistently.

         At the end of our speech, we found it necessary to present our poem "Get a Book":
Buy a velvet from Otchopar*,
Take as much as you can,
But when you return home
Get a book, hey, man.
 Buy ornament from Urikzor*,
From Sirgali* get a car,
Kill ignorance if you can,
Get a book, hey, man.
A thousand kinds of wine - to you,
Pilaf ‒ to you, kebab ‒ to you,
I moan to you, I beg to you,
 Get a book, hey, man!
 You're great with your goods,
Qazi*, Norin* are your foods,
Now look to your kids' moods,
Get a book, hey, man.
You say "okay" with a smile,
Think for yourself for a while,
Be blessed by enlightment,
 Get a book, hey, man.
Make a shop, make a market,
You like house made of parquet,
Enjoy the sweet worry ‒
Get a book, hey, man.
Life is passing - hurry up,
Get a hold of yourself,
Be swift as running water,
Get a book, hey, man.
Who will stay on your trail,
Whether he's male or female,
First of all to your kids,
Get a book, hey, man.
May God bless you,
May your life be blessed,
Bring the Sun to your home ‒
Get a book, hey, man.
 Translated by Begoyim Kholbekova
Otchopar*- the name given to the market;
Urikzor* - market of various goods;
Sirgali* - car market;
Qazi*, Norin* - names of national dishes.
Poet Sirojiddin Sayyid,
Chairman of the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan

The President visited the mausoleum of Imam Bukhari
The President visited the mausoleum of Imam Bukhari

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the mausoleum of Imam Bukhari on June 15, on the eve of the holy Eid al-Adha holiday.

Surahs from the Koran and dua were recited.

In conversation with religious figures, they talked about the conditions created for the development of science and enlightenment, education of youth in the spirit of patriotism and respect for national values.

Renovation of the complex is underway. The head of state familiarized himself with the progress of construction and finishing works.

The President concluded his visit to Samarkand and left for Tashkent.

The President of Uzbekistan noted the importance of adopting a long-term program of strategic partnership with FAO
The President of Uzbekistan noted the importance of adopting a long-term program of strategic partnership with FAO

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev met with Director General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Qiu Dongyu on September 5.

The head of the authoritative branch structure of the United Nations system is in Tashkent within the framework of the ongoing International Forum on Food Security and Sustainable Development Goals for Landlocked Countries.

At the beginning of the meeting, the UN High Representative expressed his deep gratitude to the head of our state for supporting the successful holding of the forum, which is attended by representative delegations from more than 30 countries of the world.

In the course of the conversation, the sides considered issues of further expanding the strategic partnership between Uzbekistan and FAO in effectively responding to contemporary challenges and threats.

The sides noted with satisfaction the fruitful results of practical interaction achieved in recent years. Thus, the qualitative indicators of implementation of the country cooperation program for the period until 2025 have doubled.

There are 34 projects in the active phase of implementation. Over the last year, 7 new projects were launched, including in the field of agriculture, school feeding, veterinary medicine, agrochemistry and other spheres.

The importance of preparation and adoption of a new five-year partnership program was emphasized.

Special attention was paid to promising joint projects and activities in the field of digitalization of the agro-industrial complex, exchange of advanced knowledge and experience, attraction of innovations and investments in improving the fertility of the land fund, cultivation and processing of organic agricultural products, modernization of irrigation systems, creation of modern clusters and logistics centers, research and development.

There was also an exchange of views on the global and regional situation related to food security.

By the end of the year, 50 thousand people will be covered by the dual education system in Uzbekistan
By the end of the year, 50 thousand people will be covered by the dual education system in Uzbekistan

