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How new mechanisms for regulating labor migration work in Uzbekistan
How new mechanisms for regulating labor migration work in Uzbekistan

Labor force migration is a natural process worldwide. In Uzbekistan, purposeful work is being carried out to safely and orderly send such citizens abroad. The Agency for External Labor Migration has sent 70,000 people to developed countries for this purpose in the past two years.

We all know that those who want to work abroad also incur certain expenses. Therefore, migrants partially reimburse the costs of a work visa, travel ticket, foreign language, and qualification assessment. It is established that a citizen who has obtained international or equivalent certification in a foreign language is reimbursed 50% of the language learning costs.

Among all the positive work carried out in this area, there is a noted development of significant cooperation with the International Organization for Migration in protecting migrant rights, as well as with developed countries. Systematic work is underway to develop the Concept of the State Policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of migration until 2030, envisaging the achievement of criteria for guaranteed equality in the social protection of labor migrants.

Emphasizing that the Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations has established contracts between the External Labor Migration Agency and 25 German companies, Uzbek citizens are being temporarily employed in various fields. Discussions are also underway with another five companies. In the past three years alone, 821 Uzbek citizens have been sent to Germany for temporary work, while 1,670 citizens are currently undergoing training to continue their work activities in this country.

In this way, cooperation in the field of labor migration between Uzbekistan and Germany is actively developing, ensuring the preparation of our citizens for work, providing professional training and language learning opportunities, and creating favorable conditions for employment.

The External Labor Migration Agency has been holding discussions on labor migration issues with several countries in 2024, such as Great Britain, Hungary, and Slovakia, highlighting the increasing importance of these efforts.

In addition to the above, under the initiative of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, each returning labor migrant is provided with a subsidy of 500,000 soums per month from the Labor Support Fund for one year. It is estimated that approximately 100 billion soums will be allocated to these measures for a year.

Assisting returning migrants in finding employment is also being considered as an important issue, and based on the Saykhunabad experience, financial support is provided for the production of goods and income generation, as well as other types of labor services. Medical facilities may also provide free medical checks for returning migrants and their family members. Additionally, starting from October 15, 2023, "Inson" Social Service Centers have been established in the Republic of Uzbekistan to provide social assistance to children whose parents work abroad, which is a significant step.

It is important to note that today, not only state organizations but also non-governmental organizations play a significant role in regulating and supporting labor migration. In this regard, it is relevant to mention educational courses and service organizations providing assistance in collaboration with the External Labor Migration Agency.

In short, a safe, orderly, and legal system for labor migration has been established in Uzbekistan, creating new mechanisms for citizens wishing to go abroad. It encompasses three main stages: The first stage involves organizing preparatory work for citizens intending to work abroad. Vocational and language training is conducted in 14 "Job Placement" service centers nationwide, 30 vocational training centers, 136 communities, 24 colleges, and 13 technical colleges.

Second stage: Providing legal and social assistance to labor migrants abroad. For this purpose, agencies dealing with labor migration issues have been established in several countries to provide services to Uzbek citizens working abroad. Labor Migration Affairs Attachés have been appointed at Uzbekistan's Embassies.

Third stage: Assisting in the reintegration of labor migrants returning to Uzbekistan. Inspectors at the Labor Support Centers are engaged in activities aimed at the reintegration of labor migrants returning to the country.

In conclusion, it is essential to emphasize that appropriate measures are being taken to ensure suitable working conditions and social protection for Uzbek citizens engaged in labor activities abroad. Collaboration with our foreign partners continues on all relevant migration issues. Systematic efforts are being made to further develop initiatives related to the professional orientation and language proficiency of labor migrants.

Bobomurod Yarashev,

teacherof the University of

Public Safety of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Issues in the religious and educational sphere were considered
Issues in the religious and educational sphere were considered

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev has been informed of the work being done in the spiritual and educational sphere.

The main priority of transformations in multi-ethnic Uzbekistan is the comprehensive protection of the rights and freedoms of all its citizens. And one of the inalienable rights is freedom of religion. Therefore, all conditions are being created in our country so that believers can perform rituals and observe religious traditions.

It is worth emphasizing that the policy of New Uzbekistan in this area is receiving great recognition not only among our people, but also among the international community.

Thus, if in the early years of Uzbekistan's independence the number of compatriots honored with the holy pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina could be counted on fingers, these days more than 15 thousand Uzbeks are performing the sacred rites.

President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev's greeting to our people on the occasion of Kurban Hayit, his conversation with Chairman of the Muslim Mufti Sheikh Nuriddin Khaliknazar on the pilgrimage of our compatriots have become one of the brightest pages of this year's Hajj season.

In a short period of time, Uzbekistan has created a comprehensive system of training qualified personnel in the religious and educational sphere. In order to study and popularize the rich scientific heritage of our scholars, research centers have been launched. Examples of this are the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan, the Mir Arab Higher Madrasa, the School of Hadith Studies, and the international research centers of Imam Bukhari, Imam Termizi, and Imam Moturidi. Large-scale renovation and improvement of Imam Bukhari memorial complex is underway.

During today's meeting it was emphasized the necessity of wider study and propaganda of works of these great thinkers among the population, especially among the youth. Since it is in them that the true meaning of Islam, enlightening ideas of the Muslim religion are laid down. And it is especially actual now, in our troubled time, when all over the world various forces try to distort the essence of religion and to lead young people off the true path.

It was noted a great role in this work and those who now make pilgrimage in sacred Mecca. The pilgrims have recently made an appeal, where they expressed their readiness to contribute to the spiritual education of the younger generation in their districts, in their mahallas.

Also at the meeting, the head of state stressed that an important role in these processes should be played by the Center of Islamic Civilization, the activities of which will serve to widely acquaint our people and foreign guests with the invaluable heritage of ancestors, to promote the ideas of enlightened Islam. At present, scientists-historians and theologians are working on filling the activities of the center with new content.

Information about further plans of the center's activity was heard.

Founder of BMB HOLDING: Supporting entrepreneurs in the process of building New Uzbekistan has become one of the main goals of the reforms of our Head of state
Founder of BMB HOLDING: Supporting entrepreneurs in the process of building New Uzbekistan has become one of the main goals of the reforms of our Head of state