Starting from the 2021/2022 academic year, the dual education system, which has proven effective in the German education system, was introduced in Uzbekistan. This new form of education allows young people to apply theoretical knowledge obtained in educational institutions in practice simultaneously.
Initially, the legal basis for introducing and improving this form of education in Uzbekistan was created. The Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education" (No. ORQ-637) dated September 23, 2020, Article 15, specifies dual education as a separate form of education. Article 17 of the same law defines dual education as follows:
"Dual education is aimed at providing learners with the necessary knowledge, skills, and competencies, with the theoretical part taking place in educational institutions and the practical part at the learner's workplace."
Additionally, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan has paid attention to the systematic development of the dual education system based on German experience. In particular, the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Measures for the Development of Education, Science, and Innovation in the New Period of Development of Uzbekistan" (No. PF-6108) dated November 6, 2020, stipulated the introduction of practice-oriented educational programs in vocational educational institutions starting from the 2021/2022 academic year.
As a result, new mechanisms for training competitive personnel have been introduced in Uzbekistan by organizing education in harmony with labor activities for specific job positions in the economic sectors and companies (organizations), based on the real needs of the labor market.
In collaboration with experts from the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ), specific rules and procedures for organizing dual education have been developed. The Cabinet of Ministers' Resolution No. 163 dated March 29, 2021, "On Measures to Organize Dual Education in the Vocational Education System," was adopted.
This resolution approved the regulation on organizing dual education in the vocational education system, consisting of four chapters. Currently, students are admitted to dual education programs based on the requirements of this regulation. In the initial year, more than 2,000 students were admitted to colleges and technical schools for dual education in fields such as preschool education, railways, and construction. The demand for mid-level specialists prepared through this form of education has led to the expansion of dual education.
Employers now have the opportunity to select and hire the best specialists in this education system. In the 2022/2023 academic year, nearly 45,000 young people were admitted to vocational educational institutions for dual education. In addition to the previously mentioned fields, dual education has been introduced in information technology, light industry, agriculture, and services.
Currently, about 13,000 students are receiving dual education in 234 vocational educational institutions across Uzbekistan. These students are supervised by 3,144 qualified mentors from companies and organizations, who develop their practical skills directly at the workplace.
Moreover, dual education is particularly prominent in areas such as automotive technical service, agriculture, preschool education, light industry, and services. Over 3,600 companies and organizations in Uzbekistan participate in dual education.
For instance, the Asaka Agrotechnology Technical School in Andijan region has established cooperation with "UzAvto Motors" JSC, a major automobile manufacturer in Uzbekistan, for training mid-level specialists through dual education. As a result, more than 500 students are being trained in specialties such as "Welding Technology and Equipment," "Automobile Assembly and Testing," "Mechanical Engineering Technology," and "Automobile Technical Service and Repair."
In recent years, significant work has been done to develop the vocational education system in Uzbekistan with foreign partners such as the European Union, German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ), UNESCO, and the Swiss Embassy in Uzbekistan.
For example, two technical schools in the agricultural sector received four tractors, 42 relevant technical equipment, 72 computers, and two refrigerators for storing agricultural products, with a total value of $700,000.
Additionally, 15 pilot educational institutions selected by GIZ were equipped with sewing machine sets (21 sewing machines, 6 overlocks, 6 interlocks, 3 zigzags, 3 embroidery machines), 9 cutting tables, ironing equipment, and 3 multifunctional digital "smartboards." The Almazor Light Industry College was equipped with modern equipment for a practice room in the "Computer-Aided Design" (CAD) direction, including 12 special tablets for designing and modeling, 12 computers, 1 presentation screen, and 1 plotter.
Furthermore, 109 pedagogical staff members were trained in Germany and Switzerland. Additionally, 750 teachers were trained in entrepreneurial skills based on German methodology with the support of German foreign donors.
Under the GIZ "Vocational Education for Economic Growth in Central Asia (PECA V)" grant project, six pilot educational institutions were selected for training mid-level specialists in the fields of bread, bakery, confectionery, and pasta production, as well as logistics.
Within this project, the material and technical base of the Yangiyul Agrotechnology Technical School, Samarkand Tourism and Service Technical School, Tashkent State Agrarian University, and Bukhara Engineering Technology Institute were strengthened.
Equipment for 34 items was delivered to the Yangiyul Agrotechnology and Samarkand Tourism and Service Technical Schools.
In collaboration with Germany, 70 modular education programs for dual education have been developed. Additionally, the "Concept for the Introduction and Further Development of Dual Education in Uzbekistan" and a "Guide for Developing Educational Standards Based on Professional Standards for Dual Education" were prepared.
To ensure that graduates of vocational educational institutions are self-employed in the future, i.e., set up their own businesses, it is crucial to teach them and introduce new methodologies into the educational process. In this regard, the "Basics of Business" subject was developed in collaboration with the German "German Sparkassenstiftung for International Cooperation" organization and introduced into practice.
Moreover, to increase the attractiveness of the vocational education system in Uzbekistan and to provide students with in-depth foreign language training, one of the priority directions is to ensure the competitiveness of mid-level specialists in the domestic and foreign labor markets.
In particular, one-year special German language courses were organized in 33 vocational educational institutions. Currently, 773 students in technical schools in the medical field are being taught in these German language courses.
A one-year program for teaching German was developed and introduced into these courses based on advanced German experience and methodologies. To provide students with educational materials, 6,000 copies of modern textbooks for levels A1, A2, B1, and B2 were purchased from Germany and delivered to educational institutions based on the recommendations of the Goethe Institute.
The system for training professional and qualified mid-level specialists for state-significant sectors and industrial enterprises is being systematically improved by providing the labor market in Uzbekistan with mid-level specialists with modern professional skills.
The Presidential Decree No. PQ-200 dated July 3, 2023, "On Measures for the Effective Organization of State Management in Higher Education, Science, and Innovation within the Framework of Administrative Reforms," stipulated the introduction of a system for year-round admission of students to dual education in vocational educational institutions based on the orders of companies and organizations. This has given a significant impetus to the development of this form of education.
Additionally, due to the increasing demand for mid-level specialists in job positions created based on regional socio-economic development programs, the need arose to organize year-round dual education in vocational educational institutions based on the orders of organizations.
The Cabinet of Ministers' Resolution No. 647 dated December 7, 2023, "On Amendments and Additions to Certain Resolutions of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Connection with the Introduction of a System for Year-Round Admission of Students to Dual Education in Vocational Educational Institutions," created the opportunity to organize year-round dual education in vocational educational institutions based on the orders of organizations.
Despite the fact that only two months have passed since the adoption of this resolution, more than 750 students have already been admitted to dual education based on the existing needs of over 20 companies.
Furthermore, from now on, free short-term advanced training courses will be organized annually for the voluntary improvement of the pedagogical skills of mentors assigned from organizations to dual education.
Additionally, by the 2024/2025 academic year, an electronic platform will be created to determine the current and prospective needs of the labor market for mid-level specialists. An electronic system for signing contracts between organizations willing to train mid-level specialists and vocational educational institutions will be introduced.
As a result of the reforms implemented to develop the dual education system in Uzbekistan, the coverage of dual education will reach 50,000 students by the end of this year. Furthermore, by the beginning of the new academic year, 100 professions will be selected, and professional standards will be developed based on the experiences of Germany, Switzerland, and Great Britain. The demand for professions will be aligned with the needs of employers.