In recent years, systematic work has been carried out to create a continuous chain of comprehensive support for the development of entrepreneurship in our country. As a result of the measures implemented and important decisions made over the last seven years, a new generation of entrepreneurs of New Uzbekistan has emerged.
In particular, BMB HOLDING is one of the major subjects of private entrepreneurship, playing an important role in the economic life of our country, and gaining strong positions not only in the domestic, but also in the international market.
On the eve of the 33rd anniversary of independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Dunyo information agency talked to Bekzod Mamatkulov, the founder of BMB HOLDING.
– Mr. Mamatkulov, in recent years BMB HOLDING has gained a great reputation not only in Uzbekistan, but also among the international business community. Today, the Holding effectively works in the areas of providing consulting services on investment projects, developing international business and trade relations, attracting foreign investments, export-import exchange, introducing innovative technologies, creating modern agro-industrial clusters. We would like to start our conversation with the organization of the Holding and the history of its development.
– After his election as President, Shavkat Mirziyoyev put on the agenda of our state’s policy such important issues as increasing economic potential, attracting investments and, most importantly, supporting entrepreneurs to bring the country to a new stage of development.
In this sense, the opportunities created for entrepreneurs have radically changed my life goals and made me want to test my potential in business.
We generated our first income through services. Developing business plans and providing consulting services was our first source of income. Later we bought land in Arnasay district of Jizzak region to implement our agricultural projects. We planted mung beans and peas as secondary crops here. The first attempts were successful. The agricultural products we grew gave better results than we expected. For the first time we were able to export our crops abroad. In particular, we started selling agricultural products to Pakistan, India and Afghanistan. Later, we had a plan to supply cotton and grain to the state on a contract basis, and we gradually expanded our financial capacity, making a profit from it.
In 2017, during the visit of the Head of state to Jizzakh region, our project to create a food cluster in Arnasay district was presented. At the meeting, the President emphasized that he would support us, like all businessmen, and expressed great confidence in us. Such attention and support of the President of the country gave us additional strength. After that, there was a desire to further expand our business activities, to test ourselves in new industries, to develop and implement joint projects with foreign partners.
In particular, in 2018, we were among the first to create the largest cotton cluster in the country. Thanks to the attention of the management and creation of favorable conditions for doing business, we created a cluster for growing medicinal plants, namely saffron. Later we organized a fruit and vegetable cluster. This big project, in turn, enabled us to set up a system of sorting, packing and deep processing of fruits and vegetables. Thus, having passed through various stages of business, our small project has now formed into BMB HOLDING. At present the Holding unites 30 enterprises. They employ more than six thousand people across the country.
– It is no secret that today the Holding realizes investment projects of international and national level. As an entrepreneur and a person who knows the business environment in foreign countries, how do you assess the investment environment in Uzbekistan? Are there aspects that do not satisfy you, are there factors that are obstacles for business?
– In the process of building New Uzbekistan, the creation of a favorable investment environment for entrepreneurs has become one of the main goals of the reforms of the Head of our state. The adoption by the President of Uzbekistan of a number of decrees and resolutions aimed at supporting entrepreneurs is yielding results today.
Improvement of tax legislation, creation of the possibility of free currency conversion, reforms in the sphere of private property and a number of other positive changes related to these spheres have played their important role, and entrepreneurs are now considered as the driving force of the country’s economy. In 2020-2022, despite the fact that the coronavirus pandemic worldwide had a large negative impact on the economies and the global investment environment, Uzbekistan’s economic growth rates remained stable and its investment attractiveness continued to grow.
The fact that the inflow of foreign investments into the country has increased significantly testifies to the confidence of international business in the economic reforms in our country. Active diversification of the economy is an important achievement that has opened new opportunities for investors in all sectors, starting with industry.
Now, if we talk about the factors that are obstacles for business, aspects that do not satisfy entrepreneurs, I will tell the truth openly: at the level of the government, reforms are being implemented very intensively, positive changes are taking place. But when you go to the lower level of the system, there are still cases of inattention and carelessness somewhere. I believe that such shortcomings will be eliminated.
– We know that BMB HOLDING is engaged in the production and export of a wide variety of agricultural products. In particular, the organization headed by you has achieved great success in saffron cultivation. Today saffron grown in Uzbekistan is becoming popular in many regions of the world. Tell me, when did you come up with the idea of establishing such a complex sphere as saffron cultivation in Uzbekistan and why did you choose this particular project?
– During President Shavkat Mirziyoyev’s visits to Kashkadarya region in 2017, the issue of cultivation of medicinal plants in mountainous and foothill regions, development of this sphere in our country and export of valuable medicinal plants to the world market was prioritized. The leader of our country also inquired why it is impossible to grow saffron in Uzbekistan despite all conditions, and gave a special instruction to develop this industry. During the President’s visit to Jizzakh region, we made a detailed presentation of our saffron cultivation project. Having familiarized himself with the project, the Head of state expressed his full support to it and instructed the responsible persons to implement the program as soon as possible.
However, it was not easy to realize this project at first. When implementing this business idea, first of all, we deeply studied the demand and supply in the domestic and foreign markets, opportunities and prospects for its implementation in the conditions of Uzbekistan, our own potential in this area, as well as a number of other factors. In 2020, we started to implement the project in pandemic conditions. At first, it took a lot of patience and hard work to find specialists, to bring saffron bulbs suitable for our climate from Europe and to get the desired harvest. In the first year we planted saffron bulbs on 55 hectares of land. The high demand for the harvest and the experience gained stimulated further development and expansion of the project. Today saffron is grown on 400 hectares of land. In the next three years, it is planned to increase the area of saffron plantations to 1,000 hectares and produce 20 tons of pure saffron products per year.
At the beginning of 2024, the product BMB Za’faron for the first time in our region received the USDA Organic certificate, an environmental certificate developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which allowed Uzbek saffron to enter the American markets. After several years of in-depth analytical research, Uzbek saffron grown in the Bakhmal district received the appropriate permission to export to Chinese markets according to the conclusion of the Uzbek-Chinese interdepartmental commission.
– Indeed, a lot of experience in saffron cultivation has been accumulated in recent years. At the same time, what countries’ experience do you think should be studied and implemented in order to grow a competitive product that meets the requirements of international standards and markets?
– In agriculture, each product is grown using a specific method. Such countries as Italy, Austria, South Korea, USA, and Saudi Arabia have enough experience in saffron cultivation. Of course, we study the experience of countries with climatic conditions close to ours and exchange experience with industry experts. I can say that we have mobilized all possibilities to get more crops and export them abroad. The increase in exports, in turn, contributes to increasing the inflow of foreign currency into Uzbekistan and ensuring economic stability.
To bring our national products to the world market and increase their competitiveness, the most important factors are, first of all, quality, then price and, of course, matching production capacity to demand. We have taken these aspects into account in our work and projects, especially in saffron cultivation.
– In Uzbekistan, on the initiative of the Head of our state, an open dialog with entrepreneurs is held annually. Tell me, what impact do these efforts have on the activities of the Holding headed by you?
– It would not be an exaggeration to say that the adoption of a number of resolutions and decrees on creation of favorable business environment and healthy competition in our country, comprehensive support for entrepreneurs, further liberalization of tax policy have served to eliminate the problems that have arisen for many years and hindered the free activity of entrepreneurs.
Thanks to the political will of the President of Uzbekistan, the organizational and legal foundations for the development of the industry have been strengthened, and the attention to entrepreneurs has changed dramatically. Most importantly, all this has already started to yield positive results.
In addition, an open dialog between the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and entrepreneurs has been established. In my opinion, there is no other country in the world that has such a format.
I can confidently say that the open communication of the Head of state with the business community, which has now become a tradition and is held annually, serves as an important factor in the formation of a new competitive class of entrepreneurs in New Uzbekistan.

I visit many countries for work. In particular, my friends-partners in Italy, Germany, the United States, Austria and other countries highly appreciate the annual dialog of the President of Uzbekistan with entrepreneurs. It is no secret that people look at us with envy when they see the personal attention of the Head of state to the development of business in our country. In fact, it is a great achievement for both sides — the President meets with businessmen, listens to their systemic problems, finds solutions and solves them. Therefore, today all businessmen are looking forward to meeting with the President. This meeting has also become an important forum for businessmen to assess their activities for the year and determine plans for the future. The speeches of our country’s leader at the meeting and important initiatives aimed at further development of the industry, removal of existing obstacles, provision of benefits to entrepreneurs serve as a program for further expansion of businessmen’s activities.
I would like to give an example based on my experience. Before dialoguing with the President, I note in my notebook the issues we face in our work. Listening to the President, I always get comprehensive answers to all my questions based on deep analysis.
– In August 2022, by the decree of the President of Uzbekistan, you were awarded the “Faol Tadbirkor” sign, and in 2023 — the “Dustlik” order. Recall those moments when your entrepreneurial activity was highly appreciated by the leadership of our country.
– Before answering, I have to say one thing. Before coming to business, I worked in state and public organizations for more than 15 years. I never received even a certificate of honor, let alone a state award. Today, the leader’s focus is on people who have sincerely worked for the development of our dear country — Uzbekistan. In recognition of our work, in 2022, I was awarded the “Faol Tadbirkor” sign. In 2023, I had the honor to receive the “Dustlik” Order from the esteemed President. These are not just awards given to me, they are recognition of the work of thousands of dedicated people working in the Holding’s system. Such a high appreciation gives our team more confidence and motivation, and gives us great strength to realize the goals we have set for ourselves.
– The direction of economic diplomacy is becoming increasingly important in attracting foreign investment to Uzbekistan, finding new partners and exporting national products abroad. In this regard, does the Holding, which you head, use the opportunities of diplomatic missions of our country in foreign countries? How satisfied are you with the work of our country's embassies in this direction?
– Frankly speaking, it used to be impossible to meet with diplomats. If you went abroad and wanted to meet with the Ambassador of our country, he would not accept businessmen. This is an open statement. The Ambassador only dealt with politics. Thanks very much to our President, he brought the diplomats’ attention to the economy as well. This, of course, has opened wonderful conditions and opportunities for entrepreneurs. Openness in this sphere, in turn, has become an important step for entrepreneurs in finding foreign partners and attracting investment.
Today, the diplomatic missions of Uzbekistan in foreign countries play a very important role in the activities of the Holding Company, and we feel their support at every stage of realization of our numerous projects. The introduction of the position of Advisor to the Ambassadors of Uzbekistan on economic issues has been very useful for us entrepreneurs. It should be noted that BMB HOLDING has established close relations of economic cooperation with embassies of foreign countries in Uzbekistan, in particular with diplomatic missions of Russia, China, USA and a number of European countries such as Poland, Austria and Latvia.
In a word, the role of diplomatic missions of Uzbekistan and foreign countries in our country is very important in effective realization of the company’s projects.
– Today BMB HOLDING operates in the field of cultivation and production of agricultural products. Our readers are also interested in the future plans of the Holding.
– Our plans for the near future are huge. In particular, the work on establishment of deep processing of agricultural and fruit and vegetable products, and the launching of textile factories in Syrdarya region is in full swing. We also want to implement projects in the field of medicine. Our first project in this direction will be the creation of a health center in Navoi region in 2025. Also, a chain of restaurants and hotels “Zafaron” will be launched in Tashkent city and Tashkent region.
Along with this, we plan to implement the project “Energy-efficient technologies and equipment for production, mining and processing of natural decorative stone” worth 50 million US dollars together with the organization Toksel Makina from Turkey.
– Our last question may be off-topic, but many people are also very interested in this area. We would like to ask about your projects in sports, especially in soccer. What are your goals in soccer and futsal? Also, please, provide information about BMB HOLDING brand ambassadors in the sphere of chess.
– This is an interesting question. BMB HOLDING considers the development of sports in our country, especially soccer and futsal, as one of the main directions of its activity. The Holding was one of the sponsors of Sogdiana soccer club in 2021 and Lokomotiv soccer club in 2022. Since 2023, our Holding has been one of the sponsors of the professional soccer league of Uzbekistan.
At the same time, the BMB PROFESSIONAL FUTSAL CLUB team started its activity in the system of the Holding. A number of famous local and Brazilian futsal players were invited to the team. For the last two years the team won the Cup of Uzbekistan and the Super Cup of Uzbekistan. Today the basis of our team is made up of futsal players playing in the national team of Uzbekistan on mini-football.
On June 30, on the occasion of Youth Day in Uzbekistan together with the Agency for Youth Affairs within the framework of the project of the brand ORRO ROSSO in Milan (this brand is currently the official partner of the Italian soccer club Milan and Monza) we organized a trip to our country of four famous former players of the soccer club Milan, world and European champions Dida, Sergino, Panucci and Zaccardo. I believe that the visit of famous soccer players to Uzbekistan has served to increase the interest and activity of our youth in sports.
As you know, the Futsal World Cup will be held in our country from September 14 to October 6 this year. BMB HOLDING as the main partner organization is preparing for this futsal holiday.
Besides, BMB HOLDING actively supports talented young chess players. Recognizing them as the face and ambassadors of the Holding, we call them brand ambassadors. In particular, FIDE Master of Sports Humoyun Bekmurodov won a silver medal at the X Chessable Sunway Sitges International Chess Festival 2023 held in Barcelona (Spain), and also won the Dubai Police Global Chess Challenge tournament held in Dubai (United Arab Emirates) on May 3-13 this year.
Another of our young chess players is Umida Omonova, a student of the International Chess School, world champion in blitz and rapid, FIDE Master of Sport, member of the Uzbekistan national team, holder of the state award named after Zulfiya, brand ambassador of BMB HOLDING. She also won the 18th round of the Uzbekistan Championship held in April this year.
Another thing is that BMB HOLDING mobilizes all its capabilities and potential in the direction of further prosperity of New Uzbekistan, which is being built under the leadership of the Head of state, improvement of welfare of our people and development of the Motherland.
- Thank you for taking the time to talk to us.
- Thank you.

Dunyo IA

The “Sharq Taronalari” XIII International Music Festival PRESS RELEASE  Samarqand City August 26-30, 2024
The “Sharq Taronalari” XIII International Music Festival PRESS RELEASE Samarqand City August 26-30, 2024