Utkirjon Alijonov
Head of the Department for the Development
of the Vocational Education System,
Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Innovation

President of Uzbekistan considers promising areas and projects of cooperation with UAE
President of Uzbekistan considers promising areas and projects of cooperation with UAE

Issues of further development of multifaceted partnership, promotion of economic and investment cooperation projects, establishment of practical interaction in the defense sector were discussed at the meeting between President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev and a delegation from the United Arab Emirates headed by Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defense, Crown Prince of the Emirate of Dubai Sheikh Hamdan bin Muhammad Al Maktoum.

The Emirati delegation included the Ministers of Government Affairs Muhammad bin Abdullah Al Gergawi, Energy and Infrastructure Suhail bin Muhammad Al Mazroui, Economy Abdullah bin Tuq Al Marri, and Minister of State for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy Omar bin Sultan Al Olama.

At the beginning of the conversation, Sheikh Hamdan Al Maktoum expressed his sincere gratitude to our Head of State for the warm welcome and conveyed warm greetings from UAE President Sheikh Mohammad Al Nahyan and Prime Minister of the UAE, Emir of Dubai Sheikh Mohammad Al Maktoum.

During the meeting, special attention was paid to the issues of forming a new long-term agenda of mutually beneficial cooperation in such key areas as investment, innovative development, green energy, infrastructure, education, healthcare, ecology, digital transformation, tourism and others.

The sides highly appreciated the fruitful results of the joint forum on unlocking the potential of mutually beneficial cooperation, bilateral intergovernmental and interdepartmental talks held this morning.

An agreement was reached to adopt a road map for the development of full-scale cooperation in strategic sectors.

It should be noted that the UAE is one of Uzbekistan's key partners in the Asian region.

The latest high-level contacts took place within the framework of the Global Climate Summit in Dubai last December.

The trade turnover in 2023 grew by 21 percent and amounted to 626 million dollars. More than 320 enterprises with the participation of Emirati capital operate in our country. The portfolio of ongoing and prospective investment projects amounts to about 20 billion dollars.

The President of Uzbekistan noted the priorities of expanding partnership with the World Bank
The President of Uzbekistan noted the priorities of expanding partnership with the World Bank

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev met with World Bank Vice President for Europe and Central Asia Antonella Bassani on September 30.