Under the auspices of UNESCO, the “Sharq Taronalari” XIII International Music Festival will be held from August 26 to 30 in the ancient and unique city of Samarkand, known as “The Pearl of the Earth.”
“Sharq Taronalari” is considered one of the largest festivals in Central Asia. The main objectives of the festival are to promote the achievements in national music art to the wider public, to preserve and develop the cultures and traditions of nations, to support talented youth in the fields of music and singing, and to expand international creative ties while promoting the ideals of peace, friendship, and mutual tolerance.
Established in 1997 and held for the first time, the “Sharq Taronalari” International Music Festival welcomed musical groups and performers from 31 countries; by 2019, the number of participating countries had increased to 75 during the XII “Sharq Taronalari” festival.
The XIII International Music Festival “Sharq Taronalari”, scheduled for August 26-30, 2024, is expected to be attended by more than 300 representatives from about (As of August 1, 62 countries have expressed their desire to participate in the festival, and applications for participation in the festival continue to arrive these days) 70 countries.
As of today, “Sharq Taronalari” has taken its place among the famous festivals not only in Central Asia but on a global scale. This is vividly evidenced by the increasing number of participants and the countries expressing desire to participate each year, alongside the growing level of the program’s quality.
The following program is planned for the XIII International Music Festival “Sharq Taronalari”:
On August 26, a solemn opening ceremony of the XIII International Music Festival “Sharq Taronalari” will be held in the city of Samarkand.
On August 27-28, an International Scientific and Practical Conference on the theme “Music Culture of Eastern Peoples: Principles of Creative Convergence in the Processes of Globalization” is scheduled, expecting the participation of musicologists, scientists from research centers, professors and teachers from musical higher education institutions, and researching doctoral and master’s students.
From August 27-29 (at 7:00 PM), a competition will be held among the participants of the XIII International Music Festival “Sharq Taronalari,” where the performances will be evaluated by an International Jury in two directions:
Professional (classical) level of folk music and song;
Music and song created by modern composers.
For reference. (Order No. 354 of April 25, 2019, on the approval of the regulations for the holding of the “Sharq Taronalari” International Music Festival (
To evaluate the performances of the competition contestants, an International Jury consisting of no less than seven members will be formed by the Organizing Committee.
The Jury will include highly qualified foreign and local musicologists, renowned artists, composers, and representatives from organizations of international art festivals in foreign countries.
During the evaluation process, the national identity of the songs, the harmony and meaning of the lyrics, the level of the performer’s skills, cultural attire, and stage movement will be the main criteria for the competition.
For the performance, a live ensemble of no more than 12 musicians will be allowed to participate.
The performances of the competition participants will be evaluated by the International Jury in two directions:
Professional (classical) level of folk music and song;
Music and song genres created by modern composers.
Winners of the competition will be awarded diplomas, statuettes, and cash prizes in the following amounts by the Organizing Committee:
“Grand Prix” — 10,000 US dollars;
1st place (in each genre) 2 x 5,000 — 10,000 US dollars;
2nd place (in each genre) 2 x 3,500 — 7,000 US dollars;
3rd place (in each genre) 3 x 2,000 — 6,000 US dollars;
The “Grand Prix” will not be awarded if no worthy candidate is found according to the decision of the International Jury.
According to the decision of the International Jury, only the “Grand Prix” prize will not be shared; the cash prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places may be shared.
Participants who took part in the competition but did not win will receive a diploma of participation in the “Sharq Taronalari” International Music Festival.
Winners of the competition must participate in the concert program of the solemn closing ceremony of the “Sharq Taronalari” International Music Festival.
Participants who have won the competition (laureates) cannot participate in this competition in the following years but may be invited to the festival as honored guests. Participants who participated in the competition and did not place are entitled to participate in the next competition.
Participants recognized by the organizers, creative unions, foundations, and independent jury members and fans will be awarded special diplomas and cash prizes of 500 US dollars in categories such as “Youngest Participant,” “Best Participant Recognized by Fans,” “Best Instrumental Music Performer,” and other nominations.
Each participant of the festival will receive a certificate of active participation in the “Sharq Taronalari” International Music Festival.
Note: Participants who have won the competition (laureates) cannot participate in this competition in the following years but may be invited to the festival as honored guests. Participants who participated in the competition and did not place are entitled to participate in the next competition.
On August 30, the solemn closing ceremony of the “Sharq Taronalari” XIII International Music Festival will take place in Samarkand, where the winners will be announced and awarded.

List of winners (festivals I and XII) at the “Sharq taronalari” International Music Festival from 1997 to 2019List of award winners at the “Sharq taronalari” I International Music Festival.

1997 Position held Full name Country Awards
Gran pri Simara Imanova Azerbaijan 10.000
1-place Munojat Yo'lchiyeva Uzbekistan 5000
Shannu Khurana India 5000
2-place Se Liin China 3500
Shahrom Noziriy Iran 3500
3-place Aleksandr Samojikov Russia 2000
B.Ganbat Mongolia 2000
Ramazan Stamgaziyev Kazakhstan 2000
Special Jury Prize Turkmenistan music group "Neksiya" automobile
Egyptian national music ansam
UNESCO trophy
Afganistan music group
List of awards at the “Sharq taronalari” II international music festival. 1999
Gran pri Nasiba Sattorova Uzbekistan 10.000
1-place Muhammad Omon Saudi Arabia 7000
Yun Kong Son Korea 7000
2-place “Lashari” ensemble Georgia 5000
Jaspinder Narula Xonim India 5000
3-place Olim Boboyev Tajikistan 2000
Ustod Ali Hamidxon Pakistan 2000
List of awards at the “Sharq taronalari” III International Music Festival. 2001
Gran pri - - -
1-place Alim Gasimov Azerbaijon 7000
Sohibjon Niyozov Uzbekiston 7000
Abdunabi Ibrohimov Uzbekiston 7000
2-place “Lashari” ensemble Georgia 5000
Madkhushri Ramsonder Badaltjavhariy India 5000
3-place Milliy musiqa ensemble Greece 3000
Nohide Tokguz Turkey 3000
Special Jury Prize "Altay" group Russia 1000
"Музыканты" group Kyrgyzstan 1000
Festival organizing committee trophy "Angan al-Shabab" group Egypt Maxsus mukofot
List of awards at the "Sharq taronalari" IV International Music Festival. 2003
Gran pri "Uranhay” ensemble Russia (Tuva Republik) 10.000
1-place Dilnura Mirzaqulova Uzbekiston 7000
Fozil Jamshidiy Iran 7000
2-place Ozoda Ashurova Tajikistan 5000
Zabit Nabizade Azerbaijan 5000
3-place Milliy musiqiy ensemble Afganistan 3000
An'anaviy musiqiy ensemble Bangladesh 3000
UNESCO trophy Abduhoshim Ismoilov Uzbekiston 1000
Musiqiy ensemble India 1000
Roman Kehman Israil 1000
List of awards at the “Sharq taronalari” V International Music Festival. 2005
Gran pri - - -
1-place Aygun Biylar Azeribajan 7000
Nodira Pirmatova Uzbekiston 7000
2-place "Viulan" group Italy 5000
Kuwait Academy of music string instrument ensemble Kuwait 5000
Urna Chahar Tuhchi Mongolia 5000
3-place Korean music group South Korea 3000
Shilpakala Academy musical group Bangladesh 3000
"Nazaret" Orchestra Israil 3000
Special Jury Prize National Brass Band Egypt 2000
UNESCO Special Prize musical group led by Hanif Nabizoda Afganistan 1500
List of awards at the “Sharq taronalari” VI international music festival. 2007
Gran pri Kuwait Music Institute group Kuwait 10.000
1-place South Korean music institute group South Kora 7000
2-place "An-Nil " national musical instrument group Egypt 5000
Music group Italy 5000
3-place "Ratang" group Keniya 3000
"Seri Maharani Gazal" group Malasia 3000
China National Youth Center Group China 3000
YUNESKO sovrini Youngest participant Arzu Aliyeva Azerbaijan 2000
List of awards at the “Sharq taronalari” VII international music festival. 2009
Gran pri Honored Artist of Turkmenistan Lale Begnazarova Turkmenistan 10.000
1-place Gochag Askerov Azerbaijan 7000
People's artist of Uzbekistan Matluba Dadaboyeva and ensemble of folk instruments Uzbekistan 7000
2-place "Vinalog" rok-pop group South Korea 5000
"Shem Tov Levi" ensemble Israil 5000
3-place Ensemble of folk instruments of the State Institute of musical arts Kuwait 3000
Laura Molika Italy 3000
Special Jury Prize "Kunsu" opera artists China
"Borte" group Mongolia
"Big Mountain" group US
Musiqiy group India
"Shilpakala" national ensemble of the Academy of music Bangladesh
List of recipients at the “Sharq taronalari” VIII international music festival. 2011
Gran pri "Park Jong-Vuk va Park Jonguk" South Korea 10.000
1-place "Dunhuang nude vords" China 7000
"Aysva" Lithuania 7000
2-place "Lider" musiqiy group Russia 5000
"Sato" musiqiy group Uzbekistan 5000
"Ovoi mehriboni" music group Iran 5000
3-place "Talilema" Madagascar 3000
"Chvenburebi" Georgia 3000
"Galkinish" group Turkmenistan 3000
UNESCO Special Prize Ilyos Arabov Uzbekistan
Jivan Gasparyan Armenia
Nazeket Teymurova Azerbayijan
For his contribution to the development of National Music "Huk Mongol" Mongolia
"Dror" Israil
"Yorqin ijrolar"
"Varsi brazers" India
Fan recognition "Hidden Dragen" Japan
Samarkand City Hall Award Afghanistan Institute of Arts team
Registan award of Samarkand regional government Xurshed Ibragimov Tajikistan
Special Jury Award "Bogʻ aro" Uzbekistan
List of awards at the “Sharq taronalari” IX International Music Festival. 2013
Gran pri Rashmiya Agarval India 10.000
1-place "Sadoi Pamir" group Afganistan 7000
"Lanaya" group Burkina Faso 7000
2-place "Pentan" group Great Britain 5000
"Sarihyun Gayageum Byungchangdan" group Republic Of Korea 5000
National opera and drama theatre team China 5000
3-place Abror Zufarov Uzbekistan 3000
"Chikuyusha" group Japan 3000
Catch-pop String-strong Austria 3000
Special award winners Sanam Marvi Pakistan
Galit Giat Israil
Taul Triini Estonia
Nadi Singapura Singapore
Salomat Ayapov Karakalpakstan
Sedar Hills US
"Sharq taronalari" List of awards at the X international music festival. 2015 < BR >
Gran pri "Jiangsu" women's orchestra China 10.000
1-place "Shamisenʼ group Japan 7000
2-place Chelm Poland 5000
Silver Sepp Estonia 5000
3-place "Quelite" Costa Rica 3000
UNESCO Special Prize "Ayqulash yulduzlari" Uzbekistan 1500
Samarkand City Hall Award Didgori Georgia
Samarkand regional government award "EVA" ensemble Bulgaria
Special Jury Award Afrikan voice JAR
Festival Direction award" Sharq taronalari Birjan Baziljanov Kazakhstan
Ministry of culture and Sports Award "Sedaa" Mongolia
Special awards Pung Ryu Republic Of Korea
Lingua Franca ansambli Greece, Cyprus
"Baxshi" trio Turkmenistan
"Laus Nova" group Italy
Yulduz Turdiyeva Uzbekistan
"Buta" team Azerbaijon
Ucell Communications special award Modern Maori Quartet New Zenland
List of awards at “Sharq taronalari” XI international music festival.
Gran pri Sohib Poshazoda Azerbaijan 10.000
1-place Mohichehra Shomurodova Uzbekistan 7000
"Keosong"people's artistic collective South Korea 7000
2-place Kyrgyz artistic team Kyrgyzstan 5000
Litwa artistic team Litwa 5000
3-place "Nagesh" artistic team Iran 3000
Indonesia artistic team Indonesi 3000
Turkish artistic team Turkey 3000
List of recipients at the “Sharq taronalari” XII International Music Festival.
Gran pri Mehrinigor Abdurashidova Uzbekistan 10.000
1-place "Qomuzchilar" duet Kyrgyzstan 5000
Parviz Gasimov Azerbaijon 5000
2-place "Archabil" group Turkmenistan 3500
"Xatan" group Mongolia 3500
3-place "Ayarxan" group Russia 2000
"Badaxshon" group Tajikistan 2000
Azizjon Abduazimov Uzbekistan 2000
Ulugʻbek Elmurodzoda Uzbekistan 2000

Note: The Ministry of Culture you can get more information on the official Telegram page based on the hashtag #Sharq_taronalari

State awards presented to brave athletes
State awards presented to brave athletes

On September 13, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev held a meeting with the winners and medalists of the XVII Summer Paralympic Games.

The event was attended by the leadership of the National Paralympic Committee and sports federations, coaches, parents of athletes, representatives of state and public organizations.

As you know, the competitions were held from August 28 to September 8 in the capital of France, Paris. About 4.4 thousand Paralympians from 168 countries participated in them. From Uzbekistan, 65 para-athletes competed in 9 sports.

The Paralympic Games, like the Olympics, were successful for our country. Our compatriots set many records, winning 10 gold, 9 silver, 7 bronze - a total of 26 medals. They took 13th place in the overall team standings, as well as 3rd place in Asia and 1st place among Turkic, Islamic countries and the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Uzbekistan: New reforms to improve the penal enforcement legislation and their practical results
Uzbekistan: New reforms to improve the penal enforcement legislation and their practical results

In recent years, taking into account international standards and advanced foreign experience, ensuring the protection of the rights of convicts, respect for their honor and dignity, education of morality and conscientious work for further social adaptation in society upon release, a fundamental improvement of the penal enforcement legislation in the Republic of Uzbekistan has been carried out with the introduction of effective legal mechanisms.

Currently, there are a number of international conventions and provisions aimed at protecting the rights of convicts, which are regulated by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. (1966), "Convention against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment" (1984), "Declaration on the protection of all persons from torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment" (1975), "Standard minimum rules for the treatment of convicts (Nelson Mandela rules)" (2015), "UN rules for the protection of minor children deprived of liberty " (1990), "Basic principles of the treatment of convicts" (1990).

Based on the norms of these international documents developed and adopted by the international community on standards for the treatment of convicts, systematic work is underway in the country to humanize execution and reduce negative consequences during their execution, as well as strengthen the legislative, organizational and legal framework for the protection of human rights, the implementation of international human rights standards into national legislation and other important norms human life activities that have been accepted for implementation by the Republic of Uzbekistan as a subject of the above-mentioned and other international treaties.

It is important to note that "Standard minimum rules for the treatment of prisoners" of UN 1955 are generally recognized minimum standards for the detention of prisoners and have great importance and influence on the improvement of legislation, criminal law policy and the practice of penitentiary institutions around the world.

The revised text of these standard minimum rules of December 17, 2015 at the 70th session of the UN General Assembly № A/RES/70/175 was unanimously adopted in the form of a resolution. These Rules became known as the "Nelson Mandela rules" as a sign of respect for his memory after the death of the famous statesman, the President of South Africa, who outlined these rules based on the experience of spending a long part of his life in prison.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that, following the visit to Uzbekistan of the Special Rapporteur of the UN Human Rights Council, the topic "Promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the fight against terrorism" recommendations were made to bring the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan into line with the minimum standard rules for the treatment of prisoners (Nelson Mandela rules), in order to improve the conditions of detention of convicts in penal institutions, to ensure the rights to freedom of religion, which formed the basis of the “Road maps”, developed in accordance with the National Action Plan of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

In order to ensure the fulfillment of these tasks, the conditions of detention of convicts in penal institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan are considered on the basis of the requirements of the standard minimum rules for the treatment of prisoners (Mandela rules), which are gradually being implemented in accordance with these rules.

On the basis of international standards of the rights and duties of convicts, taking into account the best practices of foreign countries, the system of execution of punishments is being radically improved, the problems that have accumulated over the years are being solved.

In the new version of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan the right to life is an inalienable right of every person and is protected by law. The most serious crime is an attempt on a person's life. The death penalty is prohibited in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Essence is that no one can be intentionally deprived of life. This norm is in line with the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, as well as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The human right to life is recognized as a natural and inviolable right arising from the moment of his birth, and belongs to a person regardless of the existence of statehood and laws.

In recent years, as part of the work to bring national legislation into line with international standards, for the first time the right to be elected was granted to convicts, except for persons who committed serious and especially serious crimes (Part 6 of Article 128 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan). The number of convicts held in institutions of general, strict, special, prison and educational regime has doubled, for correspondence, receiving visits, parcels, transfers and parcels, conducting telephone conversations.

In addition, those sentenced to imprisonment are guaranteed psychological assistance and non-application of disciplinary measures for violations committed at the time of mental disorder, and the right to a pension is established for those serving sentences in penal colonies.

Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan June 30, 2020 introduced a new norm into the Penal Enforcement Code defining the procedure for the application of incentive measures for persons serving sentences, expanded measures aimed at ensuring the personal safety of convicts while serving their sentences.

At the request of the convicts, long-term visits can be replaced by short-term visits or remote video calls or telephone conversations, and short-term visits are replaced by remote video calls or telephone conversations. Persons serving sentences from low-income families are employed in high-paying jobs.

In the process of ongoing reforms, special attention was paid to creating decent conditions for convicts, for this purpose, the pre-trial detention facility -64/1, which had a negative character and was popularly nicknamed "Tashturma", was closed in Tashkent. Instead, a new pre-trial detention facility №1 has been built and is functioning in  Zangiata district of the Tashkent region, fully meeting international standards. Similarly, the institution "Jaslyk" in Karakalpakstan was abolished, and the convicts held in it were transferred to other colonies of the republic.

In recent years, there has been a tendency in our country to use alternative, non-custodial measures, which has reduced the number of convicts sent to penal institutions. This situation has made it possible over the past four years to reduce three penal colonies of the general regime, one each in Navoi, Kashkadarya and Tashkent regions.

In the Republic, the legislative, executive, and departmental authorities constantly monitor compliance with the rule of law and ensure the rights and legitimate interests of persons serving sentences in places of deprivation of liberty.

Thus, with the introduction of the post of Commissioner of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Human Rights (Ombudsman) He was granted the right to freely visit penal institutions. The Ombudsman and the Prosecutor have separate mailboxes designed for applications and complaints from these persons. The Prosecutor's Office and the Ombudsman regularly examine the observance of laws in penal institutions. The management of the Department for the Execution of Punishment constantly carries out field visits to places of deprivation of liberty in order to study the complaints and statements of convicts and make an appropriate decision and its immediate execution.

It should be added that, according to the recommendations of the UN charter bodies and treaty committees, the national preventive mechanism is being improved on the basis of the "Ombudsman Plus" model. The Ombudsman, and the Children's Ombudsman, the National Center for Human Rights and the Business Ombudsman have also been given the authority to monitor penal institutions.

As a result of the ongoing reforms, completely new priorities of the State penal enforcement policy have been developed and put into practice, providing for the following main aspects.

In particular, the Penal Enforcement Code has been supplemented with a new Article 102 "Procedure for the application of incentive measures", which abolished restrictions on visits of juvenile convicts with their parents or persons replacing them; convicted pregnant women with children are granted additional rights to long visits with minor children lasting up to five days - four times a year as well as long - term visits with the possibility of living outside the territory of the institution, the application of incentive measures to convicts - at least twice a year; if there is a threat to the safety of a person sentenced to imprisonment, it is established that he can apply, verbally or in writing, to any employee of the institution for the execution of punishment in order to ensure the declared safety, while the requirement is defined – upon receipt of such a statement about the need for immediate action, measures should be taken immediately to ensure his safety. An important requirement is also to prevent the unjustified use of rudeness, physical force and special means by employees and military personnel during the search of convicts; timely and appropriate conduct of long and short-term visits, telephone conversations, remote video communication, short-term remote video communication or telephone conversation.

It should be noted that such measures of encouragement for convicts are also enshrined in the penal codes of Spain, Turkiye, Japan and some other countries.

In accordance with the norms of the Penal Enforcement Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, penitentiary institutions provide measures to protect the health of convicts, ensure their education, free use of libraries and other authorized sources of information (radio, television, movies and video films, etc.).

The "Import model" of prison management in Norway with a developed penal enforcement system is of interest. To implement this model, work is underway to establish a system of providing services (education, library use, health care) in places of detention.

It is also necessary to mention the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 7, 2021, which, in order to humanize minors in the Penal Enforcement Code, provides for a norm defining the placement of persons in educational colonies not from the age of 13, but from 14. This has become one of the important steps towards reliable protection of the rights and legitimate interests of minors in the process of criminal and judicial proceedings in our country.

In order to further deepen the large-scale reforms being implemented in the system of Ministry of Internal Affairs, decree of March 26 and Resolution of April 2, 2021, the Main Directorate for the Execution of Punishment was transformed into the Department for the Execution of Punishment under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it defines the legal basis for the department's activities to ensure the order of serving punishment by digitalizing the penal enforcement system, which will eliminate errors related to the human factor.

In addition, the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 15, 2023 "On State pension provision for citizens" provides that any work performed by persons sentenced to imprisonment while serving their sentence in penal institutions may be envisaged that the convicted person will be included in the work record in case of tax payment. This procedure is now defined in Article 96 of the Penal Enforcement Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan in a new edition, which has been renamed as "Payment of social tax and pension provision for convicts." Its first part defines "The expenses of institutions for the execution of punishment for the payment of labor sentenced to imprisonment that are subject to social tax", along with this, convicts have the right to transfer funds and use other services provided to convicts.

An important legislative decision is the prohibition of the use of a punishment measure with the use of a "straitjacket". This provision is based on Article 26 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which states: "No one may be subjected to torture, violence, or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment" directly acts to prevent the use of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment in penal institutions.

As a result of the ongoing reforms in the system of state penal enforcement policy, it is stipulated that common living quarters for persons with disabilities of groups I and II sentenced to imprisonment should be equipped with special means and devices; it is allowed to watch films, television and radio broadcasts, except for the time allotted for night rest; criteria for treatment are defined convicts.

In addition, it is important to eliminate corruption factors in assessing the behavior of convicts by including the length of service in the institution in the total length of service for their further retirement and, most importantly, by establishing strict criteria that determine the way to correct convicts.

The above allows us to conclude that the reforms carried out in this area are yielding positive results. In particular, recently the offenses of convicts in places of deprivation of liberty and after their release have been reduced; to a greater extent, the conditions of serving a sentence in the form of imprisonment comply with international standards, the incentive mechanisms applied to convicts serving sentences and those who have embarked on the path of correction are being improved, they ensure the protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of convicts, allowing them not to violate their interests; Public groups and citizens' self-government bodies are actively involved in the educational process of correcting convicts; offenses by law enforcement agencies have significantly decreased.


Mirzayusup Rustambayev,

Head of the University of Public Safety of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Law, Professor

Uzbekistan plans to increase exports of electrical products to Europe, countries of South Asia and the Middle East
Uzbekistan plans to increase exports of electrical products to Europe, countries of South Asia and the Middle East

There are about a thousand manufacturing enterprises operating in the electrical engineering sector of Uzbekistan, most of them small, producing over two thousand types of products. Almost all enterprises in the industry are privately owned. The total number of people employed in the industry exceeds 35,000.

The 76 largest enterprises in the industry, which produce over 90% of all electrical engineering products, are members of the Association of Electrical Engineering Manufacturers (UzEltechSanoat). Of these, 18 enterprises manufacture electrical wires and cables, 27 enterprises manufacture household appliances, and 32 enterprises manufacture power transformers and other electrical products.

The Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026 aimed to increase industrial production by 1.4 times by 2026, including doubling the production of high value-added products in the electrical engineering industry and tripling exports.

The Uzbekistan-2030 Strategy, adopted in September 2023, will ensure the achievement of all the goals outlined in the Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan. It also sets the task of increasing copper processing in the electrical engineering industry to 300,000 tons per year and raising the localization level of manufactured products to an average of 65%.

Therefore, Uzbekistan pays special attention to the development of technologically advanced industries, including electrical engineering, and provides state support.