The sides discussed topical issues of further expansion of strategic cooperation with the World Bank Group and support of this leading international financial institution to the ongoing reform program in New Uzbekistan.

At the beginning of the meeting, Vice President Antonella Bassani conveyed to the head of our state sincere greetings and best wishes of World Bank President Ajay Bangui.

During the conversation, the current high level and fruitful nature of bilateral cooperation were noted with deep satisfaction.

In recent years, our country has become one of the largest partners of the Bank - the portfolio of projects has increased several times and now exceeds 12 billion dollars.

The World Bank is supporting the implementation of important reforms aimed at ensuring the sustainability of economic and social sectors. The Bank's regional office in Tashkent has been operating since July this year.

Such areas as poverty reduction, transformation of state-owned enterprises and banks, decarbonization, support for WTO accession and others have been identified as priorities for further expansion of the partnership.

Special attention was paid to the programs of urbanization and integrated development of regions, modernization of energy and irrigation infrastructure, support to the private sector.

There was also an exchange of views on the promotion of regional projects.

President of Mongolia to pay state visit to Uzbekistan
President of Mongolia to pay state visit to Uzbekistan

At the invitation of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, President of Mongolia Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh will pay a state visit to our country on June 23-26.

In accordance with the program of the high-ranking guest's stay, it is envisaged to hold high-level talks in Tashkent, during which issues of further expansion and strengthening of Uzbek-Mongolian relations of friendship and multifaceted cooperation will be considered.

In particular, the agenda includes plans to develop constructive political dialogue and inter-parliamentary contacts, increase bilateral trade turnover, implement cooperation projects in mining, agriculture, livestock, light industry, healthcare, transport, logistics and other areas. Joint measures aimed at boosting cultural, humanitarian and tourist ties will also be discussed. There will be an exchange of views on international issues.

A package of intergovernmental and interdepartmental documents will be signed following the results of the summit.

As part of the program of the state visit, the leaders of the two countries will meet with representatives of leading companies and business circles, and a number of other bilateral events will be held.

Mongolian President Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh will also visit Khiva, where he will familiarize himself with the rich cultural and historical heritage of our people.

Uzbekistan has set a goal to increase the level of youth enrollment in higher education to 50%
Uzbekistan has set a goal to increase the level of youth enrollment in higher education to 50%

Numerous scholars and studies have confirmed the connection between the quality of education and the well-being of society. The Nobel Prize winning Gary Becker was one of the first to inquire into the impact of education on economic growth and social development. His research has shown that investing in education can improve productivity and thus economic growth.

According to experts from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the high level of education, GDP and economic development serve to augment the average life expectancy and improve public health. One should note that stepping up the duration of education by 1 year can increase GDP by 3-6 percent.

Education is considered a crucial issue for Uzbekistan, 60% of the population of whose is young people under the age of 30, with a population increase of 700 thousand a year.

Up until recently, obtaining higher education was the dream of millions of Uzbek youth. In 2016, enrollment in higher education was only 9 percent of all the school graduates, and the number of higher education institutions was 69 (with 9 private). Due to a lack of student loans to finance higher education and support systems for vulnerable segments of the population, many were unable to study failing to pay tuition fees.

There were also problems for youth in getting onboard the higher education. Those willing to obtain one were able to apply only to one institution a year. And if they did not score enough in the admission exams, they had to wait until the next year to reapply to that or another university.

In addition, such factors as taking faculty and students to forced seasonal agricultural work used to have a grave negative impact on the quality of education. So did the insufficient material incentives for the teaching staff due to the extremely low wages.

After the election of Shavkat Mirziyoyev as President of the country in 2016, the system of admission to higher education institutions started to be revised, with overall systemic transformation underway, especially when it came to the quality of education.

First, the organizational and legal framework of the industry has been revised. In particular, the 2030 Concept for Higher Education Development in the Republic of Uzbekistan was approved in 2019 by the corresponding presidential decree.

In 2020, the Oliy Majlis (Supreme Assembly, the national parliament) passed the Education law in a new edition. In accordance with it, the system opened up to market mechanisms, priority was afforded to raising the scale and quality of education to a new level, to studying advanced foreign practices and establishing broad international connections.

Apart from that, adopted in 2023, the new edition of the Constitution introduced a number of new norms on the protection of the honor and dignity of teachers, government concern for their social and material well-being. The upgraded Basic Law also granted the higher education institutions the right to academic self-government, freedom in scientific research and teaching methodologies and approaches.