Over the past seven years, the President of Uzbekistan has adopted several legislative acts providing customs and tax benefits to enterprises in the electrical engineering industry, as well as subsidies to cover transportation and other expenses.

Specifically, until January 1, 2027, enterprises in the electrical engineering industry have received a 50% reduction in profit and property taxes. Additionally, benefits for exemption from customs duties on imported raw materials, components, and equipment for their own production needs have been extended.

Furthermore, several programs have been approved for the implementation of investment projects in the electrical engineering industry, focusing on technical and technological upgrades of existing facilities and the creation of new production lines.

Due to these measures, over the past 7 years, the volume of attracted investments in the industry has amounted to $935 million, of which about $400 million are foreign direct investments.

Additionally, more than 260 new investment projects worth over $800 million have been launched, including 50 cable production projects worth $120 million, 115 household appliance projects worth $380 million, 40 power equipment projects worth $60 million, and 58 other electrical engineering projects worth $250 million.

As a result, over 13,000 new jobs have been created, bringing the total number of jobs in the industry to 35,000.

As a result of implementing investment projects for modernizing and creating new production facilities, the production of new types of electrical engineering products has been mastered, particularly household appliances (washing machines, electric stoves, vacuum cleaners, hoods, water heaters, new models of refrigerators and washing machines under the Samsung brand, SMART HD TVs, built-in hobs and gas stoves, etc.); industrial air conditioners; new types of electrical cables (high and low voltage, used in solar energy systems, household appliances, as well as self-supporting insulated cables); dry transformers; electronics (monoblocks, SIM cards, electronic boards for household appliances); smart meters for electricity, gas, and water consumption; parts for solar panels and renewable energy stations; elevators and escalators; water pumps, etc.

Overall, from 2017 to 2023, the production volume of the electrical engineering industry increased 7.1 times to $1.98 billion, including a 5.5-fold increase in wires, cables, and copper products to $792 million; an 8.2-fold increase in household appliances to $633 million; and a 9.3-fold increase in power and technical equipment to $567 million.

The contribution of the electrical engineering industry to the development of the economy is also growing, and although the share of the industry's value added in the economy is still less than 1%, it has grown 1.5 times in recent years.

The growth in the production of electrical engineering products has contributed to an increase in export volumes, which have grown 5.5 times to $1047 million over the specified period, including a 4-fold increase in wires, cables, and copper products to $576 million; a more than 10-fold increase in household appliances to $214 million; and a 12-fold increase in power equipment and other products to $257 million.

It should be noted that the significant growth (more than 10 times) in the export of household appliances occurred due to the creation of new production facilities in Uzbekistan by Artel Electronics. In particular, the export volume of refrigerators increased 15 times to $58 million, televisions 6 times to $52 million, electric stoves 4.5 times to $40 million, washing machines 5 times to $20 million, air conditioners 4 times to $15 million, etc.

Moreover, not only the geography of export countries has expanded, but also the range of electrical engineering products supplied to foreign markets. Currently, about 200 types of various electrical engineering products are exported to almost 70 countries. The number of exporting enterprises in the electrical engineering industry has grown to 100.

In January 2024, a Presidential Decree "On Additional Measures for Further Increasing the Production and Export Potential of the Electrical Engineering Industry" was adopted, outlining target indicators for the industry's development in the coming years.

Specifically, in 2024, the plan is to increase the volume of production by almost 30% to $2.6 billion, exports by 43% to $1.5 billion, and the volume of copper processing into finished products to 140,000 tons. In 2025, the goal is to increase production to $3.2 billion, exports to $2.0 billion, and copper processing to 160,000 tons.

To achieve these targets, the Program for Creating New Production Capacities and Diversifying Production in the Electrical Engineering Industry in 2024-2026 and Beyond has been approved. The program aims to implement a total of 294 investment projects worth over $4 billion in the coming years.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the necessary conditions have been created in Uzbekistan for enterprises in the electrical engineering industry to increase production volumes and expand the supply of their products to both domestic and foreign markets.

Therefore, goals have been set to increase exports not only to traditional but also to new markets. In particular, there are plans to increase the export of electrical engineering products to European markets, considering the GSP+ preferential trade regime granted to Uzbekistan, as well as to South Asian and Middle Eastern countries.


Yuri Kutbitdinov,

chief Research Officer of the Center for Economic Research and Reforms under the Administration of the President of the

Republic of Uzbekistan


A New and Technological Approach to Elections Begins
A New and Technological Approach to Elections Begins

The Central Election Commission held a meeting and a series of events today, July 26th. The primary agenda item was the preparation and high-level accomplishment of the upcoming elections for the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis and the Councils of People's Deputies in full compliance with the Constitution and laws.

According to Article 128 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, elections for the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis and the Councils of People's Deputies are scheduled to take place on the first Sunday of the third ten-day period of October in the year their term expires. Considering that the term of the deputies of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis and the Councils of People's Deputies ends in 2024, the elections will be held on October 27th of this year, and the election campaign will begin on July 26th, as decided by the Central Election Commission.

These elections mark a significant departure from the past, taking place in a new socio-political environment as stipulated by our Constitution. The meeting underscored the unique features of these elections, which include:

  1. For the first time in Uzbekistan's history, the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis elections will be conducted using a mixed electoral system, combining majoritarian and proportional systems. This significant change will see seventy-five deputies elected directly through the majoritarian system, where voters vote for specific candidates. The remaining seventy-five deputies will be elected based on votes cast for political parties under the proportional system.
  2. One of the most significant advancements is the full digitization of election commissions' activities at all levels and their interactions with participants in the election process. This development significantly reduces bureaucracy, time, and document handling in election procedures, ushering in a new era of efficiency in our electoral system.
  3. Our election legislation has been fundamentally improved to align with advanced democratic standards. These improvements include introducing a new system for election bodies led by the Central Election Commission and requiring political parties to ensure that at least 40% of their candidates for deputy positions are women. Additionally, a candidate must receive a relative majority of votes to be elected. If a candidate gets more votes than other candidates in their respective electoral district, they will be elected without needing a repeat vote.
  4. The elections are taking place in conditions of significantly strengthened parliamentarianism and the powers of representative bodies at the local level, as established by the Updated Constitution. Specifically, the absolute powers of the Legislative Chamber have increased from 5 to 12, and those of the Senate from 12 to 18. The parliament's oversight functions over the activities of executive, judicial, law enforcement agencies, and special services have been expanded. The institution of hokims leading local Councils of People's Deputies is being abolished. To enhance the role of representative bodies in resolving important state issues, 33 powers previously held by hokims have been transferred to local Councils.

The meeting underscored the significance of these elections as a vivid example of democratic state-building in our country and an essential means for citizens to exercise their constitutional rights to vote and be elected to democratic state bodies. The elections will involve the election of 150 deputies to the Legislative Chamber, 65 members to the Senate, 65 deputies to the Jokargy Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, deputies to 208 district (city) Councils in the regions and Tashkent city, with around 30,000 candidates and nearly 90,000 trusted representatives actively participating. Over 120,000 election commission members and more than 70,000 citizens and international observers are expected to participate in the election process.

Considering the important role of elections in state life and with the aim of widely engaging citizens in this process, the Central Election Commission announced that the elections will be held on October 27th under the slogan “My Choice—My Prosperous Homeland.”

The 'E-Saylov' information system is a key tool in making the election process more transparent and accessible. It facilitates around 60 interactions between election commissions, political party candidates, observers, and the media entirely electronically. Integrated with other electronic platforms, the system automates many procedures in the election process without human intervention. This system forms an extensive database of nearly 400,000 participants in the election process, including election commission members, candidates, and observers. Around 32,000 participants will professionally use the information system, which includes communication through 40 types of SMS notifications.