Second, to be sure, education advancement requires allocation of large sums from the state budget to this area. According to research, a 1% increase in education spending will increase GDP by 0.35%. It is for this reason that the amount of funds allocated from the public budget for the maintenance and development of educational institutions in Uzbekistan has been steadily growing.

In 2023, spending on education accounted for 44 percent of total social expenditures, reaching 61.2 trillion soums.

The rapid growth in the number of public and private universities, as well as branches of foreign ones, and the introduction of market mechanisms in this area have created the basis for expanding the market in educational services. Today there are 210 universities in the country, almost half of them are private (67) and foreign universities (29).

Crucially, the youth are now free to choose. A healthy competitive environment has begun to emerge among the institutions offering higher education. Branches of prestigious foreign universities like Westminster (UK), Webster (US), Management Development Institute of Singapore, Polytechnic University of Turin (Italy) have an important role to play in the implementation of advanced standards in higher education by inviting state-of-the-art certified faculty, making a good use of the latest teaching technologies, innovations and international best practices.

As a result of the enhancement of the higher education market in Uzbekistan, it became possible to boost the coverage in the system from 9 percent of school graduates enrolled in 2016 to 42 percent in 2023. And the launch of correspondence and evening studies at universities has contributed to a sharp increase in the proportion of students over 24 years of age. The total number of university students now exceeds 1.3 million.

Starting from 2019, applicants have been given the opportunity to simultaneously submit documents to several universities and choose an educational institution based on the results of entrance exams and their preferences. This year, building on a relevant presidential decree, exams for admission to universities will take place under the principle “test first, then choose”.

Uzbekistan has created a unique system that provides opportunities to obtain higher education for people in need of social protection and people with disabilities. In particular, the distribution of admission quotas was approved on the basis of an additional two percent state scholarship for persons with disabilities and one percent for graduates of Mehribonlik (Mercy homes, orphanages), children’s villages and family homes in the context of higher educational institutions and forms of education.

It will not be an exaggeration to say that changing society by attracting girls to higher education is a unique path for Uzbekistan. Here one can recall a popular wisdom that if you educate a girl, you educate the whole nation. In order to ensure gender equality, as well as the consistent implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, starting from the 2022-2023 academic year, new educational loans are allocated on preferential terms (interest-free) for training girls and women. As a result, in 2023, interest-free educational loans in the amount of 1,548.6 billion soums were allocated to about 137.4 thousand students.

A procedure has also been established for reimbursement of tuition fees for girls studying for graduate degree at universities. During this time, 20,260 women took a good advantage of this opportunity.

Special emphasis is placed on the issues of training youth from Uzbekistan in prestigious foreign universities. In particular, the amount of funds allocated from the state budget to the El-Yurt Umidi (Hope of the Nation) Foundation for the training of talented youth abroad has been growing. If 200 billion soums were allocated to this fund in 2022, in 2024 the amount reached 500 billion soums. Thanks to the foundation, more than 1,000 young people have received education in respected higher education institutions abroad and today work in various fields. According to the UNESCO Institute for Statistics, students from Uzbekistan ranked fifth in the world in the number of students studying abroad in 2021. The number exceeded 110 thousand. This is also clear evidence of how young people in this country are thirsty for knowledge.

The Uzbekistan-2030 Strategy urges to bringing the level of youth enrollment in higher education to no less than 50 percent, including in at least 10 higher educational institutions in the top 1,000 ranking of the most prestigious universities, and making the way for the country into the top 50 nations by 2030 in the Global Innovation Index.

As a result of reforms over the past period, two universities of Uzbekistan for the first time entered the top 1,000 higher education institutions in the world, compiled by the British company Quacquarelli Symonds (QS). The National Research University “Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers” (TIIAME) was named 547th in the rating, while the Mirzo Ulugbek National University of Uzbekistan secured the 781-790th positions.

The National Research University TIIAME was among the 300 best higher education institutions in the world and among the top three universities in Central Asia in terms of “Academic reputation”, and the National University of Uzbekistan was in the top 200 in terms of “Share of foreign teachers” and took second place among universities in the region.

In addition, 53 higher educational institutions of Uzbekistan were noted in the “THE Impact Rankings” published by the Times Higher Education agency for 2024. Seven of them ended up in the top 1,000. In the ranking, the Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature came 10th in the world in terms of gender equality.

In short, well aware of the truism that investing into education means investing into your future.


Nodir Tilavoldiev,
Member of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis
Republic of Uzbekistan



The Tashkent International Biennale of Contemporary Art has been held every two years since 2001 with government support. It serves as an open platform for cultural exchange in the visual arts, showcasing the modern creative potential of different countries and discussing current issues in contemporary art.