For citizens, the "E-Saylov" information system introduces several conveniences in obtaining election-related information. Specifically, it provides statistical data on voters and polling stations, information on candidates for various elections, and interactive maps to learn about candidates and their biographies.

The meeting emphasized that the "E-Saylov" information system represents a new level of technological advancement and transparency in elections.

It was also noted that according to Article 37 of the Election Code, political parties have the right to nominate candidates for deputies to the Legislative Chamber and local Councils.

To participate in the elections, political parties must have been registered by the Ministry of Justice at least four months before the announcement of the election campaign and collect at least 40,000 signatures supporting their participation.

Additionally, the meeting approved a calendar plan to ensure that the activities related to conducting the elections are carried out step-by-step within the timelines specified by election legislation. The Central Election Commission, as an impartial and independent constitutional body, will take all necessary measures to prepare for and conduct the upcoming elections in full compliance with national legislation and international election standards, ensuring the process is open and transparent.

A Press Center has also been established under the Central Election Commission.

Central Election Commission

of the Republic of Uzbekistan

The President of Uzbekistan noted the importance of adopting a long-term program of strategic partnership with FAO
The President of Uzbekistan noted the importance of adopting a long-term program of strategic partnership with FAO

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev met with Director General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Qiu Dongyu on September 5.

The head of the authoritative branch structure of the United Nations system is in Tashkent within the framework of the ongoing International Forum on Food Security and Sustainable Development Goals for Landlocked Countries.

At the beginning of the meeting, the UN High Representative expressed his deep gratitude to the head of our state for supporting the successful holding of the forum, which is attended by representative delegations from more than 30 countries of the world.

In the course of the conversation, the sides considered issues of further expanding the strategic partnership between Uzbekistan and FAO in effectively responding to contemporary challenges and threats.

The sides noted with satisfaction the fruitful results of practical interaction achieved in recent years. Thus, the qualitative indicators of implementation of the country cooperation program for the period until 2025 have doubled.

There are 34 projects in the active phase of implementation. Over the last year, 7 new projects were launched, including in the field of agriculture, school feeding, veterinary medicine, agrochemistry and other spheres.

The importance of preparation and adoption of a new five-year partnership program was emphasized.

Special attention was paid to promising joint projects and activities in the field of digitalization of the agro-industrial complex, exchange of advanced knowledge and experience, attraction of innovations and investments in improving the fertility of the land fund, cultivation and processing of organic agricultural products, modernization of irrigation systems, creation of modern clusters and logistics centers, research and development.

There was also an exchange of views on the global and regional situation related to food security.

Members of the Uzbekistan national chess team
Members of the Uzbekistan national chess team

Dear our sons and daughters!

I cordially congratulate you on your worthy participation in the 45th World Chess Olympiad held in Budapest, the capital of Hungary. You have opened another bright page in the history of Uzbek chess, taking the honorable third place among representatives of about 200 countries.

In very sharp and uncompromising chess duels, you, having demonstrated high intellectual potential, unwavering will and steadfastness, outperformed the teams of such countries as China, Serbia, Armenia, Germany, Azerbaijan, Slovenia, Spain, which is truly admirable.

By your example, we have seen that the youth of New Uzbekistan is capable of achieving truly high standards in competitions of mind and thinking, and this has filled our hearts with a sense of joy and pride.

The results achieved by Nodirbek Abdusattorov, Zhavohir Sindorov, Shamsiddin Vokhidov, Nodirbek Yokubboyev and Zhakhongir Vokhidov, who displayed outstanding intellectual abilities, are very valuable and dear to us.

It should be especially noted that Shamsiddin Vokhidov, having won a gold medal and Nodirbek Abdusattorov a silver medal in the board section, proved again what true masters of chess game they are.

Along with courageous and brave young men, our purposeful chess players such as Afruza Hamdamova, Nilufar Yokubboeva, Umida Omonova, Marjona Malikova, Nodira Nodirjonova, who directed all their strength and energy, skill and professionalism to worthily defend the honor of the Motherland, also took part in the competition.

It is undoubtedly noteworthy that they improved their results from the last Olympiad, taking the 12th place among the
170 countries. It is gratifying that our chess player Nodira Nodirjonova won the 2nd place in the board section and was awarded a silver medal. I sincerely congratulate them all, wish them to reach even higher milestones and take prizes at future competitions.

Undoubtedly, the tremendous success of our chess players is a practical result of the enormous attention paid to the youth in New Uzbekistan, the ongoing large-scale reforms to develop sports, including the most intellectual one - chess.

Undoubtedly, such bright achievements further unite our people on the way to noble goals, serve as a source of inspiration for thousands of young men and women.

Taking this opportunity, on behalf of all our people and on my own behalf I express my sincere gratitude to you, my dear ones, to your experienced mentors and coaches who made a great contribution to your success, to all members of the national team, to your parents who supported you and to all chess fans.

May you have good luck in conquering the highest peaks at the next World Chess Olympiad, which will be hosted by our native Uzbekistan for the first time in 2026!

I wish you all health, happiness and well-being, great success in your studies and subsequent activities. May your path to victory be steadfast, my dear ones!

Shavkat Mirziyoyev,
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Presentation of measures for the development of artificial intelligence technologies and startup projects was held
Presentation of measures for the development of artificial intelligence technologies and startup projects was held

On August 13, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev familiarized himself with a presentation on measures to develop artificial intelligence technologies and IT startups.

Information technologies are developing rapidly in our country and are being introduced into all spheres. As a result, the volume of digital services exceeded 21 trillion soums only in the past period of this year, and by the end of the year it is expected to reach 43 trillion soums. Export of services of the sphere amounted to 367 million dollars. The number of IT park residents increased by 577 and exceeded 2 thousand. The number of young people working in them reached 32 thousand.

This year, more than 100 digitalization projects are being implemented in health care, energy, transport, education, agriculture, water management, construction and others.

Times are changing rapidly. Artificial intelligence and digital technologies are penetrating into all spheres. A number of projects have also been launched in this direction in our country.

For example, “My ID” and “UzFace” solutions have been implemented in more than 70 organizations, banks, marketplaces and payment systems, and the possibility of remote biometric identification of 10 million users has been created. “Uzbekcosmos” with the help of artificial intelligence identified about 43 thousand cases of illegal use of subsoil and unauthorized construction.

The presentation considered measures to develop artificial intelligence technologies in such areas as health care, agriculture, banking, tax, customs.

It was noted that first of all it is necessary to create a legislative base for artificial intelligence. The task was set to develop a strategy for the introduction of artificial intelligence and a two-year program of projects. The Center for Artificial Intelligence Technologies was assigned to be created.

In particular, the need to expand the application of artificial intelligence in banking and finance, training of specialized personnel and professional development of employees was emphasized.

At present, the personnel on artificial intelligence is trained in 4 universities. There is a need for 600 specialists in big data processing and language models. This number will increase many times in the coming years. Taking this into account, the importance of training specialists corresponding to the needs in terms of industries was emphasized.

All leading IT companies of the world started their activities from a startup. We are also taking the first steps in this direction. Last year, the volume of venture investments attracted in such projects amounted to 134 million dollars.

The head of state emphasized that it is time to create broad conditions for venture investments to finance startup projects. In this regard, instructions have been given to develop the startup ecosystem and introduce venture capital financing mechanisms.