The theme of the X Tashkent International Biennale of Contemporary Art in 2024 is "Art and World". Conceptually, it explores the relationship between art and modern reality through the works of artists from various countries. This theme prompts reflection on the nature of the modern world: Does it possess integrity? Today, the world is characterized by polar stances, clashes, and numerous challenges related to preservation, ecology, morality, culture, and identity, spanning personal to state levels. Its landscape is shaped by opposition influenced by globalization, geopolitics, technogenic civilization, and artificial intelligence. How does contemporary art reflect on the modern world?

Simultaneously, the X Tashkent International Biennale aims to showcase various trends and new directions in contemporary art to the general public. It seeks to enhance international cultural relations, strengthen the creative dialogue between cultures, and highlight the achievements of different countries in visual art. The Biennale focuses on liberating creative consciousness, demonstrating pluralism in creative exploration, and illustrating the specifics of the postmodern condition in different countries. It addresses the state of intertextuality in modern art and the preservation or disappearance of local traditions in the era of globalization.

The concept of the Biennale is dedicated to displaying a multicultural lifestyle through the prism of contemporary art. The works presented will reflect diverse artistic expressions that uphold humanistic values. The theme provides an opportunity to explore concepts such as ecology, culture, tolerance, modern orientalism, identity, artificial intelligence, technogenic civilization, and the inner world of individuals.


FOR MORE DETAILS:, +998-71-233-04-27

Curator of the X Tashkent International Biennale of Contemporary Art:

Sukhrob Kurbanov - Art Critic and Art Historian.

Coordinator of the event:

Asya Tuychiyeva - Head of the Department for International Relations, Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan.


Uzbekistan's upcoming elections for the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis (Parliament) and the Councils of People's Deputies, scheduled for October 27th, are not just a routine event. They mark a significant milestone in the nation's democratic journey, introducing groundbreaking changes that promise to transform the electoral landscape. The recent meeting of the Central Election Commission unveiled several key innovations that will ensure greater efficiency, transparency, and inclusivity, making these elections a matter of global interest.

For the first time in the nation's history, the Legislative Chamber elections will employ a mixed electoral system, combining majoritarian and proportional representation. This change means that voters will elect seventy-five deputies directly, while another seventy-five will be chosen based on party votes. This system aims to create a more balanced and representative legislature, enhancing democratic legitimacy and ensuring a broader spectrum of political voices.

One of the most notable advancements in Uzbekistan's electoral system is the full digitization of election commission activities. The introduction of the 'E-Saylov' information system is a significant leap forward, revolutionizing the election process. This digital platform not only streamlines the process, reducing bureaucracy and document handling, but also ensures a smoother, more efficient, and transparent electoral experience. It automates interactions between election commissions, political parties, candidates, observers, and the media, providing real-time statistical data, candidate information, and interactive maps. This technological leap empowers voters with unprecedented access to essential election-related information, making the electoral process more inclusive and transparent.

Inclusivity is another cornerstone of these elections. New election legislation requires political parties to ensure that at least 40% of their candidates are women, a progressive move towards gender equality in political representation. This requirement not only aligns Uzbekistan with advanced democratic standards but also enriches the political discourse by incorporating diverse perspectives.

The elections are taking place in a context where the updated Constitution has significantly enhanced the powers of parliament and representative bodies. The Legislative Chamber's powers have increased from 5 to 12, and the Senate's from 12 to 18. Parliament's oversight functions over executive, judicial, law enforcement, and special services have also been expanded. Additionally, the leadership of local Councils of People's Deputies by hokims (governors) has been abolished, transferring 33 powers previously held by hokims to local Councils to increase their role in resolving critical state issues.

The slogan "My Choice—My Prosperous Homeland" not only captures the spirit of these elections but also reflects the unwavering commitment of Uzbekistan's leadership to democratic state-building and citizen empowerment. With over 120,000 election commission members, 70,000 citizens, and numerous international observers participating, the elections are set to be a transparent and inclusive process, further demonstrating this commitment.

In conclusion, Uzbekistan is setting a remarkable precedent with its upcoming elections by embracing technological innovation and inclusivity. These initiatives will undoubtedly pave the way for a more prosperous and democratic future, showcasing Uzbekistan’s dedication to advancing democratic principles and practices.

Eldor Tulyakov,

The Executive Director,

Development Strategy Centre (Uzbekistan)